Sigma Antiquariaat: Medicine
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Essentials of Contemporary Chinese Acupuncturists Clinical Experiences
Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 1989.. First edition 639 p.,index, 26x19cm HARDCOVER: (Orig. cloth boards wwith silver lettering on the spine and front cover. Dustwrapper Condition inside and out VERY GOOD)
¶ Thorough study of traditional Chinese medicine. Text is in English.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 30018
€  58.41 [Appr.: US$ 63.42 | £UK 49.5 | JP¥ 9753]
Keywords: Asia china medicine alternative medicine herbs

New Comprehensive Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Mind
B.Jain Publishers, 2001.. 4th revised edition XXV+ 692 p. HARDCOVER: (Or. white, pictorial boards. VERY GOOD)
¶ A listing of symptoms derived primarily from the Synthetic Repertory of Barthel and Klunker. The book covers mind symptoms of 890 remedies. It covers 892 medicines and is made up of rubrics of Mind mostly from the Synthetic Repertory Vol I, with additions from other authentic sources. With numerous corrections and elucidations of the original texts, it is a more comprehensive and more authentic compilation than any other work of its kind.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 30523
€  34.81 [Appr.: US$ 37.79 | £UK 29.5 | JP¥ 5812]
Keywords: Health Homeopathy Reference medicine

Quantum healing. Exploring the frontiers of mind/body medicine.
New York : Bantam Books, 1990.. First Edition 278 p., bibliogr., index SOFTCOVER: (Org paperb. VERY GOOD)
¶ Here is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer -- a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses. Dr. Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers when he saw patients in his own practice who completely recovered after being given only a few months to live. In the mid-1980's he returned to his native India to explore Aruyveda, humanities most ancient healing tradition. Now he has brought together the current research of Wetern medicine, neuoscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a ""network of intelligence"" grounded in quantum reality. Not a superficial psychological state, this intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic pattenrs that design our physiology -- with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself. in this inspiring and pioneering work, Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 15248
€  31.62 [Appr.: US$ 34.33 | £UK 26.75 | JP¥ 5280]
Keywords: Medicine Psychology endocrinology

De groote volksziekten van onzen tijd.
Soest : Chreestarchia, 1913.. Bibliotheek voor Reiner Leven nr. XXII. (Vertaald door Felix Ortt) 1e druk 30 p. SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wpprs, stapled. Dedication on title page. VERY GOOD)
¶ Rare.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 6055
€  14.46 [Appr.: US$ 15.7 | £UK 12.25 | JP¥ 2414]
Keywords: medicine

Ik. Gezond egocentrisme - meer effectiviteit.
Unieboek | Het Spectrum, 2007.. 6e druk 240 p. HARDCOVER: (Orig.gekartonneerd. Hoekje met naam verwijderd van eerste blanco schutblad. ZEER GOED / ALS NIEUW)
¶ Handreiking om door de ontwikkeling van zelfkennis tot een beter en gelukkiger leven te komen.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 30057
€  19.47 [Appr.: US$ 21.14 | £UK 16.5 | JP¥ 3251]
Keywords: Psychology Management & Economie self-help

Music, Mind, and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music
Springer, 1982.. 430 p.,ills., extensieve index , 18x25 cm SOFTCOVER: (Org wrpprs. VERY GOOD / AS NEW})
¶ RARE AND SOUGHT AFTER There is much music in our lives -yet we know little about its function. Music is one of man's most remarkable inventions - though possibly it may not be his invention at all: like his capacity for language his capacity for music may be a naturally evolved biologic .function. All cultures and societies have music. Music differs from the sounds of speech and from other sounds, but only now do we find ourselves at the threshold of being able to find out how our brain processes musical sounds differently from other sounds. We are going through an exciting time when these questions and the question of how music moves us are being seriously investigated for the first time from the perspective of the co-ordinated functioning of the organism: the perspective of brain function, motor function as well as perception and experience. There is so much we do not yet know. But the roads to that knowledge are being opened, and the coming years are likely to see much progress towards providing answers and raising new questions. These questions are different from those music theorists have asked themselves: they deal not with the structure of a musical score (although that knowledge is important and necessary) but with music in the flesh: music not outside of man to be looked at from written symbols, but music-man as a living entity or system.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 15077
€  141.01 [Appr.: US$ 153.1 | £UK 119 | JP¥ 23545]
Keywords: Music Musical instruments psychiatry neurology

Licht kleur en duisternis
Magenta, 1982.. First edition 72 p., ills SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperback ZEER GOED / ALS NIEUW)
¶ ZEER SCHAARS EN GEZOCHT De auteur verklaart de kleuren als werking van licht en duisternis. Doordat de duisternis zich in ale richtingen kan bewegen – achterlangs, voorlangs, onder en boven het licht -, spreekt zij over de kleuren als resultaat van deze beweging. In drie hoofdstukken worden de elf door de auteur onderscheiden kleuren uitvoerig besproken. Tevens legt zij verbanden tussen de kleuren en de zintuigenleer van Rudolf Steiner (die twaalf zintuigen onderscheidt) en het anthroposofisch mensbeeld. De komplementaire kleuren worden in een apart hoofdstuk behandeld. Het boek is in de eerste plaats geschreven als leerboek voor de schildersgroep “Magenta”, waardoor het voor de niet-ingewijde lezer moeilijk leesbaar en begrijpelijk is. Voor een goed begrip van de inhoud is een behoorlijke kennis van de anthroposofie noodzakelijk.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 4481
€  23.01 [Appr.: US$ 24.98 | £UK 19.5 | JP¥ 3842]
Keywords: psychologie Gezondheid & Psychologie Rudolf Steiner anthroposophy Color therapy

The Miracle of Acupuncture
Beijing : Foreign Languages Press, 1993.. 127 p., col. ills. HARDCOVER: (Orig. cloth boards wwith gold lettering on the spine and front cover. AS NEW with VERY GOOD Dustwrappe)
¶ RARE Thorough study of traditional Chinese Head Acupuncture . Text is in English.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 30525
€  70.21 [Appr.: US$ 76.23 | £UK 59.25 | JP¥ 11723]
Keywords: Asia china medicine alternative medicine acupuncture

The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy. Building & Rebuilding the Human Brain.
New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2002.. (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). First edition. XX + 377 p., diagrams, bibliogr., index HARDCOVER: (Orig. hlf cloth. Dust jacket. Seven pages with some light pencil underlining, else UNREAD and NEW)
¶ Recent theoretical perspectives and technological advances in brain imaging have revealed that the brain is an organ continually built and re-built by one's experiences. We are now beginning to learn that many forms of psychotherapy, developed in the absence of any scientific understanding of the brain, are supported by neuroscientific findings. Beginning with an overview of the intersecting fields of neuroscience and psychotherapy, this book delves into the brain's inner workings, from basic neuronal building blocks to complex systems of memory, language, and the organization of experience. It continues by explaining the development and organization of the healthy brain and the unhealthy brain. Common problems such as anxiety, trauma, and codependency are discussed from a scientific and clinical perspective. Cozolino concludes by introducing the emerging paradigm of the psychotherapist-as-neuroscientist and presents some practical applications of neuroscience to psychotherapy. Throughout the book, the science behind the brain's workings is applied to day-to-day experience and clinical practice.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 400531
€  40.71 [Appr.: US$ 44.2 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6798]
Keywords: psychology psychologie Psychotherapy neuroscience

Neurowetenschappen / 1 een overzicht
Reed Business, 2009.. 3e herziene druk 427 p.,ills., extensieve index, gloissary, bibliogr HARDCOVER: (Org hardcover. NIEUW})
¶ Het boek geeft een overzicht over het immense gebied van de neurowetenschappen en kan beschouwd worden als een basistekst met een sterk praktische signatuur. Opvattingen over zenuwstelsel en hersenen worden vanuit veel invalshoeken belicht, o.a. vanuit de neuroanatomie, de neurofysiologie, de klinische neurologie, de psychologie en evolutiebiologie. De auteur heeft getracht de werking van het zenuwstelsel op diverse niveaus inzichtelijk te maken: het microniveau (neuron, synaps), het macroniveau (hersengebieden, hemisferen), het mentale niveau (emoties, cognities) en het gedragsniveau (aangepast handelen). Het boek geeft voortdurend praktische voorbeelden op het gebied van dagelijks leven, kliniek, therapie, sport, muziek en onderwijs: de auteur heeft getracht de grote kloof tussen neurowetenschappen en praktijk te overbruggen en plaatst daarmee de neurowetenschappen midden in het leven. Kortom, een belangwekkend boek voor medici, paramedici en psychologen, en zeer bruikbaar voor diverse opleidingen.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 15078
€  34.81 [Appr.: US$ 37.79 | £UK 29.5 | JP¥ 5812]
Keywords: psychiatry neurology

Kleur geven aan een grijs bestaan, een gids voor depressieve ouderen.
Baarn : Intro, 1998.. 80 p.,, met opgaven SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperb. ALS NIEUW)
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 9919
€  13.57 [Appr.: US$ 14.73 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2266]
Keywords: Psychology Neuropsychiatry Psychiatry Sociology Sociological Society reference

Van regenten en patiënten.
Amsterdam / Meppel : Boom, 1996.. De geschiedenis van de Willem Arntsz Stichting: Huis en Hoeve, Van der Hoeven Kliniek en Dennendal. Ten geleide door Paul Schnabel. 408 p., z/w foto's, noten, literatuurlijst, archieven, geinterviewde personen register, 24,5x17,5 cm. HARDCOVER: (Orig. Linnen gebonden met gouden belettering. Fraai stofomslag. NIEUW)
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 30050
€  19.47 [Appr.: US$ 21.14 | £UK 16.5 | JP¥ 3251]
Keywords: Europe Europa Netherlands Holland Dutch psychiatry Streekgeschiedenis krankzinnigenzorg, geestelijke gezondheidszorg, zwakzinnigeninrichting

Cribsheet - A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool
London: Andre Deutsch, 2020.. XXV + 322 p., notes, bibliogr. SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperback with decorat. cover. VERY GOOD / AS NEW)
¶ The instant New York Times bestseller!An NPR Book of the YearFrom the author of Expecting Better, an economist's guide to the early years of parenting.The book is jampacked with information, but it's also a delightful read because Oster is such a good writer. -NPR With Expecting Better, award-winning economist Emily Oster spotted a need in the pregnancy market for advice that gave women the information they needed to make the best decision for their own pregnancies. By digging into the data, Oster found that much of the conventional pregnancy wisdom was wrong. In Cribsheet, she now tackles an even greater challenge: decision-making in the early years of parenting. As any new parent knows, there is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and strangers on the internet. From the earliest days, parents get the message that they must make certain choices around feeding, sleep, and schedule or all will be lost. There's a rule-or three-for everything. But the benefits of these choices can be overstated, and the trade-offs can be profound. How do you make your own best decision? Armed with the data, Oster finds that the conventional wisdom doesn't always hold up. She debunks myths around breastfeeding (not a panacea), sleep training (not so bad!), potty training (wait until they're ready or possibly bribe with M&Ms), language acquisition (early talkers aren't necessarily geniuses), and many other topics. She also shows parents how to think through freighted questions like if and how to go back to work, how to think about toddler discipline, and how to have a relationship and parent at the same time. Economics is the science of decision-making, and Cribsheet is a thinking parent's guide to the chaos and frequent misinformation of the early years. Emily Oster is a trained expert-and mom of two-who can empower us to make better, less fraught decisions-and stay sane in the years before preschool.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 400287
€  20.65 [Appr.: US$ 22.42 | £UK 17.5 | JP¥ 3448]
Keywords: education upbringing young children parenthood

Brain Gym(r) Teacher's Edition
Ventura CA : Edu-Kinestetics, 1989.. 42 p. ills.,,glossary SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperb.,stapled, name on end paper, some annotations in text. VERY GOOD)
¶ RARE and SOUGHT AFTER The Dennisons wish to awaken students, parents and educators to an understanding of the interdependence of stabilization, locomotion, and the manipulative skills of eye-hand coordination. The principles in the program are so widely accepted that the Brain Gym(r) program is now the standard in many schools around the world and is recommended by tutors & teachers & all those looking for a more functional, satisfying lifestyle & sense of well-being. Teachers who incorporate the Brain Gym the movements within their daily classroom routine rediscover that joy of teaching for which they originally chose their profession.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 15039
€  46.61 [Appr.: US$ 50.61 | £UK 39.5 | JP¥ 7783]
Keywords: psychologie Gezondheid & Psychologie psychology medicine Fitness & Conditie

Brain Gym(r) Handbook.
Ventura CA : Edu-Kinestetics, 1985.. THE STUDENT GUIDE TO BRAIN GYM. Parts I and II. ADDED plastic covered instruction sheet, 53 p. ills. : (Orig.spiral-bound name on end paper, some annotations in text. VERY GOOD)
¶ RARE and SOUGHT AFTER The Dennisons wish to awaken students, parents and educators to an understanding of the interdependence of stabilization, locomotion, and the manipulative skills of eye-hand coordination. The principles in the program are so widely accepted that the Brain Gym(r) program is now the standard in many schools around the world and is recommended by tutors & teachers & all those looking for a more functional, satisfying lifestyle & sense of well-being. Teachers who incorporate the Brain Gym the movements within their daily classroom routine rediscover that joy of teaching for which they originally chose their profession.
Antiquariaat SigmaProfessional seller
Book number: 15040
€  46.61 [Appr.: US$ 50.61 | £UK 39.5 | JP¥ 7783]
Keywords: psychologie Gezondheid & Psychologie psychology medicine Fitness & Conditie

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