Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.: Beeldhouwkunst / Sculpture
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 LALANNE -  Abadie, Daniel:, Lalanne(s): The Monograph.
LALANNE - Abadie, Daniel:
Lalanne(s): The Monograph.
2008, (27,4 x 35,6 cm), 352 pp. English text, ills., hardcover
¶ Francois-Xavier and Claude Lalanne, a French husband-and-wife team of sculptors, have worked side by side for more than half a century. Their art is complementary, and both draw from the humor and spontaneity of surrealism while maintaining their individuality. Drawing from the grand tradition of French animaliers like Barye and Pompon, Francois-Xavier creates opulent and utilitarian pieces such as the whimsical rhinoceros desk, a 'Tin of Sardines' bed, and his famous sheep chairs. Claude's intimate and spontaneous universe ranges from nature-inspired jewelry and furniture to monumental sculpture. Pierre Bergé, Yves Saint Laurent, and Salvador Dali have all commissioned work from Claude - her electroplated molds of the human body for Saint Laurent are icons of twentieth-century art and fashion. This is the most complete monograph to be published on the Lalannes, whose work is featured in major museums and galleries around the world. Produced in collaboration with the artists, and drawing from their extensive archives, it fully documents and illustrates their work - from pieces signed collaboratively to their individual creations - and traces their inspirations from their Parisian neighbor Brancusi, to their early years as artists, via surrealism and the nouveaux réalistes from whom they quickly distinguished themselves, to their current place as the most original artists of the contemporary art scene.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5139
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 194.17 | £UK 148 | JP¥ 27659]

 Abery, Charles & Carlo Milano:, Important European Bronzes.  Tomasso Brothers Fine Art.
Abery, Charles & Carlo Milano:
Important European Bronzes. Tomasso Brothers Fine Art.
January 2016, (28 x 24,5 cm), 128 pp., 100 colour ills., hardcover.
¶ The exceptional bronzes presented here have been carefully selected, over the course of many years, to represent the Tomasso Bothers' passion for this most fascinating material, and they range from the dawn of Italian humanism in the early 15th century to the high point of the Italian late Baroque. Highlights include a remarkable and rare relief depicting the Triumph of Caesar over King Juba by Italian artist Filarete (c. 1433), an exceptional and commanding Mars by Giambologna, Florence's most prominent sculptor of the late Renaissance, and an exquisite and newly published autograph version of the Abduction of Proserpina by François Girardon, King Louis XIV's court sculptor. These are accompanied by further testimonies of the extraordinary development of European sculpture in bronze, such as a unique pair of allegorical statuettes by Francesco da Sangallo, a student and contemporary of Michelangelo, a rare Cristo Benedicente by Northern Italian master Giulio del Moro, and sacred and secular subjects by the most gifted heirs to Giambologna's tradition, Antonio and Gianfrancesco Susini in Florence and, further North, Hans Reichle in Germany. The catalogue accompanies the exhibition Important European Bronzes, which was on display at Carlton Hobbs LLC in New York, 21-30 January 2016. Following on from the Tomassos' three successful Scultura exhibitions in the United States, this is the company's first major retrospective dedicated exclusively to sculpture in bronze.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 6479
€  49.95 [Appr.: US$ 55.42 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 7895]

 Aimone, Marco & Jack Ogden & Peter Northover & Erica Cruikshank Dodd & Rika Gyselen:, The Wyvern Collection (III). Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art.
Aimone, Marco & Jack Ogden & Peter Northover & Erica Cruikshank Dodd & Rika Gyselen:
The Wyvern Collection (III). Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art.
10 - 2020, (23,29 x 28,6 cm), 552 pp. English text, 300 colour ills., hardcover.
¶ Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages are now understood as times of extraordinary skill and creativity in the decorative arts. In the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) artists and craftsmen transitioned from 'Roman' to 'Byzantine' art and inspired a move from naturalism to a more hieratic and symbolic style, drawing on the deep artistic links connecting the Mediterranean world and the East. The many spectacular artefacts from this period in the Wyvern Collection are luxury objects, most commissioned by wealthy patrons or the Church, ranging in date from the fourth century to around 1300. Masterpieces of great significance for art history, including a 5th-century Artemis missorium, previously unpublished, and an 11th-century enamelled enkolpion from Constantinople are among the highlights of the collection. Other extraordinary objects - Late Roman chariot decorations, a stone funerary door from Syria and brooches brought across Europe by the families of Roman soldiers - complete this artistic panorama of the great Mediterranean and Persian civilizations, whose creative influence extended to the far west of the Islamic world. The catalogue, by Byzantine metalwork expert Marco Aimone, is augmented by three essays from technical specialists: Jack Ogden (enamelling), Peter Northover (metallurgy) and Erica Cruikshank Dodd (hallmarks). Rika Gyselen also contributes readings of Persian inscriptions.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7969
€  83.95 [Appr.: US$ 93.15 | £UK 71 | JP¥ 13268]

 Alcouffe, D., A. Dion-Tenenbaum, G. Mabille:, Gilt Bronzes in the Louvre.
Alcouffe, D., A. Dion-Tenenbaum, G. Mabille:
Gilt Bronzes in the Louvre.
Paris 2004 (24 x 30,5 cm), 322 pp. English text, ca. 200 colour ills., clothbound/d-jacket & slipcase.
¶ A magnificent book on the gilt bronzes in the collection of the Musée du Louvre. Most items in the collection are presented in the book: 164 objects each benefit from a historical descriptive entry and magnificent photographs including many details where the bronzes and their gilding exert the fascination intended by the craftsmen responsible for their creation.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 3463
€  59.95 [Appr.: US$ 66.52 | £UK 50.75 | JP¥ 9475]

 BERTOS -  Avery, Charles:, The Triumph of Motion. Francesco Bertos (1678-17441) and the Art of Sculpture . Catalogue Raisonn«.
BERTOS - Avery, Charles:
The Triumph of Motion. Francesco Bertos (1678-17441) and the Art of Sculpture . Catalogue Raisonn«.
(22,2 x 32,2 cm), 304 pp. English text, 449 ills., 86 in colour, hardcover
¶ A rediscovery of the eighteenth-century sculptor Francesco Bertos by the eminent British art historian, Charles Avery, a specialist in European - and particularly Italian - sculpture. Bertos lived and died near Padua, Italy, and specialised in producing eye-catching, sometimes rather bizarre, mythological, allegorical and religious groups in marble or bronze. The art of Bertos is characterised by a constant search for dynamic movement, in a similar vein to contemporary paintings by Tiepolo and others, especially their tumbling groups of figures in airy trompe l'oeil ceilings. Indeed, many of the figures in Bertos's sculptural groups seem to fly and he was even summoned before the Inquisition to account for his preternatural skills in carving. Richly illustrated with almost a hundred colour and almost three hundred black and white photographs, the essays reveal his noble patrons in the Veneto, along with the royal family in Turin and Peter the Great in Russia, delve into his sources of inspiration, attempt to clarify his complex iconography, illustrate his daring techniques, introduce Fasolato, a sculptor follower of Bertos, and track Bertos's fortune in British and American collecting in the twentieth century. Appendixes list Bertos's various signatures and the locations where his works can be found, as well as a chronological summary of his documented career. This lively and scholarly publication ends with a pioneering catalogue raisonné documenting all of the sculptor's known works, each illustrated with a black and white image.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5756
€  70.00 [Appr.: US$ 77.67 | £UK 59.25 | JP¥ 11063]

 KORSTANJE -  Bartelink, Nicolette & Lucette ter Borg & Fleur Junier:, Maartje Korstanje. Metamorfoses.
KORSTANJE - Bartelink, Nicolette & Lucette ter Borg & Fleur Junier:
Maartje Korstanje. Metamorfoses.
August 2014, (17 x 24 cm), 96 pp. Dutch/ English text, 60 ills. (colour & b/w)., paperback.
¶ Haar opzienbarende beelden bevinden zich in het gebied tussen abstractie en figuratie. Korstanje heeft een fascinatie voor de natuur die duidelijk herkenbaar is in haar werk: figuren roepen associaties op met prehistorische dieren, insecten en skeletten. Hangende karkassen, uitpuilende darmen, Korstanje ziet schoonheid in het gruwelijke. Goedkope materialen als karton, purschuim en kunststof ondergaan onder haar handen een metamorfose: het resultaat is betoverend, de behandeling van de materialen geeft de beelden een grote uitdrukkingskracht. De beelden worden begeleidt door een essay van Lucette ter Borg, schrijver en kunstrecensent van NRC Handelsblad, en een interview door conservator Fleur Junier met Korstanje dat inzicht biedt in haar poëtische en unieke oeuvre
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5916
€  19.95 [Appr.: US$ 22.14 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3153]

 Bes de Berc, Guy:, Sculptures d'Albatre de Malines.
Bes de Berc, Guy:
Sculptures d'Albatre de Malines.
2003 (19 x 27,5 cm ), 238 pp. French text, numerous ills. in colour & b/w., hardbound.
¶ 'Les reliefs de dévotion fin XVIème début XVIIème siècle'. Au XVIieme siècle les guerres de religion eurent de graves conséquences parmi lesquellles la desctruction de nombreuses oeuvres d'art religieuses ne fut pas des moindres. Suivit la Contre-Réforme qui trouve son expression dans la Concile de Trente, annonnçant la reconquete catholique sur le protestantisme sans que toutefois cessent les saccages, C'est dans ce contexte troublé que, en partilucier sous l'influence grandissante des Jésuites, va se développer un artisanat d'art basé sur l'iconographie religieuse, destiné OE ranimer la foi catholique et les pratiques religieuses dans les Flandres. Ce travail artisanal s'epanouira essentiellement dans la province d'Anvers et perdurera, pour ce qui concerne les bas-reliefs d'albatre sculptés principalement OE Malines, jusque'au milieu du XVIIieme siècle. C'est leur histoire qui est rapportée ici, accompagnée de nombreuses illustrations.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 3070
€  79.95 [Appr.: US$ 88.71 | £UK 67.75 | JP¥ 12636]

 Bierens de Haan, D. & Jan Kalf:, Het Houtsnijwerk in Nederland tijdens de Gothiek eb de Renaissance.
Bierens de Haan, D. & Jan Kalf:
Het Houtsnijwerk in Nederland tijdens de Gothiek eb de Renaissance.
1977, (20 x 27,2 cm), 184 pp. + 155 plates with 210 b/w. ills., hardcover & dustjacket.
¶ Fotomechanische herdruk uit 1977 van het origineel uit 1921. Een leesbaar boek over de Nederlandse houtsnijkunst. Met een uitgebreide verzameling van afbeeldingen, waarvan vele het detail tot zijn recht laten komen. Met personen en plaatsnemenregister, vak- en kunsttermen.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8228
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.74 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 3951]

 EPSTEIN -  Black, Robert, The art of Jacob Epstein. Signed and numbered edition).
EPSTEIN - Black, Robert
The art of Jacob Epstein. Signed and numbered edition).
New York 1942, (23 x 30,5 cm), 251 pp. English text, 175 monochorme ills., halfleather/ half cloth binding. Gilt lettering
¶ Special numbered edition signed by the author limited to 425 copies. N°266. This is an ex-library copy with some library stamps. Edges little worn. Ramsj
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 114
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 44.38 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6322]
Keywords: Ramsj

 GRARD -  Bodart, R.:, Georges Grard.
GRARD - Bodart, R.:
Georges Grard.
Antwerpen 1948, 16 pp. Dutch text + 28 plates, cloth.
¶ Serie: Monografieën over Belgische Kunst. [aanbieding]
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 193
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.77 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1106]

 RIEMENSCHNEIDER - Boivin, M. & Geogory C. Bryda:, Riemenschneider in Situ
RIEMENSCHNEIDER - Boivin, M. & Geogory C. Bryda:
Riemenschneider in Situ
2022, (22,5 x 30 cm), 416 pp. English, 22 colour- and 33 b/w. ills., hardcover.
¶ Riemenschneider in Situ presents the newest research on the work of one of the most famous late medieval and early Renaissance sculptors, Tilman Riemenschneider. Moving beyond questions of style, date, and workshop practice, this volume investigates the sculptor's programs across the south German region of Franconia that survive in situ, within the particular contexts for which they were designed and in which they were originally experienced. In shifting the focus from fragmentary pieces in museum collections to extant installations in their original church settings, the volume contributes to a wave of scholarship interested in reanimating medieval artistic ensembles by considering them as complex visual environments. Together, the authors - conservators, museum professionals, and art historians - provide an essential and overdue study of Riemenschneider's best-preserved pieces, while also making an important, collaborative addition to the broader discipline of pre-modern art history.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8278
€  196.29 [Appr.: US$ 217.79 | £UK 166 | JP¥ 31024]

 RADECKER -  Boom, A, van der :, John Rädecker. Nieuwe Beeldhouwkunst in N
RADECKER - Boom, A, van der :
John Rädecker. Nieuwe Beeldhouwkunst in N
1922, (15,4 x 21,4 cm), 22 pp Dutch text, + 16 b/w.plates, softcover.
¶ Nieuwe beeldhouwkunst in Nederland. Een serie monografieen onder leiding van A. van der Boom en Theo van Reijn. Goed exemplaar
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7845
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.74 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 3951]

 Boudon-Machuel, Marion:, Francois du Quesnoy 1597-1643.
Boudon-Machuel, Marion:
Francois du Quesnoy 1597-1643.
2005, (24 x 32 cm), 408 pp. French text, 611 ill. (57 in colour), hardcover.
¶ Tous les aspects de l'art du grand sculpteur sont évoqués dans une monographie et un catalogue exhaustif : ses liens avec Poussin et les tenants du classicisme à Rome, ses rapports avec Bernin, ainsi que sa production de putti, dont le goût perdura jusqu'aux Lumières. Cet ouvrage analyse ainsi de manière renouvelée le style de François du Quesnoy et replace son oeuvre dans l'évolution de l'art du Grand Siècle.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5333
€  127.50 [Appr.: US$ 141.47 | £UK 107.75 | JP¥ 20151]

 Boyens, José, Traditie en Experiment. 10 Nederlandse beeldhouwers.
Boyens, José
Traditie en Experiment. 10 Nederlandse beeldhouwers.
1982, (21 x 29,7 cm), 224 pp. Dutch text, numoerus b/w. ills., softcover.
¶ Maja van Hall, Nic Jonk, Piet Killars, Guus Hellegers, Fioen Blaisse, Frans Gast, Gerard Bruning, Theresia van der Pant, Arthur Spronken en Hanneke Mols-van Gool.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7841
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.64 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2371]

 Bray, Xavier & José Luis Romero Torres:, Pedro de Mena, The Spanish Bernini.
Bray, Xavier & José Luis Romero Torres:
Pedro de Mena, The Spanish Bernini.
08-2019, (23 x 30 cm), 244 pp. English text, numerous colour ills., hardcover with dustjacket.
¶ Eerste monografie over Pedro de Mena, de belangrijkste beeldhouwer van de Spaanse barok. Pedro de Mena y Medrano (1628-1688) staat bekend als een van de grote Spaanse meesters van de baroksculptuur. Zijn werk wordt in één adem genoemd met dat van de grote zeventiende-eeuwse schilders Velázquez, Zurbarán en Murillo. De Mena's bijdragen aan de religieuze baroksculptuur zijn onovertroffen op het vlak van technische uitvoering en zeggingskracht. Hij had een opmerkelijk talent voor het sculpteren van het menselijk lichaam en was een meester in het creëren van figuren en taferelen voor contemplatie. Deze eerste aan Pedro de Mena gewijde monografie is rijkelijk geïllustreerd met opmerkelijke reproducties en details van zijn hyperrealistische beelden vol Spaanse passie. Naast een diepgravend essay van curator Xavier Bray bevat het boek bijdragen van José Luis Romeo Torres, curator van de geplande monografische tentoonstelling van Pedro de Mena, die in 2019 in Málaga zal plaatsvinden.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7391
€  49.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.37 | £UK 41.5 | JP¥ 7744]

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