Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis (ILAB/NVVA): Dogs - Honden
found: 6 books

 (HONDEN). APELDOORNSCHE KYNOLOGEN CLUB, Programma van de windhondenrennen en politiehondendemonstratie op Zondag 23 Mei 1937.
Programma van de windhondenrennen en politiehondendemonstratie op Zondag 23 Mei 1937.
[Apeldoorn, A.K.C., 1937]. Geniet. 8 p. Met inlegvel om voor de ter beschikking gestelde prijzen te bedanken. 1e druk. Deels stoffig (zie afb.), met notities op het omslag. Zeer zeldzaam programma, niet in de NCC.
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessional seller
Book number: 275640
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 21.96 | £UK 16.75 | JP¥ 3266]
Catalogue: Dogs - Honden

 ERKELENS e.a., Rob van, En Pasje dan?
ERKELENS e.a., Rob van
En Pasje dan?
[Nijmegen], Stichting Tzara, [1989]. Garenloos. (40) p. Gedrukt in en oplage van 50 genummerde en door de auteurs gesigneerde exemplaren. Ietwat gastronomische parodie op Parmentier Jg. I, nr. 1/2, dat geheel gewijd was aan Henk van Ulsen, onder de titel 'Henk van Ulsen en de voordracht van literatuur'. Anders dan vaak het geval is hebben de parodisten er heel veel werk van gemaakt. Qua opmaak en kleurstelling is er niet veel verschil, en wie de inhoud en de teksten naast elkaar legt herkent meteen alle sloten en bijpassende sleutels. Het tijdschrift Parmentier is genoemd naar de bejaarde onderbuurman van een lid van de redactie. Diens hond heette Pasje. Vandaar de titel van de parodie! De schrijvers-samenstellers van de parodie zijn Rob van Erkelens, Rudy Korsten en Jeroen Scheifes (ook wel bekend als 'Irun S.'). Met: Heer Veer: 'Waar eten in ontlasting voorgaat'. Met bijdragen van o.a. Ina Herthart (// Ida Gerhardt), Hoop Uusterhuid (// Huub Oosterhuis), Jan Plak (//Johan Polak) en José Soufflé (// Joes Odufré).
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessional seller
Book number: 20462
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 49.42 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7350]
Catalogue: Dogs - Honden

 GOLDSTEIN, Judith S., Barney's Book: Letters from Barney J. to Deborah. (Inscribed by Goldstein).
Barney's Book: Letters from Barney J. to Deborah. (Inscribed by Goldstein).
Mt. Desert, Somes Pond Press, 2013. Original wrappers (with a nice picture of the daughter and the canine autor of the letters). 68 p. Extended reprint. Inscribed and signed by Judith S. Goldstein (a historian): 'To Freida/ With affection.' Brilliant book of letters by a little pet dog to its owner.
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessional seller
Book number: 274829
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.45 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4083]
Catalogue: Dogs - Honden

 GOLDSTEIN, Judith S., From Barney J. to Deborah. Letters to a Daughter. (Inscribed by Goldstein).
From Barney J. to Deborah. Letters to a Daughter. (Inscribed by Goldstein).
Somesville, Somes Pond Press, 1992. Oblong 15 x 23 cm. Original wrappers (with a nice picture of the daughter looking at the canine author of the book). 40 p. 1st edition. Inscribed and signed by Judith S. Goldstein: 'October, 1998/ To Freida:/ With the pleasure/ of sharing.' Brilliant little book of letters by a small pet dog to its young owner.
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessional seller
Book number: 274827
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.45 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4083]
Catalogue: Dogs - Honden

 SPIER, Jo, Als een hond dít kan leren......
Als een hond dít kan leren......
Den Haag, Stichting Recreatie / Centrale Werkgroep Opgeruimd Staat Netjes, ca. 1960. 14 x 10 cm. Geniet. 12 p. Wat vlekjes. Ter bestrijding van hondenpoep! Elf kleurentekeningen van Jo Spier. Met medewerking van Felix Bonzo N.V.
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessional seller
Book number: 278275
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.45 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4083]
Catalogue: Dogs - Honden

 (BROWN DOG AFFAIR). WATSON, William, A.L.S. by the poet William Watson to antivivisectionist Stephen Coleridge dated Sept. 8, 1903.
A.L.S. by the poet William Watson to antivivisectionist Stephen Coleridge dated Sept. 8, 1903.
Folded leaf of writing paper with printed address '11, Caledonian Place, Clifton, Bristol'. 17.8 x 11.4 cm. 34 lines. Horizontally folded in half. Corners a bit worn. William Watson (1858-1935) was a famous British poet until 1914. In this letter, he enjoys the gift of a volume of poems by Coleridge 'enhanced by your autograph & the much too flattering inscription'. 'I am sure no one deserves a rest more than you'. This was because the barrister Stephen Coleridge, secretary of the National Anti-Vivisection Society ('N.A.-V. Soc.' in this letter), had taken it upon himself to prosecute a medical doctor, William Bayliss, because of his cruelty against a 'brown dog' who had been dissected alive for a medical experiment, and had to live on for a long time to be studied for vivisection experiments. Coleridge was a son of John Duke Coleridge, former Lord Chief Justice of England, and great-grandson of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Some months after this letter was sent, a trial started - so there was to be, alas, not much rest for Coleridge, who in the end was ordered to pay about 5000 pounds to Bayliss for defamation. Watson had tried to involve the Daily News, but this didn't work out. William Watson was one of many authors who voiced their support against the vivisection and the callous attitude of medical students present. For the dog a monument in bronze was later erected in a park in Battersea, London.
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessional seller
Book number: 281577
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 109.81 | £UK 83.75 | JP¥ 16332]
Catalogue: Dogs - Honden

| Pages: 1 |