Isadora Duncan
De dans der toekomst. Uit het Engelsch [The Dance of the Future] vertaald door Félix Paul Augustin
Amsterdam Scheltens & Giltay [1905], 40 pages, with “De dans der toekomst door Isadora Duncan”, page 19-40, and “Met een studie: over dans-kunst door Félix Paul Augustin”, page 3-18. “Met portret”: Portrait of Isadora Duncan in front of title page. Battling with the conventions of dance as well as of society, Isadora Duncan held that dance (and supposedly human life in general) should be a free expression of each one’s own personality, in harmony with nature and spiritual values. Of the schools she had founded none survived, perhaps understandably, as freedom can hardly be taught through régime. However, living and performing in accordance with her principles, she inspired many, gained a solid reputation as a founder of modern dance, and perhaps deserves one as a founder of the modern life style. Added is the programme of the Semaine Mémoriale in June 1928, Paris, shortly after her untimely death; a week of speeches, lectures, concert and naturally: much dance.
Moby Dick
Professional sellerBook number: 228158
€ 375.00 [Appr.: US$ 404.17 | £UK 311.75 | JP¥ 61754]
Keywords: chakk