BöSE, E.
Geológica y paleontológica del Cerro de Muleros cerca de ciudad Juárez, Estado de Chihuahua, y descripcion de la fauna Cretacico de la Encantada, placer de Guadalupe, Estado de Chihuahua. [ 2 vols., text plus atlas]
1910. Bol. Inst. Geol. México No. 25; 193 pp. text, 48 plts. with fossils (molluscs incl. ammonites and echinoderms), 2 fold. & col. plts. with geol. map & sections. Text: orig. wrps. with small libr. stamp, spine neatly repaired with cloth tape; atlas volume: spine with paper tape, contents very good, lg4to.

Lingua Terrae Books
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€ 60.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.98 | £UK 50 | JP¥ 9387]