Katz Fine Manuscripts : 20th Century Diary; 20th Century Manuscript; 20th Century Rare Book
found: 14 books

1948 Journal of Written Lectures on Literature, Covering Famous Massachusetts Authors and Analysis of Children’S Literature
Worcester, Massachusetts, 1948. Hardcover. On offer is an interesting journal kept by a very well-read woman in mid-century Massachusetts. The journal belonged to Elizabeth Hazen Beard (nee Sherborne or Sherburne) (1909-1993). She was born in Worcester, Massachusetts to parents Mary Alicia Hazen and WIlliam Frances Sherborne (Sherburne) , where she lived her entire life. She attended Milford High School and then Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She married Sidney Beard, a tool maker, and together they had two sons, David and William. This journal has multiple components, though its main focus is on Beard’s literary interests. Though census data indicates that Beard did not have a career outside of the home, it seems she was part of a literary society or other academic club. In this journal she writes what seems to be a lengthy lecture about contemporary children’s literature, where she discusses the benefits of reading for children as well as several children’s books and authors. Some of the children’s books she discusses are Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McClaskey, a book of animal stories by George Duplaix, The Little History of the United States by Mable Pyne, Airplane Ready by Sanford Tuasey, Little Boat Boy by Jean Bothwell. Later in the journal, she writes another lengthy lecture where she focuses on the Massachusetts literary scene including its authors Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, places famous local authors wrote their masterpieces, local landmarks that are important in literature and more. Her final lecture that she recorded in this journal is titled “Reading I have Enjoyed”. Here she writes extensively on the book Early American Decoration by Esther Brazer. Beard is well-written, bright, thoughtful and deeply passionate about literature. Her written lectures read like elaborate book reports with added elements of history and philosophy. Another interesting feature of the journal are two essays dealing with geopolitics - completely unrelated to Beard’s work on literature. These two essays are written in a hand that is not Beard’s (and the author is unknown). The first essay is titled “Changing Ideas of Empire (England” and the second is untitled but is about the West’s relationship with Russia and the Cold War. One of the essays is written within the pages of the journal and the second is tipped in. Both are written by an intelligent and knowledgeable author, and are written as speeches, just as Beard’s entries are. These were written much later than Beard’s work, as they reference a deep conflict between ‘West” and Russia, focused on Russia fomenting Muslim discontent in Iran. There is no hint as to who is the author of these two sections. Some brief excerpts follow: “Reading is one of life’s recreations. Thoughtful parents, teachers and friends should help to instill the love of books with as sure a place and as great patience as are employed in cultivating good manners, honesty, unselfishness, and other fundamental habits of life…”. “Mass is rich with places of literary interest and abounds with scenes reminiscent of our best loved authors. If certain of your pet authors receive little or no mention in this paper, I hope you will forgive these sins of omission, as time permits me to mention only a few of the many. Reading I Have Enjoyed The book I have chosen for my subject is one that I am constantly reading and referring to as an enthusiast of handwork and decoration…”. For anyone with an interest in 20th century literature and literary endeavours, this is a must-own manuscript. It would also be of interest to a gender studies program, as Beard is recorded in the history books as a “Housewife”, yet this journal presents her as a bright and brilliant mind with much going on outside of her domestic life. The journal measures about 9x7 inches and contains 84 pages. It is about 90% complete. The book is hardcover and the covers are in good condition. There is some wear on the corners. The binding is in good condition and the pages are glued and sewn, though loosening. The lined pages are in good condition. The handwriting is quite legible. Overall Good. ; Manuscripts; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 84 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0012258
USD 675.99 [Appr.: EURO 644.25 | £UK 537.5 | JP¥ 102962]

1936-1940 Pennsylvania Diary Highlighting the Immense Burden and Resilience of Middle Aged Womanhood and the Power of Community
Girard, Pennsylvania Penn PA, 1936-1940. Hardcover. On offer is the Five Year "A Line A Day" diary of Mrs. Elizabeth Strobel Calaway (1889-1983) from Girard, Pennsylvania. Calaway was a teacher and she wrote religiously and extensively from 1936-1940, when she was aged 47 through 51. Elizabeth was married to George Arthur Calaway [sometimes Caloway], who worked as a contractor. They had one child, Alice Calaway (1916-2010). Elizabeth’s diary demonstrates the unbelievable (and sometimes unbearable) burden on a middle class working woman in 1930s America. Each morning she was up and off to work at her job as a teacher, walking in all weather. When not at work she was supporting her adult daughter, Alice, who still lived at home, and her husband, whose health was always tenuous. She was also volunteering for the Church, sewing and crocheting, attending events at the IOOF (International Order of Odd Fellows) , playing games with friends (the game ‘500’ was a particular favorite). She was tending to the garden, canning veggies and attending lectures, theater productions and concerts. She also never missed a school party with her beloved pupils. Somehow, in her ‘spare time’, she managed to cultivate a massive social circle, almost too many friends to name, though she name drops constantly - a treat for any genealogy buff. Her best friends seemed to have been the Graftons and the Stancliffes. Elizabeth writes simply but tells us everything that happens in her days, for example: “First ride we had in our new Coupe. A very large crowd to hear “Landon”. He was a splendid speaker…George came to Chautaugua. Alice and I came home” [Aug 24, 1936]. Life became increasingly complicated for Elizabeth in December of 1936, when her journaling becomes a hybrid of her daily activities and a log of George’s health status. At first her notes were simply little additions to descriptions of her rich days: “George sick” and “called Dr. For George”. In January, 1937, her entries became more focused on George. One day George seemed better, the next day he could not even move. On January 5, 1937, she moved their marital bed downstairs to accommodate George. Soon, the Calaway’s community began pitching in, helping to care for George. Elizabeth’s diary for the rest of 1937 oscillates between commenting on her robust work life and social life, and commenting on George’s condition.. Exactly one year before George’s eventual death, Elizabeth’s diary entry reads: “Much cooler. George felt sick all day. I sewed. Fixed a quilt for Miss Monahan. Picked my tomatoes” [Aug 23, 1937]. Her Memoranda for 1937: “George sick all year long. Sometimes better than worse. It has been a hard year”. George eventually died on Aug 23, 1938 at age 51. Clippings of his newspaper death announcement and obituary are tucked into Elizabeth’s diary. The day of George’s death, Elizabeth wrote: “Very cool morning and night. George still breathing. We staid [sic] alone last night. At 8: 20 he passed away. Alice hadn’t finished her breakfast. We went to Erie. Bev Davison took us. Picked out casket. A very hard day”. With her usual energy, Elizabeth carried on. She did not have time to wallow in grief, though she did note visiting the cemetery on occasion. By 1940, her daughter Alice seems to be working in nearby Erie and Elizabeth visited regularly, bringing her home on weekends. Elizabeth and Alice also take a short vacation to New York City to attend the World’s Fair. Some excerpts to give the flavor of the diary in 1939 and 1940: “Very warm day. Singed and washed turkey. Worked quite hard until nearly two o’clock. Went to a lecture in evening very good” [July 21, 1939]. “Warmer. Quite a bit of snow but driving good. Let school out early. Went over home. Ate with Ma. We killed a rooster and picked it. Alice was home and had her supper. Miss Monahan staid [sic] here” [Nov 22, 1939]. “Very warm day. Got up early and started for New York City. Alice drove most of the way. Visit Picadilly Hotel. Cleaned up and went to see the Statue of Liberty. Didn’t get to bed until late” [June 12, 1940]. “Rather warm all day. Took Subway to the Fair. Took in many sights and walked until we were very tired. Sit on the Balcony of Pa. Building to see Colors of water and Fireworks. Got home at hotel rather late” [June 13, 1940]. “Very hot sun. The girls went to Church. We got up a little early. Done up work. Got chicken dinner. Made ice cream. Went for a ride. Looked at new houses. ” [June 16, 1940]. This diary would be an absolutely crucial addition to the collection of a women’s studies scholar as Elizabeth Calaway so completely explores every aspect of the middle age woman’s experience in the years leading up to World War II, though she does not discuss the war. This diary also contains a plethora of first and last names of friends and colleagues living in Pennsylvania at the time, a gem of a diary for a genealogist. The diary is leather bound and measures 4” x 5.5”. It is 100% complete (though she does not use the Memoranda or Special Notes sections, with one exception). The cover, spine and pages are all intact with only a small amount of age toning to the pages. The diary clasp is also attached. Overall VG. ; Manuscripts; 24mo 5" - 6" tall; 365 pages; Signed by Author. Very Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0012030
USD 1159.99 [Appr.: EURO 1105.25 | £UK 922.25 | JP¥ 176681]
Keywords: Female Authors Widows 20th American

1918-1919 Diary of an Intelligent, Witty Us Army Medic Exploring France While Stationed in Rumaucourt As the War Drew to Its Close
Rumaucourt, France, 1918-1919. Softcover. On offer is an excellent, intensely detailed World War I diary kept by a bright, well-written young man named Harold Edmund (sometimes Edwin) Drake (1897-1987) , who would become a well-respected dentist in his home state of Ohio following his time in the service. Military records show that Drake was trained for service at Camp Crane. He was in the Camp Crane Unit #17 August Automatic Replacement Unit (Medical). Camp Crane was a World War I United States Army Ambulance Service (USAAS) training camp, located in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Its mission was to train ambulance drivers to evacuate casualties on the Western Front in France. In September 1918, Drake was deployed to France, sailing on the USS Maui. When Drake commences this diary (which he clearly states is his second since entering the service; his first entry begins “Continued from Book 1”) he is stationed in Rumaucourt, France. Rumaucourt is in the Pas de Calais region. This region was in the heart of the WWI conflict and one of the principal theatres of the war. Many major battles took place between 1914 and 1918, including Vimy Ridge, Arras, Artois, and Cambrai. Drake recounts his day-to-day existence at Rumaucourt, sometimes with a very wry sense of humour. “My diary as a US Soldier (I wasn’t really a soldier, just being attached to the army for rations, etc but it sounds swell) ” [Inside front cover]. He does not identify his unit but context confirms that he is a Sergeant, later promoted to Sergeant-Major. Context also suggests that he is serving in one of the many Convalescent Hospitals near the front. What makes Drake’s diary special is the level of detail in which he writes, both about his experiences as a soldier overseas and of his experience as a bright and engaged young man taking advantage of this accidental travel opportunity. His entries are long and he writes with wit and, sometimes, poetically. His entries take a turn after the Treaty of Versailles is signed in June, 1919, and he discovers he will not be immediately returned to America. His disdain for the army in which he is committed to serve is palpable. Some excerpts follow, to give a sense of how Drake wrote about his work and his play: “12: 20 AM and I am sitting at an oil-cloth covered table in the Red Cross hut at Is-Sur-Tille. Our instructions are to be at Rumaucourt station in time to catch the American Rocade for Chaumont. Well we arrived at about 12: 45 and started to wait. When it was about time for the train to arrive, the RLO announced that it would be a very crowded train so he would put us on the 3: 29 ‘Frog’ train. So we started in to wait once more. Time is the most abundant thing a French railroad possesses. 3: 29 came and passed…” [Feb 18, 1919]“Walked around the grounds in bright sunshine and climbed out on the cliffs, where we had a fine view of the cape and the town on the other side of the harbor. The sea of deep blue with the villas of white [together? ] with the red tile roofs made a most beautiful picture. On the shore to the left was the mountains with their tops enveloped in clouds. After dinner we caught the first car into town to take the trip there. The “Old City” and “Chateau Hill” which started from the “Y” at 2: 15pm. Saw a hotel in which Napoleon and a Pope or two had stopped, the Hotel de Hills or City Hall, and the ancient palace of the Duchess of Savoy, an ancient church which was begun about the 15th century. Very beautiful inside…” [Feb 20, 1919 - this is a brief excerpt of his four page account of a vividly detailed description of a guided evening tour of town that he took. On May 30, he travels to Versailles for another guided tour and writes another three vividly detailed pages about the history, sights and sounds of the place amidst war]. “…BH [Base Hospital] 52 and 58 left this afternoon on the first lap of their trip home. They were delayed a bit at the depot as their train of “ Hommes 40 Chevaux 8 “ was believed a wreck. This wreck was caused in a wood very near St. B... The pilot of an airplane fell from his machine at quite a height and fell near the track His machine flew for about a mile and then crashed onto the train smashing in and derailing a car of men Two men were injured and the observer is not expected to live. The pilot was found dead along the track. Probably first time in history that a plane has wrecked a train” [Mar 8, 1919]. “Work about as usual. Peace signed at 3 P. M. [he refers to the Treaty of Versailles]. Parade tonight - Lebanon can put on a better parade than that” [June 28, 1919]. “...No liberty for anyone. A grand and glorious fourth! From the news at present it looks as tho we would be here for a while. Am disgusted with the army and all pertaining to it” [July 5, 1919]. For a historian, this is a superb, first-hand account of a soldier’s daily life at the close of WWI. In plain but well-written English he describes events and circumstances that never make it into the history textbooks but are the all-too-real experiences of life in the army during wartime. This is a fine addition to any collection of first-hand accounts of WWI and is an excellent example of primary-source documentationBIO NOTES ON HAROLD E. DRAKE: Harold Edmund (sometimes called Edwin) Drake (1897-1987) was born to parents Frank and Ida in Lebanon, Ohio. He enlisted to the US Army on July 20, 1918 and was honourably discharged on October 2, 1919. Upon returning to Ohio from his service, Drake became a dentist. Dr. Harold Drake married Dolla Pauline Spencer in 1947. Sadly, Spencer’s father passed away shortly before the wedding, so it was an understated affair. The couple had no children. Harold was accepted as a member of the Sons of the American Revolution as the direct ancestor of Private Joseph Drake (b. 1744) of New Jersey. Joseph Drake was his great-great-great paternal grandfather. This diary measures 5.5 inches by 3.5 inches. It is a standard-issue pocket notebook, a precursor to today’s Field Message Pad (FMP). Each page is printed with a faint grid pattern overlay. The notebook has 100 pages and is about 90% complete. The cover is in good condition save for some chipping and loss of leather at the spine. The binding is intact and the pages present age toning that does not interfere with readability.. The handwriting is legible. Overall G. ; Manuscripts; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 100 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0011160
USD 1225.99 [Appr.: EURO 1168.25 | £UK 974.75 | JP¥ 186733]

1929-1934 Archive of a Depression-Era Beat Cop’S Log Books and Ephemera Documenting His Patrols of Downtown Boston
Boston, Massachusetts. Softcover. On offer is an archive of nine logbooks and associated ephemera kept by a Boston police officer patrolling in the downtown core during the Great Depression. The police officer who kept these log books is Albert Edward Ellis (1897-1986) , a patrol officer with the Boston Police Department. Prior to entering the force, Ellis served in the US Army during World War I. He married Irene A. Kelley and they lived in Roslindale, MA with their two children, Jeanne and Albert. Ellis became a Mason in 1925. He kept these logs while working in downtown Boston for the Boston Police Department in his 30s. His badge number was T229.For each day he works, Ellis notes, at minimum, the intersection at which he is posted, the officer(s) who relieve him on his breaks, and many 6 digit automobile reference numbers of cars he observed. On many days, Ellis’ notes are more in-depth. Ellis makes exceptionally detailed field notes when there are incidents he will need to officially write up and report back at the station. Some incidents he details include handling a pocketbook theft, describing automobile accidents he witnesses, responding to civilian complaints such as open manholes, breaking up fights, and more. Some excerpts from his notes follow: “About 11.40 this PM I found the rear cellar door of 754 South street open…Walter’s Candy store…secured same at 1150 PM with Patrolman Locke. Reported to the station 11.55” [Sept 9, 1925]. “About 9 this AM while directing traffic at the corner of Boylston and Exeter street I gave the traffic in Exeter street a hand signal to start... I then heard the horn and noticed a Police car #103 coming…. I then gave a signal for the traffic I had just started to stop and gave the police car a hand signal to proceed…The operator of the taxi which I had started said he did not see the hand signal that I gave him to stop…. [the police car] was struck and turned over by a Peerless 20 Century Taxi…” [December 19, 1933]. “... Wanted for murder on Div #16 2 men/#1 – 22 6 150 med comp Blue suit Brown hat/#2 – 22-23 6 150 Brown suit and hat which did not fit at Hotel on Huntington Ave” [Sept 14, 1929]. “I found Bernard D. Mann 40 years old married of 15 Tirrell street Atlantic Mass Laying on the sidewalk in Dartmouth street in front of the library near Huntington Ave. He was taken to Boston City Hospital in the ambulance…[he] was found to be suffering from post Epileptis [sic]…his wife was notified” [Jan 28, 1931]. “Opening day for Liquor End of 18th Amendment” [Dec 5, 1933, Ellis refers here to the end of Prohibition]. Ellis also notes his days off work, vacation days, and breaks during his work day. Ellis’ writing is consistently professional in nature, his personal opinions and feelings never overtaking his professional judgment. Tipped into several of the logbooks are some additional police-related ephemera including: detailed, completed arrest cards, an envelope with photographic negatives, a form that was supposed to have been sent to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to record a driving infraction, an official report on an incident (addressed to Captain Perley S. Skillings of Division 16). The final piece of ephemera provides the one and only hint as to who Ellis was as a person outside of his job - a postcard sent from a friend named “Strip”. In the postcard, Strip refers to Ellis as “Bozo” and makes some jokes that are decidedly politically incorrect. This archive is an absolutely fascinating glimpse into the work life of a beat cop working in the heart of downtown Boston in the first half of the 20th century. The names of Boston locals and fellow officers paired with the locations mentioned by Ellis provide rich information for those interested in the Boston region. Since Ellis notes his patrol intersection each day, these books may fill in some historical knowledge gaps about Eight of the diaries measure approximately 6.75” x 4” and contain 60 pages plus an additional two typewritten pages providing instructions to police officers about how to “Ascertain and Note” facts about traffic accidents and the “The Importance of Preserving Fingerprints”. The ninth book measures 6” x 3.75” and contains 140 pages (it is not an official police log book as the first eight are). The diaries are between 90-100% complete. The diaries were kept in 1925, 1929, 1930, 1931 and 1934. Each diary covers a few months of the year. 1929 and 1930 are the most heavily covered with three diaries completed for each of the two years. The covers, bindings and pages of all nine diaries are in good condition. The officer wrote in pencil and pen. All writing is legible. Overall VG. ; Manuscripts; 16mo 6" - 7" tall; Signed by Author. Very Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0010313
USD 1255.99 [Appr.: EURO 1196.75 | £UK 998.5 | JP¥ 191303]
Keywords: Notebooks Urban

1918 Diary of a Wisconsin Doctor and Newlywed Serving in World War One and Shipping out to France in a Medical Unit
Gillingham, Wisconsin, France, 1918. Softcover. On offer is an outstanding diary describing an American medical officer’s experiences in the final year of WWI. This diary belonged to Hugh M Fogo (1886-1963). Fogo was born in Gillingham, Wisconsin to parents Caroline Morrow and Harvey Fogo. He was educated first at the University of Wisconsin, and then completed his medical training at Rush College in Chicago, Illinois, graduating in 1917. He enlisted in the army in July of 1917. In May, 1918, Hugh, who was a Lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps at the time, married Isabel Young. He shipped out to France just a few days later as a part of the American Expeditionary Forces and served there from June 1918 to June 1919. After the war, Huge resided in Chicago with his Isabel and their daughter, Jeanette. He worked as an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor. Fogo identifies his unit as the 83rd Division at Camp Sherman, Ohio. On June 13th, he shipped out for France with the 83rd Division. They arrived in Britain on June 22nd and were immediately re-embarked on a transport ship for France. He arrived in Le Havre on the 24th. For the next several months he was stationed at hospitals near the Western Front. Arriving after the Battle of Belleau Wood, he commented on a number of battle actions as the war ground on to its conclusion in November of that year. Following the armistice, he moved with his unit into Germany. At year’s end, he was still in Germany. The 83rd Division was demobilized in April 1919. During the was, the 83rd was designated as the 2nd Depot Division. It supplied over 195,000 officers and enlisted men as replacements to other units in France but never saw action as a complete formation. Trained as a doctor, Fogo brings a keen eye for detail and an ability to concisely describe what he sees around him. The following excerpts convey a flavour of his diary. “83rd Div Camp Sherman, O. In B Hosp C, Sherman O. Tonsils out yesterday PM. Feeling very comfortable. Weather cold. About 6 inches of snow…” [Jan 1]. “Regular schedule. Dancing party by Bae Hosp. Surgeons at YMCA. Miss Curtis” [Feb 1]. “Packing and checking up at camp. Married at 5PM. Wedding supper at 6PM. 50 guests present. Some nice presents. Everybody very kind. Very glad it is settled. Both happy. Changed room to 177 W. 2nd” [May 28]. “Left Camp at 2: 00 PM. Glad of change and that we’re on our way to the front. Men all happy and singing. Stopped at a good many stations. People waving farewell everywhere” [June 4]. “Left camp at 3: 30AM and boarded ship at 7AM. [Addendum Fogo added on August 27, 1932 right below this entry]: This was the White Star Liner Olympic used to transport HMF” [June 12]. “Attacks successful on British, French and Amer. Fronts along sectors Ch Thierry to Cambrai and Arras. Began in mid-July following a Hun attack on July 15 at Ch Thierry on Franco-Arras front” [Aug 8]. “Capt J. E. McNeel Amb Co 329 had heard of brother killed in action at Soissons in the first big drive” [Aug 10]. “...Rainy most of time. St. Mihiel sector wiped out by French and Amer on Sept [ ]. Big attack from Rhiems to Verdun. Started Sept 25. 7 mile advance 1st day” [Sept 27]. “Cloudy A. M. Clear P. M. Train slow. Reached Vierzonat 3: 00 P. M.. Went on to Saincaize to change cars for Lyon. Reached Saincaize at midnight. Train out for Lyon at 6: 00 A. M. Stayed in Depot. ARMISTICE SIGNED by HUNS 5: 30 A. M”. [Nov 11]. Shortly after the war, it appears that he returned to visit. There are photographs of Belleau Wood which was a major battle fought in 1918. Belleau Wood saw significant action by the U. S. Marine Corps and occupies a significant place in the lore of the Corps. One of the pictures shows an ammunition dump. Others are street scenes of several cities. For a historian, this is an excellent description of one officer’s experiences with the American Expeditionary Force. It adds to the body of information about the 83rd Divisions movements The photographs add a real sense of immediacy to his diary. This diary measures 4.75x3.25 inches and contains 184 pages plus memoranda and is about 65% complete. The cover is canvas with leather trim on the edges. The trim is worn off in areas. There is some staining on the cover. The binding is completely intact as are all of the pages. The small pencil that came with the diary is still in its loop There is a small pocket on the inside of the back cover and it contains 10 annotated black & white photographs plus other ephemera. The diary carries 4 stamps from Army Censors indicating it has been passed. Overall Good. ; Manuscripts; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 184 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0011175
USD 1450.99 [Appr.: EURO 1382.5 | £UK 1153.5 | JP¥ 221004]
Keywords: 1 Medic

1936-1940 Incredible Diary Chronicling a Rural New York Farm Girl’S Life from Age 11 to 16, Meeting Her Husband and Becoming a Woman
Duncan, Short Tract, Hornellsville, Canaseraga, New York, Rural New York, 1936-1940. Cloth. On offer is the outstanding five-year manuscript diary of bright, chatty and boy-crazy Pauline E. Gelser (b. July 26, 1924) kept from age 11 through 16, as she completes her schooling, dates, supports her family’s work on the farm, socializes and meets her future husband [See BIO NOTES on Pauline at the end of the listing]. Pauline begins her diary at age 11, in January of 1936 and keeps it religiously until December of 1940, when she is 16. Pauline records her graduation gifts and discusses her graduation in the spring of 1940 (and records show she graduated high school in the class of 1940) however she does return to school in the fall of 1940 and we are unable to verify where this schooling was taking place. This coming-of-age diary shows Pauline growing from a young girl who doodles on her diary pages in 1936, to a young woman who is preparing to enter the adult world. It is a rare treat to find a young diarist so dedicated to her writing, allowing us to watch a Depression-era high school experience unfold in detail. The first year of Pauline’s diary includes funny anecdotes from school, jokes and doodles and, in some cases, just the names of boys she likes written in a huge hand. 1937 begins as the year of Gail Coombs. Pauline has a big crush on him, though he doesn't seem to share her feelings. She spends 1937 talking about the boys, school, her work on the family farm and her family. She is now a freshman. As Pauline grows and changes, she finds new boys on whom to focus and gains confidence in herself as a woman. Her entries become more insightful and more self-aware. However, she never loses her childlike quality. In 1940 Pauline realizes she is in a less-than-great relationship with a boy named Bill and finds her true love in Tommy, her future husband. Some excerpts from the diary to give a flavour of Pauline’s writing and growth follow: “The boys said the teacher was coming. They brookin [sic] the door when we opened it. They stayed after school, also apologized” [Feb 6, 1936]. “Had party, young folks. Danced with Johnnie, Francis, Vernon and Billy. Billy was good. (Oh I can never forget it) ” [May 9, 1936]. “I got 100 in civics, 100 in General Science and 48 in Home making. I am…not smart. Don’t know what happened” [Sept 16, 1936]. “I got a note to-day warning me to let Gail Coombs alone from my advisor whoever that is. It is my own business” [Dec 3, 1936]. “Gail was pretty good. Didn’t talk nor write any notes. I got a note today…but Gail never wrote. I hope he likes me. I sat by Johnnie, Francis, Claire, Billie…Gail went by and did not like it” [Jan 8, 1937]“Our new teacher was there today. She isn’t very good looking and some say she isn’t very bright” [Feb 9, 1937]. “I went to the Freshman party at the “Old Mills”. Walked down Gerald. He roasted a weiner for me and got my lemonade for me. My slip came down. I had a good time. Swim was there. I went wading and fell in. Gail said I didn’t have any pants on. Imagine! ” [June 2, 1937]. “Gail’s father hung himself today. Geo Gates came down and got Gail this noon. It’s too bad. He was 45 years old” [Oct 4, 1937]. "Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Jones were over to dinner. Guy has 2 boils, pretty bad. Grandma gave me a dress, apron and $.50. Pretty good Grandmother" [July 17, 1938]. “Have seen Bill every day this week. Boy! He sure is swell” [May 10, 1939]. “Went to Japland. About 20 min to 3 deadline. Margie and Laverne, Eleanor and Clair, and Bill and I. I fought with Bill. Eleanor sat out with Leighton…. ” [July 12, 1940]. “Election! Mother’s 43rd birthday. Old pie face Roosevelt won - Bah! Humbug! ! Tommy came over, went to Birdsall and around by Gawoods home. Sat to home on his lap” [Nov 5, 1940]. In nearly 2,000 daily entries, Pauline charts the course of her life as she grows up. This is an absolute gem of a find for anyone interested in the lived experience of a teenage girl during the Great Depression and the experience of living on a family farm while cultivating a thriving social, academic and church life off the farm. BIO NOTES: Pauline Gelser was the second of four children born to Paul and Frances Josephine (Hamilton) Gelser in Hornellsville, New York. She lived her entire life in that part of New York state. According to records, she graduated from Canaseraga Central School in 1940 (though in her diary she discusses attending school in the fall of 1940 and no post-secondary records have been located). In 1943 she married a farmer, Thomas J. Bennett (1918-2002). They lived on a farm in the Dalton, New York area, near Short Tract, and had a son, Thomas R. Bennett, Jr. This diary measures approximately 6.75 inches by 5.25 inches. It contains 365 pages and is 99% complete. The fabric covers are in fair condition with staining and lots of markings written by the diarist (and maybe her friends? ) Markings include the handwritten names of the author’s crushes and friends. There is a clasp closure but the strap is broken. The spine and binding are intact and the pages are in good condition. The handwriting is legible. ; Manuscripts; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 365 pages; Signed by Author. Fair with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0012048
USD 1450.00 [Appr.: EURO 1381.5 | £UK 1152.75 | JP¥ 220853]
Keywords: Angst Teen Romance

1940-41 Hutchinson Internment Camp Almanac Signed by Internees with Largely Hand-Coloured Artwork
Hutchinson Camp, Isle OF Man, Artists Camp, 1940. Softcover. On offer is a sensational and extremely rare copy of The Camp Almanac 1941, no.13-14, which was created and published at Hutchinson Internment Camp (see NOTES at end of listing) on the Isle of Man in December of 1940, amid World War II. This special presentation copy of the December 1940 newsletter, produced by the internees at Hutchinson Internment Camp, contains mostly hand-finished pages, some signed by contributors. This copy belonged to internee Frederick Solominski (Frederick Solomon) , who contributed a piece of art, “Elijah and the Angels”, to the Almanac. It is signed on the Preface and Thanks page by hand “To our friend and collaborator Fr Solominski”, by Michael Corvin (Leo Freund) (March 7, 1941). The Almanac was also hand-signed in pencil by the following internees and contributors: Walter Simmel, who signed his essay, “Madame X”; Dr. Bruno Ahrends, who signed his essay and accompanying images on post-war reconstruction of seaside resorts; and Erich Kahn, who signed his image, “The Philosophers”. The Camp newsletters included artworks, illustrations, cartoons and articles on camp life and the world outside. The edition on offer features contributions from the Dada artist Kurt Schwitters, who fled from Norway to Britain in 1940; the lawyer, artist and author, Fred Uhlman; the artist Hellmuth Weissenborn (who drew the cover page) ; the historian Heinrich Fraenkel; the photographer Ernst Schwitters-Guldahl; the art dealer Siegfried Oppenheimer; the architect Bruno Ahrends, and others. [Note: It was Oppenheimer who convinced the camp authorities to provide the painters and sculptors in the camp with artistic materials]. According to the article listing in the Table of Contents, this Almanac is close to complete, save for the missing “Maxim” article. As well, two pieces not listed in the Contents are present in this Almanac: Dudelsack Auf Capri by Dr. Richard Friedenthal (the only German piece in the Almanac) and Music-Review by Dr. Alfred Perlmann. The Almanac contains 13 full-page hand-coloured images plus a title page with beautiful hand-coloured zodiac frame and many smaller hand-coloured images on the pages with typed text. This Almanac contains 25 mimeographed pages. The book is hole punched and bound by string with a simple cardboard folder cover. The cover measures 15.5x9.5 inches while the pages themselves measure 13.5x8.5 inches. The Almanac is in VG+ condition with some minor age toning, bends and folds. A similar copy of this exact Almanac was sold by Christie’s in 2018 for 16,500 GBP (approx 21,000 USD). NOTES: Hutchinson Camp (also known as “P” Camp) , located in Douglas on the Isle of Man, was an internment camp. Initiated by Winston Churchill during World War Two, it was one of many camps opened to quell the anxiety of British citizens who believed spies were among them. Hutchinson kept “enemy aliens” - or those living in Britain with German, Austrian and Italian passports - jailed behind barbed wire in boarding houses. Tragically, many of those detained in Hutchinson were Jews who had fled the Nazis only to be imprisoned by the country they hoped would liberate them. Hutchinson became known as the artist’s camp as it housed many professors, artists, composers, writers and more. Notable artists interned at Hutchinson included Kurt Schwitters, Hellmuth Weissenborn, Paul Hamann and Eric Kahn. According to AJR Refugee Voices, “Despite the injustice of the situation, the internees quickly organised. The camp became a hub of creative endeavour, with a daily program of lectures, live music performances, poetry readings, and English lessons”. In fact, they even produced a camp newsletter (a special edition of which is offered here). Hutchinson was opened on July 13, 1940, housing up to 1200 men, and was in operation. In early 1942, most of the innocent men had been released from Hutchinson and, while it remained open until 1945, it became a camp for Prisoners of War and its cultural life faded. ; Manuscripts; 4to 11" - 13" tall; 25 pages; Signed by Author. Very Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0012217
USD 22475.99 [Appr.: EURO 21413 | £UK 17867.25 | JP¥ 3423371]
Keywords: Drawing

1919-1936 Set of Significant Ledgers of the Improved Order of Red Men Midland, Maryland Tioga Tribe No 126
Midland, Maryland: Improved Order of Red Men Tribe. Hardcover. On offer are two historically significant ledger books spanning 10 years, maintained by Chiefs of the Improved Order of Red Men of Tioga Tribe No. 126 in Midland, Maryland. PLEASE REQUEST FULL BIO ON THE RED MEN FROM SELLER (excluded due to word count restrictions). The first ledger spans 1919-1923 and the second covers 1931-1936. Each ledger contains the annual Roll of Chiefs, where attendance is kept for each weekly meeting. This is followed by hundreds of pages of meeting minutes, wherein the intimate detail of the tribe’s attendance, discussions, motions, officer nominations, elections and tribe finances are meticulously recorded. Excerpts follow to give the flavour of the ledgers: “...Moved and Sec. Charles Bevidge be suspended from all rights and privileges of the order carried. Moved and Sec we porospone [sic] class initiation until Dec 30 on account of Indusstrial condition. Carried…” [Oct 28, 1919]. “...Moved and second Bill of Brother Jas Albright for one load of cal be received and paid. Carried. $4.25. Moved and second that a committee of three be appointed and work in conjunction with the other lodges to see about getting a doctor on committee Bro Harry Sulser John Laslo James Albright Motion carried” [March 16, 1920]. “Brother McGee reported on Halloween social to be held between Red Men and Ladies Bible class. The committee desires that the Red Men get up an entertainment and Ice cream and all members are requested to bring a parcel post” [Oct 18, 1921]. “Council fire was kindled for the purpose of burying our deceased brother William C. Muir. Sachem appointed. Bros Lindsey, Baiman, Leese and Sarage as pallbearers. Brother Muir died at the age of 81 years Sunday evening July 23 at 5: 30 o’clock” [July 26, 1935]. “This was a special meeting held in celebration of the 37th anniversary and 204 Washington birthday celebration. The order’s Washington Birthday Ritual was used. The slations were filled as follows: [long list of names and positions of tribe members]...At the close of the Ritualistic Service brother Taylor was called on and he read a history of the Tribe, after which the Tribe adjourned to partake of a Banquet prepared for the occasion. Dart Ball (? ) and the other amusements were indulged in” [Feb 22, 1936]. “Committee reported having visited Black Hawk Tribe at Westerport. That an open air District meeting will be held in Westernport Sat Sept 19 carried. Carnival committee reported progress…Moved and Sec Resignation of Bro Hunt be accepted and his successor elected. Moved and Sec we go into election of Jr. Sagamore carried…. Moved and Sec we paint the outside of building for Carnival. Carried” [Aug 6, 1936]. The ledgers are absolutely brimming with names of Officers and Members of this Red Men tribe, making them as interesting to a genealogist as they are to one who studies fraternal societies, Maryland in the early 20th century, or the Red Men more specifically. The ledgers measure 9x14 inches. They each contain hundreds of un-numbered pages. The pages ledgers are custom printed for the Red Men by Labor Saving Lodge Books in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. They contain handwriting on most pages, filling in the printed fields. There is tipped in ephemera and extra pages, particularly in the second ledger. Both ledgers show signs of their age. Pages are in tact but the spines are loosening and the cloth hardcovers are beginning to crack and peel. Writing is legible. Overall Fair++. [Note: Ask seller for a link to the 19th Century ledger of a New York tribe of the Red Men being sold separately]. ; Manuscripts; Folio 13" - 23" tall; Signed by Author. Fair with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0012221
USD 3955.99 [Appr.: EURO 3769 | £UK 3145 | JP¥ 602546]
Keywords: Secret Brotherhoods Colonists

1930-1931 Diary of an ILL-Fated Chinese Educator and Newlywed, Educated in America, Settling Down in Shanghai to Support Her Husband’S Career and Have a Child
New York, St. Paul, Minnesota, Singapore, Shanghai, China, 1930-1931. Hardcover. On offer is the two-year diary of Ruth Mui-Kang Pau of Foochow, China, who spent 13 years in the United States, completing her education in St. Paul, Minnesota and New York City. During that time she also met and married her beau, Dr. Jiu-Ching Hsia, before returning to China to start their adult lives. Ruth kept this diary during the first two years of married life, during which time the couple visited Singapore and settled in Shanghai. To learn more about Ruth and her husband, Dr. Jiu-Ching (J. C. ) Hsia, and their tragic love story, please see BIO NOTES below. The diary begins on January 1, 1930, with Ruth and her husband in Singapore visiting her parents: “Singapore early A. M. Very sick…Taxied to father’s. Hard time to find place. Tears in father’s eyes all day. Saw mother in back room…In bed all day. Called Dr. Hotel in P. M. ”Later in January, Ruth and J. C. Board a boat to Shanghai, China. They are hosted by a Dr. Wu and his wife. Dr. Wu sees patients in the front of the house while they live in the back. Ruth tours Shanghai with Mrs. Wu and other women. J. C. Gets acclimatized to his new job, and they go house hunting. Ruth does a nice job describing her first weeks in Shanghai: “Peking Rd. - dirty with furniture stores on both sides…shops so small and packed full. Furniture and no one to work…in P. M. We went to Ave. Joffre [Huaihai Rd] to look for cloth to make me a warm Chinese dress. No success…” [January 27, 1930]. By spring of 1930, J. C. Is thriving in his new job as Shanghai Sales Manager of American Aluminum Ltd: “$650 worth of foil! He’s taking orders quite often now. Am very glad for him. He…has persistence. Went to have Typhoid shot - 2nd one…” [May 17, 1930]Ruth consistently records J. C’s sales proudly throughout 1930, and often notes how much money he makes as well as the amount of aluminum he sells. Sadly, the heart condition that would ultimately kill Ruth is already causing issues: “...I became sick after they left. May be from working in hot kitchen. After lying down for 20 min, my heart was still beating 120. J. C. Carried me upstairs! ...” [May 18, 1930]. Ruth and J. C. Struggle with a problem many adult children who are educated abroad face: their parents asking for money. As Ruth and J. C. Are just starting out, this is a challenge for them: “...Letter fr. S’pore, still asking for money and said we must do it rt. Away. Made me sore. Father thinks we have the money and are just keeping it. Told J. C. To explain to Mr. Lee our condition and that I was trying to find work etc. ” [May 26, 1930]. The requests for money are compounded by relatives coming to stay with the newlyweds, such as J. C. ’s uncle, who stays for months and causes Ruth much financial stress. In July of 1930, Ruth writes that their bank suddenly closed - fortunately they did not have much money deposited - averting catastrophe for the family. Ruth works for the Wu family’s restaurant until she gets a job teaching, which is her chosen field. She and J. C. Both work and Ruth does the majority of the homemaking. In February of 1931 Ruth tells her diary she is pregnant. She is high-risk due to her pre-existing heart condition. Ruth spends most of 1931 feeling awful, and her physician is not comfortable with her pregnancy or the thought of her labouring: “April 13, 1931 - “Cold almost done. To sch. Again after [ ] vacation. Made appt. With Dr. Arllerton (? ) for 5: 30 [ ] J. C. Could go with me. Saw her. Tall, grey haired…woman. Not friendly. “We’ll let you go on with this pregnancy. [ ] she’d affect you. We can terminate it at any time. You’ll need artificial help in delivery. ” Not wise for me thru labor. Heart bad. Muscles of head strong. ” [April 13, 1931]. Early pregnancy is tough on Ruth. Her Memoranda for April 1931 reads, in part: “Heart very bad. Extra beats. Sometimes missed a beat or two. Even J. C. C’d [sic] hear my heart beat when lying beside me in bed”. Ruth continues working at the school as long as possible, but finds it challenging. She always keeps up with the news of the day and notes : “...Have to work now because I have to head home so often [] finding it hard to breathe. Usually I do nothing during 1st part of A. M. Paper today says [Thomas] Edison died yest. [sic]! J. C. Brot [sic] home package fr. Sarah- blankets [ ] etc. He also had $5.32 worth of paper, brushes etc. For this classmate of his who wrote him a long time ago that it was his duty to support the family! J. C. Sent $ in May” [October 19, 1931]. Ruth’s final entry is on October 22, 1931. Her son, John I-Sheng Hsia would be born four days later, on October 26. We know that Ruth dies of her heart condition in March, 1936. Ruth’s diary is a treasure. It is a treat to follow a young couple with such a rich Chinese-American history [See BIO NOTES BELOW] and experience the first two years of their newlywed life. Ruth and J. C. ’s story is one of enduring love, hard work, hope and perseverance. A must-have for anyone who studies the experience of international students moving back to their country of origin after graduation, as well as a deep look into the life of a woman with chronic illness who fights for a normal life against all odds. Ruth does not write every day, but when she does write it is in a tiny but legible hand and very descriptive. Ruth keeps this diary from Jan. 1, 1930 through Oct. 22, 1931. The 5-year diary measures 5.5"x4.5", has 365 pages plus memoranda sections and is about 25% complete. The cover is a soft leather and is intact with some signs of wear present. Pages have some age toning present. There is a clasp which has been opened and no key. The spine is in fine condition though the pages are pulling away from the spine but still intact. Overall G. BIO NOTES ON RUTH M. PAU & DR. JIU CHING (J. C. ) HSIA: Ruth Mui-Kang Pau (1901-1936) was born in Foochow, China 1901, and later lived in Singapore with her family. In 1916 she traveled to the United States with her teacher, Dr. Ruth E. Atkins, under whom she had studied at the Suydam School for Girls at Malacca in the Straits Settlement, China. Ruth and Dr. Atkins traveled on the SS Nipon Maru from Nagasaki, Japan. They arrived at a port in San Francisco, California and made their way to Dr. Atkins’ home in St. Paul, Minnesota and lived with Dr. Atkins. Ruth completed St. Cloud Teacher’s College in 1923, a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota in 1927, and a Master of Arts in Education and Psychology from New York University in 1929. While in graduate school, Ruth met her future husband, Dr. Jui Ching (J. C. ) Hsia. Dr Hsia was also born in China. He came to New York for graduate school and completed his doctorate degree in education at Columbia University. On August 29, 1929, Ruth and Jiu Ching married in St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr. Hsia had an exciting job offer as the Shanghai Sales Manager of American Aluminum Ltd. Following their wedding, Ruth and J. C. Honeymooned in the United States and set sail for Asia in October, 1929. They would first stop in Singapore to spend time with Ruth’s parents, before heading to their final destination in China. In 1931, Ruth gave birth to a son named John I-Sheng Hsia. Sadly, Ruth suffered from a heart condition and passed away on March 6, 1936, before John I-Sheng’s fifth birthday. Ultimately, both John I-Sheng and his father returned to the USA, with the support of Dr. Atkins. John I-Sheng would become an engineer, graduating from MIT and would marry Constance Ross Turner, a Harvard graduate and architectural designer. Ruth would have been so very proud. ; Manuscripts; 24mo 5" - 6" tall; 365 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0012003
USD 3450.99 [Appr.: EURO 3288 | £UK 2743.5 | JP¥ 525628]
Keywords: Minessota

Early 1900s Archive of Diaries of a Cincinnati, Ohio Riverboat Captain Who Served in Wwi and Went on to Work in Commercial Cargo Shipping
Cincinnati, Ohio. Hardcover. On offer are four diaries of a riverboat captain that include notes on WWI Service and US Army service at sea. The author of these diaries is Captain Lewis Bolton (sometimes Boltin) Reade (1902-1970) of Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis was the only child of Reverend Charles Reade and Nora (Boltin) Reade. He attended Trinity College in Hartford, CT class of 1923, though records indicate he only finished one year of schooling. He was recorded as having worked as a “pilot master” in 1940, and it does not appear that he ever married or had children. The first volume is a pocket notebook. From context, we expect that this notebook was kept in either 1917 or 1918, and again in 1922. Reade identifies himself as a Corporal, assigned to Battalion Headquarters, 1st Battalion, 147th USNG. This Battalion was raised in October, 1917 through the amalgamation of several other Ohio National Guard units. The 147th went on to serve in Europe, participating in actions at Ypres and the Sheldt. His notes contain detailed points about the use of chlorine gas. After 20 pages, he begins a new section simply labeled Temporary Diary. This appears to date to 1922, during World War I. From context, it is clear that he is now working on a riverboat, transporting cargo and at times passengers on the Ohio River – Mississippi River systems. There are several pages missing from the beginning of the notebook. An excerpt from the Temporary Diary follows: “Shipped on Str (steamer) Greenwood for Charleston and Return. Possibility of steady job. We towed [? ] to Pt. Pl…Smith Gilham Mitchell Fleishchman Davis down with coal. In mine mill shute formed large sunk cross ways and partly in channel. Hatfield barge. Davis had a time passing it, so did we. Steered Greenwood first time alone 35. Old man Greene on boat, Chapman in command, Pres Ellion back again, Charlie…lead engineer. Do not seem to eat as long on here or on the Chris. On watch 6-11. Went off at Pt. Pleasant…” [Tues, Nov 28]. The notebook details daily life on this great river system and the many tasks that filled his day from Nov 28 through Dec 13. It also references a number of ports. The second diary covers the year 1923. On Jan 2nd, Reade notes that he reported on board the USS General John McE Hyde [SEE BIO NOTES FOR MORE ON THIS SHIP]. As Hyde was delivered to the War Department in December of 1922 and Reade joined her on Jan 2nd , where she was launched in Charleston WV, he was likely part of the commissioning crew. Early in the 1923 diary, he records the following: “Shipped on the U. S. S. General John McE. Hyde. Captain Ray Johnson in command. Ran down to PO. Pleasant and lay there all night. Hit bank owing to steering gear carrying away” [Jan 25]. His entries record daily shipboard life and experiences: “Fell in river in afternoon. Swamped yawl. Went to other ship to get warm. Reported drowned. My friends started looking for me below the barges. Engineer and I with Bob and Sydney bailed and launched yawl. Still here. Bos’n in trouble with Cook. Bos’n fired. I am promoted! ” [Feb 18]. “Shipped another man. Crossed river to same dock we landed at on March 7. Up town. No mail. Very homesick for about a week. Put one ton of ice on board. No mail” [Apr 24]. By the time he begins his two 1930 diaries, Reade is working full-time on commercial cargo boats working the rivers in the Ohio River and Mississippi River basins. These river systems were and continue to be major transportation routes for cargo in the United States. In 1930, it appears that he had two diaries. Both begin in January. One seems to have been started and kept for about 10 days in January. Entries stopped on Jan 25th. At the same time, he was keeping a daily log of his movements in a 2nd diary. Quite possibly, he decided that he would only maintain the one record. These two diaries together give a detailed description of his life on the river. Each entry records waypoints passed during the day and total miles covered. His last entry is Oct 22nd. It reads simply “The Ax”. One can assume that he was let go from his job, possibly with the onset of winter. From death records, we know that obtained the rank of Captain, most likely in the U. S. Merchant Navy. For a historian or geographer, these diaries offer an excellent level of detail to the shipping industry and life on America’s great inland water systems. The diaries range in size from 5.75x3 inches to 7.5x4.75 inches. The covers, binding and pages are all in Good to Fair condition. The 1922 WWI diary contains 112 pages and is 25% complete, the 1923 diary contains 365 pages and is 40% complete. The brief 1930 diary contains 365 pages and is 10% complete. The consistent 1930 diary contains 220 pages and is 85% complete. BIO NOTES: The General John McE. Hyde was a ferry boat built for the War Department by Charles Ward Engineering Works. The ferry was assigned to provide transportation services among the military facilities. Upon commissioning in 1922, she was transferred to the U. S. Army and served with the prefix USAT (United States Army Transport). In WWII, she was transferred to Manila where she was sunk in enemy action in December 1941.; Manuscripts; 16mo 6" - 7" tall; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0010309
USD 2725.99 [Appr.: EURO 2597.25 | £UK 2167 | JP¥ 415202]
Keywords: 1 Single

1934-1938 Depression-Era Diary of a Childless, Middle Aged Woman Keeping House in Small-Town New York
Lowville, Lewis County, New York, 1934-1938. Softcover. On offer is a 5-year diary describing in detail the life of a woman in upstate New York during the Great Depression. The author of this diary is Lena J. (Ebblie) Robinson (1889-1963). She is married to William Garrett Robinson (1888-1981) and together they live in Lowville, Lewis County, New York. William was born in New York City and worked in sales, at different points selling real estate and working at a rubber/tire store. Lena was born in Lowville and worked as a teacher. They married in 1914. In 1917, William requested an exemption from the World War 1 US Army draft, claiming his reason for exemption as “physically unfit and dependent wife”. William grew up in an affluent home with many servants. However, our research shows that his adult life proved to be more of a struggle. Lena seems to have stopped working early into their marriage, and William found himself unemployed at points. They did not have any children. Lena wrote in her diary every single day for five years, from January 1, 1934 through December 31, 1938 (and even filled the two Memoranda pages at the end). During the time of her writing Lena was middle aged, 45 to 49 years old. She filled her days with common women’s tasks of the time: cooking, baking, cleaning. She also takes care of her father, remarking on taking her Dad ‘uptown’ many days [she notes in the Memoranda section that he died on January 20, 1936]. She plays Monopoly and cards, reads, attends dinner at friends' homes, and welcomes guests to her own home. She writes throughout the Great Depression without making any mention of wanting or going without. Some excerpts from her diary gives the flavour of her entries: Baked cleaned took Dad uptown for hair cut. Mrs Delsin called in P. M. [July 27, 1934]. Made fruit cakes ..... Up to [ ] in P. M. & helped make headcheese cards in evening. [Mar 29, 1934]. Washed made fried cakes. Uptown... Surprise party at Effies 45 doz doughnuts, sandwiches after cards danced. Home 2: 00 A. M. [Jan 21, 1935]. Pleasant cooler. Picked beets, canned [ ], cucumbers, made dill pickles .... [July 30, 1935]. “Pleasant. Hot. Did big washing. Ironing. Mopped. Mrs. Field called on me” [Aug 30, 1937]. Lena’s diary is a simple, yet complete look at a childless woman of middle age filling her time and aiming to maintain her marital home throughout the Great Depression. Throughout the diary, she mentions the many people she visits with or who drop by to visit her which would enhance genealogical study of New York State. For a Gender Studies program, this is an excellent look into the role and tasks that many women in America faced at this time. This diary measures 5.5 inches by 3.5 inches and contains 365 pages. It is 100% complete. The cover is in fair condition. It is intact but shows clear signs of wear. The binding is good as are all of the pages. The handwriting is cramped but fairly legible. Overall G. ; Manuscripts; 24mo 5" - 6" tall; 365 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0011100
USD 349.99 [Appr.: EURO 333.5 | £UK 278.25 | JP¥ 53308]
Keywords: Rural Salesman

1965 Saskatchewan Farming Family Scrapbook Detailing Rural Western Canadian Prairie Life in the Year of the Province’S Diamond Jubilee
Saskatchewan, Canada: Canadian Prairie Scrapbook Saskatchewan Canada Farming Life, 1965. Softcover. On offer is a lovely, informative and distinctly Canadian scrapbook about Saskatchewan farming, prepared by a Regina-area farming family. The scrapbook was written and compiled for an American relative as a gift for Christmas 1965. This was the year that Saskatchewan celebrated its diamond jubilee, marking 60 years as a province This scrapbook was put together in November, 1965 for Marie Piper Swalm (1896-1989) of Kansas, United States, by her niece, Dorothy Stevenson (1915-2010) of Regina, Saskatchewan, and Dorothy’s husband, James (Jimmy) (1914-1995) , her son Rae, and Jimmy’s brother, Dave. Marie’s husband, Leslie Oliver Swalm (1878-1952) was Dorothy’s mother, Gertrude Swalm Conlin’s, brother. Dorothy and Jimmy farmed in the Wascana District, north of Regina. Marie was raised on a farm in Kansas. It stands to reason that this homemade Christmas gift about Saskatchewan farming would have been exceptionally meaningful to Marie Swalm. This remarkably thoughtful scrapbook reads as an introduction to Saskatchewan, its farming industry, the prairie provinces, and Canada as a whole. Beginning with the front cover image of a glued-on western red lily, Saskatchewan’s official flower, the scrapbook walks the reader through all four seasons in the province. Each season/section of the scrapbook contains a typed update about the experience of farming in Saskatchewan in that season as well as information about the family’s work and life. These updates are interspersed with drawings, images from the newspaper and other sources glued in, relevant typed quotations, song lyrics and poems, sweet handwritten notations, and more. In the Autumn section of the scrapbook, after a long typed essay about the experience of coping with crickets on the farm, Dorothy includes a photograph of a deer with the handwritten note: “Deer come in our garden, eat our crabapples and destroy our trees. While they are picturesque, I am happy to report Rae got his again this fall - his ninth with a shotgun slug. Jimmy also got his. Venison a la rotisserie - Yum yum! ”Other topics covered in the scrapbook in words, images or both include: an essay where Dorothy argues that 1965 should be called “The Year of the Tiger” and then ties in the Chinese zodiac with Saskatchewan’s diamond jubilee and the concept of hope, an essay about what it is like to experience a Saskatchewan winter as a farmer (replete with several illustrative anecdotes, discussion of the Seed Catalogue and more) , a short blurb about the importance of Spring to the Saskatchewan farmer given the short time before first frost, imagery and discussion of other flowers common to the area, discussion of summer canning, and a detailed essay about crickets. There is a mention of the 1965 federal election, in which Lester B. Pearson was re-elected, a story about rural Saskatchewan mail delivery, and some religious content, since this book was created as a Christmas gift. Aside from providing quite the education about mid-20th century Saskatchewan farming life, this book presents Dorothy as an extremely well-written and witty woman. To illustrate, her essay about winter on the farm begins: “It has been said that in a year we have eight months of winter and four months of tough sledding…”. Taken together, this scrapbook provides deep insight into the life of a farming family in 1965, and also acts as a time capsule for Saskatchewan, Canada in the same year. This is a truly thrilling piece of Canadiana that would be an enhancement to any collection, particularly interesting to a Western Canadian academic institution that offers agricultural education. The scrapbook is in a series of pages bound together in a duo-tang cover. Entitled “Thoughts From A Saskatchewan Farm”, it measures 8.5x11.0 inches and contains 45 pages. It is 100% complete. The cover is in good condition as are the pages. Some pages have a bit of age discoloration along some edges and there are a couple of piece of pages intentionally cut out. The flower on the front cover is slightly ripped. The binding is in good condition as well. Mostly typed with legible handwritten comments throughout. Overall G. ; Manuscripts; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 45 pages; Signed by Author. Good with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0011117
USD 1955.99 [Appr.: EURO 1863.5 | £UK 1555 | JP¥ 297921]
Keywords: Seasonal Hunting

1914-1915 Sensational Firsthand Account of the Geopolitics of the Construction of the Panama Canal by the Only Reporter with Access to the Key Players
Panama Canal, Panama City. Softcover. On offer is an outstanding firsthand account of a well-connected American reporter stationed in Panama to report on the construction of the Panama canal. This account is particularly fascinating as this reporter was the only one granted access to figures such as Colonel Goethals. This journal highlights internal power struggles that took place in the construction of the Panama Canal. The author of this notebook is reporter John E. Tiedeman. Tiedeman had an extraordinary career as a journalist and a World War 1 US intelligence officer that took him across the globe (see BIO NOTES). In December of 1913, Tiedeman was assigned to cover Central America and the west coast of South America for the Associated Press. He based himself out of Panama City. He took a specific interest in reporting on the progress of the construction of the Panama Canal. According to one entry, he was the only reporter there and he had unfettered access to the key people involved. His reporter’s notes, describing the infighting and political maneuverings surrounding the administration of the Canal, make for fascinating reading. The notes span the time period Feb 1, 1914 to Apr 8, 1915. He was present when the commission to oversee construction of the Canal – the Isthmian Canal Commission was abolished and the Panama Canal Zone created. The Chief Engineer was a noted American Army Colonel named Colonel George Washington Goethals and how he maneuvered to obtain the Governorship and absolute authority over the Panama Canal is described in abundant detail. An excerpt from the diary focused on Colonel Goethals follows: “The permanent organization followed the very plan outlined by Col. Goethals. Not an important feature was changed. It left him in complete control. And herein it served a second purpose. It once and for all shattered the machinations of the Sibert, Gorgas, Metcalfe faction on the isthmus and the political scheming in Washington. There were to be no political appointments on the Panama Canal. At least not until after Col. Goethals left the Isthmus” [notes from Feb 1, 1914]. Tiedeman had direct and easy access to Goethals as illustrated in this passage: “... Midway of the lockage I walked up to him and after greeting him said: “This is fine and dandy, isn’t it? ”...“Yes, I’ll soon have this thing going the way I want it to. ” he replied…” [notes from Aug 15, 1914]. If the creation of the Panama Canal put an end to political machinations with Washington, it certainly ushered in a new era of political skulduggery between the American Canal administration and the rival political factions in Panama. Tiedeman records some of this. In response to one of the frequent riots between Panamanian police forces and American servicemen, Tiedeman notes: “Major General Wood arrived the morning after the riot and took a hand in the investigation. It is expected he will follow the example of both Generals Goethals and Edwards and Minister Price and recommend that the policing of the terminal cities be done by Americans. In other words, strip Panama of her police power and leave little or nothing of the government. The courts would have to be also taken over. That would be the last straw and would practically end the Panama Republic” [notes from Apr 5, 1915]. For a historian, this is a superb, first-hand account of events that impacted the United States in a very decisive way. At the time, the Panama Canal was an enormous engineering marvel. It also was part of a geopolitical strategy that helped make the United States the most powerful nation on earth. For a historian or a journalist, these reporter’s notes would be a marvelous addition to a library or collection. JOHN E. TIEDEMAN BIO NOTES: John Ernst Tiedeman (1876-1941) was born in Missouri and attended Smith’s Academy at the University of Missouri. He completed his BA and a law degree before working as business manager for the Sedalia Sentinel newspaper. Later, he got his foot in the journalism door in Kansas, working in the editorial department of the Kansas City Journal. At age 30 he finally broke through as a reporter for the St. Louis Republic. He gained great journalistic opportunities when he joined the Associated Press and spent a year working in Berlin as a staff correspondent for the New York Herald. When he returned to America in 1910, he officially joined the Associated press staff and was assigned to cover the 1912-1913 campaign tour of Vice President Thomas R. Marshall. His excellent work on the campaign prompted his assignment to the Associated Press’ Washington bureau, and later to Central America and the west coast of South America, where he would set up in Panama City and cover the building and opening of the Panama Canal. Tiedeman returned to the USA in 1917 and joined the US army, working as an intelligence officer in France as he was able to speak German and had covered the German army while in Berlin before the war. When he resigned from the army in 1922, Tiedeman returned to the newspaper profession, purchasing newspapers, including the Sunnyvale Standard, which he published until his death in 1941 at age 65. This book is actually a 3-ring binder measuring 6.0 inches by 8.0 inches. It contains 122 pages and is approximately 25% complete. The cover is in good condition with some slight wear marks at the corners. The pages are in good condition as well. All entries are typed. ; Manuscripts; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 122 pages; Signed by Author. Good+ with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0010317
USD 7550.99 [Appr.: EURO 7194 | £UK 6002.75 | JP¥ 1150109]
Keywords: Relations

1911-1915 Simple Journals of an Avid Horseman and Hunter from Baltimore, Listing His Horses and Hunting Seasons
Baltimore Maryland MD. Hardcover. On offer are five diaries dating to the early years of the 20th century written by an avid horseman and hunter. On April 18, 1911 our author gives a brief outline of his personal history, however he does not state his name. We know he was born in 1878 in Baltimore. He attended college and was married in 1902. He traveled ‘abroad’. On at least two occasions. He was very involved in the horse racing industry. His 1911 diary lists 30 pages of horses that he has owned. This diary also details his hunting seasons including the horses he rode and the results achieved. He travels extensively in the United States. As noted in various entries over the 5 years. Each diary only contains about a dozen entries. These refer to his horse interests and to hunting. Many other entries are simply notations about being ‘absent” or “arrived office”. Some excerpts of the diaries follow: “Absent. Hunting. Brandywine 8 AM. Ride Sherry. Also [] Skylark. Beautiful day. Have good run over fine country and the pack is certainly wonderful” [Mar 3, 1912]. “... Stopped in Atlanta. Met the Hawkins of 3rd Nat’l Bank and the Woods White of Atlanta Savings Co. Missed Col Laury. Very progressive place…” [Feb 3, 1913]. “…Oak Hill buying hounds” [May 7, 1914]. For an enthusiast of American horse racing and breeding, these small diaries offer a fascinating glimpse into this world as it was in the early 1900s. Our avid horseman diarist wrote in 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914 and 1915. All five diaries measure 6.75” x 4.25”. All of the diaries contain 365 pages and all are approximately 10% complete. All five diaries’ covers are in good condition. The bindings of three of the diaries are in good condition and the binding is broken on the 1911 and 1913 diaries. The pages in all five diaries are in good condition. Overall G-. ; Manuscripts; 16mo 6" - 7" tall. Fair with no dust jacket .
Katz Fine ManuscriptsProfessional seller
Book number: 0011128
USD 599.99 [Appr.: EURO 571.75 | £UK 477 | JP¥ 91386]
Keywords: Horsemanship

| Pages: 1 |