352087 A/c ROSS, pseud.
The Mint. A Day-Book of the RAF Depot between August and December 1922 with later Notes. By 352087 A/c Ross. IN FULL MOROCCO
Jonathan Cape,, [1955]. 4to., First Edition, with title in red and black; handsomely bound in burgundy full morocco, sides with gilt frame border, back gilt with five raised bands, second and fourth compartments lettered and ruled in gilt, all other compartments tooled and ruled in gilt, gilt top, hand-made endpapers, ribbon marker, uncut, a most attractive copy ideal as a gift or for presentation. O'Brien A173
Island Books
Professional sellerBook number: 21045
€ 324.00 [Appr.: US$ 357.85 | £UK 273.25 | JP¥ 50522]
Keywords: modern first editions, modern firsts, t e lawrence, lawrence of arabia, arabia, raf, royal air force, aircraftman ross