Antiquariaat Isis, NVvA/ILAB: Oude en bijzondere boeken - Filosofie
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 APHTHONIUS VAN ANTIOCHIË, Progymnasmata, partim à Rodolpho Agricola, partim à Iohanne Maria Catanaeo, latiniate donata. Cum scholiis R. Lorichii. Novissima editio, superioribus emendatior, & concinnior. Adjecto indice utillissimo.
Progymnasmata, partim à Rodolpho Agricola, partim à Iohanne Maria Catanaeo, latiniate donata. Cum scholiis R. Lorichii. Novissima editio, superioribus emendatior, & concinnior. Adjecto indice utillissimo.
Amsterodami, Apud Ludovicum & Danielem Elzevirios, 1655. Engraved title plate + printer's vignette. Parchment. 12°. 441, (12) pp. rebound, lower margin title plate handcoloured in red, paper somewhat waterstained, ex libris Georges Montandon otherwise good condition
¶ 'Quatrième et dernière édition elzevirienne d'Aphthonius, reproduisant ligne pour ligne la precédénte, parue en 1649. Le frontispice gravé porte cette dernière date. Il existe des exemplaires dans lesquels on a remplacé les 12 ff. d'index par un 'Auctarium, continens variationem tractationis fabularum et chreiarum', qui avec son faux titre occupe les pp. 385 à 441. Cet Auctarium est suivi d'un index nouveau en 14 pp., plus ample que celui a été supprimé'.Aphthonius van Antiochië, retoricaleraar ca. 400 na Christus, leraar van Libanius. Van Aphthonius zijn zijn Progymnasmata (vooroefeningen) en een verzameling van 40 fabels bewaard gebleven. De Progymnasmata bevatten 14 definities van retorische grondbegrippen, die elk door een voorbeeld worden toegelicht. A. Willems. Les Elzevier. Histoire et annales typographiques. Bruxelles, 1880, 1182.'Aphthonius, Aeolius Festa (3rd c. A.D.), wrote four books 'De metris', which now form the bulk of the 'Ars Grammatica' of Marius Victorius (...)'.The Oxford classical dictionary. Oxford, 1957 (4th) p. 68
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 590789
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 162.86 | £UK 126.75 | JP¥ 25046]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 CATO (JOHN TRENCHARD & THOMAS GORDON), Brieven over de vrijheid, en het geluk des volks onder een goede regeering; in 't Engelsch uitgegeven op den naam van Cato en nu naar den vyfden druk in 't Nederduitsch vertaald. Compleet in 3 delen.
Brieven over de vrijheid, en het geluk des volks onder een goede regeering; in 't Engelsch uitgegeven op den naam van Cato en nu naar den vyfden druk in 't Nederduitsch vertaald. Compleet in 3 delen.
Alkmaar, Amsterdam, Johannes Halfman,K. van Tongerlo en F. Houttuyn, 1752-1754. (VI) 442 (2), (II) 444 (3), (II) 437 (3) pp. Halfleren banden. ruggen licht beschadigd en geschaafd, papier in de drie delen hier en daar licht gebruind en wat roestvlekkig, platten schaafsporen en licht beschadigd, oude naam op achterzijde titelpagina, verder goede staat
¶ De eerste druk van deze Nederlandse vertaling van dit beroemde republikeinse werk dat grote invloed had op de Amerikaanse revolutie. De brieven werden oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in de London Journal als 'Cato's letters' en later gebundeld uitgegeven als 'Essays on Liberty, Civil and Religious'. De twee auteurs waren sterk beïnvloed door John Locke en verwierpen in deze brieven het absolutisme en tonen zich bevlogen voorstanders van de vrijheid van meningsuiting.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 614925
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 271.43 | £UK 211 | JP¥ 41744]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS, Epistolae ad Atticum, Brutum, et Q. Fratrem.
Epistolae ad Atticum, Brutum, et Q. Fratrem.
Amsterdami, Willem Blaeu, 1632. 2 vignettes. Parchment. 8°. 468 pp. parchment somewhat stained, handwritten title on spine, EW engraved in backside of cover, owner's name on endpaper, edges of pages 1-96, 147-177 and 385-434 slightly watermarked, some underlinings in pencil, piece of title page and endpaper is missing, otherwise good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 616902
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 271.43 | £UK 211 | JP¥ 41744]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

X. reedenvoeringen van M.T. Cicero, in Nederduits overgebragt; neevens twee aanmerkenswaardige brieven van den selven, in 't Latyn en Duits.
Amsterdam, S. Petzold, 1702. Drukkersvignet. Perkament. (XII) (VIII) 457 pp. namen op schutbladen, titelpagina en pp. 2 t/m5 licht watervlekkig, papier hier en daar licht roestvlekkig, verder in goede staat
¶ Drukkersvignet gegraveerd door Pieter van de Berge
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 639636
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 190 | £UK 147.75 | JP¥ 29221]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 COCHET, JEAN-BAPTISTE, La clef des sciences & des beaux arts, ou la logique.
La clef des sciences & des beaux arts, ou la logique.
Paris, Jean Desaint, 1750. Printer's vignette. Contemporary leather. 8° (XXIV), 238 pp. decorated spine, corners and spine slightly damaged , otherwise very good condition
¶ First edition. A.A. Barbier. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. Paris, 1872, 1, p. 614. 'Jean Baptiste Cochet was professor of philosophy at the College Mazarin of Paris. His treatise on logic was said to have been the best elementary work on the subject that appeared in French'. Thomas, p. 631. W.Risse. Bibliographica logica. Verzeichnis der Druckschriften zur Logik mit Angabe ihrer Fundarte. Hildesheim, 1965, 1, p. 209
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 590768
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 108.57 | £UK 84.5 | JP¥ 16697]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

La logique ou Les premiers développemens de l'art de penser. Ouvrage élémentaire.
Paris, Guillaume, 1800 (an six). Leather binding with marbled endpapers. 200 pp. top and bottom spine damaged, frontboard loose, old ex libris verso frontboard, edges boards slightly damaged, some small foxing in the text, otherwise in good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641487
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 135.72 | £UK 105.5 | JP¥ 20872]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 DAVY, HUMPHRY, De laatste dagen van eenen wijsgeer. Naar de derde Engelsche uitgaaf.
De laatste dagen van eenen wijsgeer. Naar de derde Engelsche uitgaaf.
Leeuwarden, Suringar, 1836. (XVI) 335 pp. Oorspronkelijke blauwe kartonnen band. rug beschadigd, achterplat los, naam op schutblad, verder in goede staat
¶ 'Sir Humphry Davy, FRS (Penzance (Cornwall), 17 december 1778 ? Genève (Zwitserland), 29 mei 1829) was een Brits scheikundige. Naast zijn vele scheikundige ontdekkingen is hij ook bekend als de uitvinder van de booglamp en de naar hem vernoemde mijnlamp. De oorspronkelijke titel is 'Consolations in Travel or The Last Days of a Philosopher (1830)'
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 623730
€  95.00 [Appr.: US$ 103.14 | £UK 80.25 | JP¥ 15863]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 DESCARTES, R., Opera Philosophica editio ultima nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita & mendis expurgata. Contenta in hoc volumine: Principia philosophiae. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Specimina philosophiae: seu dissertatio de methodo rectè regendae rationis, & veritates in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice et Meteora. Ex gallico translata, & ab auctore perlecta, variisque in locis emendata. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata,  Passiones animae, per Renatum Descartes: Gallicè ab ipso conscriptae, nunc autem in exterorum gratiam, Latina civitate donatae. Ab H.D.M.J.U.L.
Opera Philosophica editio ultima nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita & mendis expurgata. Contenta in hoc volumine: Principia philosophiae. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Specimina philosophiae: seu dissertatio de methodo rectè regendae rationis, & veritates in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice et Meteora. Ex gallico translata, & ab auctore perlecta, variisque in locis emendata. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Passiones animae, per Renatum Descartes: Gallicè ab ipso conscriptae, nunc autem in exterorum gratiam, Latina civitate donatae. Ab H.D.M.J.U.L.
Amsterdam, Blaeu, 1685. Engraved Portrait + several illustrations. Vellum. 4º. [XL], 222, (2), [XVI], 248, [XXIV], 92, (4) pp. upperside spine slightly damaged, old owner's name, in the Epistola ad Principorum Philosophiae some old underlinings in pen, from the beginning of the book till pp. 171, down under in the middle of the book very small traces of worm, binding spotted, first blank endpaper damaged, binding a bit loose, otherwise good condition
¶ This copy without the Meditationes'Ces trois parties, orinairement réunies en un volume, sont précédées de 2 ff. (faux titre et portrait de Descartes). Le faux titre porte: Renati Descartes Opera philosophica. Editio quinta, nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita, et mendis expurgata. C'est la cinquième édition des Oeuvres philosophiques de Descartes'. A. Willems. Les Elzevier. Histoire et annales typographique. Bruxelles, 1880. p. 376, 1469. 'The compilation of Descartes' texts into the 'Opera Philosophica' is an interesting phenomenon in the publishing history of the works of Descartes. From 1650 on Louis Elzevier started to sell the 'Meditationes', the 'Principia', 'Specimina' and the 'Passiones' as one set with the general title: 'Opera Philosophica'. Opera editions were published in 1650, 1656, 1663-4, 1670-72 and 1677-78. Whereas the Principia, Specimina and the Passiones were printed in the same year and are usually bound together, the Meditationes are the odd one out. They were published one or two years before the rest of the set (...). As a result the Meditationes were often bound separately, which make it hard nowadays to recognise whether a single volume of the Meditationes once was-or possible still is-part of a set of the Opera Philosophica. The portrait of Descartes in this volume is the same as in the third Elzevier edition of 1654-56. Fifth state as in the Elzevier edition of 1677-78M. van Otegem. A bibliography of the works of Descartes (1637-1704. Utrecht, 2002, 2, p. 680 en pp. 692-94.Principia philosophiae 1685. Latest corrected edition. Van Otegem, 1, 287. Specimina philosophiae: seu Dissertatio de Methodo (Dioptrice, et Meteora) 1685. Translated from the French (E. de Courcelles?). Corrected edition. Van Otegem, 1, 66Passiones animae 1685. Translated out of the French into Latin H.D.M.J.U.L. (H. Maresius). The same as the Latin edition of 1656. Van Otegem, 1, 389The last 4 pages of the book with text in old handwriting
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 622047
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 542.86 | £UK 422 | JP¥ 83487]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 DESCARTES, R., Opera Philosophica editio ultima nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita & mendis expurgata. Principia philosophiae. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Specimina philosophiae: seu dissertatio de methodo rectè regendae rationis, & veritates in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice et Meteora. Ex gallico translata, & ab auctore perlecta, variisque in locis emendata. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata,  Passiones animae, per Renatum Descartes: Gallicè ab ipso conscriptae, nunc autem in exterorum gratiam, Latina civitate donatae. Ab H.D.M.J.U.L.
Opera Philosophica editio ultima nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita & mendis expurgata. Principia philosophiae. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Specimina philosophiae: seu dissertatio de methodo rectè regendae rationis, & veritates in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice et Meteora. Ex gallico translata, & ab auctore perlecta, variisque in locis emendata. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Passiones animae, per Renatum Descartes: Gallicè ab ipso conscriptae, nunc autem in exterorum gratiam, Latina civitate donatae. Ab H.D.M.J.U.L.
Amsterdam, Blaeu, 1692. Several illustrations. Vellum. 4º. [XXXVI], 222, (2), [XVI], 248, [XXIV], 92, (4) pp. without the general title and portrait, binding loose, text in old handwrtiting on endpaper, binding somewhat spotted, otherwise good condition
¶ Copy without the Meditationes'The compilation of Descartes' texts into the 'Opera Philosophica' is an interesting phenomenon in the publishing history of the works of Descartes. From 1650 on Louis Elzevier started to sell the 'Meditationes', the 'Principia', 'Specimina' and the 'Passiones' as one set with the general title: 'Opera Philosophica'. Opera editions were published in 1650, 1656, 1663-4, 1670-72 and 1677-78. Whereas the Principia, Specimina and the Passiones were printed in the same year and are usually bound together, the Meditationes are the odd one out. They were published one or two years before the rest of the set (...). As a result the Meditationes were often bound separately, which make it hard nowadays to recognise whether a single volume of the Meditationes once was-or possible still is-part of a set of the Opera Philosophica. M. van Otegem. A bibliography of the works of Descartes (1637-1704. Utrecht, 2002, 2, p. 680 en pp. 692-94.Principia philosophiae 1692. The same as in the edition of 1685Specimina philosophiae: seu Dissertatio de Methodo (Dioptrice, et Meteora) 1692. Translated from the French (E. de Courcelles?). The same as in the edition of 1685.Passiones animae 1685. Translated out of the French into Latin H.D.M.J.U.L. (H. Maresius). The same as the Latin edition of 1656 and 1685. Van Otegem, 1, 389Van Otegem, 2, 706
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 622694
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 488.58 | £UK 379.75 | JP¥ 75138]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 DREWS, A., Die deutsche Spekulation seit Kant. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Wesen des Absoluten und die Persönlichkeit Gottes. 2 volumes.
Die deutsche Spekulation seit Kant. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Wesen des Absoluten und die Persönlichkeit Gottes. 2 volumes.
Berlin, Maeter, 1893. (XVIII) 531, (VIII) 632 pp. Halfleather. cover partly rubbed, top spine slightly damaged, some annotations in pencil, paper browned as usual, otherwise good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 594653
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 162.86 | £UK 126.75 | JP¥ 25046]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 DUROSOY, J.B., Philosophie sociale; ou essai sur les devoirs de l'homme et du citoyen.
Philosophie sociale; ou essai sur les devoirs de l'homme et du citoyen.
Louvain, Vanlinthout et Vandenzande, 1822. 358 pp. Sewn. ex Bibliotheca Seminarii Warmondani, quire loose, orginal publishers cover, cover slightly damaged
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 583998
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.29 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8349]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 EPICTETUS, EPICTETI, Epicteti enchiridion, et cebetis tabula, Graecè, & Latinè, prioribus editionibus emendatiora & aucttiora.
Epicteti enchiridion, et cebetis tabula, Graecè, & Latinè, prioribus editionibus emendatiora & aucttiora.
Amstelodami, Johannes Ravensteinius, 1670. Frontispice + (II) 378 pp. Parchment. small 8°, 5°. binding slightly loosening, old librarysticker verso frontside, librarystamp on endpaper, some pages slightly waterstained and somewhat foxed, otherwise good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 617104
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 190 | £UK 147.75 | JP¥ 29221]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

Opera omnia emendatoria et auctiora, ad optimas editiones, praecipue qvas ipse Erasmus postremo curavit, summa fide exacta, doctorumque virorum notis illustrata. Recognovit Joannes Clericus. Tomus I - X. 10 parts in 11 volumes.
Hildesheim, Olms, 1961 - 1962 . (Reprint 1703 - 1706). Cloth. 2 engraved portraits Erasmus + engraved other portraits and engraved illustrations in the text and some engraved printer's devices. cloth a bit spotted and slightly discoloured, text blocks slightly foxed, otherwise in good condition
¶ Unveränderter reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leiden 1703 - 1706
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 639724
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1357.15 | £UK 1055 | JP¥ 208718]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 FEDER, JOHANN GEORG HEINRICH, Logik und Metaphysik.
Logik und Metaphysik.
Wien, Joh. Edlen von Trattern, 1779. (XIV) 440 pp. Hardcover. boards and spine spotted, discoloured and damaged, old name in ink on titlepage, paper browned as usual, otherwise in good condition
¶ Feder was born on 15 May 1740 in the village of Schornweisach (now a part of Uehlfeld, Bavaria) in the Principality of Bayreuth, the son of Martin Heinrich Feder (? 1749), the village pastor. Feder studied theology and pedagogy at Erlangen. From 1768 to 1782 he was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Göttingen. At the time of his death, in Hanover, he was Director of the Pageninstitut.His writings were widely read at the time due to their clear and tasteful mode of presentation. Feder decisively countered Kant's idealism. He gained notoriety through his abbreviation of Christian Garve's review of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. As philosopher Feder belonged to the better representatives of the eclectics tending towards the Leibniz Wolff School. The first edition of Logik und Metaphysik was published in 1769
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 628910
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 217.14 | £UK 169 | JP¥ 33395]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

 FÉNELON, F. DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE, Lettres sur divers sujets concernant la religion et la metaphysique.
Lettres sur divers sujets concernant la religion et la metaphysique.
Paris, Delaulne, 1718. Leather. 8vo. [XXIV], 278 pp. joint weak, sides slightly rubbed, lacks titlemedaillon on back, old name on endpaper, binding loose, top back slightly damaged
¶ François de Salignac Fénelon, 1651 Schloss Fénelon(Périgord) - 1715 Cambrai. Erzbischof von Cambrai. Beeinflusst durch Descartes.W. Ziegenfuss. Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin, 1949, 1, 315-16
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 571766
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 81.43 | £UK 63.5 | JP¥ 12523]
Keywords: oude en zeldzame boeken; filosofie1

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