Antiquariaat Isis, NVvA/ILAB: Kunst en toegepaste kunst
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Hans Boer, Desiree Henkes, Johan Oskam, Ruud de Rode, Martin Tissing, Drewes de Wit.
Groningen, Cia, 1987. Houten cassette (70 x 55 cm) met zes werken van genoemde kunstenaars. Zie foto van het colofon voor de beschrijving van de werken. het werk van Oskam heeft een klein bruin vlekje links in de marge, verder verkeren de werken in goede staat. De cassette is aan de bovenzijde licht beschadigd.
¶ Deze cassette is januari 1987 verschenen in opdracht van Cia Groningen. De produktie en grafische vormgeving waren in handen van de uitgever. Bij deze uitgave is de taakstelling voor iedere kunstenaar geweest om een werk voor deze gelegenheid te maken dat karakteristiek is voor zijn of haar oeuvre. Het papierformaat is 50 x 65 cm. De cassette is vervaardigd van klima droog beuken, verlijmd met berkentriplex. Het colofon en titelpagina zijn gezet uit Times mager, door Publicom. De cassette, colofon en titelpagina zijn gezeefdrukt door Hendrik Tillema; het papier is een Hahnemühle mat-hoog wit, 330 gr. m². De oplage is 60 ex. genummerd en gesigneerd door de kunstenaars.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 643557
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 549.07 | £UK 418.75 | JP¥ 81662]
Keywords: kunst

 AGRAWALA, V.S., Siva Mahadeva. The great God. An exposition of the symbolism of Siva.
Siva Mahadeva. The great God. An exposition of the symbolism of Siva.
Benares, Veda Academy, 1966. 66 pp. + 32 plates. Hardcover + dustjacket. Illustrations. dustjacket slightly damaged, front- and endpapers spotted, otherwise in a good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 631940
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 164.72 | £UK 125.75 | JP¥ 24499]
Keywords: kunst

Dokumenta 11_Platform 5: Ausstellung + Katalog Appendix. 2 volumes.
Ostfildern-Ruit, Cantz, 2002. 620, 50 pp. Hardcover + dustjacket + Paperback. Illustrations. dustjacket a bit spotted, good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641057
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.91 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8166]
Keywords: kunst

 ANTHELME, GILLE, DUESBERG, LÉON, MESENS, E.L.T., NEUHUYS, PAUL, THIALET, GEORGES, (RED.), Sélection chronique de la vie artistique et littéraire. 4me. Nouvelle série. Tome I - II. 1924 - 1925. 2 volumes.
Sélection chronique de la vie artistique et littéraire. 4me. Nouvelle série. Tome I - II. 1924 - 1925. 2 volumes.
N.p., n.p, 1924-1925. 448, 424 pp. Halfleather bindings with marbled boards. Illustrations. spine volume 1 damaged, spine volume 2 loose, 4 plates of Kisling are missing, otherwise in good condition
¶ Directeurs André de Ridder, P.G. van Hecke. Tome I (Octobre 1924 - Février 1925), Tome II (Mars - Juillet 1925) Texts by Tristan Tzara, Paul van Ostayen, Philippe Soupault, André de Ridder a.o.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 637952
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Keywords: kunst

 ANTHELME, GILLE, DUESBERG, LÉON, MESENS, E.L.T., NEUHUYS, PAUL, THIALET, GEORGES, (RED.), Sélection chronique de la vie artistique et littéraire. Cinquième année, Nouvelle série. Tome I - II. 1925 - 1926. 2 volumes.
Sélection chronique de la vie artistique et littéraire. Cinquième année, Nouvelle série. Tome I - II. 1925 - 1926. 2 volumes.
N.p., n.p, 1925-1926. 416, 444 pp. Halfleather bindings with marbled boards. Illustrations. spines both volumes damaged, textblock volume 2 a bit waterstained, waterstaining in text and on illustrations in volume 1, underlinings in red and blue pencil in volume 2, some waterstaining in volume 1, otherwise in good condition
¶ Directeurs André de Ridder, P.G. van Hecke. Tome I (Octobre 1925 - Février 1926), Tome II (Mars - Juillet 1926) Texts by Tristan Tzara, André de Rider, Roger Avermaete, Prandello, Philippe Soupault a.o.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 637979
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Keywords: kunst

 ANZINGER, SIEGFRIED, Werke auf Papier. Works on paper 30 x 41 cm. 2001 -2004. Herausgegeben von/Edited by Siegfried Gohr und/and Klaus Thoman. Mit Texten von/With texts by Antonia Hoerschelmann/and Siegfried Gohr.
Werke auf Papier. Works on paper 30 x 41 cm. 2001 -2004. Herausgegeben von/Edited by Siegfried Gohr und/and Klaus Thoman. Mit Texten von/With texts by Antonia Hoerschelmann/and Siegfried Gohr.
Köln, Snoeck, 2004. 223 pp. Hardcover + dustjacket. Illustrations. dustjacket a little bit damaged, otherwise in a good condition
¶ Oblong size. Exposition catalogue/Ausstellungskatalog
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 634050
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.45 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4083]
Keywords: kunst

 ARETS, WIEL, COSTA, X., (ED.), Wiel Arets. Photographs by Hélène Binet.
Wiel Arets. Photographs by Hélène Binet.
Barcelona, Poligrafa, 2002. 326 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Illustrations. good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 625085
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 21.96 | £UK 16.75 | JP¥ 3266]
Keywords: kunst; architectuur

De hand en de stem.
Z.p, z.u., 1995. Ongebonden katernen met omslag + cassette. 38,5 x 26,5 cm. Gesigneerd. 22/50. goede staat
¶ 'De hand en de stem' werd gezet uit de Pascal en gedrukt op bfk Rives door Hein Elferink. Oplage van vijftig genummerde en gesigneerde exemplaren. De zes litho's werden gedrukt door de Steendrukkerij Amsterdam. Binderij Phoenix verzorgde de overslagdoos.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 643562
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 494.17 | £UK 376.75 | JP¥ 73496]
Keywords: Kunst

The recital.
Gent, Ergo Pers , 2009. Sewn + slip case. Illustrations. 1 of 5 loose prints is missing, otherwise in good condition
¶ The Recital / Le Recital, a prose poem by John Ashberry, bilingual edition in a French translation by Franck André Jamme, in close collaboration with the author and Marie-France Azar, published in October, 2009, by Ergo Pers, Ghent. Each copy includes five original etchings by Hanns Schimansky, and signed on the colophon page by the author, the artist and the translator, and is further accompanied by a suite of five loose prints of the same etchings, signed and numbered by the artist. The Recital / Le Recital is printed in a limited edition of forty copies, numbered in Arabic numerals, with an additional series of twelve reserved copies for the author, the artist and the translator, numbered I-XII. A separate edition of six copies, reserved for participating collaborators and numbered A-F, consists of six original etchings, instead of five. The etchings were printed in Berlin by Fritze Margull. The text is set in Garamond and printed on 230-gramm Hahnemüller paper. Typography, design and printing are by Rein Ergo.This is number 17 (of 40). Oblong size.
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641835
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 823.61 | £UK 628 | JP¥ 122493]
Keywords: kunst

 BAILEY, WILLIAM, STRAND, M., William Bailey.
William Bailey.
New York, Abrams, 1987. 80 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Illustrations. dustjacket a bit damaged, stamp on endpaper, otherwise in good condition
¶ Oblong size
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 634053
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.45 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4083]
Keywords: kunst

 BARRETT, B.D., North Sea artists' colonies, 1880-1920. Their development and rôle in marketing modernism with particular reference to the coast of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
North Sea artists' colonies, 1880-1920. Their development and rôle in marketing modernism with particular reference to the coast of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
Groningen, N.p., 2008. 303 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. Illustrations. Thesis. good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 616920
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.47 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2450]
Keywords: kunst

K.P.C. de Bazel - Architect.
Leiden, UP, 1965. 245 pp. Ingenaaid. Bibliografie. Portret. Illustraties. Dissertatie + stellingen. onderzijde rug beschadigd, verder in goede staat
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641020
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.91 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8166]
Keywords: kunst; architectuur

 BECK, T., The embroiderer's flowers.
The embroiderer's flowers.
Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1997. (3rd.). 160 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. Illustrations. front cover and endpaper slightly spotted, spine a bit discoloured, good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 633802
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 21.96 | £UK 16.75 | JP¥ 3266]
Keywords: kunst; toegepaste kunst

Der Sieg des neuen Baustils.
Stuttgart, Wedekind, 1927. 63 pp. Sewn. Illustrations. cover damaged, previous owner's name on title page, paper browned as usual, otherwise in good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 641018
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 164.72 | £UK 125.75 | JP¥ 24499]
Keywords: kunst; fotografie

 BENESCH, O., AUER, E.M., Die Historia Friderici et Maximiliani.
Die Historia Friderici et Maximiliani.
Berlin, Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, 1957. 142 pp. Cloth. Illustrations. (Denkmaler deutscher Kunst) owner's name, spine discoloured, frontcover spotted, otherwise in good condition
Antiquariaat IsisProfessional seller
Book number: 574257
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.47 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2450]
Keywords: kunst

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