Myers, Paul F. and W. Parker Mauldin:
Population of the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. U. S. Department of Commerce / Bureau of the Census. (=Intern. Population Statistics Reports, Series P-90; No. 1).
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952. 95 S., with tables and cards. 26,5 cm, Paperback Ex.-Libr., Good condition. Note of ownership. Slightly brownish cover. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas Haker
Professional sellerBook number: 807526
€ 13.20 [Appr.: US$ 14.58 | £UK 11.25 | JP¥ 2058]
Keywords: Westdeutschland, Westberlin, BRD, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Landeskunde, Länderkunde, Bevölkerung, Bevölkerungsstatistik, Statistik