Antiquariaat Goltzius: Travel Travel
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Journal des Voyages et des aventures de terre et de mer, 1880-1881
Paris, Librairie Illustré/Librairie M. Dreyfous, 1880-1881, complete edition of a year of this periodical. Nr. 157-181 (pages 1-420), 182-208 (pages 1-420), many woodengraved illustrations and maps, half linnen binding with gold lettering on spine, usual wear and tear.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65661
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

Journal des Voyages et des aventures de terre et de mer 1879-1880
Paris, Librairie Illustré/M. Dreyfous, 1879-1880, complete edition of this periodical. Juillet a Decembre 1879, tome 5: Nr.105-130 (pages 1-420), tome 6: Janvier a June 1880: nrs. 131-156 (pages 1-420), many woodengraved illustrations and maps, half linnen binding with gold lettering on spine, some minor damage to spine. Some staining throughout.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65702
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

 , Journal van eene reis naar Dusseldorp (Dusseldorf) door de volgende personen: Evert de Jager, Pieter Groen, Arie de Bruijn and Pieter Honigh (with their wives).
Journal van eene reis naar Dusseldorp (Dusseldorf) door de volgende personen: Evert de Jager, Pieter Groen, Arie de Bruijn and Pieter Honigh (with their wives).
Manuscript, travel diary, 25 Julij 1830- 5 Augustus 1830, handwritten in ink, 13,5x8,5cm, 16pp. on laid paper, contemporary paper softcover binding, 4 men and their wives travel to Dusseldorp (currently Dusseldorf, Germany). They travel with two coaches from Michiel Duits. After a lunch at De Vogelstruijs owned by J. van Beusekom, Vreeburg Utrecht (no doubt for the horses) they travel to Driebergen to spend the night. The second night was spent at the Posthuis outside the gates of Arnhem owned by Bungers. The following day is spent in the city and the surroundings of Arnhem (Biljoen, Beekhuis, Rozendaal). Next day they visit Nijmegen. On their way to Kleef (Kleve) they stayed at the Diergaarde owned by Robbers. They visited Kleef and went to the grave of Prins Maurits (locally called "Kermisdal"), at Dusseldorf they stayed at the inn called "3 rijkskronen" (Drei Reichskronen" owned by Beecking (?), the city is inspected and the surroundings as well. The author is a great fan of the German cuisine. On the 1st of August they take a steamship to travel to Duisberg (Duisburg), they meet Mr van Exter (Etten, Esten?) aboard, They arrive in Nijmegen and stay there. The next day they return via Arnhem and sleep at Zutphen in De Hollandsche Tuin owned by Wenink. They admire the church and continue their trip to Het Loo where they can not visit the palace as the royal family is in residence. But they visit the park nevertheless. They arrive in Voorthuizen and stay at the house of Mr Thomasse. The following night they stay at Weduwe Svchimmel in Soestdijk and visited the park of the palace there. The next day they visited Soestdijk Palace itself owned by the crownprince where they admire the painting by Pieneman of the battle at Quatre Bras (Waterloo). They return from Soestdijk through Hilversum and Amsterdam to eventually reach their hometown (Zaandijk, Koog aan den Zaan?). Interesting short travel diary of four couples travelling through the Netherlands and a part of Germany in 1830. See also 71879 for another diary possibly by the same author.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71877
€  207.00 [Appr.: US$ 229.06 | £UK 174.5 | JP¥ 33461]

[Kist, Willem]
Karakterschetsen, zeden en gewoonten van Nederlandsche ... Amsterdam: E. Maaskamp [1816], facsimile-reprint Haarlem: Erato, 2000.
Gebonden in kunstleren band, 16+376 p., ill.l De reprint bevat geen informatie over de auteur, evenmin over het feit dat er geen verdere delen zijn verschenen!
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 15469
€  74.75 [Appr.: US$ 82.72 | £UK 63.25 | JP¥ 12083]
Catalogue: Travel

10 9x21 photographic postcards of Kastell Saalburg. Part of the postcarts remains after sending it. The pictures are repeated on these parts.The Saalburg is a Roman fort located on the main ridge of the Taunus, northwest of Bad Homburg, Hesse, Germany. It is a cohort fort, part of the Limes. appr 1910-1930.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71082
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

 , Kiev 20 photographs 1967
Kiev 20 photographs 1967
Collection of 20 b/w photographs of the city of Kiev from 1967. 9x6cm. in original paper folder.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 69809
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

 , Kraal's Nieuwe (kleine) Gids Zeist met uitstapjes in den omtrek, 3 kaarten en talrijke fraaie illustraties.
Kraal's Nieuwe (kleine) Gids Zeist met uitstapjes in den omtrek, 3 kaarten en talrijke fraaie illustraties.
Zeist, Kraal, [1900-1910?], 32pp. original softcover paper binding, many illustratons in the text, interesting advertissements, two maps in the text, one large fold out map, some damage to edges, not in KB. Scarce.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71092
€  80.50 [Appr.: US$ 89.08 | £UK 68 | JP¥ 13013]
Catalogue: Travel

Lac Leman
Zurich, Wehrli, [1900-1910], 33 views and a map of the lake next to Geneva. Original softcover illustrated binding.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71432
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

Lac Leman
Zurich, Photoglob, [after 1910], 40 views of the lake next to Geneva. Original softcover illustrated binding.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71433
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

Littoral Cote d'Azur Album de 64 vues.
Nice, J. Giletta, [1900?], 64 photographic views of the cote d'azur. attractive plates, texts in French, German and English. Original illustrated linen binding. Oblong.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71430
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

 , Lotgevallen en jammerlijk uiteinde van Mevrouw de Budoy, in de maand Januarij 1814, geheel naakt en levende in het Pijreneesch gebergte, departement van l'Arrie`ge, kanton van Vicdessos, gevonden. uit het Fransch vertaald.
Lotgevallen en jammerlijk uiteinde van Mevrouw de Budoy, in de maand Januarij 1814, geheel naakt en levende in het Pijreneesch gebergte, departement van l'Arrie`ge, kanton van Vicdessos, gevonden. uit het Fransch vertaald.
Amsterdam, H. Timmer, 1817, 1st and only edition, 304 pages, engraved titlepage with vignet by P. Velyn, depicting the nude Ms Budoij/Budoy under attack from bears, only front of original paper on board binding remains, back missing, last 25 pages show damage by mice on bottom part of the page, the text however complete, soiling to the pages, edges frayed, the book shows considerable wear and tear, very rare book, according to Worldcat only in three libraries available in the world.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65261
€  339.25 [Appr.: US$ 375.41 | £UK 286 | JP¥ 54838]
Catalogue: Travel

Maastricht, leporello postcards (12) of Maastricht,
Den Haag, Weenenk & Snel, [1900-1930?], attractive postcards of Maastricht in leparello binding.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71077
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.81 | £UK 24.25 | JP¥ 4647]
Catalogue: Travel

Magazijn der nieuwste en meest belangrijke reisbeschrijvingen; een tijdschrift, bevattende eene keur uit de nieuwste ... reisbeschrijvingen, zevende deel, 13e en 14e stuk,
Amsterdam, Diederichs, 1823, 188+192 pages, frontispiece 13e stuk, portrait by W.H. Hoogkamer of Mahmud II, frontispiece of 14e stuk (with titlepage) plate "Het kasteel en de hoofdkerk van Segova" by W.H. Hoogkamer, half leather binding, title and "7" on spine, marbled boards, from the library of Doctrina & Amicitia, Amsterdam, with accounts of: Gustaaf Feldham's Griekenland, James Prior, oostkust van Afrika, J.L. Burckhardt, Twede reis oor Nubien 1813-1814, W. Wilkinson: beschrijvig Wallachye en Moldavie, Engelse zeemagt, ontdekking der Russen, Baron Wrangel: Kusten der Yszee, allerlei uit Spanje, Bericht republiek Andorra, Prins Wallis eiland, staat van Poyais, Haity, Noordpoollanden, Behringstraat, St Georges, Newfoundland, Selinginsk, Bureten, Niger, Kenn in de perzische golf, Ruppel in Arabie en Egypte, kapitein Parry, Indie. Saakes 7 (1820), p. 156 t/m Saakes 8 (1826), p. 205
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66673
€  189.75 [Appr.: US$ 209.97 | £UK 160 | JP¥ 30672]
Catalogue: Travel

Magazijn der nieuwste en meest belangrijke reisbeschrijvingen; een tijdschrift, bevattende eene keur uit de nieuwste ... reisbeschrijvingen, zesde deel, 11e en 12e stuk
Amsterdam, Diederichs, 1822, 187+191 pages, frontispiece 11e stuk, landscape by W.H. Hoogkamer of De stad Bern in Zwitserland, frontispiece of 12e stuk (with titlepage) plate "Ingang tot eene waterleiding naby Malacca" by W.H. Hoogkamer, half leather binding, title and "6" on spine, marbled boards, from the library of Doctrina & Amicitia, Amsterdam, with accounts of: Travel from Breslau to Rome in 1818 Toussaint von Charpentier, Tweede reis in Nubien, J.L. Burckhardt in 1813-1814, James Prior, Afrika, Ierland Heinrich Meidinger, Weenen (Vienna), schets Konstantinopel, Geschiedenis Indischen archipel by John Crawfurd, tweede reis door Nubien, Armenie en Perzie 1805-1806 Amadeus Jaubert, Dr Hbbert, Shetland-Eilanden, Steengroeven in den St Pietersberg bij Maastricht door Bory de St. Vincent. Saakes 7 (1820), p. 156 t/m Saakes 8 (1826), p. 205
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66674
€  189.75 [Appr.: US$ 209.97 | £UK 160 | JP¥ 30672]
Catalogue: Travel

Malerische Ansichten von SchloB und Stadt Heidelberg nach Bildern von H. Hoffmann.
Heidelberg, Kunstverlag Edm. von Konig, 1900-1920, 12 leparello romantic colour reproductions of paintings by H. Hoffmann. Attractive souvenir.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67274
€  23.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.45 | £UK 19.5 | JP¥ 3718]
Catalogue: Travel

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