Antiquariaat Goltzius: Religion
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Levensbericht van den wel-eerwaarden zeer geleerden heer Henricus Cats, Laatst predikant te Leiden
Offprint 'Boekzaal' januarij 1833. 7 pp. [Te bekomen in de boekwinkel van de Wed. D. du Saar te Leiden]. Henricus Cats was a Dutch clergyman (1785-1832)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66514
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.21 | £UK 24.5 | JP¥ 4801]

De ARCHIEVEN van de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk in korte overzichten. Deel II: Leiden 1974, 212 p. (Zuid-Holland, Zeeland).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 80
€  23.00 [Appr.: US$ 24.97 | £UK 19.5 | JP¥ 3840]
Catalogue: Religion

Arnold, Godfried
Waare afbeelding der eerste Christenen. Vertaald uit het Duits door W. Sewel, 2 delen, Amsterdam, v. Hardenberg e.a., 1700-1701, (28)+707+(12)+568+(12) pag. Geheel leer, goed exemplaar.
Geillustreerd met 93 prenten door Jan Luyken. Aantekening op schutblad van Johan Erkelens (1722) en P.C. van Immerzeel te Zierikzee (ca. 1800?).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 25104
€  1029.25 [Appr.: US$ 1117.48 | £UK 868.75 | JP¥ 171858]
Catalogue: Religion

Archief voor kerkelyke en wereldlyke geschiedenis van Nederland, meer bepaaldelyk van Utrecht (als vervolg op het Archief ... door wijlen den heer J.J. Dodt van Flensburg). 2 dln. Utrecht 1850-1851, 376, 298 p.
Uitgave van stukken betreffende Utrecht tijdens bisschop Frederik van Baden, 1496-1517 en Philips van Bourgondië 1517-1520. In 1853 zou nog een derde deel verschijnen.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 94
€  92.00 [Appr.: US$ 99.89 | £UK 77.75 | JP¥ 15362]
Catalogue: Religion

Zendeling H. van Dijken. Zijn leven en arbeid op Halmaheira. door M.J. van Baarda, zendeling te Duma.
Nijmegen, P.J. Milborn, [ca 1900], 99 pages, frontispiece portrait of Hendrik van Dijken, and plate of "zendelingswoning te Duma", original paper binding with text and decoration on front and decoration on back. Spine repaired (back upside down), Halmahera (sometimes also Jilolo, Gilolo, or Jailolo) is an island of the north Molukken in Indonesia between Celebes and the province of Papoea, according to Worldcat only in 4 libraries in the world, not in KB, scarce.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65630
€  109.25 [Appr.: US$ 118.62 | £UK 92.25 | JP¥ 18242]
Catalogue: Religion

Lofrede op Herman Venema.
Amsterdam, R. den Hengst, 1801, xii,99 pages, contemporary blank paper on board binding, solid state, Hermannus (Herman) Venema (Wildervank, 1697 - Leeuwarden, 26 mei 1787) was a Dutch professor in theology at the university of Franeker. Biography written by Jan Bakker (1785-1823 fl.) predikant in Amsterdam. Saakes 3 (1801), p. 283. Not in KB.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66562
€  143.75 [Appr.: US$ 156.07 | £UK 121.5 | JP¥ 24003]

 BALTENSZ., FRANS,, Samaritane ofte Spieghel der Godtsvreesentheyt en Eerbaerheyt (...) Ofte Een woordelijkcke verclaringhe van het vierde Capittel des Evanglist Johanne.
Samaritane ofte Spieghel der Godtsvreesentheyt en Eerbaerheyt (...) Ofte Een woordelijkcke verclaringhe van het vierde Capittel des Evanglist Johanne.
Dordrecht, Frans Baltensz., 1648, 8vo., later full parchment spitsel binding with handwritten title on spine, 51+315 pp., first titlepage shows some restoration work, uncut edges, good copy wih hardly any stains or browning. Includes: "Woordelijcke verklaringhe van thien Capittelen in Johanne". The ten chapters are presented in a surprising order, being: 4 (=Samaritane), 1, 2, 13, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Some chapters have a seperate titlepage: Dordrecht, 1648. Ex Libris stamp: Johs. van Hemert Fz., 5 April 1904, Akkrum. Lit.: Waller 195; Van Doorninck, kol. 176; Scheepers II, 1090 (''rare''); Knuttel, Verb. boeken, 44 (ed. 1635); NNBW VII, col. 73; G.D.J. Schotel, De Samaritane van Frans Baltensz (, 1885); NCC mentions only three copies; Ad 3: Scheepers I, 200; Ad 4: Knuttel 16999.l Curious and rare edition of these almost nonsensical commentaries on ten Gospels of St. John. It was done deliberately in this way by the Anabaptist Frans Baltensz. (first half of the 17th centuy, a printer from Dordrecht). In his biographical article Knipscheer states about this work that it is ''as famous for its unintelligibility, as it is sought-after for its rarity''. It was already forbidden before it was printed. Baltensz. is said to have cut his manuscript to pieces and subsequently printed it in random order.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66427
€  316.25 [Appr.: US$ 343.36 | £UK 267 | JP¥ 52806]
Catalogue: Religion

Vervolg op Flavius Josephus, of algemene historie der joodsche naatsie, behelzende ene uitvoerige beschryving van derzelver regerings-vorm, godsdienst, gezinten en plegtigheden, nevens de veranderingen, daar in voorgevallen: mitsgaders een verhaal van alle oorlogen, weergaloze rampen, wisselvalligheden, verstrooing door de gehele waerelt, die naatsie in Asia, Afrika en Europa overgekomen, de zeltzame wetten en reglementen, in ieder koningryk in harenopzichte van tydt tot tydt gemaakt: waar in men vindt de levens en bedryven der Joodsche Regeerders, Hogepriesters, Opperveltheren, valsche Messiassen, beroemde Mannen en geleerde Schrvers, met een Berecht van derzelver Werken.
Amsterdam, Gerard onder de Linden / Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1726-1727. Two Vol. Folio. Half leather.[wear to edges and spine]. Vol. 1: 658 [44] pp; engraved frontisp.; titlepage printed in red/black, engraved vignette; engraved portrait of Eigidius van den Bempden, mayor of Amsterdam; engr. portrait of Jakob Basnage.List of subscribers [few pages dampstained and strengthened] Vol 2: titlepage, engraved vignette [4] 659-1940 pp. [first pag. strengthened] Part of the engravings are by Jan and Kaspar Luyken (See: W.C.Poortman, Bijbel en Prent, deel IIb, pp. 235-240)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65960
€  569.25 [Appr.: US$ 618.05 | £UK 480.5 | JP¥ 95050]
Catalogue: Asia Religion

 BAYLY, D. LODOVICUS,, De practijcke ofte oeffeninge der godsaligheyt. Leerende een Christen mensche hoe hy in sijn wandel van zijn gantsche leven Godt behagen magh.
De practijcke ofte oeffeninge der godsaligheyt. Leerende een Christen mensche hoe hy in sijn wandel van zijn gantsche leven Godt behagen magh.
Delft (Delff), Abraham Dissius, 1678, 8vo., full parchment spitsel binding, with handwritten title on spine, 477+[3] pp., smudged parchment, some sign of worming, some stains, some browing of the pages, damaged front hinge, titlepage fragile along the edges, printer's mark on titlepage depicting Abraham about to sacrifice his son Isaac, decorative initial. Mostly printed in a Gothic font, some lines in a Roman font. l Translation by Everhardum Schuttenium with added notes by Gisbertus Voetius.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 66632
€  517.50 [Appr.: US$ 561.86 | £UK 436.75 | JP¥ 86409]
Catalogue: Religion

Bazin, Nicolas (1633-1710) after Lanfranco, Giovanni (1582-1647) published by Mariette, Pierre, II (1634-1716)
'Voicy la Servante du Seigneur'; the Annunciation
Beautiful engraving after the Annunciation by Giovanni Lanfranco, today at the Hermitage: the Virgin kneels on the left while being announced by the Angel, pointing with his hand towards the sky. The dove representing the Holy Spirit appears in between the clouds. The engraving is in revers in respect to the original painting. The print was realized by the French engraver Nicolas Bazin and published by Pierre Mariette. As from the inscription at the bottom left we aknowledge that the painting was painted in Rome: 'Peint á Rome par le Chevalier Lanfranc'; further the address of the seller: 'A Paris chez Basset rue S. Jacques' and 'Mariette excud. 'and eventually: 'N. Bazin'; numbered above on the right: N. 27'l Engraving on paper with wide margins; plate mark: 257 x 192 mm, total: 381 x 286 mm; slight soiling due to handling, light foxing along the margins.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60964
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 187.29 | £UK 145.75 | JP¥ 28803]
Catalogue: Religion

De verhouding van den staat tot de verschillende kerkgenootschappen, 1581-1795, Utrecht 1868, 186 pag., geb. ( dissertatie ).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 39438
€  43.70 [Appr.: US$ 47.45 | £UK 37 | JP¥ 7297]
Catalogue: Religion

Onderzoek naar den rechtstoestand der geestelijke en kerkelijke goederen in Holland na de Reformatie. (Diss.) Amsterdam 1910, 297 pag.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 146
€  86.25 [Appr.: US$ 93.64 | £UK 73 | JP¥ 14402]
Catalogue: Law Religion

Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550)
Job and his friends
Job sitting on the left, talking to his three friends who are also sitting on the ground. Standing behind them Job's wife turned towards her husband with her arms raised. Behind the group a low wall, partially overgrown by vine, in the background some trees and ruins on the right. In the sky behind Job's wife the half-length figure of God the Father. Signed HSB and dated above in the plate. Also lettered along the lower edge: 'NON ESTIS LOQUUTI CORAM ME RECTUM, SICUT SERVUS MEUS HIOB. HIOB 42.' (' You have not spoken of me right like my servant Job. Job 42')l Engraving on paper, trimmed within plate mark, mounted on passeparout; total: 71 x 106; state I/2; some restaurations and thin spots, though interesting; not described in Hollstein, Bartsch 122, Pauli 17
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60750
€  575.00 [Appr.: US$ 624.29 | £UK 485.25 | JP¥ 96010]
Catalogue: Religion

De "vreemde vrouw" in Nederland
Offprint from Magdalena, Evangelisch Jaarboekje voor 1879, 11pp, original paper softcover binding (library stamps and markings), according to Schram written by Willem van den Bergh, clergyman in Voorthuizen. Against prostitution.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 70617
€  34.50 [Appr.: US$ 37.46 | £UK 29.25 | JP¥ 5761]
Catalogue: Religion

De H. Petrus Canisius en het renteverbod.
Offprint from Studien, juli 1925, 35pp. original softcover paper binding.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 71203
€  28.75 [Appr.: US$ 31.21 | £UK 24.5 | JP¥ 4801]
Catalogue: Religion

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