Antiquariaat Goltzius: Haarlem
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 Stafford, J., Eenvoudige en noodige bemerkingen ter ophelderinge van het proces tusschen de regenten van het R.C. godshuis te Haarlem en de executeurs van het testament van wylen Frans van Dyk, als mede ter wederlegginge van zeker boekje, tot tytel voerende 'Consultatie van XXII advokaten van het Parlement van Parys van 11 Nov. 1786'.
Stafford, J.
Eenvoudige en noodige bemerkingen ter ophelderinge van het proces tusschen de regenten van het R.C. godshuis te Haarlem en de executeurs van het testament van wylen Frans van Dyk, als mede ter wederlegginge van zeker boekje, tot tytel voerende 'Consultatie van XXII advokaten van het Parlement van Parys van 11 Nov. 1786'.
Amsterdam, T. Crajenschot, 1787, 8vo., modern binding with black linnen and red/black paper, 256+4 pp., good condition.l Frans van Dyk (provenier of the Haarlem Schutterij - Civil Militia) died in the St. Jacobs Godshuis on March 31st 1785 and left this House of God 1500 guilders. The gift was refused because Van Dyk was not a Roman Catholic but a Jansenist.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 64999
€  258.75 [Appr.: US$ 280.93 | £UK 218.5 | JP¥ 43205]

Sterlincx, Peter
Een corte waerachtighe beschrijvinge van alle Gheschiedenissen, Aenslaghen, Stormen, Schermutsingen, ende Schieten voor de vrome Stadt Haerlem in Hollandt gheschiet. Delft, [A. Hendricksz en wed. H. Schinckel], 1574.
4°, zonder omslag, (52) pag. Met vignet op titelpagina. TB 2952.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 50876
€  1725.00 [Appr.: US$ 1872.87 | £UK 1455.75 | JP¥ 288031]
Catalogue: Haarlem

Vaarzon Morel, W.F.A.J. / J. Feith
Herinnering aan het Bloemen-Corso 12 April 1896.
Haarlem, Bohn, [1896], original illustrated cover by Vaarzon Morel, 32 pages, front and back cover loose, damaged sewing. The printwork is clear with only minor staining. Treatise on the bloemen-corso (flower show in the bollenstreek) of 1896.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 43052
€  57.50 [Appr.: US$ 62.43 | £UK 48.75 | JP¥ 9601]
Catalogue: Haarlem

Velde, Jan van de II (c.1593-1641)
APRILIS [The twelve months with views of Dutch towns; set title]
Representation of the month of April within the series of the 'Twelve months with views on Dutch towns'. Here is 'Het Leeprosen huys by Haerlem', the hospital for the leprous and mentally ill people in Haarlem as it looked in the beginning of the seventeenth century. As a matter of fact this etching is a real document of a building complex that was heavily remodelled during the centuries according to its different functions. In 1320 begun the building of the hospital, just outside the city walls. Here were taken for the quarantine the sicks from lepra and plague but also, since 1560, mentally ill people. This was probably the oldest health institution in the Netherlands. On the left the Sint-Jacobskapel (ca. 1319-1477) and in the center the buildings for the mentally ill. In the foreground a portion of a field where peasants are sowing; on the right foreground two gentlemen on horseback overlooking the landscape. On the right background some boats on a canal. In the sky, above in the center the zodiacal sign of the Taurus. Inscribed on the bottom:'APRILIS' and four lines of Latin text:'Si Ver nidificum venit, et aeidis ... novis seminibus seges.' numbered on the bottom right:'4'l Etching on paper, trimmed to platemark; total: 275 x 363 mm; crease on the top right margin, on the sky, top left corner slightly damages but not affecting the plate; wonderful impression; Franken & van der Kellen (1883) nr. 153, p. 81; hollstein 37
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60574
€  1955.00 [Appr.: US$ 2122.59 | £UK 1649.75 | JP¥ 326435]
Catalogue: Haarlem

Velde, Jan van de II (c.1593-1641), after Hals, Frans (1585-1666)
Portrait of Peter Scriverius
Bust portrait Peter Scriverius (1576-1660) at the age of 50, in an oval frame, holding gloves in his right hand. Scriverius was a writer and scholar on the history of Holland. Inscribed in the oval frame:´PETRVS SCRIVERIVS. LEGENDO ET SCRIBENDO´, on the bottom inscription in Latin:´ILLIVS ORA... DEXTERA PANGET OPVS´, signed at the bottom:´Harlemi Fr. Hals pinxit. I. v. Velde sculpsit.´ On pedestal also the age and the date:´Aetatis 50 / A. 1626.´ l Engraving on paper, with small margins; plate mark: 268 x 157 mm; total: 282 x 164 mm; state III/3; Hollstein 407, Franken 33, Muller 4901
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60694
€  161.00 [Appr.: US$ 174.8 | £UK 136 | JP¥ 26883]

 Vinne, Jan Vincentsz. van der (1663-1721), De Harreberg Emaus [set: 'Gesiten buyten Haarlem'].
Vinne, Jan Vincentsz. van der (1663-1721)
De Harreberg Emaus [set: 'Gesiten buyten Haarlem'].
Figures at the Emaus Inn. On the right a bridge and in the middle two riders. Bottom right numbered: 5.l Etching on paper, trimmed to plate; total: 152 x 190 mm; state II/3 [in Hollstein only until state 2, and yet the third plate with 'PL55'], in outstanding condition; Hollstein 5; Nagler 5, Le Blanc 5, Wurzbach 3; watermark: Crowned G.R. (Churchill 213)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63258
€  402.50 [Appr.: US$ 437 | £UK 339.75 | JP¥ 67207]

 Vinne, Jan Vincentsz. van der (1663-1721), De Hofstede Sparenhout [set: 'Gesiten buyten Haarlem'].
Vinne, Jan Vincentsz. van der (1663-1721)
De Hofstede Sparenhout [set: 'Gesiten buyten Haarlem'].
View of the district of Sparenhout in Haarlem. On the water two sailboats and a rowboat with four figures. Bottom right numbered: 8. Large watermark of Amsterdam. Titled on the bottom: 'De Hofstede Sparenhout'.l Etching on paper, with margins; plate mark: 150 x 190 mm, total: 173 x 213 mm; state III/3, in very good condition; Hollstein 8.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63256
€  368.00 [Appr.: US$ 399.55 | £UK 310.75 | JP¥ 61447]

Haarlemsche Goud- en Zilversmeden en hunne merken
haarlem, de Erven F. Bohn, 1928. Original wrappers. 237 pp. l (24) 237 pp. Dutch text, illustrated. With reproductions of numerous marks. Original wrappers Bookblock loose in wrappers. Usual foxing. Loosely inserted a plano advertisement on other books on silver. With a list of names of silversmiths working in Haarlem.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 67102
€  57.50 [Appr.: US$ 62.43 | £UK 48.75 | JP¥ 9601]
Catalogue: Haarlem Silver

Winckler, Jean Benoit (17..-17..)
Vuë apres la Melckbrugg, sur la Spaarne a Haarlem (mirrored)
ca. 1770-1780 346 x 498 mm (plate: 293 x 420 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour Collection des Prospects. Vuë apres la Melckbrugg, sur la Spaarne a Haarlem. Prospect beij der Melckbrug, über die Sparne, in Haarlem. Vuë apres la Melckbrugg, sur la Spaarne a Haarlem. Gravé par Jean Benoit Winckler. Se vend á Augsbourg au Negoce comun de l'Academie Imperiale d'Empire des Arts libereaux avec Privilege de Sa Majesté Imperiale et avec Defense ni d'en faire ni de vendre les Copies. Right bottom corner missing. Light discolouration on top right. Overall good state. l Optical view on the river the Spaarne in Haarlem. On the right the 'Melkbrug' (milkbridge) is depicted. An impressive ship sails through the canal. The print is beautifully hand coloured. It is uncommon to see detail in the way the print is coloured, as s
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61153
€  517.50 [Appr.: US$ 561.86 | £UK 436.75 | JP¥ 86409]

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