Aeschyli tragoediae. Recensuit Godofredus Hermannus.
Leipzig (Lipsiae), Apud Weidmannos, 1852. 2 volumes: XVII,453;674 p., engraved portrait of G. Hermann. Half calf. 23.5 cm (Wartelle p. 94: édition critique importante) (Volume 1 text, volume 2 commentary) (Binding worn at the extremes. Front joint of volume 2 splitting. Paper yellowing, foxed. Name on the title page)
Antiquariaat Fragmenta Selecta
Professional sellerBook number: 156824
€ 160.00 [Appr.: US$ 166.48 | £UK 135.25 | JP¥ 26073]
Keywords: Aeschylus Aischylos Altertumswissenschaft Greek literature Griechische Literatur Tragödie antike altertum antiquity classical philology tragedy