Antiquariaat Fenix Amsterdam: Theatre
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 , Catalogus Vink's toneelwerken: Seizoen 1948-1949.
Catalogus Vink's toneelwerken: Seizoen 1948-1949.
N.V. Vink's uitgeversmaatschappij: Alkmaar, 1948. Geniet met papieren omslag. Roestvlekken rondom nietjes. Wat versleten rug. 18.6x13.4x0.7 cm. In goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 41679
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.58 | £UK 12.5 | JP„ 2379]
Catalogue: Theatre

 , Jan Fabre: De macht der theaterlijke dwaasheden. Die Macht der theaterliche Torheiten. The power of theatrical madness. Le pouvoir des folies theatrales.
Jan Fabre: De macht der theaterlijke dwaasheden. Die Macht der theaterliche Torheiten. The power of theatrical madness. Le pouvoir des folies theatrales.
Primo Dello Spettacolo: Venetiƫ, 1984. Paperback, ongepagineerd. [24pp].Foto's. Quadrilingual edition: Dutch/English/German/French. 20,5x26,5x0,2cm. Verkleurde paginaranden, in goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 46066
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.97 | £UK 21 | JP„ 3965]
Catalogue: Theatre

 , Kinheim's Toneelwerken 1949-'50.
Kinheim's Toneelwerken 1949-'50.
Kinheim: Beverwijk, zonder jaartal. Geniet met papieren omslag 52 pp. Toneelfonds Kinheim. 18.5x12.3x0.3 cm. In goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 41677
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.58 | £UK 12.5 | JP„ 2379]
Catalogue: Theatre

9789079020195 , Theater Levano.
Theater Levano.
Huis Clos/Rimberg, Amsterdam, 2013. Huis Clos 46. Ingenaaid, 140 pp., incl. dvd., 15x24x1,5 cm, in goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 42383
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.58 | £UK 12.5 | JP„ 2379]
Catalogue: Theatre

9780739100905 Bahrdt, Carl Friedrich, The Edict of Religion: A comedy and The story and Diary of My Imprisonment.
Bahrdt, Carl Friedrich
The Edict of Religion: A comedy and The story and Diary of My Imprisonment.
Lexington Books: Lanham / Boulder / New York, 2000. Paperback 131 pp. Light traces of use on cover, light faded spine. Translated, edited, and with an introduction by John Christian Laursen and Johan van der Zande. About the editors. 23x14.8x1 cm. In very good condition.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 36639
€  8.00 [Appr.: US$ 8.31 | £UK 6.75 | JP„ 1269]
Catalogue: Theatre

9780863581199 Banks, M. & Swift, A, The Joke's on Us: Women in Comedy from Music Hall to the Present Day.
Banks, M. & Swift, A
The Joke's on Us: Women in Comedy from Music Hall to the Present Day.
London, Pandora Press. 1987. Paperback. 294pp. Traces of use on cover. Illustrated With B/W Photographs, index. 23 x15x 1,7cm. In very good condition.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 19245
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.39 | £UK 8.5 | JP„ 1586]
Catalogue: Theatre

 Batenburg, Harry van, Betsie of De grijns om de duiten.
Batenburg, Harry van
Betsie of De grijns om de duiten.
Toneelfonds Jan Grosfeld: Berlicum, zonder jaartal. Geniet met papieren omslag. Roestvorming rondom nietjes. Enkele pagina's met onderstrepingen met kleurpotlood. Klucht in drie bedrijven. 18.8x12.8x0.6 cm. In goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 41678
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.58 | £UK 12.5 | JP„ 2379]
Catalogue: Theatre

 Beaver, Patrick, The Spice of Life: Pleasures of the Victorian Age.
Beaver, Patrick
The Spice of Life: Pleasures of the Victorian Age.
Elm Tree Books: London, Cloth with dustwrapper, 131 pp., with black-and-white photo's, 16x23x1 cm, in very good condition but lightly faded spine dustwrapper.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 26203
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.39 | £UK 8.5 | JP„ 1586]
Catalogue: Theatre

9789061434733 Capek, Karel, De Witte Ziekte.
Capek, Karel
De Witte Ziekte.
Pegasus & Stichting Slavische Literatuur: Amsterdam, 2020. 20x12.5x0.7 cm. In nieuwstaat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 52364
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.39 | £UK 8.5 | JP„ 1586]
Catalogue: Theatre

 Currimbhoy, Asif, The Doldrummers, The Dumb Dancer and OM: Three plays.
Currimbhoy, Asif
The Doldrummers, The Dumb Dancer and OM: Three plays.
Soraya Publishers: Bombay, 1962. Sewn with dustwrapper, 222 pp., with 6 plates of black-and-white photo's, 14x20x1 cm, in very good condition but some wear on dustwrapper.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 25409
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.39 | £UK 8.5 | JP„ 1586]
Catalogue: Theatre

9780240806648 DeKoven, Lenore, Changing Direction: A practical approach to directing actors in film and theatre.
DeKoven, Lenore
Changing Direction: A practical approach to directing actors in film and theatre.
Elsevier: Amsterdam / New York / Paris, 2006. Paperback 193 pp. Appendix A and B, glossary, index. 22.8x15.3x1.4 cm.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 33820
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.58 | £UK 12.5 | JP„ 2379]
Catalogue: Theatre

9789085425946 Dries, Luk van den, Het Geopende Lichaam: Verzamelde opstellen over Jan Fabre.
Dries, Luk van den
Het Geopende Lichaam: Verzamelde opstellen over Jan Fabre.
Bezige Bij: Antwerpen, 2014. Paperback 286 pp. Lichte gebruikssporen aan omslag. Noten. 21.5x14x2.4 cm. In zeer goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 40781
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.47 | £UK 10 | JP„ 1903]
Catalogue: Theatre

9789023416197 Ferron, Louis, Hoe Mozart Casanova Sloeg: Libretto.
Ferron, Louis
Hoe Mozart Casanova Sloeg: Libretto.
Bezige Bij: Amsterdam, 2004. Paperback, 147 pp., geschreven in opdracht van Orkater, 12x20x1 cm, in zeer goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 31709
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.47 | £UK 10 | JP„ 1903]
Catalogue: Theatre

9780563203667 Frow, Gerald, Oh Yes It Is! A history of pantomime.
Frow, Gerald
Oh Yes It Is! A history of pantomime.
British Broadcasting Corporation: London, 1985. Hardcover with dustwrapper, 192 pp., 16x23x2 cm, in very good condition but small tear in dustwrapper.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 27072
€  16.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.62 | £UK 13.5 | JP„ 2537]
Catalogue: Theatre

 Gerdas, P, Hij is Onschuldig.
Gerdas, P
Hij is Onschuldig.
P. Vink: Antwerpen, zonder jaartal. Ingenaaid met papieren omslag 36 pp. Klucht in 1 bedrijf.17x13x0.4 cm. In goede staat.
Antiquariaat Fenix AmsterdamProfessional seller
Book number: 41681
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.58 | £UK 12.5 | JP„ 2379]
Catalogue: Theatre

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