't Duveltje: Economie
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Si-Si - De meest winstgevende route - Standaard verkoop trainingscursus Vrumona.
N.V. Bedrijfscentrale voor het Koolzuurhoudende en Alcolholvrije Drankbedrijf te Bunnik, 1954- 136 pp. hardcover met stofomslag in fraaie staat incl. losse blz. zelftest.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1210
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.65 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2333]
Catalogue: Economie

De nieuwe multinationals / hoe bedrijven uit Brazilië,China, korea en Mexico westerse markten overnemen.
Business Contact ISBN: 9789047000259, 2007, 415pp, Paperback *KEURIG*.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1309
€  5.63 [Appr.: US$ 6.25 | £UK 4.75 | JP¥ 876]
Catalogue: Economie

9789052600246 Arnoldus, Doreen, Family, family firm, and strategy ; Six Dutch family firms in the food industry 1880-1970.
Arnoldus, Doreen
Family, family firm, and strategy ; Six Dutch family firms in the food industry 1880-1970.
Aksant, Amsterdam, 2002-448 pp. Paperback, ingenaaid keurig. The family firm is the predominant form of private business in industrial capitalism. This study analyses the entrepreneurial strategies of six Dutch family firms in the period between 1880 until 1970. The in-depth case studies reconstruct the succession.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1498
€  37.50 [Appr.: US$ 41.62 | £UK 31.75 | JP¥ 5833]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: 9789052600246

Competentiemanagement. The essence is human competence.
Acco, Leuven/ Leusen, 2001 1e druk Paperback, 192pp., in fraaie staat maar met sticker 7,5 x 3,5 cm.op de kaft geen aantekeningen, onderstrepingen markeringen etc.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1271
€  5.63 [Appr.: US$ 6.25 | £UK 4.75 | JP¥ 876]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords:  9789033445941

The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street.
New York, Free Press MacMillan. 1993, 340 pp. Large paperback ills.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-581
€  7.46 [Appr.: US$ 8.28 | £UK 6.5 | JP¥ 1160]
Catalogue: Economie

Boelens, Maria
Klanten komen altijd van rechts / verhoog de klantgerichtheid met je medewerkers.
Academic service, 2013, 144pp, Gebonden, boek is in uitstekende staat.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1445
€  9.50 [Appr.: US$ 10.54 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1478]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: 9789462200159

Boom, G. van
Beleggen in vastgoed.
Verbum, uitgeverij, 2007-202 pp. geillustreerde hardcover keurig/ als nieuw.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1430
€  14.50 [Appr.: US$ 16.09 | £UK 12.25 | JP¥ 2255]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: : 9789074274104

Cool brands, de coolste merken van nederland.
COOL UNLIMITED SUPERBRANDS 2004, 101 pp + XXVII Geil. Hardcover, *KEURIG*.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1056
€  5.63 [Appr.: US$ 6.25 | £UK 4.75 | JP¥ 876]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: 9780954751036

9780199250837 Clark, Gordon L., Oxford Handbook Of Economic Geography.
Clark, Gordon L.
Oxford Handbook Of Economic Geography.
Oxford University Press, 2009-760 pp. Paperback goed/zeer goed ills. Schoon, d.w.z. geen markeringen, aantekeningen, onderstrepingen. Presents a comprehensive statement about the value and potential of economic geography. From general statements about the history and evolution of the field to statements about the crucial problems of economic geography, this book is concerned with the rival theories and perspectives that have sustained the growth of economic geography.This is the most comprehensive and significant statement about the value and potential of economic geography in thirty years. More than forty leading economists and geographers from around the world investigate the rival theories and perspectives that have sustained the recent development of economic geography, and offer stimulating insights into the emerging global economy of the twenty-first century. The editors have outstanding reputations for original research at the boundaries of economics and geography. They have taught in leading U. S. and European universities, and have contributed to significant debates about the theory of economic geography and its applications to public policy. The handbook is devoted to the frontiers of the field, eschewing nostalgia for the past in favour of contributions relevant to the emerging global economy of the twenty-first century. From general statements about the history and evolution of the field to statements about the crucial problems of economic geography, it is concerned with the rival theories and perspectives that have sustained the recent growth of economic geography. Always provocative and challenging, it will continue to define the terms of debate for the coming decade.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1501
€  17.50 [Appr.: US$ 19.42 | £UK 15 | JP¥ 2722]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: 9780199250837

9789057420054 Davids, C.A. /W. Fritschy/  L.A. van der Valk, Kapitaal, Ondernemerschap en Beleid. Studies over Economie en Politiek in Nederland. Europa en Azië van 1500 tot heden. Afscheidsbundel voor prof. dr. P.W. Klein (NEHA seris III).
Davids, C.A. /W. Fritschy/ L.A. van der Valk
Kapitaal, Ondernemerschap en Beleid. Studies over Economie en Politiek in Nederland. Europa en Azië van 1500 tot heden. Afscheidsbundel voor prof. dr. P.W. Klein (NEHA seris III).
Neha, 1996, 624 pp. hardcover met stofomslag/papieren wikkel keurig/ als nieuw.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1496
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.1 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1555]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: 9789057420054

Grondbeginselen der economie.
G. J. A. Ruys-Utrecht, 3e druk 1923, hardcover, 290 pp 15x21 cm linnen lichte pigmentvormingop de schede.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-673
€  3.75 [Appr.: US$ 4.16 | £UK 3.25 | JP¥ 583]
Catalogue: Economie

Blauw bloed - opkomst en ondergang van de postbank.
Pearson Education Benelux , 2009- 272 pp. Paperback *KEURIG*.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1137
€  5.63 [Appr.: US$ 6.25 | £UK 4.75 | JP¥ 876]
Catalogue: Economie

The Risk of Economic Crisis.
The University of Chicago Press (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Reports) 1991, Paperback. 8vo, 197pp, indices (plastic frontplate demaged).
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-561
€  5.63 [Appr.: US$ 6.25 | £UK 4.75 | JP¥ 876]
Catalogue: Economie

Ferwerda, Philip L.
Zo lees je de jaarrekening / snel oordelen over de financiele positie van een bedrijf of instelling.
Eburon Business, 2012, 130pp, paperback keurig/ als nieuw.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1462
€  9.95 [Appr.: US$ 11.04 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1548]
Catalogue: Economie
Keywords: 9789059726918

Groot, J.
Wie is Bata (Bat'a) en wat wil hij.
Albani, 1939, 232 pp. Softcover kliene rugslijtage.
't DuveltjeProfessional seller
Book number: 0801-1387
€  6.50 [Appr.: US$ 7.21 | £UK 5.5 | JP¥ 1011]
Catalogue: Economie

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