Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB): Old
found: 11 books

 [JUVENILE], Petit tableau des arts et métiers, ou notions sur les principaux travaux des hommes; ouvrage instructif et amusant, à l'usage de la jeunesse de l'un et l'autre sexe. Troisième édition, ornée de nouvelles gravures. Paris, chez Pierre Blanchard, 1825.
Petit tableau des arts et métiers, ou notions sur les principaux travaux des hommes; ouvrage instructif et amusant, à l'usage de la jeunesse de l'un et l'autre sexe. Troisième édition, ornée de nouvelles gravures. Paris, chez Pierre Blanchard, 1825.
. 12mo. Pp. 238. With coloured engraved frontispiece and five engraved plates of various arts and crafts. Contemporary calf, flat spine decorated in gilt and with red title label, Extremities lightly rubbed. Marbled endpapers and edges. Old bookseller label on front paste down. Old handwritten note dated 1832 pasted in. Some leaves with staining, mainly in margin. Third edition of a charming work dealing with different professions, written for a young audience.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121463
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 274.54 | £UK 209.5 | JP¥ 40831]
Keywords: Old and Rare Books, children, juvenile, art, crafts, professions, occupations, illustrated, french, france,

 ADELBORG, OTTILIA (Ill.) [CHILDREN'S ALMANAC], Almanacka 1890. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1889.
Almanacka 1890. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1889.
. 16mo. Pp (16). Original colour decorated boards. With the unusual dust jacket, some minor browning and small insignificant paper loss at lower edge. Ottilia Adelborg (1855-1936) was a Swedish artist and children's book illustrator. A charming calendar in exceptionally good condition.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121353
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 384.35 | £UK 293 | JP¥ 57164]
Keywords: Old and Rare Books, children, barn, almenacka, almanac, calendar, juvenile, illustrated,

 DAAE, ANDERS:, [COLOUR BLINDNESS] Farveblindhed of opdagelse af farveblinde med tabel. (Colour Blindness and Detection of Colour Blindness). Kragerö, Bundis Bogtrykkeri, 1877.
[COLOUR BLINDNESS] Farveblindhed of opdagelse af farveblinde med tabel. (Colour Blindness and Detection of Colour Blindness). Kragerö, Bundis Bogtrykkeri, 1877.
. Three leaves of text in Norwegian and one table with 70 yarn samples in different shades mounted on a die-cut board sheet. Stapled, loose in binding. Contemporary marbled boards, cloth spine, hand-written title label on upper cover. Inscription by the author on title page (to Professor J.W. Müller). Text is browned. Short essay on colour blindness by Andreas Daae, a Norwegian doctor and criminologist. Daae conducted a survey among Norwegian schoolchildren using a plate with different yarn samples similar to the one included in this work.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121562
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 439.26 | £UK 335 | JP¥ 65330]
Keywords: Old and Rare Books, colour blindness, norwegian, färgblindhet

[Original dry-point impression by Mukul Dey. Berlin ca 1926].
. Original dry-point impression of Sven Hedin, signed by Mukul Dey in pencil, on very fine paper. Size: 15 x 19 cm. Mounted in a passe-partout. The original copper-plate was inscribed by Sven Hedin and appears as a mirror image. Mukul Dey visited Hedin in Berlin in 1926 and we believe this etching was made then. Mukul Chandra Dey (1895-1989), Indian painter and engraver, was a student of Rabindranath Tagore's Santiniketan School during the early years of the 20th century. He travelled abroad to be able to study printmaking as an art. He went to Japan, America and England and he came to concentrate on drypoint etching. He is remembered for his images of Bengaqli villagers but also for his portraits of various famous men, such as Tagore, Einstein, Gandhi and Sven Hedin. Mukul Dey visited Hedin in Berlin in 1926 and we believe this etching was made then. Provenance: Archeologist Ashok Mitra, who used to live in Uttar para near Calcutta.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100207
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 713.79 | £UK 544.25 | JP¥ 106161]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, hedin, portrait, mukel dey, dey, inde, indian, indien, asia, asie, asiatic,

 EEKMAN, NICOLAS (Ill.) / GAUTHIER-VILLARS, MARGUERITE (Comp.):, Voyageur immobile. 33 petits poèmes dont un avec musique. Textes, dessins en couleurs et agréments de Eekman. Musique de Mlle. M. Gauthier-Villars. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1933.
Voyageur immobile. 33 petits poèmes dont un avec musique. Textes, dessins en couleurs et agréments de Eekman. Musique de Mlle. M. Gauthier-Villars. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1933.
. Small 4to. (19 x 24.3 cm). Pp. 73, (1). With 16 colour lithographs, one coloured plate of music and 25 text illustrations. Publisher's coil binding, pictorial front cover, some light wear to covers. First edition of this charming book with poems for children together with lovely imaginative illustrations. (Not one of the signed copies). Nicolas Eekman, a Belgian-born artist who in 1921 settled in Paris and was a part of all the artistic movements of the time.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120865
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 307.48 | £UK 234.5 | JP¥ 45731]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, children, music, french, france, frankrike, barnbok, illustrated, avant garde,

La vie de Madame J.M.B. de la Mothe Guion. Ecrite par Elle-même. Three volumes. Cologne, chez Jean de la Pierre, 1720.
. Pp. 47, 32, 317, 2; 11, 296, (2), one blank leaf; pp.10, (2), 324. First title printed in red and black. As issued, uncut in old wrappers, chipped and slightly damaged. With one engraved portrait of the authoress, signed "Dunker 1788". Rare first edition of this important biography in the history of mysticism. It is probably not written by Madame Guyon herself, but edited by her disciple Pierre Poiret after her manuscripts. Madame Guyon (1648-1717), prominent French mystic author, was frequently arrested for heresy and immorality. Preface by Pierre Poiret (1646-1719), French Protestant mystic. Caillet II, no. 4895. Gay-Lemonnyer III, 1337.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 777072
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 933.42 | £UK 711.5 | JP¥ 138826]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, mysticism, spirituality, occult, french, france, biography, literature

 [LAPLAND] HERMELIN, SAMUEL GUSTAF:, Försök till mineral historia öfver Lappmarken och Vesterbotten. Stockholm, Carl Delén, 1804.
Försök till mineral historia öfver Lappmarken och Vesterbotten. Stockholm, Carl Delén, 1804.
. 4to. Pp. (ii), 70. Text in Swedish. With two maps (one large folding engraved map, partly coloured) and one engraved folding plate. Modern half cloth, title label on upper cover. Old ink inscription two leaves. Some light staining.First edition. An account of the mineral history of Swedish Lapland and West Bothnia. The first detailed account of the location and orographic conditions of these areas, based on Hermelin's own and others' travels. Hermelin collected large amounts of mineral samples on his journeys. Marklund 2383.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121519
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 494.17 | £UK 376.75 | JP¥ 73496]
Keywords: Old and Rare Books, sweden, sverige, lappland, same, lapland, travel, exploration, mineralogy, geology, science, iron ore, ore

 KLEEN, TYRA (Illustrator) / BERGMAN, JONAS:, Sagan om Odysseus. Hans äventyr och irrfärder på hav och land och i dödsriket. En snart tretusenårig saga ånyo berättad för ungdomen. Stockholm, Ivar Haeggströms Boktryckeri, 1906.
Sagan om Odysseus. Hans äventyr och irrfärder på hav och land och i dödsriket. En snart tretusenårig saga ånyo berättad för ungdomen. Stockholm, Ivar Haeggströms Boktryckeri, 1906.
. Tall 4to. (33.8 x 24.4 cm). Pp. (viii), 104. (Small loss to lower corner pp. 15/16). Text in Swedish. With lovely illustrations by Tyra Kleen, of which many full page. Original decorated wrappers, printed in colours, spine nicely restored, small nick to outer front edge of front cover. Exlibris (Ivar Fält). Small number on front endpaper. A clean and crisp copy. First edition.This is a Swedish version of Odysseus' adventures and long journey written for young people. Tyra Kleen illustrated this work during her time in Rome. Based on the ancient Odysseus paintings on vases and Pompeian frescoes, she tried to create modern images without disturbing the impression of classical stylisation and naive pleasure that the ancient models give (according to preface). Rare.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121179
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 878.52 | £UK 669.75 | JP¥ 130660]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, greek, greece, homer, odysseus, odyssey, story, tale, illustrated, ancient, old, sweden, swedish,

De Miraculis Occultis Naturae, Libri IIII: Item de Vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte instituenda, liber unus. Frankfurt, ex off. typographia Ioannis Welchi, 1593.
. 16mo. Pp. xvi, 582, (56). Contemporary vellum on boards, richly decorated in blind, rubbed, spine with five raised bands, ties missing. Contemporary annotations on end papers. Early edition of Lemnius's famous book on occult phenomena, first published in 1559 and reprinted many times. Includes interesting treatises on medicine and pharmacology. Levinus Lemnius born 1505 in Ziericzea (Holland) was a renowned physician and astrologer. Caillet ii 470. Durling 2773. Thorndike 6, p. 393.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99510
€  950.00 [Appr.: US$ 1043.24 | £UK 795.25 | JP¥ 155158]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, occult, mysticism, astrology, medicine, holland, the netherlands, spirituality,

 LINNÉ, CARL VON & GEORGII, GEORG EBERHARD:, Opium, quod, dissertatione medica, venia experient. Fac. Medicae in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo à Linné. ... Publice ventilandum sistit Georgius Eberhardus Georgii. ... In audit. Carol. Majori, die XV. Nov. MDCCLXXV. Upsala, Typis Edmannianis, [1775].
Opium, quod, dissertatione medica, venia experient. Fac. Medicae in Reg. Acad. Upsaliensi, praeside ... Carolo à Linné. ... Publice ventilandum sistit Georgius Eberhardus Georgii. ... In audit. Carol. Majori, die XV. Nov. MDCCLXXV. Upsala, Typis Edmannianis, [1775].
. 4to. Pp. (ii), 17, (1). Contemporary wrappers, stained and worn. Old ownership signature on title. Rare dissertation about the opium plant "Papaver somniferum", the manufacturing process and its use in medicine. Georg Eberhard Georgii (1755-1816) was a Swedish court pharmacist. Soulsby no. 2444. Lidén p. 319.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100786
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1757.03 | £UK 1339.5 | JP¥ 261319]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, opium, medicine, medical, plant, botany, botanical

La vie tres-ample de monsieur S. Marcoul Abbé & Consesseur. La Feste duquel se celebre le premier iour de May, Il viuoit y a mil ans. Rheims, chez la veufue Jean de Foigny, près le College de bons Enfans, 1603.
. Pp. (32). With large woodcut of saint Marcoul healing a child on title. Modern boards. Some minor staining and one leaf with small marginal repair. Marcoul (Marcouf or Marcoult) is a saint of the Catholic church, who lived in the 6th century in Normandy. Hid relics in Corbigny had the reputation of curing scrofula and skin deases. The book concludes with a series of dietary advice and medical prescriptions. Rare. See Frère, Bib. Normande ii, 506. Lelong i, 12251.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99513
€  1100.00 [Appr.: US$ 1207.96 | £UK 920.75 | JP¥ 179657]
Catalogue: Old & Rare Books
Keywords: Old & Rare Books, occult, mysticism, medicine, religious, french, europe, healing, spirituality

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