Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB): Language
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Amusemens philologiques: ou mélange agréable de diverses pieces, Concernant l'histoire des personnes célébres, les evènemens mémorables, les usages & les monumens des anciens, la morale, la mythologie, & l'histoire naturelle. Two volumes. Halle 1755 & 1757.
. Pp. (xxx), 480; (xxii), 448, table (30). With titles printed in red and black, 2 engraved frontispieces and 9 engraved plates. Including plates of the coffee, tea and cacao plants. Contemporary half calf, worn, joints cracked. Choffin (1703-73) was a French linguist and professor at Halle. This work was repinted many times. Barbier i,160. Cf Cioranescu 19541.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 18024
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 230.92 | £UK 183.75 | JP¥ 35172]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, natural history, coffee, tea, cacao, ethnography, language, langue, linguistic

[DEAF-MUTE]. Underdånigt betänkande och förslag till döfstummeundervisningens ordnande afgifvet af dertill i nåder utsedde komiterade den 15 augusti 1878. Stockholm, Kongl. Boktryckeriet, 1878.
. 4to. Pp. 140. Later boards. Bookplate (Trolleholms Bibliotek). A report and recommendation of regulations for the deaf-mute education in Sweden.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38044
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 209.93 | £UK 167 | JP¥ 31975]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, deaf, deaf-mutes, sign language, language, linguistic, langue

The management of the tongue. Under these following heads. 1. Of conversation. 2. The babbler. 3. The silent man. 4. The witty man. 5. The droll. 6. The jester. 7. The disputer. 8. The opinionater. (&c.). Done out of French. London, by D. Leach for N. Rhodes, 1706.
. Pp. (xxiv), 272. Modern marbled boards, calf spine with five raised bands and red title label. First English edition of a collection of aphorisms and apothegms originally published in French in 1705. Containing 27 different 'characters' including the flatterer, the ill tongue, the promiser, the instructor, the language of love, etc. "There is nothing more easy than to speak; and therefor we see many great and fine speakers: There is nothing more difficult than to do; and therefor we see very few doers". (introduction). Cioranescu 42888.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 35053
€  570.00 [Appr.: US$ 598.3 | £UK 475.75 | JP¥ 91128]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, language, linguistics, languages

A graduated vocabulary and dictionary for the use of deaf and dumb, comprising about twenty thousand of the most common words in the English language. (Glasgow) London, Griffin, Bohn and Co., 1861.
. Pp. (viii), 96; (iv), 156. Cloth. Duncan Anderson was head-master of the Glasgow Institute for the Deaf and Dumb.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38035
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 262.41 | £UK 208.75 | JP¥ 39968]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, deaf and dumb, sign language

 BALçZS, BÉLA / KOZMA, LAJOS (Ill.):, Testvérorszâg. A j— gyerekeknek mesélte karâcsonyra (Sister country. Told for the good children). Gyoma, Kner Izidor, 1918.
Testvérorszâg. A j— gyerekeknek mesélte karâcsonyra (Sister country. Told for the good children). Gyoma, Kner Izidor, 1918.
. 16mo. Size: 10 x 13.5 cm. Pp. 59. With six full-page coloured plates. Publisher's pictorial boards, cloth spine, rubbed. Some leaves with small corner loss. First edition of this unusual Hungarian children's book illustrated by Lajos Kozma in a characteristic Art Nouveau style. The book was issued by Kner Publishing House as one of a series of three children's books, of which another one is Anna Lezsnai's "Mese a bœtorok—l".Béla Balâzs was a Hungarian - Jewish film critic, writer and poet. He was the writer of the scenario for Bart—k's ballet "The Wooden Prince". Lajos Kozma was one of the foremost Hungarian architects and interior designers of the early 20th century. He joined "The Young Ones" a group of architects influenced by the "Vienna Secession". His early works were created in Art Nouveau style but later, through Art Deco, he found his way to the International Modernism.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120337
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 577.3 | £UK 459 | JP¥ 87931]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, children, literature, art nouveau, juvenile, barnbok, hungry, hungrian, ungern

Course de linguistique générale. Lausanne & Paris, Librairie Payot & Cie, 1916.
. Pp. 336, (1). Original printed wrappers. With some browning a/o spotting. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), a Swiss linguist whose ideas on structure in language laid the foundation for much of the approach to and progress of the linguistic sciences in the 20th century. This work comprise a reconstruction of his lecture notes and some other materials by two of his students. Saussure became enormously influential as a teacher, first at the École des Hautes Études in Paris (1881-1891) and later on as professor of lingustics at the University of Geneva (1907-13). He claimed that language must be considered as a social phenomenon, a structured system which can be viewed synchronically (as it exists at any particular time) and diachronically (as it changes in the course of time). Hereby he formalized the basic approaches to language study and declared that the principles and methodology of each approach are distinct and mutually exclusive.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38059
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1679.43 | £UK 1335.25 | JP¥ 255798]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, language, linguistic, langue, sprachwissenschaft

A dictionary of slang, jargon & cant. Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, tinkers' jargon and other irregular phraseology. No place (Edinburgh), Printed for subscribers only at the Ballantyne Press, 1889-90.
. Small 4to. Pp. xxiv, 528; (iv), 428. With titles printed in red and black. Uncut copy in original wrappers over boards. Wrappers somewhat worn and stained. Spine of volume one faded and with title in manuscript. A charming copy of this limited subscriber's edition of 675 copies, of which this is no. 352. The first public edition was published at London in 1897. A very thorough study of the different varieties of English slang. Black, Gypsy Bibl. 198. Zaunmüller 108.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 31001
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 419.86 | £UK 334 | JP¥ 63950]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, english slang, english, slang, language, langue, lingustic, gypsy, romany

Om läroanstalter för döfstumma med särskildt hänseende till tal- och språkundervisningen. Stockholm, Ivar Haeggströms Boktryckeri, 1875.
. Pp. (viii), 244. Contemporary marbled boards, cloth spine, rubbed. Some minor foxing. A Swedish work on deaf-mute education in Europe comprising an historical background and detailed descriptions of the different educational institutions in Preussen, Weissenfels, Osnabrück, Riehen and Brühl respectively. First edition. The author started up a school for deaf-mutes in Örebro in 1875. It was the first school in Sweden to follow the German method by basing the education on sounds and tones.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 38041
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 104.96 | £UK 83.5 | JP¥ 15987]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, deaf, deaf-mute, deaf and dumb, sign language, language, langue, lingustic

Traité de la formation méchanique des langues et des principes physiques de l'étymologie. Two volumes. Paris, chez Terrelonge, An ix R.F. (1799).
. 12mo. Pp. lii, 20, 452, (2); ii, 498, (2). Free front endpaper missing. With 9 tables (of which 3 folding) with species of different alphabets, numerals, voals, etc. Contemporary boards, handwritten title labels on spines. Front cover of volume one worn with dampstain. First leaves of volume one with slight waterstaining. Second edition (first 1765). Charles de Brosses was the first in a scientific way to study the origins of languages starting from basic sounds and their distribution throughout different languages. He was inspired by Rousseau's "Traite de la formation mechanique des langues". Guy Harnois: "Les théories du language en France de 1660 à 1821", pp. 53 - 57. Cioranescu 14170. Poggendorff i,308.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 22048
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 787.23 | £UK 626 | JP¥ 119905]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, linguistics, languages

 CZECH, FRANZ HERMANN:, [DEAF-MUTE]. Versinnlichte Denk- und Sprachlehre, mit Anwendung auf die Religions- und Sittenlehre und auf das Leben. Two volumes. Wien, P.P. Meichitaristen, 1844.
[DEAF-MUTE]. Versinnlichte Denk- und Sprachlehre, mit Anwendung auf die Religions- und Sittenlehre und auf das Leben. Two volumes. Wien, P.P. Meichitaristen, 1844.
. 4to. Two volumes; text and plates. Pp. (ii), 410; 35. With engraved frontispiece portrait, 72 engraved plates, and many woodcut illustrations. Uncut copy in modern boards. Text volume partly with some light marginal staining. The title to text volume with some offsetting from frontispiece. The second title page somewhat dusty with remains of original cover at inner margin. Second edition, the first was published in 1826 with a second issue in 1838. A momentous work giving a new approach to the education of deaf-mute children. Czech's system of communication combined elements of the tonal speech technique developed by Heinecken with the sign language of the famous Abbé de l'Epée. The beautiful plates depicting numerous objects and actions were designed by Czech to provide an effective, simple method by which the teacher could communicate complicated ideas to the student. Czech was professor at the famous Wiener-Taubstummen-Institut. Baker Collection 198. Guyot & Guyot p. 18.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 35086
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1679.43 | £UK 1335.25 | JP¥ 255798]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, deaf, sign language, deaf-mute, language, langue, lingustic, german, sprache, dövstum,

Parallèle des langues de l'Europe et de l'Inde, ou étude des principales langues romanes, germaniques, slavonnes et celtiques comparées entre elles et à la langue sanscrite, avec un essai de transcription générale. Paris, a l'Imprimerie Royale, 1836.
. Small folio. Pp. (iv), viii, 501. Uncut copy. Somewhat later calf, spine gilt with four raised bands and title printed in gilt, original wrappers bound in (front cover with minor marginal loss). Some light staining throughout. First edition of an early work devoted to comparative linguistics. The Indo-European comparative studies as an academic discipline started in the early 1830's by Franz Bopp who published several works on the subject. Vater p.180.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28136
€  700.00 [Appr.: US$ 734.75 | £UK 584.25 | JP¥ 111912]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, language, langue, linguistic, sprachwissenschaft, european, europe, india, indian

 FRÄHN, CHRISTIAN MARTIN:, De numorum Bulgharicorum forte antiquissimo commentationis critico-philologico-historicae. Liber secundus. Catalogue Praelectionum in Universitate Caesarea litterarum Casanensi (1816/1817). Casani, Universitatis officina typographica, F. Bockelmann, 1816.
De numorum Bulgharicorum forte antiquissimo commentationis critico-philologico-historicae. Liber secundus. Catalogue Praelectionum in Universitate Caesarea litterarum Casanensi (1816/1817). Casani, Universitatis officina typographica, F. Bockelmann, 1816.
. 4to. Pp.(ii), 62, 6. With text in Latin and Arabic. Disbound. Stamp and library number from Biblioteka Nakryska Strawinskego. First edition, rare. (Later the same year, it came out as a separate edition).Christian Martin Frähn (1782-1851), celebrated German and Russian numismatist and historian. He was the head of the oriental languages department of Kazan University and later director of the Asiatic Museum in St. Petersburg. He produced more than 150 works on the study of oriental languages and numismatics. These include the discovery and publication of new material on the history of Russia, the Slavs and the peoples who lived, past and present, in the Russian Empire (Bulgarians, Tatars, Khazars, etc). This extensive work is devoted to the Turkic languages in Central Asia with references to Uyghur, Persian, Arabic, etc.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121338
€  700.00 [Appr.: US$ 734.75 | £UK 584.25 | JP¥ 111912]
Catalogue: Language general
Keywords: Language general, kazan, khazar, russia, tatarstan, language, linguistic, langue, bulgaria, bulgarian, uighur, tatar, mongolia,

... Dictionarium in decem rhetores. Phil. Jacobus Maussacus suppleuit & emendanit. Additae sunt notae, & dissertatio critica in qua de auctore, & de hoc scribendi genere diligenter disputatur. Paris, C. Morellum, 1614.
. 4to. Pp. (xxiv), 398; 1 blank leaf, 286, (10) index. Contemporary limp vellum, worn and stained. Some very light staining to first few leaves. Contains three parts: i. the Lexicon; ii. Dissertation critica and; iii. Notae. The last two by Jacob Maussac. Valerius Harpocration was a Greek grammarian of Alexandria, probably working in the second century. His "Lexicon of the Ten Orators" contains information about events and persons mentioned by the orators, and explanations of legal and commercial expressions. As most of the lexicons to the Greek orators have been lost, Harpocration's work is of special value. Provenance: Joannes Vollenhove (1631-1708), a Dutch preacher and poet and previously owned by Abraham Bocstad. Their signatures on front endpaper. Graesse iii,213. Hoffman ii,195.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 22076
€  600.00 [Appr.: US$ 629.79 | £UK 500.75 | JP¥ 95924]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, language, langue, linguistic, dictionary, greece, greek, grekland,

KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses):
Carmen Tantarani, arabice et suethice. Part 1 (all publ.). Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1813.
. 4to. Pp. (ii), 8. Disbound. Marklin p. 119, no. 56.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120716
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 52.48 | £UK 41.75 | JP¥ 7994]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, arabic, arabia, laTIN, swedish, sweden, language, linguistic, langue,

KNÖS, GUSTAF (Praeses):
Dialogus inter Solonem et Crosesum Herodot. Lib. I. Cap. 30-32. Upsala, Stenhammar & Palmblad, 1813.
. 4to. Pp. 12. Disbound. Marklin p. 119, no. 54.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120715
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.49 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4796]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, greek, greece, grekiska, LATIN, language, langue, linguistic, språk

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