De numorum Bulgharicorum forte antiquissimo commentationis critico-philologico-historicae. Liber secundus. Catalogue Praelectionum in Universitate Caesarea litterarum Casanensi (1816/1817). Casani, Universitatis officina typographica, F. Bockelmann, 1816.
. 4to. Pp.(ii), 62, 6. With text in Latin and Arabic. Disbound. Stamp and library number from Biblioteka Nakryska Strawinskego. First edition, rare. (Later the same year, it came out as a separate edition).Christian Martin Frähn (1782-1851), celebrated German and Russian numismatist and historian. He was the head of the oriental languages department of Kazan University and later director of the Asiatic Museum in St. Petersburg. He produced more than 150 works on the study of oriental languages and numismatics. These include the discovery and publication of new material on the history of Russia, the Slavs and the peoples who lived, past and present, in the Russian Empire (Bulgarians, Tatars, Khazars, etc). This extensive work is devoted to the Turkic languages in Central Asia with references to Uyghur, Persian, Arabic, etc.

Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
Professional sellerBook number: 121338
€ 700.00 [Appr.: US$ 734.75 | £UK 584.25 | JP¥ 111912]
Keywords: Language general, kazan, khazar, russia, tatarstan, language, linguistic, langue, bulgaria, bulgarian, uighur, tatar, mongolia,