Nichols, Roger L., edited by,
The American Indian; past and preesent.
NY, Knopf 1986, (1986). 3rd edition. VG LG SZ PB. To the European invaders of N. America the tribal people they encountered appeared to be savages, in many varieties: simple,. noble, degraded, or treacherous- but all were savages. This view enabled the whites who considered themselves and their culture as civilized and superior to differentiate between themseslves and the societies they found in thier so-called New World. To the invaders, civilization and agriculture walked hand-in-hand across the earth. This ideea causes the white to ignore or reject evidence that demonstrated that many aboriginal groups practiced extensive agricuoture. In fact, surplus crops helped sustain many colonial pioneers until they learned how to survive in their new lands, labeling their victims savages made the task less difficult. Thie discussion focuses on the significance of agriculture in shaping the groups. It notes the many ways in which Indian and white agricultural pracdtices, shortagess, and surpluses affected relations between the races and demonstrates the significance of environmental awareness for preindustrial peoples. preface by Thomas R. Wessel, Associate professor of hitory at Montana State University.

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