McLaughlin, Robert A. (signed by author),
Water Street.
NY, Carlton Press, (1986). VG in G DJ. Water Street is based upon historical facts. The street still exists but its name has been changed. Its rjowdy houses and. saloons have been replaced by lovely gardena and restored buildings and is now the seat of culural activity. The events depicted happened and have been carefully researched . The author is indeebted to seeral men, now gone, who were the43 and told about it . Nearly half a century has been capsuled into three hectic months, the final ones in the life of Water Street. Fascinating and mesmerating story an infamous redlight district ina seaport town is based on historical fact. Research, interwoven with a vivid imagtination, has metamorphosed itno a riveting account o f searing passions, rivalties, tender love, murder and a raging fire, equaling that of The White Hotel. Young Scot, a sailore tumble upon Id a Barry' elitist establishment, and is invied to stay by Ida herself. She adops hima s a son and lover because he reminds her of thee chidl she neve had. She finds him employment in the town and he gives up his life as a sailor. When he falls in love wih Hilary, a fello employee, he give up his life as a sailor. Ida' jealousy turns her into a raging tiger, capble of Unexmpected predatory action. Signed by author on fep.

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