Charbo's Antiquariaat: J. Biography, memoirs
gevonden: 76 boeken op 6 pagina's. Dit is pagina 1
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 AA, A.J. VAN DER,,  Nieuw biografiesch, anthologiesch en kritiesch woordenboek van Nederlandsche dichters, onder medewerking van  J.T. Bodel Nyenhuis, I. da Costa, H.O. Feith, J. van Harderwijk, A.J. Lesturgeon, G.D.J. Schotel, en anderen, bijeengebracht door - . Uitmakende tevens een vervolg op Witsen Geysbeeks Woordenboek der Nederlandsche dichters.
Nieuw biografiesch, anthologiesch en kritiesch woordenboek van Nederlandsche dichters, onder medewerking van J.T. Bodel Nyenhuis, I. da Costa, H.O. Feith, J. van Harderwijk, A.J. Lesturgeon, G.D.J. Schotel, en anderen, bijeengebracht door - . Uitmakende tevens een vervolg op Witsen Geysbeeks Woordenboek der Nederlandsche dichters.
Amsterdam, Van Langenhuysen, 1864. Nieuwe uitgave..., met eene voorreden van J.A. Albertingk Thijm. 3 vols. VI+496;(III)+480;(III)+426 pp. With engr. portrait (Bilderdijk). Indexes. Hardcover. Contemp. half leather with marbled boards. (Ex-lib. copy Hageveld, with stamp on endp.; spines sl. rubbed, else unused copy). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 51246
€  350.00
Trefwoorden: Reference books naslagwerken Biografieen. Literatuurgeschiedenis. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch .. .t. alberdingk thijm .a. 1400 1864

The letters of a widowed physician to his daughter: at puberty (12.5 years), at maturity (18 years), at marriage, at motherhood.
London, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1920. Small 8vo. 16;16;16;15 pp., loose in 4 quires as issued. Hardcover. Or. blue cloth. (Foxing to first & last few pages). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 47778
€  40.00
Trefwoorden: Great Britain . 1920

 ANON.,,  Merkwürdige Nachrichten von den Jesuiten in Weissreussen. In Briefen. Aus dem Italienischen.
Merkwürdige Nachrichten von den Jesuiten in Weissreussen. In Briefen. Aus dem Italienischen.
Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1785. Small 8vo. 368 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. boards with gilt title label on spine. (Spine & spine ends sl. dam., binding sl. rubbed, partially discol.; old bookplate on pastedown, old stamps on title & verso; paper sl. browned/foxed, waterst. in top margins). Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 48021
€  195.00
Trefwoorden: Letters Religions christian roman catholicism Italy . 1780 1785

 ANON.,,  Vie publique et privée de Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau.
Vie publique et privée de Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau.
Paris, Hotel d'Aiguillon, 1791. Nouvelle édition, corrigeé et augmenteé depuis sa mort. (IV)+122 pp. With engr. portrait. Softcover. Or. plain grey wrp. (Splits in spine; old inscr. on 1st blank, occas. light foxing, incl. to portrait). Good.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 50925
€  85.00
Trefwoorden: Social French Revolution Politics political history. France h.g. . 1749 1791

 ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH,,  Robert Estienne, royal printer. An historical study of the elder Stephanus.
Robert Estienne, royal printer. An historical study of the elder Stephanus.
Cambridge, University Press, 1954. Large 8vo. XXI+310 pp. With 8 plates & 15 ills. Sel. bibliogr., index. Hardcover. Or. cloth. (Spine sl. sunned). VG/no dustjacket.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59835
€  35.00
Trefwoorden: Book printing typography. Paris France 1526 1559

L'Afrique à travers ses fils: Ernest Mercier, historien de l'Afrique septentrionale, maire de Constantine.
Paris, Geuthner, 1944. Large 8vo. 268 pp. With 4 plts. Bibliogr. of Mercier. Softcover. Or. grey wrp. (Paper sl. yellowed; unopened copy). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 44100
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Historians historiography history theo French colonies colonial. North Africa 1863 1907

Joao Couto: In memoriam.
Lisboa, 1971. Large 8vo. 285 pp. + errata lf. With num. plts./ills. (partly in col.). Bibl.iogr. of Couto. Softcover. Or. wrp./dustj. VG/VG.
¶ 1000 numbered copies printed.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 52063
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Museums of art. Portugal 1921 1965

 BAIAO, ANTONIO,,  Alguns. Ascendentes de Albuquerque eo seu filho, a luz de documentos ineditos: a questao da sepultura do governador da India. Memoria.
Alguns. Ascendentes de Albuquerque eo seu filho, a luz de documentos ineditos: a questao da sepultura do governador da India. Memoria.
Lisboa, Academia das Sciências, 1915. Large 4to. LIII+150 pp. With col. & gilt coat of arms, facs. Softcover. Or.wrp. (Top of spine sl. dam., top edge dustst.; paper sl. browning; unopened copy). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 45766
€  50.00
Trefwoorden: Portuguese colonies colonial. 1550 1650

Charite en Polydorus. Nevens eene beknopte levensgeschiedenis van dezen beroemden man. Naar het Fransch, vrij gevolgd.
's-Gravenhage, J.C. Leeuwestyn, 1799. 24mo. IV+200 pp. Met gelithogr. frontisp. Gebonden. 19e-eeuws donkerblauw linnen, rug verguld. (Band iets vlekkig; naamlabeltje op schutblad). Goed ex.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58823
€  75.00
Trefwoorden: Classical antiquity ancient history Greece .. 1799

 BEMBO, PIETRO,,  Petri Bembi Patricii Veneti, Epistolae omnes quotquot extant, Latinae puritatis studiosis ad imitandum utilissimae: quarum libri sexdecim Leonis X. Pont. Max. nomine scripti sunt, sex autem reliqui familiares epistolas continent. Paulo Tertio Pont. Max. dicati.
Petri Bembi Patricii Veneti, Epistolae omnes quotquot extant, Latinae puritatis studiosis ad imitandum utilissimae: quarum libri sexdecim Leonis X. Pont. Max. nomine scripti sunt, sex autem reliqui familiares epistolas continent. Paulo Tertio Pont. Max. dicati.
[Basileae , Thomas Guarinus, c. 1565]. Small 8vo. 743+(11) pp. With woodcut initials. Index. Hardcover. 18th century calf, spine gilt. (Front joint restored; title & last page of index a bit soiled). VG.
¶ Complete correspondence of Bembo as secretary to Pope Leo X, and his personal letters to various scholars.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59604
€  350.00
Trefwoorden: Renaissance Letters Religions christian roman catholicism Italy leo pope 1500 1535

Menno ter Braak: onpersoonlijk nihilisme en nihilistische persoonlijkheid.
[Asd.], Stencildruk Amstelodamum, 1962. 4to. VI+153+(38) pp. Diss. U.v.A. Gestencild, in or.omslag. Goed ex.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 36907
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Literatuurgeschiedenis. Biografieen. Nederland Netherlands Holland Dutch . m. 1902 1940

Souvenirs d'un académicien sur la Révolution, le Premier Empire et la Restauration. Avec introduction et notes du Docteur Cabanès, et suivis de la correspondance de l'auteur.
Paris, Albin Michel, n.d. [1920]. 2 vols. XLVIII+366;302 pp., With num. b/w plts./portrs. Index Softcover. Or. wrp. (Spines a bit creased). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 48590
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Politics political . Social history French Revolution France . 1789 1840

Mademoiselle de La Vallière, et les favorites des trois âges de Louis XIV.
Paris, Amyot, 1862. 2e éd. Small 8vo. 260 pp. With frontisp. (lithogr. portr.). Hardcover. Later cloth-backed marbled boards with or. pict. frontcover bound in. (Spine ends sl. bumped; endp. sl. browned, some foxing throughout). Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 47798
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Europe general . valliere. melle 1640 1715

 COELHO, P.M. LARANJO (ed.),,  Cartas dos Governadores da provincia do Alentejo a El-Rei D. Joao IV. (3 vol. set).
Cartas dos Governadores da provincia do Alentejo a El-Rei D. Joao IV. (3 vol. set).
Lisboa, Academia Portuguesa da Historia, 1940. 3 vols. Large 4to. XXIV+425;IX+380X+438 pp. With 3 identical frontisp., 6 photogr. plst., 3 facs. with 21 signatures. Chronol. index 1641-1668, indexes of names. Softcover. Or. stiff wrp. (Spines sl. browned/creased; light foxing, mainly to preliminary pages, paper edges & margins). Good.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 57131
€  160.00
Trefwoorden: Politics political history. Letters Portugal p.m. 1641 1668

Cartas de El-Rei D. Joao IV para diversas autoridades do Reino.
Lisboa, Academia Portuguesa da Historia, 1940. Large 4to. XIII+587 pp. With frontisp. Chronol. index 1645-1651, index of names. Softcover. Or. stiff wrp. (Spine sl. browned/creased; light foxing, mainly to preliminary pages, paper edges & margins). Good.
¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 57133
€  85.00
Trefwoorden: Letters Politics political history. Portugal p.m. 1645 1651

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