Charbo's Antiquariaat: A. Voyages, exploration
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 ADAMS, JOAN [JOHN],,  Verzameling van uitgezochte (uitgezogte) nieuwe reizen; bevattende de merkwaardigste zaken en gebeurtenissen, betrekkelijk de gedane togten en ontdekkingen rondom de wereld, benevens de zeden en gebruiken der volken.
Verzameling van uitgezochte (uitgezogte) nieuwe reizen; bevattende de merkwaardigste zaken en gebeurtenissen, betrekkelijk de gedane togten en ontdekkingen rondom de wereld, benevens de zeden en gebruiken der volken.
Rotterdam, Mensing & Van Westreenen, 1819. 2 vols. XVI+382;XIV+391 pp. Hardcover. Modern cloth. (Old lib. stamps; greater part of corners & margins a bit waterst., thumbed, some pages creased/frayed/chipped; lacks map; also lacks plates mentioned on titles, but probably published without plates). Fair.
¶ Rather used copy. - Dutch translation of John Adams, Modern voyages, containing a variety of useful and entertaining facts (London, 1790). - Extremely rare edition (not in the usual reference works, nor in Worldcat), reprint of the 1800 ed. by J.C. Leeuwestyn, The Hague, 1800 (Cat. Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum p. 109).
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59020
€  95.00
Trefwoorden: . General world global 1600 1790

 ANON.,,  Voyage de Robertson, aux Terres Australes, traduit sur le manuscrit Anglois.
Voyage de Robertson, aux Terres Australes, traduit sur le manuscrit Anglois.
Amsterdam, 1767. 12mo. (II)+474 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. mottled calf with raised bands, gilt decor. & title label on spine. (Light superficial dam. to rear cover; light foxing/browning throughout; inscription dated 1776 on rear endp.; pp. 145-152 bound in wrong order due to wrong signature on page147). VG.
¶ Original French account of an imaginary utopian voyage to Australia, sometimes attributed to Louis Sébastien Mercier. - Barbier, IV, col. 1078; Mansell 498:33; Gove, The imaginary voyage, pp. 355-356; Negley, Utopian literature, 979; Hartig 59; Trousson pp. 161-162; INED 3858.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58126
€  575.00
Trefwoorden: Imaginary travel accounts . Australia. . 1766 1767

Voyage and venture, or the pleasures and perils of a sailor's life.
Philadelphia, H.C. Peck & Theo. Bliss, 1857. 300 pp. With num. wood engr. plts./ills. Hardcover. Or. blind stamped dark green cloth, spine gilt. (Top of spine over 3 cm gone, corners sl. dam.). Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58364
€  65.00
Trefwoorden: . Maritime seafaring . oceans seas maritime . 1857

 ASENSIO, JOSE MARIA,,  Cristóbal Colón: Su vida, sus viajes, sus descubrimientos. (2 vol. set). Espléndida edición, ilustrada con magníficas oleografías, copia de famosos cuadros de artistas españoles.
Cristóbal Colón: Su vida, sus viajes, sus descubrimientos. (2 vol. set). Espléndida edición, ilustrada con magníficas oleografías, copia de famosos cuadros de artistas españoles.
México, Editorial del Valle de México, 1971. (Facs. of the ed. Barcelona 1891). 2 vols. 4to. CXLIII+743;901 pp. With fold. col. map, 19 col. plts. (incl. 5 facs.), ills. from woodcuts throughout. Hardcover. Or. gilt decor. boards, spines richly gilt, decor. top edges. Fine/--
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 44021
€  350.00
Trefwoorden: Biography . Spanish maritime overseas. Spain Americas American continent. West Indies Caribbean columbus c. 1436 1506

 ATKINS, JOHN,,  A voyage to Guinea, Brazil, & the West Indies; in His Majesty's ships the Swallow and Weymouth. Describing the several islands and settlements, viz: Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verde, Sierra Leone, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corfo, and others on the Guinea Coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West Indies.... With remarks on the gold, ivory, and slave trade.
A voyage to Guinea, Brazil, & the West Indies; in His Majesty's ships the Swallow and Weymouth. Describing the several islands and settlements, viz: Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verde, Sierra Leone, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corfo, and others on the Guinea Coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West Indies.... With remarks on the gold, ivory, and slave trade.
London, Frank Cass, 1970. (New impression of the or. ed. of 1735). (V)+XXV+266+(8) pp. Hardcover. Or.cloth. VG/--. Cass Library of African Studies, Travels and Narratives, 55.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 43594
€  60.00
Trefwoorden: logs journals. Slavery British English colonies colonial. Ocean. Mid Atlantic. Barbados Caribbean African lands. 1720 1735

 WILLEM BARENTS,,  Verslagen omtrent den vierden tocht van de Willem Barents naar de IJszee in den zomer van 1881, uitgebracht aan het Comite van Uitvoering.
Verslagen omtrent den vierden tocht van de Willem Barents naar de IJszee in den zomer van 1881, uitgebracht aan het Comite van Uitvoering.
Haarlem, Tjeenk Willink, 1882. (III)+145 pp. With 2 maps (incl. 1 fold. col.) & 4 plts. Softcover. Or.printed wrp. (Spine repaired; occas. light foxing). Good.
¶ Not in trade.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 4706
€  50.00
Trefwoorden: . North Polar expeditions Dutch journals logs Sea. Spitsbergen Nova Zembla 1881

 BARROS, JOAN DE,,  Twee bysondere scheeps-togten na Oost-Indien, van Pedralvarez Cabral, in het jaar 1500, en Joan da Nova, in het jaar 1501.
Twee bysondere scheeps-togten na Oost-Indien, van Pedralvarez Cabral, in het jaar 1500, en Joan da Nova, in het jaar 1501.
Leyden, Pieter van der Aa, 1706. Small 8vo. Engraved title +38+(6) pp. Complete with 2 fold. engr. plates. Softcover. New blue stiff wrp.; pages uncut. VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 58590
€  125.00
Trefwoorden: maritime overseas. Portuguese colonies colonial. . East Asia Indonesia. pedro alvares 1500 1501

BOVILL, E.W. (ed.),
Missions to the Niger. I: The journal of Friedrich Hornemann's travels from Cairo to Murzuk, 1797-98; The letters of Major Alexander Gordon Laing, 1824-26. II: The Bornu mission, 1822-25. (Complete in 4 vols.).
Cambridge, CUP, 1964-1966. 4 vols. XI+406;X+XII+X+798 pp. With 25 maps (incl. 1 in endpocket of vol. IV) & 49 ills. Bibliogr.,index. Hardcover. Or. cloth. (Owner's name on endpaper of 1st vol.). VG/no dustjacket. Hakluyt Soc., 2nd series,123, 128, 129, 130.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 9636
€  45.00
Trefwoorden: Travel journals accounts West Africa. e.w. hornemann f. .g. hakluyt society 1797 1826

 BRASSEY, A.,,  Le tour du monde en famille. Voyage de la  famille Brassey dans son yacht le Sumbeam, raconté par la  mère. Traduit de l'anglois par Richard Viot.
Le tour du monde en famille. Voyage de la famille Brassey dans son yacht le Sumbeam, raconté par la mère. Traduit de l'anglois par Richard Viot.
Tours, Mame, 1893. 5e éd. 4to. 400 pp. With 82 woodengr.plts./ills. Hardcover. Or. gilt decor. red cloth; all edges gilt. (Rebacked, new endp.). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 470
€  50.00
Trefwoorden: Ocean voyaging cruising racing. oceans seas maritime General world global . helms . sunbeam r. 1876 1877

 BRUCE, JAMES,,  Cartes et figures du voyage en Nubie et en Abyssinie. (43 planches qui sont expliquées dans le tome V des Voyages de Bruce & 19 planches du voyage de Paterson).
Cartes et figures du voyage en Nubie et en Abyssinie. (43 planches qui sont expliquées dans le tome V des Voyages de Bruce & 19 planches du voyage de Paterson).
Paris, Plassan, 1792. 4to. With 43 full-page & 19 double-page engr. plates + fold. map of South Africa + 7 leaves with Ethiopian text in the rear. Index of plates. Hardcover. 20th century cloth-backed boards. (Lacks map of Bruce's voyage). Good.
¶ Plate volume of Voyage aux sources du Nil, en Nubie et en Abyssinie pendant les années 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771 & 1772 (incl. map & plates of Paterson's journey through South Africa, 1778-1779).
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59548
€  350.00
Trefwoorden: Travel journals accounts Nile river. East . South Africa. william 1768 1779

 BURCKHARDT, JOHN LEWIS,,  Travels in Syria and the Holy Land, by the late John Lewis Burckhardt. Published by the Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa.
Travels in Syria and the Holy Land, by the late John Lewis Burckhardt. Published by the Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa.
London, John Murray, 1822. 4to. (II)+XXIII+(III)+668 pp. With frontisp. portrait & 6 maps/plans (incl. 2 fold.). Hardcover. Later quarter morocco with raised bands, marbled boards. (Old bookseller's label on pastedown, old owner's name on title, erased stamp on verso of title, stamp "Winchester Historical Society" on lower margin of p. 25; light foxing to 1st fold. map, tear in other folding map closed). VG.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 57988
€  2400.00
Trefwoorden: Travel journals accounts Israel Palestine 1822

Across Africa.
London, George Philip & Son, 1885. New ed. XXVII+569 pp. With 4 col. lith. facs., 28 woodcut plts., num. woodcut ills. (loose fold. map missing). Index. Hardcover. Or.dark blue cloth, spine gilt. (Spine ends & corners bumped/dam., joints a bit weak, new endpapers; lacks the map). Good reading copy.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 43612
€  65.00
Trefwoorden: Travel journals accounts Central . 1876 1885

 CARON, FRANCOIS & SCHOUTEN, JOOST,,  A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Reprinted from the English edition of 1663; with introduction, notes and appendices by C.R. Boxer.
A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Reprinted from the English edition of 1663; with introduction, notes and appendices by C.R. Boxer.
London, Argonaut Press, 1935. 4to. CXXIX+197+(1) pp. With 7 maps & 13 b/w plts. Bibliogr., index. Hardcover. Or. vellum-backed buckram. (Light foxing to endpapers). VG/--.
¶ Limited ed. of 475 numbered copies printed on Japon Vellum. This copy is no. 144.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 59836
€  495.00
Trefwoorden: Topography country people East India Company VOC colonial overseas Decima. Dutch maritime Thailand c.r. 1630 1638

 CASATI, GAETANO,,  Zehn Jahre in Äquatoria und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pascha. Nach dem italischen Originalmanuscript ins Deutsche  übersetzt von K.von Reinhardstöttner.
Zehn Jahre in Äquatoria und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pascha. Nach dem italischen Originalmanuscript ins Deutsche übersetzt von K.von Reinhardstöttner.
Bamberg, Buchner, 1891. 19.bis 28.Tausend. 2 vols. VIII+340;365 pp. With col. frontisp., 4 fold. maps (loose in endpocket) & ca.150 plts./ills. (incl. few col./tinted). Hardcover. Or. pictorial/gilt cloth. (Lettering on spines sl. faded; gift dedication in 1st vol.). VG/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 27259
€  85.00
Trefwoorden: Travel journals accounts Central Africa. G. e. 1881 1891

 DECKERT, EMIL,,  Die Neue Welt. Reiseskizzen aus dem Norden und Süden der Vereinigten Staaten, sowie aus Kanada und Mexiko.
Die Neue Welt. Reiseskizzen aus dem Norden und Süden der Vereinigten Staaten, sowie aus Kanada und Mexiko.
Berlin, Paetel, 1892. XI+488 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. half leather, or. printed wrp. bound in. (Spine ends sl. dam.; owner's name (1892) on front wrp., stamp of the same on h.title). Good/--.
-- Charbo's AntiquariaatProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 3818
€  30.00
Trefwoorden: Travel journals accounts North America Mexico 1890 1892

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