found: 13 books

 BAIL, FRANCIS WILLIAM:, [HUNGARIAN MANUSCRIPT]  A Hajnal Leânya. Hindu Rege. (Heifer of the Dawn. Hindu Legend). 20th century.
[HUNGARIAN MANUSCRIPT] A Hajnal Leânya. Hindu Rege. (Heifer of the Dawn. Hindu Legend). 20th century.
. Illustrated manuscript with text in Hungarian. Beautiful handwriting accompanied by lovely watercolour illustrations. Size: 15.7 x 18.8 cm. Pp. 61. Contemporary green cloth with painted colour illustration on upper cover, pretty floral end papers. Inscription dated 1958 on free front end paper. A fictional "Hindu" tale written by Francis William Bail, a British writer and an expert in Sanskrit literature. He wrote fantasy stories that he claimed were translated from ancient Sanskrit tales, but eventually it turned out that he had written the fairy tales himself.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121036
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 893.39 | £UK 671.5 | JP¥ 127050]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, Hungarian, Hungary, illustrated, Hindu legend, Indian, India, asia, asien, asiatic, literature,

Ungern i pittoreskt, historiskt, litteraert, artisktiskt och monumentalt haenseende. Stockholm, P.G. Berg, 1852.
. 4to. Pp. 197; 132. With 33 plates, of which 8 are coloured costume plates. Occasionally some minor staining. Contemporary half calf, gilt, rubbed. A Swedish translation of "Hongrie ancienne et moderne". Boldényi is a pseudonym for Pâl Szab—. Not in Colas or Lipperheide.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 13129
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 178.68 | £UK 134.5 | JP¥ 25410]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europa, europe, hungary, history, literature, hongrie, ungarn, travel, exploration, costumes

Voyage minéralogique fait en Hongrie et en Transilvanie. Traduit de l'allemand, avec quelques notes, par M. Monnet, Inspecteur-Général des Mines de France, des Académies Royales des Scienes de Stockholm, de Turin, &c. &c. Paris 1780.
. 12mo. Pp. xvi, (iv), 406. Contemporary calf, spine richly gilt with five raised bands and title-label. A description, in the form of letters, of mines and mountains in the Bannat of Temeswar, Transilvania and Hungary. The author, a famous mineralogist, was born in Transilvania. Poggendorff i,242.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26029
€  880.00 [Appr.: US$ 982.73 | £UK 738.5 | JP¥ 139755]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, hungary, transilvania, hungarian, travel, exploration, explore, europe, european, mineral,

Nytt geografiskt bibliotek för ungdom, eller samling af intressanta resbeskrifningar,... IV. Örebro, Lindh, 1811.
. 12mo. (IV), 180 pp. Uncut copy in orig. wrs, worn. Contains Swedish versions of Thevenot's journey to Constantinople and Townson's journey to Hungary. Transl. by J.P. Wåhlin.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 12119
€  220.00 [Appr.: US$ 245.68 | £UK 184.75 | JP¥ 34939]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asiatica, orient, east, asien, near east, middle east, arabic, arabes, geography, turkey, hungary, arabia, hongrie, géographie, moyen orient, turquie, nahe osten, islam, naher osten

 GYÖRFFY, ISTVçN [HUNGARIAN FOLKLORE]:, Magyar népi h’mzések (Hungarian Folk Embroideries). I: A Cifraszür (The Ornamental Shepherd's Cloak) (all publ.). Budapest, J—szsef Kertész, 1930.
Magyar népi h’mzések (Hungarian Folk Embroideries). I: A Cifraszür (The Ornamental Shepherd's Cloak) (all publ.). Budapest, J—szsef Kertész, 1930.
. Pp. 223. With 168 plates, of which 80 are b/w and 88 coloured plates pasted in, and two hundred illustrations in the text. The coloured plates have printed captions in Hungarian and German. Some browning to the paper. Some coloured plates (nos 29-36) are bound upside down. Half cloth on marbled paper boards which seems to be contemporary. Original printed front wrapper with pasted vignette bound in. First edition of this comprehensive monograph of the Hungarian szür, the traditional shepherd's mantle, decorated with the typical stylised floral ornamentation. Györffy worked for two decades on this work and collected more than one hundred coats during his travels. Now housed at the National Museum in Budapest. He studied extensively the historical material of the felt mantles, the technical tricks of the craft, and the method of sewing and ornamentation. Györrffy describes the different coat styles and types of flower decoration depending on the area, including Bihar county, Transylvania, the "Kunsâg", the "Hajdœsâg", Debrecen, Upper Hungary and Transdanubia. Rare and interesting work of traditional Hungarian folk embroidery with strikingly colourful illustrations.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121134
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 949.23 | £UK 713.5 | JP¥ 134990]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, hungarian, hungary, ungern, embroidery, textile, design, folklore, handicraft, folk costume,

Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. London, etc, "the Studio", 1911.
. Pp. (x), 54. With more than 800 illustrations, of which some coloured. Contemporary half calf, spine ruled and lettered in gilt, lightly rubbed, beautiful marbled end papers, bookplate. First edition of this comprehensive work. It's illustrated with pictures of houses, furnitures, pottery, metal work, embroidery, lace, jewellery, dresses etc from the different regions within the countries. For example from Tyrol, Salzburg, Bohemia, Styria, Silesia, Moravia, Galicia, Dalmatia and Bosnia in Austria and Transylvania, Croatia and Slavonia in Hungary.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100669
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 223.35 | £UK 168 | JP¥ 31762]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, hungary, hungarian, austria, austrian, österrrike, ungern, europe, peasant, art, textiles,

 LENGYEL, MENYHÉRT (LEBOVICS, MELCHIOR):, Taifun (Typhoon). Budapest, A. Nyugat Kiadasa, 1909.
Taifun (Typhoon). Budapest, A. Nyugat Kiadasa, 1909.
. Pp. 147. Title printed in red and black. Printed on Japanese style paper. Original brown stiff wrappers, upper cover lettered and decorated, corners chipped and extremities rubbed. Old ownership signature. The binding is designed by Elek Falus, renowned Hungarian graphic artist, famous for his book cover designs in art nouveau style.First rare edition of Lengyel's drama Typhoon which became a worldwide success with performances in Berlin, Paris and New York. Menyhért Lengyel was born in 1880 in a small town Balmazœjvâros in Hungary. He started out as a journalist and became later a dramatist and film screenwriter. He moved to the United States for several years, became a screenwriter and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Writing with Ninotchka (1939). He also wrote the scripts for the cult film Blue Angel (with Marlene Dietrich) and the American comedy To Be or Not to Be (1942).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120331
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 1005.07 | £UK 755.25 | JP¥ 142931]
Catalogue: Language
Keywords: Language, play, hungary, hungarian, literature, film, europe, european, screenwriting, drama, movie,

 LIPPICH, ELEK KORONGHI:, Koronghi Lippich, Elek Költeményei. 1880-1902. Kriesch Aladâr és Nagy Sândor Rajzaival. [Budapest], Pallas, 1903.
Koronghi Lippich, Elek Költeményei. 1880-1902. Kriesch Aladâr és Nagy Sândor Rajzaival. [Budapest], Pallas, 1903.
. Small 4to. Size: 17.5 x 21 cm. Pp. 307, (1). With numerous illustrations and text printed within decorated borders in various colours. Publisher's pictorial burgundy cloth, upper cover and spine printed in gilt, lightly rubbed. Floral endpapers. Old ownership stamp. First edition of this early and scarce Hungarian Art Nouveau illustrated book of poems. Koronghi Lippich (1862-1924) was an early propagator of Art Nouveau as well as the Arts and Crafts movement in Hungary as the head of the Fine Arts Department at the Ministry of Education and Religion. The two illustrators of this work, Sândor Nagy and Aladâr (Körösf›i-) Kriesch, were the founders of the art colony at Gödöll›, the cradle of Hungarian Art Nouveau. Together with Lippich they shared the interest in the Transylvanian art, and used it to form the unique Hungarian style in modern art, of which this is a beautiful example.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120373
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 1005.07 | £UK 755.25 | JP¥ 142931]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, hungary, ungern, hungarian, art nouveau, art, illustrations, poem, literature,

 MEDGYES, LçSZLî:, Aranyfüst. Budapest, Râth M—r, 1913.
Aranyfüst. Budapest, Râth M—r, 1913.
. Pp. 88, (4) including two blank leaves. With twenty full-page drawings by Medgyes. The illustrated title page and five tail-pieces are also illustrated by him. Publisher's decorated paper boards, vellum spine. First edition, limited to 250 copies. This is number 69 of 200 printed on hand made paper. Comprises twenty short stories by Medgyes together with beautiful Art Nouveau illustrations.Lâszl— Medgyes, born in 1892, was a Hungarian avant-garde artist who moved to Paris in 1920. There he provided scenic design for opera and theatre productions. He established a school "École Medgyes pour la Technique du Thêatre" together with the famous Hungarian architect Ernö Goldfinger. In 1925 he exhibited in New York and later worked as an interior designer throughout Europe and the US. Provenance: Rezs› Szij (1915-2006) renowned Hungarian art historian, the chief librarian of the Hungarian National Library and the founder of the Hungarian Association of Bibliophiles.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120499
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2456.83 | £UK 1846.25 | JP¥ 349387]
Catalogue: Art Nouveau
Keywords: Art Nouveau, hungary, hungarian, ungern, europe, european, art nouveau, illustrated, design, jugend,

 MEDGYES, LçSZLî:, [HUNGARIAN AVANT-GARDE]. Figurâk. Tiz eredeti szines litogrâfia. (Figures. Ten coloured lithographs). Budapest, Dick Man—, 1917.
[HUNGARIAN AVANT-GARDE]. Figurâk. Tiz eredeti szines litogrâfia. (Figures. Ten coloured lithographs). Budapest, Dick Man—, 1917.
. A portfolio with ten coloured lithographs, each signed in pencil by the artist, and one printed title page. Protected by blue tissue paper. A few plates with trace of folding corners, some plates with staining at lower left corner, occasionally some light staining to margin. Composition size: 158 x 208 mm. Original folder with title label on upper cover, somewhat soiled, spine expertly repaired. First edition, limited to 120 copies. This is number 65 (of 85) on Holland paper.A set of attractive lithographs in Art Nouveau and Art Deco style by a celebrated Hungarian avant-garde artist. Medgyes (1892-?) was raised and educated in Budapest. He moved to Paris in the 1920s where he established a school teaching theatre scenic design. He worked throughout Europe and the States with decorative design, advertising and interior design.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120644
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2456.83 | £UK 1846.25 | JP¥ 349387]
Catalogue: Art Nouveau
Keywords: Art Nouveau, hungary, hungarian, ungern, art nouveau, art deco, illustrated, lithographs, avante-garde,

Les elements turcs-ottomans des broderies hongroises / Oszmân-Török elemek a Magyar himszésben. Budapest, Magyar Történeti Mœzeum, 1940.
. Folio. Pp. 145. Parallel text in French and Hungarian. With fifty full-page plates (of which four in colour) depicting 184 photographic samples of different embroidery patterns on fabrics, clothes, arms, carpets, etc. Publisher's printed wrappers. With dedication by the author. First edition, limited to 400 copies. A comprehensive study devoted to various Turkish-Ottoman textile patterns in comparison with traditional Hungarian embroidery. (Bibl. Humanitatis Historica. VI.)
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120375
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 614.21 | £UK 461.75 | JP¥ 87347]
Catalogue: Textile
Keywords: Textile, textile, textiles, design, embroidery, hungary, ungern, hungarian, illustrated,

 TAGORE, RABINDRANATH:, [A collection of Hungarian translations of Tagore's poetical works]. Budapest, Vilâgirodalom (Otthon) 1921 & Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Globus) 1922.
[A collection of Hungarian translations of Tagore's poetical works]. Budapest, Vilâgirodalom (Otthon) 1921 & Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Globus) 1922.
. The collection comprises following works: 1. A postahivatal. A letétemény. Szerencsét hozo pillanat. élö vagy halott? (The Post Office. The Trust Property. The Auspicious Vision. Living or Dead?). Translated by Zoltân Bartos and Mârton Sârmay. Budapest, Vilâgirodalom (Otthon) 1921. Pp. 190, (2). Uncut in original decorated wrappers, slightly worn. 2. Éhes Kövek (The Hungry Stone). Translated by Zoltân Bartos. Budapest, Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Globus), 1922. Pp. 243. Original decorated wrappers, spine slightly worn. 3. Szüret (Fruit-Gathering). Translated by Zoltân Bartos.Budapest, Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet, 1922. Pp. 133. Original decorated wrappers. 4. Mashi (Mashi). Translated by Mârton Sârmay. Budapest, Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Globus), 1922. Pp. 17, (3). Original decorated wrappers, slightly worn. 5. Eltévedt madarak. (Stray Birds). Translated by Zoltân Bartos. Budapest, Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Global), 1922. Pp. 94, (2). Original decorated wrappers. 6. Szerelmi Ajândék. (Lover's Gift and Crossing). Translated by Zoltân Bartos. Budapest, Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Global), 1922. Pp. 90, (2). Original decorated wrappers. 7. Növekvö Hold. (Sisu: The Crescent Moon). Translated by Ben› Zsoldos. Budapest, Pantheon Iradalmi Intézet, 1922. Pp. 112, (4). Original decorated wrappers, spine lightly worn. 8. Hazatérés. (The Home-Coming). Translated by Mârton Sârmay. Budapest, Pantheon Irodalmi Intézet (Otthon), 1922. Pp. 125, (3). Original decorated wrappers, with light wear. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), renowned Bengali poet, novelist, educator and composer has been considered to be the greatest writer in modern Indian literature. Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 as the first Asian recipient. A charming decorative set of Tagore's Bengali poetry, the first translations into Hungarian. The beautiful covers with Indian-style ornamentation are designed by çlmos Jaschik (1885-1950), a renowned Hungarian graphic artist and scenic designer.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120687
€  1850.00 [Appr.: US$ 2065.97 | £UK 1552.5 | JP¥ 293803]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, indian, india, indien, hungary, hungarian, literature, poetry, bengali, asia, asie, asien, asiatic,

 TOTT, FRANCOIS DE:, Mémoires du Baron de Tott, sur les turcs et les tartares. Parts i-iv in two volumes. Amsterdam 1784.
Mémoires du Baron de Tott, sur les turcs et les tartares. Parts i-iv in two volumes. Amsterdam 1784.
. Pp. lvi, 274; 301; 252; 208, including half titles. Wide margins. Old monastery stamp on titles. Contemporary vellum, hand-written titles on spines, red speckled edges. Occasionally some spotting. First edition of this important account of the Ottoman Empire which set new standards of objectivity in its description of the empire at this time. Baron de Tott, a French officer of Hungarian descent, lived in Constantinople between 1755-63, and again 1769-76. He acquired a great knowledge of the Turkish language and of customs, trade and diplomatic relations. He became consul in the Crimea and was later promoted to the post of inspector general of the French Consulate in the Levant. A very handsome copy. Atabey 1227. Cf Blackmer 1667.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 18042
€  1500.00 [Appr.: US$ 1675.11 | £UK 1258.75 | JP¥ 238218]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asiatica, orient, east, asien, near east, middle east, arabic, arabes, turkey, tartary, hungary, tott, constantinople, levant, languages, costumes, trade, ottoman, travels, voyages, explore, exploration

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