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De re grammatica hebraeorum opus, in gratiam studiosorum linguae sanctae methodo quàm facilima coscriptum. Secunda editio cum authoris locupleti recognitione. Paris, Martin Juvenem (Le Jeune), 1549.
. Small 4to. Pp. 182, (2). Old ownership inscription on title. Period style limp vellum, bevelled edges. (by B. Middleton). First published in 1546, this is the second edition. Rare. Le Jeune, bookprinter in Paris 1548-84, was one of the few in Paris who could print Hebrew characters at this time. Index Aurel 142282 (one copy only, in Bibl. Nat.). Smitskamp PO 15. Steinschneider HB 1603.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99302
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 868.37 | £UK 675.5 | JP¥ 133408]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, asia, asien, asie, language, langue

Dottrina facile et breve per ridurre l'Hebreo a conoscimento del vero Messia, e Salvator del Mondo ... Divisa in otto trattati. Venetia, Farri, 1608.
. Small 4to. Pp. (xii), 200, (4). Woodcut vignette on title page and woodcut initials. Text in Italian with Biblical quotations and Latin translation. Contemporary limp vellum, stained and worn, internally fine. Old inscriptions. First edition. The "Dottrina Facile", divided into eight parts, is an attempt to explain in a straightforward way, the justness of Christianity to the Jewish people. The different parts contain: the Trinity; the human nature of God; the virginity of Mary; the coming of Messiah; Christ; the incorrectness of Jewish beliefs; an explanation of the rules introduced after the arrival of Jesus and; the mystery of transubstantiation. In this work Bell'Haver gives quotations in Hebrew from the Holy Scriptures, translates them into Latin, and finally adds his own comments. Rare.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99456
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 922.64 | £UK 717.5 | JP¥ 141746]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, language, langue, bible, jewish, religion, religious, judaism,

Resor i Europa och österländerne. Three volumes. Stockholm, S. Rumstedt, 1826-28.
. Comprises: Pp. (xxii), 375, (1); 558, (2), (ii), 70; 140, one blank leaf (with price information on the verso), 112 + (1) with 5 folding tables. Three engraved titles with vignettes, two folding maps and one engraved plan. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, flat spines ruled in gilt, with title labels, red sprinkled edges, lightly rubbed. Spine ends with some wear, volume two head with small loss. Some very light staining to volume two but overall a very handsome and fresh copy.First edition of an important travel account of the Levant by Jacob Berggren (1790-1868), chaplain to the Swedish embassy in Constantinople. Contains an accurate account of Constantinople at this time and a narrative of Berggren's travels in the area between 1820-22. He visited Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land and Jordania. One appendix (70 pp.) deals with plants collected by Berggren and described by the Swedish botanist Göran Wahlenberg. The other appendix (text in French) contains a guide to certain places of cultural interest in Syria and Palestine. Krok p. 72. Röhricht 1689.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120530
€  960.00 [Appr.: US$ 1042.04 | £UK 810.5 | JP¥ 160089]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, levant, holy land, syria, turkey, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, natural history,

Lifvet i gamla verlden. Dagboks-anteckningar under resor i söder-och österland. Six parts in three volumes. Stockholm, Isaac Marcus, 1860 - 62.
. Pp. (iv), xii, 247; (iv), 412; (iv), 239; (iv), 299, (2); (vi), 247; (iv), 299, (1). Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, flat spines richly decorated in gilt, lightly rubbed. Bookplate (second volume). A handsome copy of the first edition. Fredrika Bremer was a pioneer in the Swedish women's movement and a renowned novelist of her time. This is her diary kept during a five-year journey to Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Palestine and Greece. She visited many famous sites, including Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jaffa. In Constantinople she visited the old harem at the Topkapi Palace and Aya Sophia. Volume three describes her stay in Greece. She was particularly interested in social life and the development of society in the countries she visited.Cf Röhricht p. 490. Tobler 199. Wäber 87.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121269
€  580.00 [Appr.: US$ 629.57 | £UK 489.75 | JP¥ 96721]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, switzerland, greece, italy, italian, turkey, palestine, holy land, near east, levant, travel, exploration, lady traveller

Geographisk beskrifning oefwer Palaestina eller Juda-landet, samt Steniga Arabien saa ock oefwer aatskilliga i den heliga skrift naemde orter,... Sthlm, Grefingska Tryckeriet, 1770.
. (26), 234, 8 pp. With one large fold. map, coloured in outline (with one tear without loss) published by Johan Christoph, Harenberg (Nürnberg 1750). Cont. half calf, worn. Some minor foxing. A Swedish translation of Doctor Büsching's part of Palestine from "Erdbeschreibung 5:1". Includes an interesting introduction by the translator about some of the Swedes who visited the area in the 18th century, i.a. M. Eneman, Höpken and Carlesson. Tobler p.214.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14062
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 173.67 | £UK 135.25 | JP¥ 26682]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asien, orient, east, asiatica, near east, arabic, middle east, arabia, palestina, palestine, holy land, moyen orient, palestine, nahe osten, palestina, palestine, israel, naher osten

De abbreviaturis hebraicis liber novus & copiosus: Operis talmudici brevis recensio, cum ejusdem librorum & capitum indice. Item Bibliotheca Rabbinica nova, ordine alphabethico disposita. Editione hac secunda. Omnia castigatoria & locupletiora. Basel, Ludv. Regis, 1640.
. Small 8vo. Pp. (xvi), 472, index (8). Contemporary vellum, spine lettered in manuscript, worn and stained. Internally fine. Second edition of a Latin reference work of abbreviations in Hebrew from the Talmud. (First published in 1613). This edition is dedicated by Johannes Buxtorf filius to l'Empereur ab Oppyck and à Diest. Includes at end a bibliography of Rabbinical literature (p. 433). Printed and published by Buxtorf's son-in-law Ludwig König (1572-1641). In 1615 he took over the printing office of Waldkirch together with a large stock of Hebrew types from the previous owner, the famous Froben family. Smitskamp PO 167. Silvestre De Sacy ii, 2581 (Two supplements were published in 1768 and 1769 by Tychsen).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 31003
€  380.00 [Appr.: US$ 412.47 | £UK 321 | JP¥ 63369]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, langue, language, linguistic, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, oriental,

Lexicon hebraicum et chaldaicum. Basel, In officina Episcopiana, 1735.
. Pp. (ii), 976, index (76). With engraved front portrait. Text partly stained. Contemporary full calf, spine gilt, worn. Originally Johannes Buxtorf (1544-1629) anonymously published a short Hebrew dictionary entitled "Epitome radicum Hebraicarum" in Basel in 1600. A similar work but extended with Aramaic words and more references appeared in 1607 as "Epitome radicum hebraicarum et chaldaicarum". The second edition of this new version was entitled "Lexicon hebraicum et chaldaicum" and first published in 1615. See Smitskamp PO 149-154. See Fürst i, 138.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34118
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 542.73 | £UK 422.25 | JP¥ 83380]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, language, langue, linguistic

Lûah had-diqdûq. Tabula in grammaticen hebraem ... Accessere Iohannis Isaac et G. Genebrardi ad absolutiorem institutionem scholia. Paris, Martin Juvenem (Le Jeune), 1564.
. Pp. 231. Contemporary limp vellum. Small wormhole running through margin of first two leaves. This Hebrew grammar was first published in 1529 and reissued many times. Scarce, interesting edition with comments by Quinquarboreus (or Cinquarbres), notes by Isaac and Gilbert Génébrard and amendments by J. Mercerio (Jan Mercer). Clenardus was a Flemish Christian humanist, grammarian, orientalist and professor of Latin at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Clenardus' success was largely due to his methodical presentation of the contents and clear formulations of the grammatical rules. Both his Hebrew and Greek grammars became standards for several centuries. Cf Smitskamp PO 10. Bakelants 18. Index Aurel 141397.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99303
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 814.09 | £UK 633.25 | JP¥ 125070]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, language, langue, asia, asie, asien, asiatic

Les fameux voyages de Pietro Della Valle, gentil homme Romain, surnommé l'illustre voyageur, avec un denombrement tres-exact des choses les plus curieuses, & les plus remarquables qu'il a veuës dans la Turquie, l'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, & les Indes Orientales, & queles autheurs qui en ont oy deuant écrit, n'ont iamis obseruées, le tout ecrit en forme de lettres, addresses au Sieur Schipano son plus intime amy. Four volumes. Paris, Gervais Clovzier, 1664.
. 4to. Pp. (xxiv) including one blank leaf, 404, (ii), 97, 80-84, (29) table, (1); (x), 622, (49) table, (1); (xiv), 460, 553-649, (18) table, (1); (xii), 597, (12) table. With two engraved frontispieces, one engraved plate and four woodcut plates in the text (vol. iv). Numerous engraved initials and head-and-tail pieces. Partly some browning due to paper quality. Title pages and plates are narrowly cut. Title to second part of volume one with some minor loss at outer margin. Contemporary full mottled calf, spines with five raised bands richly decorated in gilt, title labels, rubbed and hinges cracked, spine ends worn. Volume one in a late issue of the first edition or maybe the second edition (?), the other volumes in first edition.French edition of one of the most famous and influential early European travel account to the Middle East, first published in Italian in 1650-63. In 1614 della Valle set out for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. On his long journey he visited Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, Persia and India before he returned home to Rome in 1626. His account is based on letters sent to his friend the Neapolitan physician Mario Schipano. Volume one contains letters from Constantinople where he spent 18 months, the second and third are devoted to Persia where he stayed for four years, and the fourth to India and his return journey via Basra, Aleppo, Cyprus, Sicily, Corsica and Malta. Della Valle spoke proficient Arabic, Persian and Turkish which ennabled him to understand more of the foreign cultures he visited than many of the other Western travellers at this time. "One of the finest works of travel literature" (Howgego). Atabey 1269. Cf Blackmer 1712. Röhricht 946.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99407
€  4000.00 [Appr.: US$ 4341.84 | £UK 3376.5 | JP¥ 667039]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, palestine, holy land, turkey, turkish, egypt, egyptian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, voyage, exploration, persia, persian,

Grammatica linguarum orientalium hebraeorum, chaldaeorum et syrorum. Inter se collatarum. Ex recensione David Clodii. Frankfurt a. Main, Johann David Zunner, 1683.
. 4to. Pp. (ii), 14, 424. Title printed in red and black. Small repair to title page. Contemporary half vellum, title in manuscript on spine, worn. Second edition, the first appeared in 1628. Dudovic de Dieu (1570-1642), a renowned orientalist at Leiden, based this grammar on earlier works by Buxtorf, Erpenius, Amira and Bertramus. Smitskamp PO 304.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 35078
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 922.64 | £UK 717.5 | JP¥ 141746]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, syraic, aramaic, holy land, asia, asie, asien, language, langue, linguistic

Heliga landet, dess forna och närvarande förhållanden. Two parts in one volume. Stockholm, Sigfrid Flodins Boktryckeri, 1869.
. 12mo. Pp. 200, (2). Contemporary half calf, spine richly decorated in gilt, somewhat rubbed. Bookplate. A Swedish edition, originally published in English in 1864. Röhricht p. 518. Cf Tobler p. 200.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 35042
€  130.00 [Appr.: US$ 141.11 | £UK 109.75 | JP¥ 21679]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, holy land, asia, east, orient, oriente, asiatica, asie, asien, near east, middle east, arabia, arabic, arabica, arabish, arabien, arabele, moyen-orient, nahe osten, islam

Israeliternas seder, eller en kårt afhandling om detta folkets lagar, gudstjänst, regerings- lefnads- och tänkesätt m.m. Ifrån de älsta intil nya testamentets tider. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1762.
. 12mo. Pp. (viii), 208. Contemporary calf, spine gilt, somewhat worn. Bookplate. Some staining. A Swedish translation of "Les moeurs des Israélites" by a French abbot. Cf Fürst i, 284. Brunet 1291.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 22032
€  140.00 [Appr.: US$ 151.96 | £UK 118.25 | JP¥ 23346]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, near east, middle east, asia, asie, asiatica, asien, east, orient, israel, ethnography, jewish, moyen orient, nahe osten, palestina, palestine, holy land, israel, naher osten, naher osten, palästina

Regni Davidici et Salmonaei descriptio geographica et historica, una cum delineatione Syriae et Aegypti ... juncta est huic operi Consideratio Urbium maximarum veterum et recentiorum. Two parts in one volume. Norimbergae, Officina Homanniana, 1739.
. Folio. Pp. (vi) + clns 320, pp. 4 appendix + (ii), + clns 132, pp. (2) adv. With title printed in red and black, 5 (of 6) folding engraved maps, coloured in outline and 14 engraved plates of which 13 hand-coloured plans of cities, temples and pyramids. Old inscription on title. Long chronogram ownership inscription on front free endpaper. Occasionally some light staining. Contemporary full calf, spine worn and joints weak. Hase (1684-1742), geographer and cartographer, compiled many geographical works and maps for the Homann company. First edition of this historical and geographical description of the kingdoms of David and Solomon. The second part contains a comparison of the greatest cities of the known world. Graesse iii,217. Röhricht 1403. Tobler p.214.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 16051
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1356.82 | £UK 1055.25 | JP¥ 208450]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, syria, holy land, geography, egypt, palestine, travel, exploration, asia, asie, asien, asiatic

Iter Palaestinium eller resa til Heliga Landet, förrättad ifrån år 1749 til 1752, med beskrifningar, rön, anmärkningar, öfver de märkvärdigaste naturalier. Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1757.
. Pp. (xvi), 209, 230-619, (1). Contemporary half calf, worn. Several old ownersip signatures. Bookplate. Partly with some waterstaining. First edition of Hasselquist's voyage to Egypt and the Near East during the years 1749 to 1752. He died in 1752 at Smyrna and his work was posthumously published by Linné (his former teacher), who said: "So admirable a travel journal has never before appeared". Includes the important "Descriptiones Rerum Naturalium Praestantiorum" and also some letters from Hasselquist to Linneaus. It's the first systematic natural history of the Holy Land according to Blackmer. Blackmer 790. Cox i,230. Hulth p.105. Röhricht p.315. Soulsby 3577. Tobler p.130.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99746
€  680.00 [Appr.: US$ 738.11 | £UK 574 | JP¥ 113397]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, holy land, palestine, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, levant, natural history, travel, exploration, voyage, egypt,

Voyages and Travels in the Levant; In the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52. Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce. London, Printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1766.
. Pp. (viii), viii, 307, 380-456. With one folding engraved map. Contemporary calf, worn. Old inscriptions. First English edition translated from the original Swedish (1757) of "the first systematic natural history of the Holy Land" (Blackmer). Hasselquist, a student of Linné, travelled to the Near East to study the natural history of the countries he visited. He died in Smyrna in 1752 when he was about to return to Sweden. His journal with valuable observations and descriptions was posthumously edited by Linné. Cf Blackmer 792. Casey Wood p. 380. Hulth p. 106. Röhricht 1435. Soulsby 3582.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99540
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 976.91 | £UK 759.75 | JP¥ 150084]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, levant, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, natural history, turkey, egypt, holy land, travel, exploration, cyprus, palestine,

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