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De re grammatica hebraeorum opus, in gratiam studiosorum linguae sanctae methodo quàm facilima coscriptum. Secunda editio cum authoris locupleti recognitione. Paris, Martin Juvenem (Le Jeune), 1549.
. Small 4to. Pp. 182, (2). Old ownership inscription on title. Period style limp vellum, bevelled edges. (by B. Middleton). First published in 1546, this is the second edition. Rare. Le Jeune, bookprinter in Paris 1548-84, was one of the few in Paris who could print Hebrew characters at this time. Index Aurel 142282 (one copy only, in Bibl. Nat.). Smitskamp PO 15. Steinschneider HB 1603.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99302
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 823.12 | £UK 674.25 | JP¥ 128505]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, asia, asien, asie, language, langue

Dottrina facile et breve per ridurre l'Hebreo a conoscimento del vero Messia, e Salvator del Mondo ... Divisa in otto trattati. Venetia, Farri, 1608.
. Small 4to. Pp. (xii), 200, (4). Woodcut vignette on title page and woodcut initials. Text in Italian with Biblical quotations and Latin translation. Contemporary limp vellum, stained and worn, internally fine. Old inscriptions. First edition. The "Dottrina Facile", divided into eight parts, is an attempt to explain in a straightforward way, the justness of Christianity to the Jewish people. The different parts contain: the Trinity; the human nature of God; the virginity of Mary; the coming of Messiah; Christ; the incorrectness of Jewish beliefs; an explanation of the rules introduced after the arrival of Jesus and; the mystery of transubstantiation. In this work Bell'Haver gives quotations in Hebrew from the Holy Scriptures, translates them into Latin, and finally adds his own comments. Rare.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99456
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 874.57 | £UK 716.5 | JP¥ 136537]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, hebrew, holy land, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, language, langue, bible, jewish, religion, religious, judaism,

Resor i Europa och österländerne. Three volumes. Stockholm, S. Rumstedt, 1826-28.
. Comprises: Pp. (xxii), 375, (1); 558, (2), (ii), 70; 140, one blank leaf (with price information on the verso), 112 + (1) with 5 folding tables. Three engraved titles with vignettes, two folding maps and one engraved plan. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, flat spines ruled in gilt, with title labels, red sprinkled edges, lightly rubbed. Spine ends with some wear, volume two head with small loss. Some very light staining to volume two but overall a very handsome and fresh copy.First edition of an important travel account of the Levant by Jacob Berggren (1790-1868), chaplain to the Swedish embassy in Constantinople. Contains an accurate account of Constantinople at this time and a narrative of Berggren's travels in the area between 1820-22. He visited Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land and Jordania. One appendix (70 pp.) deals with plants collected by Berggren and described by the Swedish botanist Göran Wahlenberg. The other appendix (text in French) contains a guide to certain places of cultural interest in Syria and Palestine. Krok p. 72. Röhricht 1689.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120530
€  960.00 [Appr.: US$ 987.74 | £UK 809.25 | JP¥ 154206]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, levant, holy land, syria, turkey, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, natural history,

 BERGGREN, JACOB:, Resor i Europa och österländerne. Three volumes. Stockholm, S. Rumstedt, 1826-28.