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 [LEFéVRE-UTILE / ART NOUVEAU ALBUM / ], Album des célébrités contemporaine publié par Lefèvre-Utile Nantes [Title on front cover]. Nantes about 1905.
Album des célébrités contemporaine publié par Lefèvre-Utile Nantes [Title on front cover]. Nantes about 1905.
. Oblong 4to. (36.5 x 27 cm) Lvs. (11) With 48 inserted embossed chromolithograph autograph cards of famous actors, composers, authors, etc. placed in Art Nouveau decorated frames. One sheet with content. Last two leaves titled "Biscuites Levèvre-Utile" missing eight cards. Bound in publisher's decorated boards, printed in silver and gold.An exclusive promotional album produced to celebrate Levèvre-Utile winning the grand prize for making biscuits at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. Lefèvre Utiel (LU) is a renowned French manufacturer of biscuits and chocolate based in Nantes (now part of Mondelez International). The lavishly decorated cards were included in packages of cookies and were intended as a collector's item. Each card has a colourful artistic scene associated with a contemporary celebrity, and includes a photographic portrait of the same. The artwork was created by leading French artists and photographers of the day.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121350
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 830.18 | £UK 668.25 | JP¥ 126084]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, French, france, advertisement, cookies, biscuits, promotional, album, art nouveau, jugend,

 [COSTUMES FOR "WALZER AUS WIEN" / THEATERKUNST HERMANN J. KAUFMANN].,  [A collection of 26 water colour drawings depicting costumes for the pasticcio "Walzer aud Wien"]. About 1930-6.
[A collection of 26 water colour drawings depicting costumes for the pasticcio "Walzer aud Wien"]. About 1930-6.
. Comprises 26 plates (26 x 22 cm) with 31 costume drawings painted in water colours with notes and numbers in pencil. The notes refer to the operetta characters and possibly Swedish artists who were famous at that time. A label "Theaterkunst Hermann J. Kaufmann" pasted on the reverse of the plates. Housed in a specially-made box.The pasticcio "Walzer aus Wien" arranged by Erich Wolfgang Korngold and with music by Johann Strauss (father and son) was first performed at the Vienna Stadttheater in 1930. The following year it was restaged in London as "Waltzes from Vienna" and a French version entitled "Valses de Vienne" was produced in Paris. The successful operetta was based on the rivalry between Strauss the elder and Strauss the younger. We have not been able to find any Swedish performance but this set of drawings listing Swedish artists indicates that such a plan existed, even if it was never implemented. We don't know who made the drawings but the Kaufmann labels suggest that they used to belong to them. Theaterkunst Hermann Kaufmann, founded in Berlin 1907, became the world's biggest costume house for theatre, opera, and later also film productions. In the 1930s the company expanded internationally but in 1936 Hermann Kaufmann had to sell it due to political pressure.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120704
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2075.46 | £UK 1670.25 | JP¥ 315210]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, costumes, opera, operette, musical, austrian, vienna, swedish, sweden, artists, fashion, clothes, pastiche

 [VICTORIAN PLAYBILL - CONCERT, BIRMINGHAM]., DAY'S. On Monday, November 22nd, 1880, and Every Evening. Birmingham 1880.
DAY'S. On Monday, November 22nd, 1880, and Every Evening. Birmingham 1880.