found: 5 books

 BIZOZERI, D. SIMPLICIANO:, Ungria Restaurada compendiosa noticia, de dos tiempos: del Passado. Baxo el Jugo de la Tirania Othomana, del presente, Baxo el Dominio catholico de Leopoldo II. de Austria. Felices sucessos de us Armas Cesareas, en el Reyno de Croacia, y principado de Transylvania. Barcelona, Martin Gelabert, 1688.
Ungria Restaurada compendiosa noticia, de dos tiempos: del Passado. Baxo el Jugo de la Tirania Othomana, del presente, Baxo el Dominio catholico de Leopoldo II. de Austria. Felices sucessos de us Armas Cesareas, en el Reyno de Croacia, y principado de Transylvania. Barcelona, Martin Gelabert, 1688.
. Pp. (vi), 280, (8). With 44 engraved plates, of which 7 are portraits and 37 city-views, some folding. Margins trimmed, first forty leaves with worm holes in outer margin, of which first five restored, with no loss of text. Partly with some light water staining. Nicely rebound to period style full calf, gilt floral dentelles on covers, spine decorated and lettered in gilt (by B. Middleton).An important account of the campaign against the Ottomans by the Princes of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Leopold I, and of the Imperial Army in Croatia and Transylvania. First published in Italian (Milan 1685) without illustrations. Apponyi, Hungarica, 1342. Palau 30049, p. 231: "Obras mas estimada en el extranjero qu en Espana". Pallau calls for 38 plates only.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 26047
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2196.29 | £UK 1674.25 | JP¥ 326649]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, hungary, croatia, transylvania, slovakia, travel, voyage, exploration, explore

 GRÖGER, MIKULASCHEK & CO.:, [MORAVIAN TEXTILE SAMPLES].  Bettzeuge no. III (Bedclothes). Sternberg, Mähren, no date (ca 1890).
[MORAVIAN TEXTILE SAMPLES]. Bettzeuge no. III (Bedclothes). Sternberg, Mähren, no date (ca 1890).
. Oblong 8vo. Size: 25 x 11 cm. Leporello comprising 24 leaves with 232 tipped-in woven cotton samples, mostly striped and check patterns in red and blue, each given a hand-written number in ink. A few samples with some very light staining but overall in very good condition. Original bordeaux coloured cloth, blind-stamped with company name within ornamental frame, with paper label on upper cover, somewhat rubbed. Front end papers decorated in Jugend style.A very neat and well-preserved pattern book belonging to the weaving manufacturer Gröger, Mikulaschek & Co., from Sternberg in Moravia, today Sternberk in Czech Republic. Sternberg was an important centre of cotton and silk industry with more than 1000 mechanical weaving looms around 1900.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120759
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 933.42 | £UK 711.5 | JP¥ 138826]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, austria, austrian, österrrike, czech, tjeckien, design, cloth samples,

Bref om Österrike. 3 parts in 1 vol. Christianstad 1810-12.
. Cont. boards. Swedish translation about the war in 1809 Germany and Austria.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 19006
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 87.85 | £UK 67 | JP¥ 13066]
Catalogue: Europe
Keywords: Europe, europe, europa, austria, military, travels, voyages, explore, exploration, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen

Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. London, etc, "the Studio", 1911.
. Pp. (x), 54. With more than 800 illustrations, of which some coloured. Contemporary half calf, spine ruled and lettered in gilt, lightly rubbed, beautiful marbled end papers, bookplate. First edition of this comprehensive work. It's illustrated with pictures of houses, furnitures, pottery, metal work, embroidery, lace, jewellery, dresses etc from the different regions within the countries. For example from Tyrol, Salzburg, Bohemia, Styria, Silesia, Moravia, Galicia, Dalmatia and Bosnia in Austria and Transylvania, Croatia and Slavonia in Hungary.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100669
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 219.63 | £UK 167.5 | JP¥ 32665]
Catalogue: Design
Keywords: Design, hungary, hungarian, austria, austrian, österrrike, ungern, europe, peasant, art, textiles,

 ZÜLOW, FRANZ VON:, Die 12 Monate. Originallithographien. Vienna, Druck und Verlag der Wiener Werkstätte, no date (1912).
Die 12 Monate. Originallithographien. Vienna, Druck und Verlag der Wiener Werkstätte, no date (1912).
. 4to. Comprises thirteen original colour lithographs, as issued, loose in publisher's black cloth portfolio illustrated with original lithographs by the artist on covers, abstract hand-painted front paste down and inner flaps. Housed in a specially-made chemise by Atelier Devauchelle. First edition printed in a very small number. A fine, complete set of this stunning work by Franz von Zülow comprising in total fifteen original colour lithographs; one plate for each month, one plate depicting the four seasons and two plates pasted on the covers. The fanciful lithographs have multiple pictures of people and animals placed in everyday and festive contexts depending on the month. Zülow uses a folkloristic and dynamic style with very expressive colours on a decorative flatness, influenced by the early Viennese Secession. Franz von Zülow (1883-1963) was a renowned Austrian painter, designer, graphic artist and muralist who worked at the Wiener Werkstätte from 1905 onwards and joined the Vienna Secession in 1908. The Wiener Werkstätte (1903-32) was a productive cooperative of skilled artisans (including architects, artists and designers) in Vienna dedicated to the production of modern decorative arts. The declared objective of the Wiener Werkstätte was to break through everyday life with remarkable artistic and aesthetic products. Two plates are narrowly cut but overall it's a lovely set of an impressive work of art. Rare. Ref. Heller, Die Bunte Welt, 455. Schweiger, Wiener Werkstätte, p. 185.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121037
€  5800.00 [Appr.: US$ 6369.25 | £UK 4855 | JP¥ 947282]
Catalogue: Art Nouveau
Keywords: Art Nouveau, art nouveau, illustrated, design, artist, austria, vienna, Wiener Werkstätte, Vienna Secession, art, lithographs,

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