found: 6 books

 BIRD, ISABELLA LUCY (Mrs. Bishop):, Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. Including a Summer in the Upper Karun Region and a Visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. Two volumes. London, John Murray, 1891.
Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. Including a Summer in the Upper Karun Region and a Visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. Two volumes. London, John Murray, 1891.
. Pp. xiv, 381; (vi), 409. With two fronts, two folding maps and 34 illustrations, of which eleven full-page. Publisher's blue decorated cloth, stamped in gilt, lightly discoloured. Bookplates. First edition. Isabella Bird (1831-1904), probably the most loved Victorian lady traveller, became the first woman inducted into the Royal Geographical Society (1892). This account covers Bird's two-year journey through little-known parts of Persia and eastern Asia Minor. She joined Major Herbert Sawyer of the Indian Army on a rough journey from Baghdad to Tehran. After visiting the Bakhtiari tribes of south-west Persia, she continued her journey north through Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, to Trebizond (Trabzon) on the Black Sea coast of north-eastern Turkey. One map depicts her journey and the other the Bakhtiari country. Robinson pp. 81-3.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120587
€  1600.00 [Appr.: US$ 1679.43 | £UK 1335.25 | JP¥ 255798]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, persia, perse, kurdistan, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, armenia, azerbaijan, kurds, kurdistan, lady traveller

 BRENNER, HENRICH:, Epitome commentariorum Moysis Armeni, de origine & regibus armenorum et pathorum, item series principum Iberiae et Georgiae, cum notis & observationibus. Accessit ejusdem epistola ad plur. reverend. & celeberrim. Doct. Ericum Benzelium de praesenti statu quarundam gentium orientalium. Stockholm, J. L. Horrn, 1723.
Epitome commentariorum Moysis Armeni, de origine & regibus armenorum et pathorum, item series principum Iberiae et Georgiae, cum notis & observationibus. Accessit ejusdem epistola ad plur. reverend. & celeberrim. Doct. Ericum Benzelium de praesenti statu quarundam gentium orientalium. Stockholm, J. L. Horrn, 1723.
. 4to. Pp. (iv), 108. Modern brown-speckled paper boards, new endpapers. Some browning to the text. Outer corners of first few leaves lightly chipped. First edition which was compiled in Isfahan in 1699 with the assistance of an Italian Dominican monk Johannes Bartholomaeus.Comprises two parts, of which the first titled "Breve comment. de origine nationis Armenorum" is based on the writings of Movses Khorenatzi, known as the father of Armenian literature, believed to have lived in the 5th century. The second part "Series regum sive principum" is mainly based on Georgian manuscripts. Henrich Brenner, Finnish-born philosopher and diplomat who accompanied the Swedish envoy Ludvig Fabricius to Persia in 1697. The aim of the embassy was to establish trade relations between Persia and Sweden. Three years later on Brenner's return journey he was imprisoned in Russia.Due to the war between Charles XII and Peter I the Czar suspected that Brenner's mission might have secret political purposes and therefore had Brenner arrested at Moscow. He was imprisoned for twenty-one years until the conclusion of the Peace of Nystad. During his journey and the long imprisonment in Russia he had opportunity to study the languages and cultures of Armenia, Dagestan, Georgia and Circassia. Brenner's extensive commentary of the "Epitome com. Moysis Armeni" indicates his broad knowledge of classical and oriental literature. At end a letter to Erik Benzelius, Archbishop of Upsala at the time. Scarce. Zenker, BO ii, 2289. Svenskt Biografiskt Lexicon, 6.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121099
€  1100.00 [Appr.: US$ 1154.61 | £UK 918 | JP¥ 175861]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, near east, middle east, arabia, arabic, asia, asie, asiatica, asien, east, orient, arab, armenia, georgia, georgien, persia, russia, russian, persian,

 FERRIERES-SAUVEBOEUF, LOUIS FRAN‚OIS COMTE DE:, Mémoires historiques, politiques et géographiques des voyages. Faits en Turquie, en Perse, et en Arabie, depuis 1782, jusqu'en 1789; Avec les observations sur la religion, les moeurs, le caractère & le commerce de ces trois nations. Two volumes. Paris, chez Buisson, 1790.
Mémoires historiques, politiques et géographiques des voyages. Faits en Turquie, en Perse, et en Arabie, depuis 1782, jusqu'en 1789; Avec les observations sur la religion, les moeurs, le caractère & le commerce de ces trois nations. Two volumes. Paris, chez Buisson, 1790.
. Pp. (ii), xxiv, 298, errata (1) ; (ii), x, 303, errata (1). Contemporary sprinkled calf, spines gilt ruled in compartments with red and green morocco title labels. Bookplate (Sir Edmund Antrobus). Small loss to lower front hinge on volume two. Some browning to outer margins of the endpapers. First edition.Ferrieres-Sauveboeuf was a French diplomat who travelled for many years throug the Levant, Persia, Arabia and the Caucasus, including several visits to Constantinople. He was fluent in Turkish and Persian. His account is rich in information about the countries, people, characters, religion, etc. and based mainly on his own observations. Furthermore, he records much detail about the Turkish-Russian war of 1788-9. He was engaged to carry out secret missions in the area under the ministry of Vergennes who had previously been French ambassador to the Porte (from 1755). This may explain his loyalty to Vergennes and the fierce attacks on the Comte de Choiseul Gouffier who was the ambassador in Constantinople at the time. Atabey 428 (second ed.). Blackmer 590. Weber ii, 598.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100902
€  2000.00 [Appr.: US$ 2099.29 | £UK 1669 | JP¥ 319748]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, turquie, perse, persien, persian, persia, arabia, arabic, arabien, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, georgia, armenia, caucasia,

Voyage en Arménie et en Perse. Précédé d'une notice sur l'auteur par M. Sédillot. Paris (ca 1860).
. Pp. (iv), xxviii, 368. With one engraved portrait. Contemporary red morocco, spine gilt. French premium binding ("Université de France Lycee Fontanes"). Partly some minor staining. Second edition (first Paris 1821). Jaubert (1779-1847), French interpreter and diplomat, was sent on a mission to Persia and Armenia in 1805 to negotiate with the Shah. Cf. Atabey 613. Diba p. 312. Cf Schwab 287.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 23046
€  600.00 [Appr.: US$ 629.79 | £UK 500.75 | JP¥ 95924]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, persia, persian, perse, armenia, armenian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, voyage, exploration, levant

Preces sancti armeniorum patriarchae viginti quatuor linguis editae. Venetiis, In Insula S. Lazari, 1837.
. 12mo. Pp. (vi), 434 + add. (ii), 43. With one engraved front portrait. Some light staining towards the end. Contemporary half green morocco, decorated in gilt, g.e., extremities rubbed. A type specimen book containing the prayers of Nerses in 25 different languages. Includes scripts of Armenian, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Syriac, Chinese and Aethiopian. First published in 1818, reprinted many times. Printed at the Armenian monastery on the island of S. Lazarus outside Venice. Wetzer ix, 162.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14383
€  240.00 [Appr.: US$ 251.91 | £UK 200.5 | JP¥ 38370]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic, armenia, armenian, turkey, turkish, syriac, syria, chinese, china, kina, chine, ethiopia, ethiopian, language, langue, linguistic

 TOMMASEO, NICCOLñ:, Storia de Mosé Corenese illustrata dai Monaci Armeni Mechitaristi. Venezia, typografia Armena di San Lazzaro, 1841.
Storia de Mosé Corenese illustrata dai Monaci Armeni Mechitaristi. Venezia, typografia Armena di San Lazzaro, 1841.
. Pp. xxii, 403, index (15). With one engraved plate. Contemporary half calf, flat spine decorated and lettered in gilt, g.e. A few leaves with some light staining but overall a beautiful copy. First edition. Mose of Correne, Armenian historian who wrote the important "History of Armenia" in the 5th century. Tommaseo (1802-74) was a Dalmatian linguist, journalist and essayist. Printed at the Armenian monastery on the island of St Lazare outside Venice. ("Collana degli storici Armeni" volume 1").
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 121452
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 472.34 | £UK 375.5 | JP¥ 71943]
Catalogue: Central Asia
Keywords: Central Asia, armenia, armenian, history, literature, caucasia, asia, asie, asien, asiatic,

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