Litanies de la Rose. Paris, René Kieffer, 1919.
. 12mo. Pp. 128. With 59 pochoir coloured illustrations by André Domin. Limited edition to 560 copies, of which 500 on vélin paper (no. 446). Original printed wrappers, lightly soiled, slightly chipped at foot of spine.Each page has a wide frame adorned with roses and stylised leaves on a golden background. The exquisite illustrations of women, representing different colours, correspond to a poem written on the opposite side. André Domin (1883-1962) was a French Art Déco artist who together with Marcel Genevrière founded the famous Maison Dominique in 1922. A delicate work with sublime illustrations in typical Art Déco style. Carteret, V, 96. Monod, I, 5618.

Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
Professional sellerBook number: 121230
€ 1800.00 [Appr.: US$ 1867.91 | £UK 1503.25 | JP¥ 283689]
Keywords: Art Deco, art deco, decoration, pochoir, design, woman, women, prose, poems, illustration,