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Prys-courant der effecten. Ao 1825. Amsterdam, Maandag, den 31sten January No. 9. [At the end:] 'Opgemaakt en uitgegeven den 22sten en den 29sten November 1824, op last van den Heer Staatsraad, Administrateur der Registratie en Loteryen...
Amsterdam, Gedrukt, en te bekomen ter Prijs - Courantdrukkerij van N.Cotray, op de Oz. Voorburgwal bij de St. Janstraat, No 184. No date [1824]. Large folio [meas. appr. 27 x 45 cm.]. Folded twice. [n2]. (IV pp.). Final page w. tax duty stamp in ink.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 9875
€  225.00 [Appr.: US$ 248.98 | £UK 189.75 | JP¥ 36370]
Keywords: prijscourant trade shares aandelen geldhandel Beurs webefemera

Reis-Beschrijvinge, Zeer gedenkwaardige en naaukeurige historische Reis-Beschrijvinge, door Vrankrijk, Spangie, Italien, Duitsland, Engeland, Holland en Moscovien: Behelsende desselfs Staaten, Steeden, Kercken, Graf-Schriften, der Geleerde, Lieden, Gods diensten, Staatkunde, Regeeringen ... Bibliotheken, Cabinetten, ... Ruinen mitsgaders haar inkomsten, Groote Koophandel door de Hollanders in Oost en West Indien, ... in de Jare 1693 - 1696.
Leyden, Boudewyn vander Aa, Boek-verkooper, op 't Rapenburg over de Academie, 1700. 4to. W. front. and 16 engr. pls. (on 15). Old hlf. vellum over marbled brds. (VI, 662, XXIV pp.). Tiele 906: Dutch translation with corrections and additions of Jourdan's "Voyages historiques de l'Europe", Paris, 1692 - 1700 [8 vols. in 12mo].
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 1169
€  1270.00 [Appr.: US$ 1405.36 | £UK 1070.5 | JP¥ 205291]
Keywords: travel W45 behandelen

La religion des Hollandois, representée en plusieurs Lettres écrites par un Officier de l'Armée du Roy, à un Pasteur & Professeur en Théologie de Berne.
Paris, Chez François Clousier l'ainé, dans la cCour du Palais... Pierre Auboüin, à la Fleur du Lis..., 1673. Small 8vo. Nice 19th c. half brown clf., over green marbled brds. Spine in compartmenst, w. red titleshield, giltlettered. Quires alternate in 8s and 4s. [a4, A8, B4, C8, D4, E8 (E8 signed F), F4, G8, H4 etc. ...P8, Q4, R6]. Half sheet imposition. (Quire R missigned R, R2, R4, R3, (R5), (R6). (VIII, 204 pp.). (Very small rest. at O1recto [p. 162], top left blank margin). The original French edition. Barbier IV, 241 f: Van der Linde, 63: Hertzberger Cat. 150 (Wolf coll.), 334 'The Original edition (v.d. Linde only mentions the edition Cologne, 1673). Author of this curious little work is Jean Baptiste Stouppe, Lieutenant of a Swiss regiment in French service during the war with the Netherlands. It was he who handed the invitation of Condé to Spinoza in 1673... Pp. 91 - 95, 152 seq. of this work deal with Spinoza about whom is said: "Cést un homme qui est né Juif, qui s'appelle Spinola [sic!] qui n'a point abjuré la Religion des Juifs, ny embrassé la Religion Chrêtienne; aussi il est tres-méchant Juif, et n'est pas meilleur Chrêstien.": : Comp. Willems, 1878: on the Cologne reprint.: Exhibition Catalogue Herzog August Bibliothek [1977], comp. item 60: '...Stoppa, ... a Swiss Calvinist who had lived in England under Cromwell, moved to France upon the death of the Lord Protector; there he won the graces of Louis XIV. He took part in the French war of conquest in the Netherlands and wrote during this war the propagandistic, anti-Dutch book 'La Religion des Hollandois', in which he attacked the diversity of philosophical and religious parties in Holland, particularly, however, Spinozism.': Freudentahl, pp. 47 - 56: 'Ein Prediger namens Hommel griff Stouppe aufs heftigste deshalb an, dass er, ein Calvinist, gegen ein calvinistisches Land die Waffen trage.': Inst. Neerlandais, Cat. Spinoza (1977), item 182: Meinsma, Life of Spinoza, pp. 433 - 466, discussing the work extensively.:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 10530
€  1450.00 [Appr.: US$ 1604.55 | £UK 1222.25 | JP¥ 234387]
Keywords: philosophy spinozana theology Stoupa Freeman freedom Viref

The Religion of Nature delineated.
London, Printed by Samuel Palmer, in Bartholomew-Close, 1726. 4to. W. woodc. vign. on title, woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemp. blind tooled panelled clf., sl. rubb. (Covers a few dam. spots; some scratches.). (219, I (blank), 6 lvs. (Index) pp.). Without the portrait. Wollaston, 1659 - 1724, was an English moral philosopher. 'Inherited fortune from a cousin, and settled in London, devoting himself to writing treatises on philological and ecclesiastical questions.; upheld the 'intellectual' theory of morality.' (DNB concise).: "The Religion..." was one of the popular philosophical books of its day. 4th edition. On good quality paper. The 1st ed. appeared in 1724, preceded by a privately printed one in 1722.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 752
€  275.00 [Appr.: US$ 304.31 | £UK 232 | JP¥ 44453]
Keywords: & medicine theology philosophy philology behandelen Z3

TROMP.- L.S.V.C. [=J.SIX van Chandelier].- Lijkdicht.- 1653.-
Rouw / Over de schierlijke dood van den onverwonnen / Zee - Held / Marten Harpertsen Tromp , / Ridder, L. Admiraal van Holland en Zeeland. /
No place, No publ. No date [1653]. Plano. Meas. appr. 28 x 33 cm. Evidence of double folding. A small tear below woodc. initial. Left top margin w. frayed edge over 17 cm. A vague brown spot to mid center left and righ of sheet. Top margin a bit short, partially cutting into the letterpress word 'Rouw', some loss of the printed surface. Numerous funeral orations, eulogies and funeral poems were published after the death of Maerten Harpertsz Tromp in the battle at Scheveningen, August 10 1653. These original folio sheets belong to the rare Tromp ephemera. Among the poets known to have dedicated a poem to Tromp's life and herioc deeds, we find D. Questiers, ISVC [J. Six van Chandelier], P. Dubbels, Daniel Jonktys, T. Dodeur, J. Terinck. The funerary poetry on plano sheets lamenting Tromp's death in battle are mostly unrecorded or recorded in ONLY 1 copy [University Library Leiden and Wolffenbüttel]. On Johan Six van Chandelier [1620 - 1695] see Jan Koopmans in 'De Nieuwe Taalgids', jrg. 9 (1915), pp. 25 - 48. NNBW vol. X, c. 924:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 10642
€  425.00 [Appr.: US$ 470.3 | £UK 358.25 | JP¥ 68700]
Keywords: occasional

(ANDREWES, Lancelot).- BASSON [Transl., Printer].- Sermon.- Basson.- 1610
Een Sermoon, ghepredickt in tgenwoordicheyt van sijne Conincklijke Maijesteeyt van Groot Britannien/ in zijn Hoff tot Hampton. aengaende t' Recht ende de Macht om Vergaderingen by een te roepen, ende dat men naeme, Kerckelijcke ; als Synoden, & c. door den Bischop van Chichester, op den 28. Septemb. 1606. uyt het Enghels overgheset, ende met een Latynsche Copye gheconfereert.
Leyden, Thomas Basson, 1610. 4to. Modern light col. paper covers. W. woodc. vignet on title. (VIII, 28 pp.). (Lower righthand corner a group of 5-7 small pinhole wormh., mostly in the blank margin.). Rare Dutch translation. Knuttel 1789: Tiele, 898: Van Dorsten, bibliography item 164: idem, pp. 54 & 98: 'Some current English news-pamphlets were of considerable theological interest: various aspects of the Hampton Court conference were immediately relevant to the increasing need for a Dutch national synod... he [Thomas Basson] was certainly responsible for 'Een Sermoon..., in which 'the power and the right to convene such meetings' which 'had been exhaustively treated by Doctor Andrewes Bishop of Chichester' was now presented to Dutch readers, 'translated out of English and Latin', to help solve the present dilemmas.': From the printing press of Thomas Basson, active at Leiden between 1585 - 1613. Pollard and Redgrave STC 615 (the original english ed. 1606).:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4779
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 442.63 | £UK 337.25 | JP¥ 64658]
Keywords: theology Sermons 17th Vilia

Spiegel der Weereld of geheime waernemingen van ... J. Ch. Ludeman ... in 12 brieven ... aen Meester Franciscus van Rotterdam. B.u.w. 2) IDEM, Nieuws tyding uit de andere waereld of samenspraek tusschen Jacob Campo Weyerman; ... en ... Ludeman.
Rotterdam, Den Haag, G. van Rooye, Bakhuysen a.o, 1758. & 1768. 4to. 2 vols. in 1. Contemp. half vellum, dam. Marbled paper on covers virtually all gone. 1 woodc. in the text. (Engr. front. wanting); (IV, 430; 168 [page 168 as 142]; 48 pp.). (Inner hinges loosening; needs binder's attention). Poor copy. Waller, 922: not in Buisman: 2) Waller 920: not in Buisman
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 2865
€  325.00 [Appr.: US$ 359.64 | £UK 274 | JP¥ 52535]
Keywords: popular literature Toon behandelen W41 veilen

Suite de la civilité françoise ou traité du point d'honneur, et des regles pour converser & se conduire sagement avec les incivils & les fâcheux. Seconde édition.
Paris, Chez Helie Josset, ruë S. Jacques, à la fleur-de-lys d'Or, 1680. 8vo. W. woodc. device on title. Contemp. full clf., spine in compartments, gilt. (Spine ends dam., headbands preserved; edges rubb., corners bumped.; Upper outer hinge weakening.). (XXII, 354, VI [Book catalogue] pp.). (Sign. in ink on title.). Barbier vol. IV, 574d: Biogr. Univ. C. p. 276: Général to Louis XIV, confidant of Queen Christina of Sweden and Karl-Gustaf, whose personal envoy he was in France. Courtin died in 1685. His publications include 'sur la jalousie' 1674; 'sur le point d'honneur'1675; 'sur la civilité', 1695. Furthermore he translated de Groot 'sur la droit de la guerre et de la Paix'. Second edition of General Courtin's manual of good manners and sense of honour in civilian-, professional and married life.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4792
€  425.00 [Appr.: US$ 470.3 | £UK 358.25 | JP¥ 68700]
Keywords: rules regulations values education behaviour etiquette Z10

DESBREST.- Mineral waters.- Spas.- 1778
Traité des eaux minérales de Chateldon, de celles de Vichy et Haute-Rive en Bourbonnois, avec le détail de leurs propriétés Médicinales & leur analyse.
Moulins; Paris, Chez la Veuve Faure & Vidalin; Chez Didot le Jeune, Quai des Augustins, 1778. 12mo. Fine contemp. full mottl. clf, spine elaborately gilttooled w. floral ornaments, w. green title shield. Inside dentelles. Covers w. triple gilt rules. Edges of covers w. single gilt rule. Green silken reading ribbon. [a12, A-K12, M12, L12, N8]. (XXIV, 301, III (approbation) pp.). (Quire M bound before quire L.). (Fine original marbled endp.). (All edges gilt.). (A small rectangular piece of paper meas. 1 x 0.7 cm, pasted just above the green title shield, unobtrusive.). A very good, well bound copy, of this publication describing the mineral waters of Chateldon, Vichy and Haute-Rive.: Duveen, 168: Blake 116: Neu, item 1123: Comp. Wellcome 452 (ed. of 1783): Not in Waring, bibl. therapeutica:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4005
€  350.00 [Appr.: US$ 387.3 | £UK 295 | JP¥ 56576]
Keywords: medicine therapeutics chemistry badkultuur therapy water balneology Vilic

Translaat uyt het Latijn ... Provisioneel ende particulier tractaat, ...tusschen de Heer Francisco de Zousa Coutinho, Raedt en Ambassadeur vanden ... den Koningh van Portugaal ... ende heeren gedeputeerden van de Hoog Mog. Heeren Staten Generaal ...aangaande de controversie over de Jurisdictie en Territorie van 't Fort Galle.
's Gravenhage, By de Weduwe en Erfgenamen van wylen Hillebrandt Jacobsz van Wouw, ordinaris druckers van de Hoogh Mog. Heeren Staaten Generaal, 1654. 4to. Unbound pamphlet. W. large woodc. device of the Staten Generaal [Lion facing left w. sword and 'bundel'of 7 arrows, surrounded by cartouche depicting military attributes, top left and right putti]. [A4]. (8 pp., paged 11 - 14, (15). Knuttel 5202, with the year 1645, however. Our copy a later variant of Knuttel 5202: In the process of taking Ceylon from the Portuguese that ended in 1658, here is a provisional treaty dealing with the area around Fort Galle on the South coast. Landwehr, VOV, item 242: STCN, 5 exx.:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 9686
€  325.00 [Appr.: US$ 359.64 | £UK 274 | JP¥ 52535]
Keywords: behandelen ordner Pamphlets tracts trade webpamphlets

ARTARIA & COMPAGNIE.- Auction catalogue.- 1842
Vente publique d'estampes à Vienne...d'une riche collection de gravures et d'eaux-fortes tant anciennes que modernes et contenant les maîtres : A - L, .......le 12 Décembre 1842 et jours suivans...sous la direction de la Maison Artaria & Compagnie, Marchands de beaux Arts, Rue: Kohlmarkt Nr. 1151, à Vienne,...
Vienna, Artaria & Comp., 1842. [December 1842]. 8vo. Unbound. Spine w. contemp. simple paper strip. (II, 89, I (blank) pp.). (Lower blank margin towards the end a vague watersp.). The second auction was scheduled for March 1843. Lugt 16768: 2nd auction not mentioned. Among the artists : Aldegrever, Bartolozzi, Bega, Berghem, Dürer, Goltzius, Lucas v. Leijden etc.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 8709
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 276.65 | £UK 210.75 | JP¥ 40412]
Keywords: art history engravings woodcuts etching sale bdrb2

Verhandeling van de schilderkonst in miniatuur om gemakkelyk te leeren schilderen zonder meester. Verbetert en vermeerdert met verscheide voorafgaande onderrechtingen, aangaande de Schilderkonst in 't Algemeen, en een grondig ondedrwijs der Tekenkonst, om het leeren en het gebruik van dezelve ligt te maaken. Waar by men gevoegd heeft Eene kleine Verhandeling van de Schilderkunst met Crayon, mitsgaders de manier om de Crayons te maaken, De Manier van alle soorten van Platte-Gronden net te wasschen. De Kunst van de schoonste verwen, Gebruineerd Goud en Schulp-Goud, en Sineesch Vernis te maaken. Nevens eene verklaring der teken- en Schilderkundige Woorden, geschikt na de orde van het A.B.C.
Te Utrecht, by Arnoldus Lobedanius, 1744. 8vo. Title in red and black, w. engr. front. [S.Fokke f.] and 1 double page engr. plate, handcoloured, [at pp. 114/15]. Contemp. half vellum over marbled brds., corners in vellum. (Top of spine dam; hole in spine 1 x 5 cm that needs repair). (XXIV, 196 [list of art terms pp. 162 - 187], II (errata) pp.). (pp. 161 - 179 righthand blank margin a watersp.; double page plate some light soiling). Kunst op schrift, 376: 2nd edition: Cat. Rijksmuseum, vol. I, p. 199: Very interesting and sought after popular handbook discussing a variety of subjects partaining to the art of drawing and painting. Among these we find a discussion of the art of painting in the crayon manner, the preparation of pigments and varnishes (among them Chinese varnish). The process of 'washing' engraved plans. Also included a dictionary of art terms, alphabetically arranged, on pages 162 - 187. Spine needs some repairs, this is reflected in the price. Somewhat older auction results in Amsterdam (2 copies) (nov.05) reaching nearly 500 euro excluding the commission.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 6153
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 442.63 | £UK 337.25 | JP¥ 64658]
Keywords: books manual drawings paint history theory colours

La Vie de S.A.S. Le Prince Eugene de Savoie. B.u.w. 2) IDEM, La Vie du Prince et Duc de Marlborough...
Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Humbert, 1714. , ibid., id. 1714. Small 8vo. 2 parts in 1 vol. Contemp. full clf., spine gilt, spine ends some dam. (3 coners bumped; upper outer hinge some rubb.). (Inner hinges somewhat weakening.). [A-M6; *4, A-S6, T1]. (144; VIII, 218 pp.). (Marbled free endp. removed; oval collection stamp w. crowned 'A' on first blank and both printed titles. [Lugt vol. I and II, marque not found]. (Bookseller's ticket on upper paste down 'Libraririe PsychiqueFranz Maufras... Bruxelles'). Not found in Barbier or Quérard: Interesting biographies of the lives of Prince Eugene de Savoie and the Duke of Marlborough. Good copy, provenance not identified.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 7023
€  225.00 [Appr.: US$ 248.98 | £UK 189.75 | JP¥ 36370]
Keywords: Savoy anonymous life biography ' Vilic

Voyage pittoresque de Paris, ou indication de tout ce quíl y a de plus beau dans cette grande Ville, en Peinture, Sculpture, & Architecture. Par M. D***. Quatrième édition.
Paris, De Bure, père et fils, 1765. Sm. 8 vo. W. a few woodc. head- & tailpieces, 5 engr. pls. (of which 2 fold.). Contemp. marbl. clf., top of spine and corners sl. dam., covers some rubb. [a6, A-V12, X2]. (XII, 476, VIII (Index, errata, advert) pp.). (All edges red.). (Small bookplate on upper paste down 'Mont'; small library ticket / shelfmark in blue w. name 'Joh. Rothen' on upper free marbled endp.). Good copy.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4495
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 497.96 | £UK 379.5 | JP¥ 72741]
Keywords: geography topography Toon France French views guide history city plan Vilic Travel

Vry-Metzelaars Almanach, Voor het Jaar 1802.
Rotterdam, By C.R.Hake, 1802. [VMDCCCII]. 12mo. W. engr. vign. on title. Lovely contemp. red sheepskin masonic binding [probably Loge 'de Eendracht' Rotterdam], upper cover w. gilttooled supralibros w. half-moon, sun & constellation. Lower cover with the Temple and parapharnalia of the order. Along the outer edges of the covers a single decorated giltruled line. The (non-ribbed & rounded) spine w. 5 floral handstamps. [A12, B12, C12]. (72 pp.). Uncommon masonic almanach for the year 1802 for personal use, probably once owned by a member of the Rotterdam Loge 'de Eendracht' an almanach in which of course the monthly calendar, but also the 'Naamlyst van de Vereenigde Loges onderhorig aan het Nationaal Groot-Meesterschap der Bataafsche Republiek en onderhorige Colonien en Landen', a survey of 66 'loges' & the namelist of the officers of the Grote Loge. A contribution on charity, dedicatory poetry, 'Gezangen ter gelegenheid van het Feest door de loge 'La Bien Aimée' held 29 March 1801 etc. For the Binding compare p. 186 of Van de Sande's boek 'Vrijmetselarij in de lage landen' [Walburg Pers 1995].
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 9564
€  425.00 [Appr.: US$ 470.3 | £UK 358.25 | JP¥ 68700]
Keywords: Freimaurer almanac almanak Virec

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