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BARBETTE, (P.).- [Ed. Fr. Deckers]
Praxis Barbettiana cum Notis & observationibus Frederici Deckers, Medicinae Doctoris. Nec non Capitum ut & Rerum Verborumque indice locupletissimo.
Amstelodami, Apud Adrianum Gaasbequium, 1678. 12mo. W. engr. front. [unsigned], small floral woodc. vignet on title. Contemp. full clf., spine gilt. (Corners, spine ends and upper outer hinge skilfully rest.). [n8, A - M12, N8]. ( XVI, 248, LVI [Index] pp.) (Occasionally a few spots; some old annots. in ink; all edges speckled red and green.). Third edition.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 1140
€  260.00 [Appr.: US$ 282.29 | £UK 219.5 | JP¥ 43413]
Keywords: medicine general medica Vireb behandelen

Spinal deformity in relation to obstetrics.
Edinburgh, London, 1883. Sm. in fol. W.38 pls.(15 col., some fold.). Cl.g. (spine discol.). (VI, 35 pp.). (Thesis). Fischer I, 69: Ricci 9, 569:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 2271
€  295.00 [Appr.: US$ 320.29 | £UK 249 | JP¥ 49257]
Keywords: midwifery gynaecology medicine

BARCLAY, R.- QUAKERS.- 1683.- GLAZEMAKER [transl.].-
Verantwoording van de Ware Christelijke Godgeleertheit, gelijk de zelve voorgedragen en gepredikt word van het volk, spotsgewijze Quakers genaamt. Behelzende een volkomen verklaring en verdediging hunner Beginselen en Leerstukken; door veele bewijsredenen, uit de Heillige Schrift, de Ware Reden, en getuigenissen van vermaarde, zo wel oude als nieuwe schrijvers, bekrachtigt. Mitsgaders een volkomen beantwoording der krachtigste tegenwerpingen, die hen doorgaans voorkomen. Eerst in 't Latijn geschreven Door Robert Barclay, en nu in 't Nederduitsch vertaalt door J.H.Glazemaker. Act. 24.15 ... THess. 5:21. Beproeft alle dingen: behoud het goede.
Amsterdam, Voor Jacob Claus, Boekverkoper, in de Prince-straat, 1683. 4to. Fine contemp. full vellum, title in ink on spine . [*4 - ***4, ****1, A - 3P4 (3P4 verso blank), 1 unsigned leaf Errata on recto, verso blank]. (XXVI, 462, X (index authors), XV (subject index), I (blank), I (errata), I (blank) pp.). (Excellent quality paper; quire Ee and Ff1-3 [pp. 217 - 229) righthand blank margin a small vague watersp.). Originally published in Latin in 1676 [also Jacob Claus Amsterdam, during Barclay's travels / voluntary exile] under the title 'Theologiae vere christianae apologia'. Here offered in the very rare 1683 first and only Dutch edition, translated by Glazemaker. Catalogus exhibition Glazemaker UB Amsterdam, item 62, p. 34: Thijssen-Schoute, 65: Glazemaker's translation of Barclay's classic exposition of Quaker Theology. In 1675 Barclay published his 15 Theses Theologiae, a series of 15 propositions spelling out Quaker beliefs. A year later when he visited Holland, he had his 'Theologiae vere Christianae apologia' printed there, constituting a defence of the earlier 15 theses. Quaker theology is firmly rooted in the belief that each human being possesses of an Inward Light and an inward knowledge of the Spirit, God's presence in every person, the peace testimony and silent worship, outward statements of belief are an insufficient basis for a life of faith. At the core of the faith is a living relationship with God and an obedience to God.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 11627
€  3200.00 [Appr.: US$ 3474.31 | £UK 2700.5 | JP¥ 534318]
Keywords: leerstellingen Brk

The nervous system and its constituent neurones.
New York, no publ., 1899. W. 2 col. pls. (fold.) and 676 ills. Mor. (Spine rubb., hinges broken.). (XXXII, 1122, VII pp.). Clarke O'Malley, 126'...he brought together the important data which favoured or opposed the doctrines and presented them with critical analysis and balanced judgement. These personal qualities, together with his thoroughness, clarity, and excellent illustrations, made the book a useful source of 19th c. concepts, as well as an important medium for the popularization of the neuron doctrine'.: Garrison & McHenry, 268.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 1805
€  280.00 [Appr.: US$ 304 | £UK 236.5 | JP¥ 46753]
Keywords: Neurology medicine diseases Toon

Beiträge zur pathologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte. 4. Abtheil.
Breslau, Nischowsky, 1871. Large in folio. W. 7col. lithogrs. and 7 woodc textills. Hlf. cl. (X, 14 pp.). (Bottom sp. dam.; 2 corners dam.). Hirsch I, 335/6: B. (1798-1873) was professor of anatomy at Breslau. 'Seine aüsserst zahlreichen Arbeiten sind grösstentheils mit vielen und vortrefflichen Abbildungen versehen und wurden demzufolge, bei der denselben gegebenen kostbaren Ausstaltung in selbstloser Hingabe an die Wissenschaft, ohne Aussicht auf materiellen Gewinn, veröffentlicht'. Puschmann II-I, p. 526 e.a.: 'B. durch zahlreiche kostbarer ausgestattene Abhandlungen, besonders aus dem Gebiete der Angiologie hervorgreten.' Author's presentation copy to prof. Ebstein.:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 5945
€  600.00 [Appr.: US$ 651.43 | £UK 506.5 | JP¥ 100185]
Keywords: medicine history medical books handbooks Toon

Die Ursachen der Schlagader-Verkrümmungen und die Ursachen der Schlagader-Erweiterungen.
Breslau, Ferd. Hirt, 1872. Large in folio. W. 7col. lithogrs. and 7 woodc textills. Hlf. cl. (X, 14 pp.). (Bottom sp. dam.; 2 corners dam.). Hirsch I, 335/6: B. (1798-1873) was professor of anatomy at Breslau. 'Seine aüsserst zahlreichen Arbeiten sind grösstentheils mit vielen und vortrefflichen Abbildungen versehen und wurden demzufolge, bei der denselben gegebenen kostbaren Ausstaltung in selbstloser Hingabe an die Wissenschaft, ohne Aussicht auf materiellen Gewinn, veröffentlicht'. Puschmann II-I, p. 290: Author's presentation copy to 'Privatdozenten dr. Ebstein...'):
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 5943
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 597.15 | £UK 464.25 | JP¥ 91836]
Keywords: medicine history medical books handbooks Toon

Die Verkrümmungen der Gefässe.
Breslau, Ferd. Hirt, 1869. Large in folio. W. 19 col. lithogrs. and 12 woodc textills. Hlf. cl. (XXXVI, 38 pp.). (Sl. rubb.; very sl. sp., mostly in the text). Hirsch I, 335/6: B. (1798-1873) was professor of anatomy at Breslau. 'Seine aüsserst zahlreichen Arbeiten sind grösstentheils mit vielen und vortrefflichen Abbildungen versehen und wurden demzufolge, bei der denselben gegebenen kostbaren Ausstaltung in selbstloser Hingabe an die Wissenschaft, ohne Aussicht auf materiellen Gewinn, veröffentlicht'. Puschmann II-I, p. 290: See Hirschel p. 463.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 5942
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 705.72 | £UK 548.75 | JP¥ 108533]
Keywords: medicine history medical books handbooks Toon

Part of the engraved and manuscript text of the diploma reads: 'Francis Earl of Moira / One of His Majesty's Honorary Privy Council, / Constable of His Majesty's Tower of London, ...Master General of the Ordnance./ [In manuscript:] Dr. Peter Barlow / [Engraved text:] By Virtue of the Authority to me ... I do herbey nominate, constitute and appoint you / the said [in manuscript:] Peter Barlow to be Fifth Mathematical Assistant in the Establishment of the Royal / Military Academy at Woolwich / [engraved text:] and to continue in the said Office so long as for the Master General for the time being shall think proper... And for your Care and Diligence to be taken herein you are to have and receive the Allowance of [in manuscript:] One Hundred Pounds per Annum ...[paid by the treasury from the first Day of October 1806]. Dated in manuscript 'First Day of November 1806'. Signed Major General of Ordnance [in manuscript:] 'Cha: Pruitte'[?]. 'Entered in the office of Ordnance 3. November 1806
Woolwich, Engraved secretarial document, secretarial and autograph writing, 1806. Folio oblong vellum diploma, meas. 29.5 x 38 cm, 3 folds into 15 x 10 cm. 19 lines of engraving, the [8] blanks filled out in manuscript. Dates and signatures in ink, see note below. Paper and lacquer seal top left recto side, diameter appr. 65 mm, 2 rectangular paper tax seals on blue paper at lower left corner of recto side, meas. 94 x 40 mm. Some contemp. annotations in ink on verso appointment 'Stamp 8 /, Fee [?] 4 / £ 12/. Idem on verso a small 24 x 22 mm paper tax [?] stamp w. crowned monogram above which '59 .. 6' & 'G R'. [Presumably HRH George III]. Official appointment of Peter Barlow to be 5th mathematical assistant at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, in the year the Academy moved out of the Arsenal [known as the 'Warren'] to the site facing the Royal Artillery Barracks, at the Southern Edge of Woolwich Common. Construction of the new buildings, designed by the Board of Ordnance architect James Wyatt, took place between 1796 and 1805, opening in 1806. The origins of the Academy lie in the Royal Arsenal where the Ordnance Board set up a center of education and training in 1720 for prospective officers of the Regiment of Artillery and Corps of Engineers, the Academy opened in 1741, the education focused on mathematics and the scientific principles of gunnery and fortification, but also taught practical gunnery, bridge-building, magazine technique and artillery work. Teaching in the Academy was provided by civilians, among these Peter Barlow. A First Master [later called Professor of Fortification and Gunnery], a Second Master [later Professor of Mathematics] and additional tutors in French, Arithmetic, Classics and Drawing. The Royal Academy became Royal Military Academy in 1764. A relocation to Woolwich Commons followed in 1806. During the 19th century a gradual shift occurred from a military institute towards an Academy run like a British Public School. Students from well to do families, no longer strictly from a military background, were taught mathematics, land-surveying, mapping, fortification, engineering, the use of muskets and swords, artillery training. In the early 20th century a merger was proposed between the Royal Military Academy Woolwich and the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. Unfortunately the Second World War saw the closure of the Woolwich Military Academy. In 1947 the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst was formed on its former site. Part of 'Woolwich Garrison' the site was declared 'surplus to requirements' and sold to Durkan Group for redevelopment into houses and apartments, ending a glorious and important period of British military-training history. Well-known members of the teaching staff: Peter Barlow, John Bonnycastle, Samuel Hunter Christie, Michael Farraday, James Marsh, William Rutherford. Peter Barlow held his post from 1801 to 1847, being appointed Assistant Mathematics master in 1801 and the 5th Mathematics Assistant in1806. DSB vol. I, pp. 459 - 460 [article by Harold I. Sharlin]: Peter Barlow [1776 - 1862], English mathematician and physicist. 'Although he was self-educated, Barlow succesfully competed for the position of assistant mathematics master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1801, Mathematical assistant in 1806 [the above Diploma!]. While there he wrote mathematical articles... he also published 'An elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers' [1811], 'A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary' [1814], and 'New Mathematical Tables' [1814], later known as 'Barlow's Tables'. ... Barlow's reputation was established with the publication of his 'Essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber' [1817], the result of experiments he conducted at the Woolwich dockyard and arsenal ... Barlow was made an honorary member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1820. In 1819 Barlow became interested in the compass deviation by the iron in ships. He therefore investigated the action of terrestrial magnetism and conducted a series of experiments on the interaction of iron objects and compass needles. His results, [were] published as 'Essay on Magnetic Attractions' [1820], ...for his discoveries in magnetism he was made a fellow of the Royal Society in 1823 and received the Copley Medal in 1825. He also received international recognition and several awards for his contribution to navigation [2 very important international awards / honours NOT mentioned in the DSB article: His membership of the St. Petersbourg Academy of Sciences 1826 and his Foreign Honorary membership of the American Society [=Academy] of Arts and Sciences, 1832]. Barlow was also concerned with electromagnetism and unsuccessfully attempted to make an electric telegraph [the insulation failed]... Around 1827 Barlow became interested in the calculation for the curvature of achromatic object glasses, and in the course of his research he developed a telescope lens consisting of colorless liquid [= carbon disulfide] between two pieces of glass. The "Barlow lens", a modification of this telescope lens, is a negative achromatic combination of flint glass and crown glass.': His work on this achromatic lens that uses liquid carbon disulfide was executed in the years 1827 - 1832 in collaboration with the optician and instrument maker George Dolland. Book of Members American Academy of Arts and Sciences [AAAS] 1780 - 2019, Under the letter B, p. 33: 'Barlow, Peter (1776 - 1862). Election: 1832, FHM [= Foreign Honorary Member]. Affiliation at election: Royal Military Academy. Residence at election: Woolwich, England. Career description: Mathematician; Physicist; Educator.' Peter Barlow's last resting place is the Charlton cemetery in London where his headstone specifically mentions 'The Royal Academy, Woolwich', his memberships of the Institut de France, the Academy of Brussels, and St. Petersburg. The document is signed in autograph at the lower lefthand 'Cha: Pruitte [?]', [engraved manuscript:] By Command of the Earl of Moira [then Francis Edward Rawdon-Hastings, Earl of Moria between 1793 - 1816, Governor General of India 1813 - 1823] / Major General of the Ordnance./ [in manuscript:] 'Entered in the Office of Ordnance / 3. November 1806/ Master of ...of the Ordnance [?]' To the right a small autograph signature 'Moira' [??].
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 13509
€  2750.00 [Appr.: US$ 2985.74 | £UK 2320.75 | JP¥ 459180]
Keywords: letters OrdnerVI administration Charles autographs

Part of the engraved and manuscript text of the Diploma: 'Serenissime ac Potentissimi Imperatoris / NICOLAI PRIMI AUGUSTI / totius Russiae Autocratoris/ iussu / Ego Sergius de Ouvaroff / Academiae Scientiarum Praeses, / Pro poteste ab Augusto mihi concessa, / Virum Celeberrimum suisque titulis condecorandum/ [in manuscript:] Dm Petrum Barlow [engraved text:] Communi totius Academiae Petropolitanae suffragio /[in manuscript:] Membrum honorarium/ solemni hoc Diplomate declaro/ eumque honore, privilegiis et beneficius [in manuscript:] honorariorum [engraved text:] ordini/ concessis rite orno / Petropoli die [in manuscript:] 10 Maii 1826' Signed in autograph 'Ouvaroff' and by the secretary 'P.H.Fuss [?].
St. Petersbourg, The St. Petersbourg Academy, 1826. Large oblong folio, engraved plate containing the engraved text, engr. heraldic devices Nicolas I [two angels w. trumpets & central capital 'N' 'I'] & Russian 2 headed eagle, crowned], 'Cornucopoeia / Horns of Plenty surrounded by engr. depictions of instruments [telescope, globe, barometer, distillery vat [?], books, rulers etc.] and palm trees to left and right depicting 8 classes of scientific subjects, of the Honorary Membership, the blanks [3 x] filled out 'Dm Petrum Barlow' & 'Membrum honorarium' & 'honorariorum' in secretarial calligraphic hand. Autograph signatures of Praeses Ouvaroff & secretary, see note below. The diploma itself meas. appr. 38 x 48 cm, folded 5 times into 19 x 12 cm. On wove paper. A large paper seal, somewhat browned, split vertically, to lower left of the document, depicting the Russian Imperial crowned eagles, diameter 58 mm, with the cut paper decorated border, appr. 115 mm. (The central folds w. some imperfections, 2 x a small hole, easily restored.). (Some plate tone, platemarks seemingly absent.). Official Diploma for the Honorary Membership of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, in the name of Peter Barlow, signed and dated 'Petropoli die 10 Maii 1826', autograph signature 'Ouvaroff' and secretary 'P.H.Fuss [?]. The current RAS [Russian Academy of Sciences] incorporates over 1000 institutions, libraries, publishers, hospitals, research centers etc. The foundation of the Academy has its roots in the early 18th century when, Peter the Great, under advisement of Gottfried Leibniz, founded the Academy in Saint Petersburg, decreed by the Senate on February 8, 1725. The original name was 'The Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, until the Revolution of 1917 being renamed a few times [The Imperial Academy of Sciences and Art, The Imperial Academy of Sciences, lastly The Imperial Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences]. A large number of foreign scholars were invited to work at the Academy, including Euler, Bilfinger, Bernouilli, Gmelin, Wolff, Delisle, Maskelyne etc. The 'Russian Academy' founded to study the Russian language in 1783 merged with the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1841. After the October Revolution in 1917 and the Great War, the world and the political stage had completely changed, resulting in a shift of interest from the Academy mainly into geology, minerals, researching of ways to industrialize, develop modern arms and armour, tanks, airplanes etc. The 2nd World War saw the escalation of the arms race, the Academy's involvement in the atomic bomb project. Shortly after the 2nd WW the Academy was involved in the Soviet space program, launching the first satellite in 1957 and bringing Yuri Gagarin into space in 1961. Physics and nuclear physics brought many new developments instigated by the [Soviet] Academy, many promising scientists started their careers in one of the many research institutes of the Academy. December 2, 1991 the academy again became the Russian Academy of Sciences, but the demise of the USSR led to an incredible loss in funding for researchers and institutes, so much so that around 2013 the annual budget was still 40% under the levels of pre-1991. Large scale reform of the RAS and a new organizational structure [FASO Russia] have failed and met with harsh criticism from leading scientists, who called the reforms "shocking" and even "criminal" [note 23 of the RAS article]. Election to membership of the Russian Academy of Sciences is still considered as a very prestigious honour. DSB vol. I, pp. 459 - 460 [article by Harold I. Sharlin]: Peter Barlow [1776 - 1862], English mathematician and physicist. 'Although he was self-educated, Barlow succesfully competed for the position of assistant mathematics master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. While there he wrote mathematical articles... he also published 'An elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers' [1811], 'A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary' [1814], and 'New Mathematical Tables' [1814], later known as 'Barlow's Tables'. ... Barlow's reputation was established with the publication of his 'Essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber' [1817], the result of experiments he conducted at the Woolwich dockyard and arsenal ... Barlow was made an honorary member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1820. In 1819 Barlow became interested in the compass deviation by the iron in ships. He therefore investigated the action of terrestrial magnetism and conducted a series of experiments on the interaction of iron objects and compass needles. His results, [were] published as 'Essay on Magnetic Attractions' [1820], ...for his discoveries in magnetism he was made a fellow of the Royal Society in 1823 and received the Copley Medal in 1825. He also received international recognition and several awards for his contribution to navigation [2 very important international awards / honours NOT mentioned in the DSB article: His membership of the St. Petersbourg Academy of Sciences 1826 HERE OFFERED THE ORIGINAL DIPLOMA and his Foreign Honorary membership of the American Society [=Academy] of Arts and Sciences, 1832. Barlow was also concerned with electromagnetism and unsuccessfully attempted to make an electric telegraph [the insulation failed]... Around 1827 Barlow became interested in the calculation for the curvature of achromatic object glasses, and in the course of his research he developed a telescope lens consisting of colorless liquid [= carbon disulfide] between two pieces of glass. The "Barlow lens", a modification of this telescope lens, is a negative achromatic combination of flint glass and crown glass.': His work on this achromatic lens that uses liquid carbon disulfide was executed in the years 1827 - 1832 in collaboration with the optician and instrumentmaker George Dolland. Book of Members American Academy of Arts and Sciences [AAAS] 1780 - 2019, Under the letter B, p. 33: 'Barlow, Peter (1776 - 1862). Election: 1832, FHM [=...]. Affiliation at election: Royal Military Academy. Residence at election: Woolwich, England. Career description: Mathematician; Physicist; Educator.' Peter Barlow's last resting place is the Charlton cemetery in London where his headstone specifically mentions 'The Royal Academy, Woolwich', his memberships of the Institut de France, the Academy of Brussels, St. Petersburg. The document is signed by Sergej Ouvaroff [Uvarov], praeses of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the period 1818 - 1855, Minister of Education from 1833 - 1849. Count [from 1846 onwards] Sergey Semionovich Uvarov [Ouvaroff] (1786 - 1855), was a classical scholar and a very important and influential statesman under Czar Nicholas I. His influence on especially educational matters and acces to learning was massive and quite elitist in nature. He studied in Göttingen between 1811 - 1822 and was acquainted to Von Humboldt, Madame de Stael, Goethe. He was himself elected Honorable Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1811. Count Uvarov is mostly remembered for his undying and loyal support for Nicholas I, his educational reform was strictly executed with his famous words 'With faith in the ... principles of orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality' in mind. He glorified the ruler, adhered to traditional religious faith and supported a vision of and belief in the Russian homeland. Although he did expand the educational system and tightened the control by the Government over University and secondary-school programs, he was firmly opposed to ordinary (or 'non noble', non privileged] children taking part in education.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 14554
€  3750.00 [Appr.: US$ 4071.46 | £UK 3164.5 | JP¥ 626154]
Keywords: . letters OrdnerVI autographs

Part of the engraved and manuscript text of the Diploma: 'To all Persons to whom these presents shall come, / GREETING. / The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, / established by a Law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at a Meeting held / the twentyfifth Day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty two / for the purpose of promoting the design of their institution, elected [in manuscript calligraphy:] Peter Barlow Esq. [engraved text:] a Fellow of their Society, and have granted unto him all the rights and privileges of / a Member. / ...' The document is duly attested with the Society's seal and signed in autograph lower righthand corner by 'Nath.l Bowditch' [President], 'Jonah Quincy'[Vice President], idem the secretaries 'Fras [Francis] C. Gray' & 'Nathan Hale' lower lefthand corner.
Boston, 1832. Large oblong folio, meas. appr. 34 x 49 cm, folded 4 times into 17 x 13 cm, engraved calligraphic text printed from 1 engr. plate meas 21.5 x 32.5 cm (platemarks clear all round, good plate tone). The blank spaces in the diploma filled out in manuscript, secretarial and autograph. Autograph signatures of President, Vice president & 2 secretaries of the Academy, see note below. Mid center lower margin a large paper and [reddish] lacquer seal, diameter 55 mm. Official diploma granting Dr. Peter Barlow an Honorary Membership of the American Society of Arts and Sciences, founded by John Adams, 2nd President of the USA, John Hancock, James Bowdoin plus 60 other scholar-patriots / Founding Fathers of the United States, in 1780 during the American Revolution. The American Society [=Academy] of Arts and Sciences is one of the oldest learned societies in the world, its purpose as described in its charter dated 4 May 1780 'to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people.'. Early members included Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. Later members a.o. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John James Audubon, Washington Irving, T.S.Eliot, Willa Cather, etc. International honorary members include Albert Einstein, Leonhard Euler, Peter Barlow, von Humboldt, Charles Darwin, Otto Hahn, Nehru, Picasso, Werner Heisenberg, Alec Guinness, Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff [1911], Hendrik Antoon Lorentz [1912], Christiaan Eijkman [1921] (The last 3 members part of the so called 2nd Dutch Golden Age of science 1890 - 1930, not elected V.d Waals) etc. Current membership appr. 5700 members, among whom past en present some 250 Nobel Prize winners. DSB vol. I, pp. 459 - 460 [article by Harold I. Sharlin]: Peter Barlow [1776 - 1862], English mathematician and physicist. 'Although he was self-educated, Barlow succesfully competed for the position of assistant mathematics master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, in 1801, [mathematical assistant in 1806] While there he wrote mathematical articles... he also published 'An elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers' [1811], 'A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary' [1814], and 'New Mathematical Tables' [1814], later known as 'Barlow's Tables'. ... Barlow's reputation was established with the publication of his 'Essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber' [1817], the result of experiments he conducted at the Woolwich dockyard and arsenal ... Barlow was made an honorary member of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1820. In 1819 Barlow became interested in the compass deviation by the iron in ships. He therefore investigated the action of terrestrial magnetism and conducted a series of experiments on the interaction of iron objects and compass needles. His results, [were] published as 'Essay on Magnetic Attractions' [1820], ...for his discoveries in magnetism he was made a fellow of the Royal Society in 1823 and received the Copley Medal in 1825. He also received international recognition and several awards for his contribution to navigation [2 very important international awards / honours NOT mentioned in the DSB article: His membership of the St. Petersbourg Academy of Sciences and his Foreign Honorary membership of the American Society [=Academy] of Arts and Sciences, 1832, [We offer the above original Diploma]. Barlow was also concerned with electromagnetism and unsuccessfully attempted to make an electric telegraph [the insulation failed]... Around 1827 Barlow became interested in the calculation for the curvature of achromatic object glasses, and in the course of his research he developed a telescope lens consisting of colorless liquid [= carbon disulfide] between two pieces of glass. The "Barlow lens", a modification of this telescope lens, is a negative achromatic combination of flint glass and crown glass.': His work on this achromatic lens that uses liquid carbon disulfide was executed in the years 1827 - 1832 in collaboration with the optician and instrumentmaker George Dolland. Book of Members American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1780 - 2019, Dr. Peter Barlow [1776 - 1862], p. 33. Election, 1832; FHM [=Foreign Honorary Member]; Affiliation: Royal Military Academy Woolwich; Woolwich; Career description: mathematician; Physicist; Educator. President Nathanial Bowditch [1773 - 1838], Book of Members, p. 66. Election, 1799, [Fellow]. Affiliation at election: Salem, MA. Residence at election: Salem, MA. Career description: Mathematician; Astronomer; Company executive; Actuary;' Idem Vice President Josiah Quincy [1772 - 1864], Book of members, p. 496. Election, 1803; Fellow. Boston, MA. Lawyer, Member of the House of Representatives; Academic Administrator. Idem secretary Nathan Hale [1784 - 1863], Book of Members, p. 254. Election, 1819. Fellow. Boston, MA; Affiliation at election: Boston Daily Advertiser; Journalist, businessperson. Idem secretary Francis Calley Gray [1790 - 1856], Book of Members, p. 239. Election, 1819. Fellow. Boston, MA; Government official (state legislature); Peter Barlow's last resting place is the Charlton cemetery in London where his headstone specifically mentions 'The Royal Academy, Woolwich', his memberships of the Institut de France, the Academy of Brussels, St. Petersburg. The document carries 4 autograph signatures: President Nathaniel Bowditch [1773 - 1838], famous mathematician and chiefly remembered for his work on ocean navigation. President of the AAAS in the period 1829 - 1838. Bowditch is seen as the father of modern marine navigation, publishing his 'The New American practical Navigator' in 1802. Elected to the Academy himself in 1799. He published many important works on mathematics and astronomy, translated Laplace's 'Traité de mécanique céleste', published in 1818. America's first insurance actuary as President of the 'Essex Fire and Marine Insurance Company'. Member of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh and London and the Royal Irish Academy. Investment manager 'avant la lettre' for wealthy individuals. Vice President Josiah Quincy [1772 - 1864], lawyer, Member of the US House of Representatives; Academic administrator. Elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1803. Secretary Francis C[alley] Grey [1790 - 1865], politician from Massachusetts who graduated from Harvard University in 1809 and who became John Quincy Adams private secretary. Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives and president of the Boston Athanaeum. Also a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected in 1819. Member of the American Antiquarian Society in 1820 and a passionate collector. Secretary Nathan Hale [1784 - 1863], American Journalist and newspaper publisher, known for introducing 'editorial comment' as a newspaper feature. Elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1819. Apart from his interest in newspaper publishing, he was actively involved in promoting industrial improvement, published a map of New England in 1825 and published numerous pamphlets on railroads, canals etc. Nathan Hale Senior was the nephew of the Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale, who was hanged by the British as a spy in 1776.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 14555
€  3750.00 [Appr.: US$ 4071.46 | £UK 3164.5 | JP¥ 626154]
Keywords: vellum letters OrdnerVI signature autographs

Chimie Photographique, contenant les élements de chimie expliqués par des exaples empruntés a la photographie; ... Deuxième edition, entierement refondue et ornée de figures dans la texte.
Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, imprimeur libr. no date [1860 - 1870]. W. 1 fold. table and 31 textills. Fine recent half brown mor., spine ribbed, gilttooled and w. 2 titleshields in a darker brown, giltlettered. (XX, 412 pp.). (Some light foxing.). 2nd edition, depot legale for the first edition 1858
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 10801
€  225.00 [Appr.: US$ 244.29 | £UK 190 | JP¥ 37569]
Keywords: photographic processes photographs W38B

Vasa Lymphatica, nuper Hafniae in animantibus inventa, et hepatis exsequiae.
Hafniae, G.Holst, 1653. Facsimile reprint edited for the tercentenary of the birth of Thomas Bartholinus by V.Maar. Copenhagen, Gyldendalkse Bokhandel, 1916. 4to. W. portr. and 2 pls. Privately bound in brown mor., gilt by Kirsten Falck. (spine some rubb., in slipcase.). (II, XIII; 30, I; 11 pp.). See G&M 1097 and Thesaurus librorum Danicorum, 366 for the original edition.: Fine facsimile edition after the first edition of 1653. W. biography and extensive notes. Printed by Chr. Christensen and published in a lim. ed. of 250 copies only, this is copy 41.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 575
€  215.00 [Appr.: US$ 233.43 | £UK 181.5 | JP¥ 35899]
Keywords: lymphatic system lymphatics ducts glands medicine Latin W32A

Anatome ex omnium veterum recentiorumque observationibus. Imprimis institutionibus b.m. parentis C. Bartholini, ad circulationem Harvejanum, et vasa lymphatica quartum renovata. Cum iconibus novis, & indicibus.
Leiden, Hackius, 1673. W. engr. front. title (Dated 1674), engr. portr., 103 engr. pls. (Pls. 53/4 cancels overpasted with correct plate), 12 fold. pls. (Some tears on folds strength.) & 9 engrs. in the text. Contemp. overlapping vellum (some soiling). (XXXII (incl. engr. t. & portr.), 807, XVI (index) pp.). DSB vol. I, pp. 482 - 483: Hirsch vol. I, pp. 356 - 359: Wellcome II, 107: Krivatsy, 781: Bibl. Dan. I, 764: Thesaurus Libr. Dan., 350: Enlarged edition of the 'Anatomia' (1641) based on the work of his father Caspar Bartholinus. One of the best and most widely used anatomical handbooks of the 17th century. A good, clean copy with very good impressions of the plates.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 33
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1357.15 | £UK 1055 | JP¥ 208718]
Keywords: lymphatic system lymphatics anatomy medicine Vired

BARTHOLINUS, CASP.- Ducts & glands.- 1684
De ductu salivali hactenus non descripto observatio anatomica.
Hafniae, Joh. Phil. Bockenhoffer [Below this a cancel 'Apud Christian. Hauboldt & Johan. Liebe. reg. Accad. Bibliop., 1684. (Impressum a cancel, 2 lines of type, overpasting the text 'Sumptibus Christian Hauboldt & Johan. Liebe.'). 4to. W. woodc. vign. on printed title & 1 plate (IN FINE FACSIMILE on old paper.). Modern vellum. [A - C4]. (VI, 16, II [laudatory verse by Jacobaeus] pp.). (Medium browning / yellowing throughout.). (Date of publ. in blue ink on title.). Hirsch vol. I, pp. 358 - 359: Bartholinus was professor of anatomy at Copenhagen.: G&M 974.2: 'Bartholin's duct and gland, the sublingual salivary gland and ducts.': Krivatsy, 744: Not in Wellcome or Thesaurus Librorum Danicorum 17th century: Haller, Bibl. Anat. vol. I, p. 596: Dobson, 18 (1685 ed. only): Comp. Heirs of Hippocrates, 288: 'Caspar gave the family name to the major sublingual duct ...': 'The Bartholinus family ... made many contributions to Danish medicine during the 17th century when ducts, glands, and blood vessels were recognized as conduits for body fluids rather than as static tubes or reservoirs.'
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 27
€  2250.00 [Appr.: US$ 2442.88 | £UK 1898.75 | JP¥ 375692]
Keywords: speekselklieren saliva Brk

De ductu salivali. hactenus non descripto observatio anatomica. Editio secunda.
Ultrajecti, Apud Franciscum Halma, Academiae Typpgraphuum Ordinarium, 1685. W. (2 figs. on)1 engr. fold. plate [IN FACSIMILE]. Contemp. vellum. (27, III pp.). (Some 50 blank leaves added to 'fill out' the binding.). (Bookplate on upper paste down 'Bibliothecae Petri Buoninsegni' Senis 1805.). Krivatsy, 745: Collation mentions 6 pp. at the end, being the laudatory verse by Olig Jacobaeus. When compared to the first edition, however, there is nothing missing from the poem.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 28
€  1250.00 [Appr.: US$ 1357.15 | £UK 1055 | JP¥ 208718]
Keywords: anatomy ducts glands speeksel saliva medicine

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