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Le catarrhe printanier. Rapport 1907, au 24e Congrès de la Soc. Franç. d'Ophtalmologie.
(Paris), Soc.Fr.d'Ophthalmologie, 1907. W. 16 ills. (14 col.) on 9 pls. Hlf. cl. (128, I pp.). Gorin, 162: 'He was participating in the editing of the Graefe Saemisch Handbuch. His name is linked with the diplobacillus of Morax-Axenfeld .. Axenfelkd create a school of ophthalmology of his own... discovered the xerosis bacillus... He contributed many innovations to surgery.':
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 627
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 217.14 | £UK 169 | JP¥ 33395]
Keywords: eyes medicine French

BAADER, J. VON.- Steam Engines.-
Bemerkungen über ...Dampfmachinen
München, Gedruckt bey Franz Seraph. Hübschmann, 1816. 8vo. Unbound pamphlet, pamphlet stitched. 2 quires of 8 lvs. [1*8, 2*8]. (32 pp.). (Some discol.).
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 442
€  275.00 [Appr.: US$ 298.57 | £UK 232.25 | JP¥ 45918]
Keywords: physics ships 1034 behandelen ordner

BACON, Francis.- Novum Organum.- 1660.- Amsterdam
Novum Organum Scientiarum. Editio Secunda Multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia.
Amstelaedami, Sumptibus Joannis Ravesteinij, 1660. 12mo. W. engr. front. [*1]. Nice contemp. full vellum, .. [*, A - R12; H4 signed G4, R11, R12 blank]. (II [front., verso?], XXI, I (blank?), 1 - 393, 394 - 404 [catalogue of books] pp.). (erratic pagination: 208 for 108; 179 for 279; 181 for 281; 159 for 359). R.W. Gibson Bacon Biblography [1950], item 106: DSB vol. I, pp. 372 - 377. Francis Bacon [1561 - 1626], philosophy of science. '... his place in the history of science rests chiefly upon his natural philosophy, his philosophy of scientific method, his projects for the practical organization of science, and the infleunce of all of these upon the science of the later 17th century. ... his principal publications in these areas were The Advancement of Learning [1605], expaned an latinized as De augmentis scientiarum [1623]; De sapientia veterum [1609]; Novum Organum [1620; and Sylva sylvarum and New Atlantis [1627]. ... Although Bacon was a contemporary of William Gilbert, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, and William Harvey, he was curiously isolated from the scientific developments with which they were associated. His knowledge of and contribution to the natural sciences were almost entirely literary; ... most of Bacon's comments on both his scientific contemporaries and his philosophical predecessors are critical... Bacon's closest associations with contemporary science were with atomism and with the Renaissance tradition of natural magic.': 'Novum Organum' is in fact Bacon's second part of his projected 'Great Instauration', a description of his ideas and method behind his natural philosophy, foreshadowed in his 1603 'Valerius terminus'. Thorndike, vol. VII, Ch. 4 mainly, but many references in vol. 7 & 8. PMM, comp. 119 ['Instauratio', 1620] As a philospher Bacon greatly influenced Locke, also Leibniz, Huygens and Robert Boyle. Furthermore the 'encyclopédistes', and Voltaire, who called him 'le père de la philosophie experimentale': : Olschki, comp. vol. 9, 13123a [ed. 1650 Leiden]: Caillet, vol. I, p. 86 - 89 [various eds. and transl.]: Willems, 1695:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 10601
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 597.15 | £UK 464.25 | JP¥ 91836]
Keywords: corpuscular theory heat atomist privé bezit Vilib bdrb

Anatomie des krankhaften Baues von einigen der wichtigsten Theile im menslichen Körper. Aus dem Englischen mit Zusätzen von S. Th. Sömmering.
Berlin, In der Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1794. Original limp paper cover brds., top of spine small portion of paper gobne. [....]. (XXVIII, 263 pp.). Waller 618a: G&M. 2281, (First ed. 1793). The first German ed. of '...the first systematic textbook of morbid anatomy, treating the subject for the first time as an independent science...' with additions by the translator: Comp. Lilly library, exhibition cat. item 115:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 1752
€  635.00 [Appr.: US$ 689.43 | £UK 536 | JP¥ 106029]
Keywords: pathological patholog. pathology Soemmering behandelen Euro check

Het microscoop gemakkelijk gemaakt of beschrijving van de beste en nieuwste microscopen, en van derzelver behandeling. Als mede een berigt van de ... ontdekkingen gedaan met de vergrootglazen. 2e druk.
Amsterdam, I. Tirion, 1760. 8vo. W 1 fold. table and 14 engr. fold. pls. Contemp. half clf., rubbed, covers more so. (XX, 300, XVI pp.). DSB vol. I, p. 410 - 412: The first edition of 'The Microscope Made Easy' appeared in 1742; it ran to 5 editions in Baker's lifetime and was translated into several foreign languages. ...[Baker] regarded the microscope with reverence as a means to the deeper appreciation of the wonders of God's world. ...[It] is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the various kinds of microscopes, how each may be best employed, the adjustment of the instrument, and the preparation of specimens. Part II has chapters devoted to the examination of various natural objects. in the manner of Robert Hooke's 'Micrographia' e.g. the flea, the poison of the viper, hairs and pollen ... Baker's most important scientific achievements were the observation under the microscope of crystal morphology, for which he received the Copley medal, and his account of an examination of 26 bead microscopes bequethed to the Royal Society by Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. His measurements of these unique microscopes ... are most valuable historical material.':
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 1158
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 814.29 | £UK 633 | JP¥ 125231]
Keywords: microscopy optics lenses instruments W69 bdrb2

Das zum Gebrauch leicht gemachte Microscopium, oder I. Eine Beschreibung, Berechnung und Erläuterung der Natur, Gebrauch und Vergrösserungs-Kraft ... von Microscopiis, ... II. Eine Erzählung und historische Nachricht dessen, ... Deme beygefüget eine Nachricht vom Polypo, und L. Steiners ... neu erfundenen Universal - Microscopii. Nun ins Teutsch übersetzt [von J.L.Steiner].
Zürich, Heidegger, 1756. 8vo. W 13 fold. pls. Contemp. brds., rubbed, spine more so. (342, II, 28 pp.). DSB I, p. 411: 'It ran to 5 editions in Baker's lifetime and was translated into foreign languages.': Nissen ZBI, 202: Blake p. 28: Comp. Wellcome (ed 1754).
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 1157
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 705.72 | £UK 548.75 | JP¥ 108533]
Keywords: Natural history microscopy optics science leeuwenhoek translation German engravings books illustrated W59

Die heterogenen Gleichgewichte vom Standpunkte der Phasenlehre. [Erstes Heft 1901, Zweites Heft [1,2,3, 1904 - 1918], Drittes Heft, 1911].
Braunschweig, 1901. 1911 - -1918. 5 parts in 3 vols. W. 3 pls. and 636 ills. Mod.cloth bindings. w. the or. orange pr. wrs preserved and laid down on the cloth bindings. DSB XI, p.534/5: 'W.D. Bancroft described Roozeboom as having done 'far more than any one else to show the importance and significance of Gibb's Phase Rule': Completed after his death by his pupils, Büchner, Aten, Schreinemakers:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 3866
€  431.00 [Appr.: US$ 467.95 | £UK 363.75 | JP¥ 71966]
Keywords: physics behandelen W60

Klinische Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Geburtshilfe und Gynaecologie auf Grundlage eigener anatomischer und klinischer Beobachtungen. 1. Heft.
St. Petersburg, C. Ricker, 1883. 4to. W.12 lithogr. (of which 10 on double pp.) and 1 phototype pl. over printed brds. (covers a few chips.). (VI, 127 pp.). (Margins yell.; covers waterst.). Fasbender p.522/6/7: B. was head of the school for midwives at St. Petersburg. Presentation copy from the author to Dr. Brummerstädt (Fasbender p.787): Ex Libris H. Treub (DMB, 1996/8). Rare.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 2266
€  306.00 [Appr.: US$ 332.23 | £UK 258.25 | JP¥ 51094]
Keywords: midwifery gynaecology

Collectio Scholastica ex optimis et probatissimis scriptoribus Graecis selecta ... Cui accedunt Petri Francii V.CL Regulae Generales Exterioris Eloquentiae Cum Prefatione Johannis Balck...
Leovardiae, Excudit Tobias van Dessel, Illustrium Frisiae Ordinum Typographus, 1736. 8vo. Contemp. full panelled clf., elaborately blindtooled. Giltlettered on upper cover 'Scholae Haganae'. Supralibros on both covers [see note below] consisting of 2 handtools: 1. a stork, with 2) a small crown. [..]. (a few minor imperf.). (XIV, 312 pp.). Storm, van Leeuwen, Dutch decorated bookbindings, vol.. III. all handtools represented in the rubbings. 1e Stadhouderlijke Binderij.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 10063
€  650.00 [Appr.: US$ 705.72 | £UK 548.75 | JP¥ 108533]
Keywords: House Orange prijsbanden stadholders Binding stadholder bindery Hague Den Haag prijsband calf Virec

POUZAIRE.- Balaruc.- Balneology.-
Traité analytique et observations pratiques sur les eaux minérales de Balaruc. 2me éd., rev., corr. et augm. de notes et de remarques.
Montpellier, G. Izar & A. Ricard. an VIII (1799). Contemp. grey blue paper covers, stab-sewn, portions of spine material gone, small corner of upper lefthand corner upper cover torn off. But very nice original condition, undoctored. [(95, I pp.). (Uncut). Comp. Blake 361.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 4044
€  275.00 [Appr.: US$ 298.57 | £UK 232.25 | JP¥ 45918]
Keywords: alternative medicine Toon badkultuur heilquellen spas thermae behandelen thermales W45

Heelkundige waarnemingen, inzonderheid van zwaare en moeijelijke gevallen, uit een vijfentwintig jaarige oeffening bij een verzamelt. b.u.w. 2) IDEM, Eenige en wel de voornaamste gedrogten, de waardige genees- en heelkunde, in haare rechtschaapen leeden, onder schijn van waarjheid ontluisterende, het bedriegelijke momaanzigt onttoogen...
Leiden, Jacob Meerburg en J.J. Thyssens; idem Karel Delfos, Boekverkoper op de Breedestraat..., 1779. - 1761. Part 1. w. 1 folding engr. plate. Contemp. paste paper covers, aanplakken!!! [(XXIV, 382, II pp.). (Some vague waterst. pp. 225 - 375) 2) [A8, B8, C4]. (XXXIX, I (blank) pp.). (Uncut copy, large paper copy; ex bibliotheca .... w. libr. stamp on title...). ). 1. BMN I, 299: A 2nd part was published: Blake 30: 2) BMN I, 39: Blake 30. Lindeboom, DMB, column 66, pupil of Gaubius.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 14093
€  475.00 [Appr.: US$ 515.72 | £UK 401 | JP¥ 79313]
Keywords: history medicine heelkonst behandelen teratology monsters BinddoosB binden

Heelkundige waarnemingen, inzonderheid van zwaare en moeijelijke gevallen, uit een vijfentwintig jaarige oeffening bij een verzamelt. b.u.w. 2) IDEM, Eenige en wel de voornaamste gedrogten, de waardige genees- en heelkunde, in haare rechtschaapen leeden, onder schijn van waarjheid ontluisterende, het bedriegelijke momaanzigt onttoogen...
Leiden, Jacob Meerburg en J.J. Thyssens; idem Karel Delfos, Boekverkoper op de Breedestraat..., 1779. - 1761. Part 1. w. 1 folding engr. plate. Contemp. hlf. clf., over speckled marbled brds., spine in 6 compartments, corners bumped / dam., edges of covers badly rubbed., upper inner hinge a little weakening.). [(XXIV, 382, II pp.). (Some vague waterst. pp. 225 - 375) 2) [A8, B8, C4]. (XXXIX, I (blank) pp.). (Uncut copy, ex bibliotheca Van der Hoeven, w. their bookplate on upper paste down.). 1. BMN I, 299: A 2nd part was published: Blake 30: 2) BMN I, 39: Blake 30. Lindeboom, DMB, column 66, pupil of Gaubius.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 8933
€  475.00 [Appr.: US$ 515.72 | £UK 401 | JP¥ 79313]
Keywords: history medicine heelkonst behandelen W54 teratology monsters bdrb

Lehrbuch der Krankheiten des Herzens.
Wien, W. Braumüller, 1857. Contemp. brds. (Spine ends, corners dam., hinges and sides rubb.). (VIII, 459, I pp.). Hirsch I, 314: Waller I, 646: H.of H.1016: "Bamberger studied under both Skoda and Rokitansky and held a number of posts at the Univ. of Vienna, where he made extensive investigations on diseases of the pericardium, heart tissues, and the great vessels. This monograph is one of the earliest works to be devoted entirely to cardiac pathology.": Bedford coll. 420: "One of the standard early German text-books on the heart, and one of B's chief works.": Lesky, p.310/12 Schönbauer, p.348/50:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 5965
€  480.00 [Appr.: US$ 521.15 | £UK 405.25 | JP¥ 80148]
Keywords: 1850 1930 medicine general blood Virec behandelen

Lehrbuch der Krankheiten des Herzens.
Wien, W. Braumüller, 1857. 8vo. Contemp. half mor., over marbled brds. (spine discol.). (VIII, 459, I pp.). (All edges 'vein' marbled; w. green silken reading ribbon.). Hirsch I, 314: Waller I, 646: H.of H.1016: "Bamberger studied under both Skoda and Rokitansky and held a number of posts at the Univ. of Vienna, where he made extensive investigations on diseases of the pericardium, heart tissues, and the great vessels. This monograph is one of the earliest works to be devoted entirely to cardiac pathology.": Bedford coll. 420: "One of the standard early German text-books on the heart, and one of B's chief works.": Lesky, p.310/12 Schönbauer, p.348/50:
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 6337
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 597.15 | £UK 464.25 | JP¥ 91836]
Keywords: 1850 1930 malfunctions cardiovascular system medicine general blood cardiology failure W35B

De l'homicide et de l'anthropophagie.
Paris, J.B. Baillière & Périsse frères, 1856. 8vo. In contemp. hlf. dark-green pebbled cloth over marbled brds., edges and corners of upper cover badly rubbed / dam., spine giltlett. Lower cover very good. [n12, *8, **4, n8, 2nd*4, 3 - 37 in 8s]. (VIII, XLIV, 578, V [index], I (blank) pp.). (Occasional light foxing.). The author was a military doctor, who graduated at the University of Montpellier.
Antiquariaat B.M.Israel B.V.Professional seller
Book number: 2080
€  260.00 [Appr.: US$ 282.29 | £UK 219.5 | JP¥ 43413]
Keywords: psychiatry murder W13

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