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Dagbok under en resa till Egypten, Konstantinopel, Krim och Grekland, i prinsens och prinsessans af Wales suite. Stockholm 1870.
. Pp. (ii), vi, (2), 162. Contemporary half calf, spine (faded), decorated in gilt with title label. A Swedish edition translated from the English (London 1869). The author, Swedish born von Stedingk, accompanied the princess of Wales as her lady-in-waiting on a journey to to the Near East in 1869. They visit Alexandria, Cairo) Constantinople, Athens, Corfu and the Crimea. CfIbrahim-Hilmy I, p. 277.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120746
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 162.86 | £UK 126.75 | JP¥ 25046]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, egypt, turkey, greece, levant, oriental, egyptian, turkish, greek, travel, exploration, grekland, egypten, resa

Orientalisches Archiv. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Kunst, Kulturgeschichte und Völkerkunde der Länder des Ostens. Band I: 1910/1911; Band II: 1911/912; Band III: 1912/1913. Three volumes (all publ.). Leipzig, Karl W. Hiersemann, 1910-13.
. 4to. Three volumes with 110 fullpage plates and numerous illustrations in the text. Original cloth stamped in black. A complete set of this early German journal which contains interesting articles on the Orient. Comprises studies about Islamic art and architecture; oriental carpets; Turkish architecture and Constantinople in the 17th century; Japanese culture including woodcuts; Chinese art including fans, ceramic, glass etc.; Korean works of art; North African architecture; Islamic shadowplays in Egypt; the German Turfan expedition; etc. etc.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99671
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 868.58 | £UK 675.25 | JP¥ 133580]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, oriental, levant, near east, middle east, africa, afrika, african, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, exploration, journal, art, turkey, islam, india, china, japan, japon, kina, chinese, persian, persia, korea

Mémoires sur l'ambassade de France en Turquie et sur le commerce des francais dans le Levant ... Suivis du texte des traductions originales des Capitulations et des Traités conclus avec la Sublime Porte ottomane. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1877.
. Tall 8vo. Pp. (iv), xiv, 542, (1). Uncut copy in original printed wrappers, extremities lightly frayed, partly unopened. Guignard (1735-1821), French politician and diplomat, was appointed ambassador to the Ottoman Empire in 1768 and remained there until 1785 with the exemption of a short period (1776-78). His memoirs comprise a history of French relations with the Ottoman empire, biographies of previous French ambassadors and agents to the Porte and finally a history of French commerce and navigation in the Levant. Here for the first time published, included in "Publications de l'Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes". Not in Atabey.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100009
€  550.00 [Appr.: US$ 597.15 | £UK 464.25 | JP¥ 91836]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, turquie, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, journey, voyage, levant, ottoman,

 GUIGNES, JOSEPH DE:, Allgemeine Geschichte der Hunnen und Türken, der Mogols und anderer occidentalischen Tartarn, vor und nach Christi Geburt bis auf jetzige Zeiten. Aus den chinesischen Büchern und orientalischen Handschriften der Königl. Bibliothek in Paris verfasset. Aus dem französischen übersetzt von Johann Carl Dähnert. Five volumes. Greifswald, Anton Ferdinand Röse, 1768-71, 1770.
Allgemeine Geschichte der Hunnen und Türken, der Mogols und anderer occidentalischen Tartarn, vor und nach Christi Geburt bis auf jetzige Zeiten. Aus den chinesischen Büchern und orientalischen Handschriften der Königl. Bibliothek in Paris verfasset. Aus dem französischen übersetzt von Johann Carl Dähnert. Five volumes. Greifswald, Anton Ferdinand Röse, 1768-71, 1770.
. 4to. Pp. 647; (vi), 68, (iv), 616; 57, (iii), 587; 60, 372; Register (198); (xxx), Tables 68, (ii), 564, (4). With two engraved plates. Front endpaper (volumes 1-4) have lost a small piece of upper outer corner. Old ownership signature in the last volume. Contemporary half calf on paper boards, spines with five raised bands decorated in gilt and with title labels, lightly rubbed. First German edition translated from the original French edition (Paris 1756-58). The last volume has the subtitle: "Genealogisch-Chronologische Einleitung". This important work on the peoples of central Eurasia includes the first scholarly study of the Mongols based on Islamic and Chinese sources. Joseph de Guignes (1721-1800) was a renowned French orientalist who succeeded Étienne Fourmont at the Bibliothèque royale in Paris. He maintained that the Chinese nations had their origins in Egyptian colonisation, a view to which, despite all refutations, he stubbornly adhered. The second volume contains an extensive study of China, its history, legislation and science. Cf Atabey 535. Cordier BS 2768. Löwendahl 1507 (diff. pag.).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100960
€  4000.00 [Appr.: US$ 4342.89 | £UK 3375.5 | JP¥ 667898]
Catalogue: East Asia
Keywords: East Asia, turkey, turkish, turque, turcs, huns, mogols, tartary, tartar, mongols, mongolia, exploration, travel, history, historical,

De Bosporo thracio. Parts i-iii in one volume. Lugd. Bat., apud Elzevirios, 1632.
. 16mo. Pp. 379, (1), Index (4). With a beautiful engraved title by Duysend. Contemporary boards, rubbed, spine ruled in gilt and with title label, hinges cracked. Old ownership signature on front endpaper. Gilles (1490-1555) was one of the earliest French natural historians and sent to the Levant by Francis i. He was usually called the founder of Byzantine archaeology and gives in this work a circumstantial account of the antiquities of Constantinople. The first Elzevir edition. Berghman 1895. Cox i, p. 222. Willems 366.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 25065
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 542.86 | £UK 422 | JP¥ 83487]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asien, orient, east, asiatica, near east, arabic, middle east, arabia, turkey, constantinople, levant, ottoman, turkish, travel, voyage, exploration, explore

Voyages and Travels in the Levant; In the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52. Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, and Commerce. London, Printed for L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1766.
. Pp. (viii), viii, 307, 380-456. With one folding engraved map. Contemporary calf, worn. Old inscriptions. First English edition translated from the original Swedish (1757) of "the first systematic natural history of the Holy Land" (Blackmer). Hasselquist, a student of Linné, travelled to the Near East to study the natural history of the countries he visited. He died in Smyrna in 1752 when he was about to return to Sweden. His journal with valuable observations and descriptions was posthumously edited by Linné. Cf Blackmer 792. Casey Wood p. 380. Hulth p. 106. Röhricht 1435. Soulsby 3582.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99540
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 977.15 | £UK 759.5 | JP¥ 150277]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, levant, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, natural history, turkey, egypt, holy land, travel, exploration, cyprus, palestine,

 HEDENBORG, JOHAN:, Turkiska nationens seder, bruk och klädedrägter. Stockholm, L. J. Hjerta, 1839 (-42).
Turkiska nationens seder, bruk och klädedrägter. Stockholm, L. J. Hjerta, 1839 (-42).
. 4to. Pp. 216, content (2). With one lithographed map by Schultén and 47 lithographed plates of which 46 are beautiful hand-coloured costume plates. Two plates slightly smaller in size, probably added from another copy. This copy is without the portrait, which was published separately and only sometimes bound together with the work. Beautiful contemporary half calf on marbled boards, flat spine decorated in gilt, top of spine with small repair. Bookplate (Tidö). First edition of this very attractive work on Turkey and its customs and manners. It was originally published in twelve separate parts, limited to about 525 copies. Compiled by Johan Hedenborg, a Swedish natural historian who in 1825 was appointed medical adviser to the Swedish Ambassador C.G. Löwenhielm in Constantinople. Atabey 567. Blackmer 800. Not in Colas or Lipperheide.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 120273
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 977.15 | £UK 759.5 | JP¥ 150277]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, turc, turkiet, turque, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, costume, costumes, levant, ottoman, illustration, illustrated, hand coloured,

Turkiet i våra dagar. Bilder och skildringar från alla delar af det osmanska riket. Two volumes. Stockholm, Central tryckeriet, 1878.
. Pp. (viii), 440; (iv), 441-952. With 2 folding coloured maps of the Ottoman Empire and numerous illustrations in the text. Publisher's pictorial red cloth richly decorated in gilt, upper part of hinge to voume two split. Translated from the German into Swedish by P.W. Thunman and O. W Ålund. Deals with the Ottoman Empire including Rumania, Serbia, Montenegro, European Turkey, Asiatic Turkey and Arabia. A lovely, mint copy.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100694
€  160.00 [Appr.: US$ 173.72 | £UK 135.25 | JP¥ 26716]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, turkiet, levant, ottoman, osmanska, rumania, montenegro, arabia, travel, exploration, asia, asie, asiatic, asien, europe, european,

Theoretisch-pracktische Türkishe Sprachlehre für Deutsche, mit einer Auswahl der nothwendigne Gespräche, Leseübungen und einem deutsch-türkischen und türkisch-deutschen Wörterbuch, nebst einem alphabetisch geordneten Verzeichnisse det Aussprache mit lateinischen Buchstaben, für jene, die Türkisch nicht lesen können oder es nicht lernen wollen. Wien, A. Edler von Schmid (für Beck), 1829.
. 4to. Pp. (ii), ii, 110, (ii), 111-180. With lithographed title page. Contemporary blue silk covered boards, title printed in gilt on spine, somewhat worn and stained. Marbled edges. Upper margin has a stain throughout and partly with some minor browning. First edition of an useful Turkish language book for Germans at this time. It was translated into French in 1834. The phonetic transcription is based on actual spoken Turkish, rather than written Turkish. Printed by Anton Edler von Schmid, an important publisher of oriental works in Vienna. De Sacy 2531. Keyser ii, 144. Vater p. 416.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 28111
€  750.00 [Appr.: US$ 814.29 | £UK 633 | JP¥ 125231]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, asia, asie, asiatic, asien, language, langue, linguistic,

 HOBHOUSE, SIR JOHN CAMERON:,  A Journey through Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, during the years 1809 and 1810. London, Printed for James Cawthorn, 1813.
A Journey through Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, during the years 1809 and 1810. London, Printed for James Cawthorn, 1813.
. Thick 4to. Pp. (xix), (1) errata, 1152 + pp. (8) including two pages of facsimile letters, two engraved plates of music, directions to the binder and publisher's adv. With engraved front, two folding engraved maps, seventeen hand-coloured aquatints (seven double-page) and one plan. Partly with some minor foxing, some plates with discolouration and one plate with small tear. Contemporary full calf, expertly rebacked to style with a flat spine elaborated with gilt and red title label. A handsome copy of the first edition with a remarkable provenance.John Cam Hobhouse (1786-1869) known as Lord Broughton was a close friend of Lord Byron with whom he made this journey to Albania, Greece and Turkey, in particular to Janina (Ioannina). These letters include detailed descriptions of the places en route, as well as meetings with various characters, including the notorious Ali Pasha of Tepelena. The beautiful hand-coloured plates depict costumes, highlighted in gold, views and historical sites. According to Atabey, the plates were done from drawings by the British architect Charles Cockerell and the German landscape painter Jacob Linckh. They participated in an expedition in 1810 to the temples of Aphaia in Aegina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae. Atabey 584. Blackmer 821. Navari Greek Civilization, 330. Cf Abbey Travel 202 (2nd ed.) Provenance: Mary Hamilton Bruce (née Nisbet, 1777-1855), was the first wife of British diplomat Thomas Bruce 7th Earl of Elgin during his term as Ambassador extraordinary to the Ottoman Empire. Bruce became famous for the "Elgin marbles", a collection of classical Greek marble sculptures which were removed from the Parthenon and other places in Athens, and brought to Britain. (today kept at the British Museum).
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100460
€  6000.00 [Appr.: US$ 6514.34 | £UK 5063.25 | JP¥ 1001846]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, albania, greece, turkey, greek, turhish, turc, levant, ottoman empire, travel, exploration

Relation om ... hafde audience wid Ottomanniske porten 8-19 julii 1740. Stockholm, Kongl. tryckeriet, Pet. Momma, 1740.
. 4to. Pp. (8). Wrappers. A nice and crisp copy. Deals with an audience by two Swedes to the Grand Visir in July 1740 regarding the ratification of the Treaty of Commerce between Sweden and Turkey. Only edition.A report by Höpken and Carleson, the first Swedish diplomats in Constantinople, of an audience with the Grand Visir regarding the ratification of a Treaty of Commerce between the countries in July 1740. Christian Callmer: In Orientem (1985) pp. 38-39.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 14106
€  240.00 [Appr.: US$ 260.57 | £UK 202.75 | JP¥ 40074]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asiatica, orient, east, asien, near east, middle east, arabic, arabes, turkey, turkish, travel, exploration

Examples of the Various Turki Dialects. Turki Text with English Translation. Four parts in one volume. [Sianking, China Inland Mission, 1918].
. Small 4to. Pp. Title + pp. preface (ii) + pp. (i), 70; (i), 19; (i), 23; 8. With text on one side only, as issued sewn in Chinese fashion, in original wrappers. The general title is written in manuscript on recto of first blank leaf as issued. Damp stained throughout. A wormhole to back cover and last blank leaf. Comprises four parts: i. Qazaq Turki Text with English translation. ii. Tartar Turki Text with English translation. iii. Uz Bek Turki Text with English translation. iv. An Example of Stanbul Turkish [Head title]. George Hunter was one of the last great pioneer missionaries. He got to know Turkestan as no other Westerner at that time. He translated the Scriptures into dialects of remote tribes. We believe this work was only issued in a small number. "The coarse paper was made from local material, often from leaves of the desert iris, and the format was the usual style of Chinese book, with each sheet written on one side only and folded back to back ... George Hunter had succeeded in buying a second- or third- hand duplicating machine, and a skilled writer transcribed the Turki text on the waxed stencil sheet while Hunter wrote out the English translation below." (Cable & French, George Hunter, Apostle of Turkestan (1948) pp. 58-9). Cordier BS 4272.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 32131
€  2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2388.59 | £UK 1856.5 | JP¥ 367344]
Catalogue: Central Asia
Keywords: Central Asia, turkestan, sianking, mongolia, turkey, turkish, turki, language, langue, linguistic

 KÅHRE (KAHRE), TRULS]. SWEBILIUS, OLOF:, [ Lijk-predikan wijdh ehreborne / wälwijse och wijdtförfarne / nu hoos gudh salige hr. Truls Kohres / fordom förnähm och wälförtiente rådh-mans uthi kongl. residentz och hufwudstaden Stockholm hederliga jordafärd / hållem utji stoore kyrckian / den 18 aug. anno 1672 för tå näewarande förnähmliga försambling. Stockholm, N. Wankijff, (1672).
[ Lijk-predikan wijdh ehreborne / wälwijse och wijdtförfarne / nu hoos gudh salige hr. Truls Kohres / fordom förnähm och wälförtiente rådh-mans uthi kongl. residentz och hufwudstaden Stockholm hederliga jordafärd / hållem utji stoore kyrckian / den 18 aug. anno 1672 för tå näewarande förnähmliga försambling. Stockholm, N. Wankijff, (1672).
. 4to. Pp. 17-94 (missing pp. 1-16 of the sermon). Text within printed woodcut border. Disbound. Partly with some light small marginal stain and a few leaves with some browning. A Funerary Oration for Truls Kåhre (1600-72) including a 17 pages "Vita defuncti" about his life and his adventurous journey to the Middle East and the Holy Land. Truls Kåhre, a young musician, started his long journey in 1641. He travelled via Holland to Portugal and from there to Tangier, Spain, Genua, Sardinia, and Sicily before he arrived at Aleppo. He visited Aria, Libanon and Babylon, and in 1643 he reached Jeursalem. He joined a caravan of 600 camels which took him through the deserts of Arabia to Egypt. He continued via Rhodes and Troja to Constantinople and Smirna. He arrived back at Stockholm in December 1645 where he was appointed alderman. This work also includes a poem "Hela wärldens pilgrims-färd" on pp. 85-94 by Johan Elasson or Lasse Lucidor, the famous Swedish baroque poet know for his burlesque poetry. See Olof G. Sundberg "Truls Kåhres resa", Stockholm 1948. Arne, Svenskarna och österlandet, Sthlm 1951, p. 152.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100388
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 542.86 | £UK 422 | JP¥ 83487]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, europe, european, turkey, turkish, levant, syria, middle east, east, orient, travel, exploration,

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, A Triumph. London, Jonathan Cape, 1935.
. Large 4to. Pp. 672. With four folding maps, 51 full page plates, of which 4 coloured and 3 facsimile manuscripts. Publisher's quarter morocco on buckram covered boards, spine lettered in gilt, gilt vignette on upper cover, marbled endpapers. Upper edges gilt, others uncut. A few small scratches on upper cover, some spots to outer edges. Original dust jacket, with tears and spine partly gone. Housed in a specially made cloth box. First published edition, limited to 750 copies, of which this is no. 68. The famous autobiographical account by T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") of his legendary part in the Arab rebellion against the Ottoman Turks between the years 1916-18. Lawrence did not believe the text would be of interest to the public in general and at first only allowed limited publications for friends (in 1922) and subscribers (in 1926). Lawrence was very involved in the production of the Seven Pillars. To finance the project he authorised Jonathan Cape to publish a heavily abridged and simplified version called "Revolt in the Desert" in 1927. The Seven Pillars is lavishly illustrated with photographic plates and portraits from sketches, and folding maps. The illustrators were the best British artists of the day: Wadsworth, Nash, Roberts, Blair Hughes-Stanton, Dobson, William Nicholson and others. Also included a copy of the Times from May 1935 with two pages of editorial about Lawrence, and testimonials from friends and colleagues including David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill. A handsome copy of this noted work, called by Churchill "one of the greatest books ever written in the English language". O'Brien A041.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 99855
€  2900.00 [Appr.: US$ 3148.6 | £UK 2447.25 | JP¥ 484226]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, arabic world, arabia, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, middle east, ottoman, levant,

Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor with Comparative Remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of that Country. London, J. Murray, 1824.
. Pp. xxx, 362. With one engraved plate, two engraved plans of the Troad and one large folding linen-backed map (foxed). Contemporary full calf, gilt decorated spine with five raised bands and green title label, m.e., rubbed and some staining to the boards. Hinges starting to crack. First edition of the first systematic description of Asia Minor.William Martin Leake (1777-1860) was a British topographer and diplomat. He was sent to Constantinople in 1799 and served with the Ottoman army in Egypt. He kept an accurate journal of his travels through the central parts of Asia Minor (Anatolia or Asian Turkey). Leake travelled via Konya to Cyprus, and through Adalia (Antalya) and Shughut. He visited Telmessus in Lycia, Assus in Mysia, and many other ancient sites along the route. The map is very interesting as it traces the routes of previous travellers. Atabey 690. Blackmer 972. Navari, Greek Civilization, 388.
Charlotte Du Rietz Rare BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 100965
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 922.86 | £UK 717.5 | JP¥ 141928]
Catalogue: Near East
Keywords: Near East, levant, near east, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, turkey, turkish, greece, topography,

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