Mode en kleding::Ontwerptekenen. [Eerste druk; First edition].
Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1989. large 8°. Original limp glossy coloured and illustrated wrappers. 156pp. Numerous captioned monoghrome illustrations in text drawn by Doran Matton featuring female, male and children's fashionable clothing, some captioned monochrome illustrations after original photographs, many cutter's patterns in text with technical directions, table of contents. Dutch language textbook about hometailoring, drawing and cutting patterns, design, colour schemes, sizing, enlargement of patterns, downsizing, silhouttes, stitching, proportion scienceof fashionable dress, which is preceded by hisory and development of western and non-western fashions and clothing. A very handy and practical guide. Very good copy.
Antiquarian Booksellers Gemilang
Professional sellerBook number: 54924
€ 30.00 [Appr.: US$ 32.33 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4940]
Keywords: handbook textbook home tailoring cutting design drawing cashion fashionable clothing economize instruction education practice fashion fashionable dress clothing male female children culture heritage