gevonden: 526 boeken op 36 pagina's. Dit is pagina 2
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9789059369757 Dato Turashvili 111822, Het dubbelleven van Melenti Maschoelia
Dato Turashvili 111822
Het dubbelleven van Melenti Maschoelia
Cossee. Paperback. Pp: 254. De Georgische schrijver Dato Turashvili reist af naar Amsterdam om een taboe in zijn familiegeschiedenis te onderzoeken. Zijn grootvader Melenti, die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog door Stalin naar het front was gestuurd en in 1944 door de nazi`s werd gevangengenomen, belandde in Amsterdam nadat hij uit het strafkamp was gevlucht. In deze stad ť"“ een symbool voor de vrijheid ť"“ bouwde hij kortstondig een leven op dat hij zou verzwijgen voor zijn familie. Terwijl Dato het Amsterdam van nu verkent, probeert hij zich voor te stellen hoe zijn grootvader hier 75 jaar geleden leefde, in die smalle straatjes van het constant drukke stadscentrum, gebukt onder de angst van vervolging. Want Melenti wist dat, terwijl hij was ondergedoken, andere Georgische krijgsgevangenen door de nazi`s naar Texel werden gebracht. Daar vond in het voorjaar van 1945 ť"“ Hitler had al zelfmoord gepleegd ť"“ een bloedige opstand van de krijgsgevangenen tegen de nazi`s plaats. De schrijver zit met verschillende vragen: als zijn grootvader niet bij de opstand betrokken was, waarom werd hij dan toch naar Siberië verbannen, waardoor hij pas in 1956 thuiskwam? En wat is er waar van de hardnekkige geruchten dat hij in Amsterdam een nieuwe liefde ontmoette? En, zo moet Dato toegeven, misschien is historisch onderzoek niet de enige reden voor zijn eigen vertrek naar Nederland. Ook híj wordt aangetrokken door een mysterieuze vrouw, een Georgische die hem romantische brieven stuurt ť"“ juist vanaf Texel. ISBN: 9789059369757. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
-- De SlegteProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 2690789
€  16.00
Catalogus: Literatuur
Trefwoorden: 9789059369757

9789080815803 , Duinen en mensen Texel. Voor onze ouders en onze kinderen
Duinen en mensen Texel. Voor onze ouders en onze kinderen
Uitgeverij NatuurMedia. Hardback. Pp: 140. Een boek over ons grootste en meest uitzonderlijke Waddeneiland. Zeer rijk en full color, vol nimmer gepubliceerde kaarten en foto's. Van 't Horntje tot De Cocksdorp De duinen van Texel hebben een fascinerende geschiedenis. Een landschap vol schakeringen. Van de piepjonge Hors in het zuiden tot intieme, middeleeuwse hoekjes cultuurland achter de duinenrij: de Mient. De beroemde Slufter en Muy waren eeuwen geleden weinig meer dan een breed strand. De rijke valleien achter Den Hoorn komen voort uit een deels aangroeiende kust. Eierland was tot 1630 een eiland. Natuur De Texelse duinen en kwelders zijn van een betoverende schoonheid en hebben Europese allure: uitgestrekte hellingen met duinrozen, heidevelden, duinmeertjes met soms exclusief 'Texelse' soorten. Met een zuidpunt waar de kust zich uitbreidt en nieuwe moerassen ruimte bieden aan kiekendieven en blauwborsten. Over het komen en gaan van natuur, in het ruim 100 jaar oude bos en in het open duin: meeuwen, wulpen, lepelaars en vele soorten orchideeën. Over het grondwater dat duinvalleien roze laat oplichten. En hoe de Texelse natuur steeds verandert. Historie en archeologie Onder de Waddeneilanden neemt Texel - waarvan de oudste delen al sinds de steentijd bewoond zijn - een uitzonderlijke plek in. Hoewel de huidige duinen 'jong' zijn en arm aan archeologische sporen, is er toch veel historie in dit landschap te zien. De duinen hadden nooit deze vorm gehad als helmplanters er niet vele stuifdijken hadden aangelegd. Ook duinboeren, konijnenjagers, waterwinners, bosbouwers en sinds een eeuw natuurbeheerders en recreatieondernemers hebben duin en kwelder benut en veranderd. Voor wie houdt van rijk beeld en een kernachtig verhaal over een landschap in ontwikkeling. Met honderden vaak geheel nieuwe kaarten en foto's. zie ook ISBN: 9789080815803. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
-- De SlegteProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 502251
€  11.00
Catalogus: Natuur & dier
Trefwoorden: 9789080815803

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1769.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1769, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68707
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1771.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1771, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68708
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1772.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1772, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68709
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1773.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1773, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68710
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1775.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1775, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68711
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1776.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1776, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68712
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1777.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1777, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68713
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1778.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1778, 23pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68714
€  143.75
Catalogus: Shipping

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1782.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1782, 23pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68715
€  143.75

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1783.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1783, 23pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68716
€  143.75

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1785.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1785, 23pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68717
€  143.75

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1786.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1786, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68718
€  143.75

Het EdelMogendeCollegie ter Admiraliteit resideerende binnen Amsterdam, Nevens derzelver Bediendens en hunne Woonplaatsen. 1787.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schouten en Reinier Ottens, 1787, 24pp. no binding, list of all men active within the admiralty of Amsterdam in the mentioned year. Treasuretrove for genealogists. The Admiralty of Amsterdam was the largest of the five Dutch admiralties at the time of the Dutch Republic. The administration of the various admiralties was strongly influenced by provincial interests. The territory for which Amsterdam was responsible was limited to the city itself, the Gooi region, the islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling, the province of Utrecht and the Gelderland quarters of Arnhem and of the Graafschap (county) of Zutphen. Amsterdam had developed into the most important of all the admiralties and often compensated for the other admiralties' deficiencies. When the "Committee for Naval Affairs" (Comité tot de Zaken der Marine) replaced the Admiralty Colleges on 27 February 1795 during the reforms by the Batavian Republic, the lower civil servants were kept on, but the officers were dismissed.
-- Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 68719
€  143.75

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