De Slegte Antwerpen / Gent / Leuven / Mechelen / Leiden / Rotterdam / Amsterdam: Wetenschap
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Randal F Barron 304903
Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics
Taylor & Francis, 2003. Hardcover. Pp: 534. Compiling strategies from more than 30 years of experience, this book provides numerous case studies that illustrate the implementation of noise control applications, as well as solutions to common dilemmas encountered in noise reduction processes. It offers methods for predicting the noise generation level of common systems such as fans, motors, compressors, and cooling towers, selecting the appropriate equipment to monitor sound properties, assessing the severity of environmental noise, modifying the sources, transmission paths, and receivers of sound, estimating sound pressure levels, designing mufflers, silencers, barriers, and enclosures, and isolating machine vibration. ISBN: 9780824707019. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3518412
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.87 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8038]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780824707019

 Georg Lunge 17657, Die Industrie des Steinkohlentheers und Ammoniaks - 2 Bände. 4. Auflage umgearbeitet und stark vermehrt von Hippolyt Köhler.
Georg Lunge 17657
Die Industrie des Steinkohlentheers und Ammoniaks - 2 Bände. 4. Auflage umgearbeitet und stark vermehrt von Hippolyt Köhler.
Braunschweig, Friedrich Vieweg , 1900. Leder band. Pp: 1026. Braunschw. Vieweg. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 22585
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.87 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8038]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

9783540261629 , Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers II
Intrinsic Molecular Mobility and Toughness of Polymers II
Springer-Verlag GmbH. Hardcover. ISBN: 9783540261629. Cond./Kwaliteit: Als nieuw.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2330155
€  135.00 [Appr.: US$ 150.85 | £UK 113.5 | JP¥ 21704]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9783540261629

9789040716836 G.J. Schiereck 220830, Introduction to bed, bank and shore protection. Engineering the interface of soil and water 1
G.J. Schiereck 220830
Introduction to bed, bank and shore protection. Engineering the interface of soil and water 1
VSSD, 2001. Hardcover. Pp: 397. Introduction to bed, bank and shore protection The interface of land and water has aIways played an important role in human activities. Settlements are often located at coasts, river-banks or deltas. Harbours, waterways, dikes, dunes and beaches, structures for water-control and water-resources management etc. are examples of hydraulic engineering on a macro-scale. In this book, the interface is studied on a micro-scale. The occurring phenomena are important in all branches of hydraulic engineering. In a natural situation, the interface moves freely with the forces of erosion and sedimentation. Actually, nothing is wrong with erosion, until some interest is threatened. Erosion is somewhat like weed: as long as it is in nobodies way, no action is needed or even wanted. There should always be a balance between the efforts of protection against erosion and the damage that would occur otherwise. Moreover, it should be realised that once a location is protected along a coast or riverbank that is eroded on a large scale, the protected part can induce extra erosion and in the end the whole coast or bank has to be protected. So, look before you leap, should be the motto. In many cases however, a protection is necessary: bottom protection behind outlet structures or around objects, revetments in rivers and canals, dike protection, coastal defence works etc. For additional exercises and software, see Contents Introduction Flow - Loads Flow - Stability Flow - Erosion Porous Flow - General Porous Flow - Filters Waves - Loads Waves - Erosion and stability Ships Dimensions Protections Environment Construction Appendic A: Materials Appendix B: Examples. ISBN: 9789040716836. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2993246
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.87 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8038]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9789040716836

9781461270027 Serge Lang 126397, Introduction to Linear Algebra
Serge Lang 126397
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Springer New York, 2012. Paperback. Pp: 293. This is a short text in linear algebra, intended for a one-term course. In the first chapter, Lang discusses the relation between the geometry and the algebra underlying the subject, and gives concrete examples of the notions which appear later in the book. He then starts with a discussion of linear equations, matrices and Gaussian elimination, and proceeds to discuss vector spaces, linear maps, scalar products, determinants, and eigenvalues. The book contains a large number of exercises, some of the routine computational type, while others are conceptual. ISBN: 9781461270027. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3435565
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 67.04 | £UK 50.5 | JP¥ 9646]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9781461270027

9780961408800 Gilbert Strang 126580, Introduction to Applied Mathematics
Gilbert Strang 126580
Introduction to Applied Mathematics
Hardcover. Pp: 300. ISBN: 9780961408800. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3447436
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.28 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7235]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780961408800

9780471504597 Erwin Kreyszig 175271, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
Erwin Kreyszig 175271
Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
John Wiley & Sons, 1989. Paperback. Pp: 704. ISBN: 9780471504597. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3494422
€  90.00 [Appr.: US$ 100.57 | £UK 75.75 | JP¥ 14469]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780471504597

9781843060451 Richard Leslie Hills 227701, James Watt: His time in Scotland, 1736-1774. Volume 1
Richard Leslie Hills 227701
James Watt: His time in Scotland, 1736-1774. Volume 1
Landmark Publishing, 2002. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 480. This first volume in a two-volume biography of James Watt looks at his early life in Scotland. It looks at his family background, his education and training as a mathematical instrument maker, his involvement with the Scottish chemical industry, his work as a civil engineer, his investigations into steam and the beginnings of his partnership with Boulton. This first volume in a two-volume biography of James Watt looks at his early life in Scotland. It looks at his family background, his education and training as a mathematical instrument maker, his involvement with the Scottish chemical industry, and his work as a civil engineer. ISBN: 9781843060451. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3552295
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.28 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7235]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9781843060451

9783540769361 Thomas Belloni 198204, The Jet Paradigm. From Microquasars to Quasars
Thomas Belloni 198204
The Jet Paradigm. From Microquasars to Quasars
Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2010. Hardcover. Pp: 290. The discovery of the first case of superluminal radio jets in our galaxy in 1994 from the bright and peculiar X-ray source GRS 1915+105 has opened the way to a major shift in the direction of studies of stellar-mass accreting binaries. The past decade has seen an impressive increase in multi-wavelength studies. It is now known that all black hole binaries in our galaxy are radio sources and most likely their radio emission originates from a powerful jet. In addition to the spectacular events related to the ejection of superluminal jets, steady jets are known from many systems. Compared with their supermassive cousins, the nuclei of active galaxies, stellar-mass X-ray binaries have the advantage of varying on time scales accessible within a human life (sometimes even much shorter than a second). This has led to the ?rst detailed studies of the relation between accretion and ejection. It is even possible that, excluding their "soft" periods, the majority of the power in gal- tic sources lies in the jets and not in the accretion ?ows. This means that until a few years ago we were struggling with a physical problem, accretion onto compact objects, without considering one of the most important components of the system. Models that associate part of the high-energy emission and even the fast aperiodic variability to the jet itself are now being proposed and jets can no longer be ignored. ISBN: 9783540769361. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2330142
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 72.63 | £UK 54.75 | JP¥ 10450]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9783540769361

9783540680314 , Jets from Young Stars II. Clues from High Angular Resolution Observations
Jets from Young Stars II. Clues from High Angular Resolution Observations
Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2008. Hardcover. Pp: 291. Lecture notes in physics 742. ISBN: 9783540680314. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2436906
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.28 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7235]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9783540680314

9789062152711 , Juridisch woordenboek Diccionario juridico. Nederlands-Spaans met register Spaans-Nederlands voor rechtspraktijk, handel en bedrijfscommunicatie Neerlandes-Espanol con indice alfabetico Espanol-Neerlandes para la practica juridica, comercial y empresarial
Juridisch woordenboek Diccionario juridico. Nederlands-Spaans met register Spaans-Nederlands voor rechtspraktijk, handel en bedrijfscommunicatie Neerlandes-Espanol con indice alfabetico Espanol-Neerlandes para la practica juridica, comercial y empresarial
Maklu, Uitgever. Hardback. ISBN: 9789062152711. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 480932
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.87 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8038]
Keywords: 9789062152711

9789062036493 J. Schaeken 106068, Die Kiever Blätter. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics
J. Schaeken 106068
Die Kiever Blätter. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics
Rodopi, 1987. Paperback. Pp: 272. ISBN: 9789062036493. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1560139
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.28 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7235]
Keywords: 9789062036493

 , Kort-begryp der geographie of Beginselen der land-beschryvinge, met een onderwys tot de kennisse der globe of ronde bol, tot gebruyk der jongheyd. Van nieuws overzien en verbetert. Tweeden druk
Kort-begryp der geographie of Beginselen der land-beschryvinge, met een onderwys tot de kennisse der globe of ronde bol, tot gebruyk der jongheyd. Van nieuws overzien en verbetert. Tweeden druk
Joseph van Praet, 1784 (colofon). Cont. leather. 8vo. Zeldzame tweede druk (1ste 1775) van dit Brugse schoolboek in vraag- en antwoordvorm met kennis over alle landen en streken van de wereld: de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden (met o.a. Vlaanderen, Brabant, Antwerpen, Mechelen, etc.), Europa, Azië, Afrika, Amerika en pas ontdekte gebieden in Oceanië. Achteraan een uiteenzetting over aardrijkskunde, woordenboek van plaatsnamen Nederlands-Latijn en catalogus van drukker/uitgever Van Praet (3 pp.). Deze editie niet in STCV. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3562303
€  575.00 [Appr.: US$ 642.5 | £UK 483 | JP¥ 92442]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

9780821810255 Garrett Birkhoff 145122, Lattice Theory
Garrett Birkhoff 145122
Lattice Theory
American Mathematical Society, 1991. Paperback. Pp: 420. ISBN: 9780821810255. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3566735
€  55.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.46 | £UK 46.25 | JP¥ 8842]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780821810255

Lectures on Geometric Variational Problems
Springer Verlag. Paperback. Pp: 162. ISBN: 9784431701521. Cond./Kwaliteit: Redelijk.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1969407
€  55.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.46 | £UK 46.25 | JP¥ 8842]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9784431701521

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