De Slegte Antwerpen / Gent / Leuven / Mechelen / Leiden / Rotterdam / Amsterdam: Wetenschap
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 , Milestones of science
Milestones of science
Buffalo Museum of Science, 1972. Hardcover. Pp: 307. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2747250
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

9780521477307 J.D. Wright 216582, Molecular crystals. Second edition
J.D. Wright 216582
Molecular crystals. Second edition
Cambridge University Press, 1995. Paperback. Pp: 221. There has been an explosion of interest in the study of molecular crystals, and their applications in optics and electronics. This advanced 1995 textbook describes their chemical and physical structure, their optical and electronic properties and the reactions between neighbouring molecules in crystals. The author has taken into account research areas which have undergone extremely rapid development since the first edition was published in 1987. For instance, this edition features the applications of molecular materials in high-technology devices. There is also an additional chapter on C60 and organic non-linear optic materials. The level of treatment is aimed at first-year postgraduates or workers in industrial research laboratories wishing to gain insights into organic solid state materials. Molecular Crystals is also suitable for special topics in final year undergraduate courses in chemistry, physics and electronic engineering. ISBN: 9780521477307. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 104133
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780521477307

9781464109812 Harvey Lodish 20164, Molecular Cell Biology. International Edition
Harvey Lodish 20164
Molecular Cell Biology. International Edition
Gekartonneerd. Pp: 973. 7th edition. ISBN: 9781464109812. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 336554
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9781464109812

9781429203142 Harvey Lodish 20164, Molecular Cell Biology
Harvey Lodish 20164
Molecular Cell Biology
Groothandel / BESTEL, 2007. Gekartonneerd. Pp: 1150. The sixth edition provides an authoritative and comprehensive vision of molecular biology today. It presents developments in cell birth, lineage and death, expanded coverage of signaling systems and of metabolism and movement of lipids. ISBN: 9781429203142. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 92341
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9781429203142

9780815341888 John Kuriyan 173104, The Molecules of Life. Physical and Chemical Principles
John Kuriyan 173104
The Molecules of Life. Physical and Chemical Principles
GARLAND PUB, 2013. Paperback. Pp: 1032. ISBN: 9780815341888. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1915147
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780815341888

9780198516200 Dirk van Dalen 233894, Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist
Dirk van Dalen 233894
Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist
Clarendon Press, 2005. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 10. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer is a remarkable figure, both in the development of mathematics and in wider Dutch history. A mathematical genius with strong mystical and philosophical leanings, he advocated the intuitionist view of mathematics and science as a constructive mental activity. This drew him into a discussion with David Hilbert, the leading advocate of the formalist school, about the nature of mathematics, a debate which made Brouwer a legend during his lifetime. He also contributed significantly to research in topology, and was a member of the socio-linguistic Signific Circle. As well as his diverse mathematical interests he had a great impact in wider Dutch society. His keen sense of justice made him a party in many conflicts, both scientific and political. He would often be involved in controversial issues, such as the campaign to undo the boycott of German scientists, and this made him a figure both of admiration and embarrassment in his native Holland. Although his abilities won him offers from prestigious universities such as Berlin and Gottingen, he preferred to stay in Amsterdam, so that he could pursue a life of quiet unconventionality in the artist community at Laren. This book, the second in a two-volume set, provides a sophisticated analysis of this crucial era of mathematical research, but also gives an important insight into the wider life of one of the most fascinating characters involved. ISBN: 9780198516200. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2004770
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 72.55 | £UK 54.5 | JP¥ 10457]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780198516200

9780198502975 Dirk Dalen 126749, Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist: The dawning revolution
Dirk Dalen 126749
Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist: The dawning revolution
Clarendon Press, 1999. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 440. A remarkable and independent thinker, Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer was a leader in twentieth century mathematics and in Dutch cultural life, where he was the key figure in a number of controversial issues, including a campaign to reverse the boycott of German scientists. In mathematics, he was a founder of modern topology and the creator of intuitionism, one of the most important schools of thought on the philosophy of mathematics. This biography discusses his fascinating life and provides a detailed analysis of his work. ISBN: 9780198502975. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2353340
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780198502975

9783642010521 Jie Jack Li 284054, Name Reactions. A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications
Jie Jack Li 284054
Name Reactions. A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications
Springer, 2009. Hardcover. Pp: 621. This book differs from others on name reactions in organic chemistry by focusing on their mechanisms. It covers over 300 classical as well as contemporary name reactions. Biographical sketches for the chemists who discovered or developed those name reactions have been included. Each reaction is delineated by its detailed step-by-step, electron-pushing mechanism, supplemented with the original and the latest references, especially review articles. This book contains major improvements over the previous edition and the subject index is significantly expanded. ISBN: 9783642010521. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3269216
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9783642010521

 Secundus Plinius 180613, Naturalis historiae. Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & Variorum. Accedunt praeterea varia Lectiones ex MSS. compluribus ad oram Paginarum accurate indicatae.
Secundus Plinius 180613
Naturalis historiae. Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & Variorum. Accedunt praeterea varia Lectiones ex MSS. compluribus ad oram Paginarum accurate indicatae.
Hackius, 1668-1669. Leder band. Pp: 838. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2064590
€  295.00 [Appr.: US$ 329.28 | £UK 247.5 | JP¥ 47458]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

 Secundus Plinius 180613, Naturalis historiae. Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & Variorum. Accedunt praeterea varia Lectiones ex MSS. compluribus ad oram Paginarum accurate indicatae.
Secundus Plinius 180613
Naturalis historiae. Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & Variorum. Accedunt praeterea varia Lectiones ex MSS. compluribus ad oram Paginarum accurate indicatae.
Hackius, 1668-1669. Cont. overlapping vellum, flat spines titled in ink. Dutch edition in Latin, in three volumes, of the earliest encyclopedia to survive, compiled by Plinius Secundus (23-79). The work comprises 37 books and was intended to cover the entire field of ancient knowledge, based on the best authorities available to the author. There are chapters on cosmology, geography, ethnography, anthropology, zoology, the plant and mineral kingdom, botany and agriculture, medicine and pharmacy, mineralogy and metallurgy, etc. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3570615
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 446.49 | £UK 335.5 | JP¥ 64350]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

9780198250852 Nicholas Rescher 45394, Nature and Understanding. The Metaphysics and Method of Science
Nicholas Rescher 45394
Nature and Understanding. The Metaphysics and Method of Science
Clarendon Press, 2000. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 186. Nature and Understanding explores the prospect of looking from a scientific point of view at such central ideas of traditional metaphysics as the simplicity of nature, its comprehensibility, or its systematic integrity. Rescher seeks to describe - in a way accessible to philosophers and nonphilosophers alike - the metaphysical situation that characterizes the process of inquiry in natural science. His principal aim is to see what light can be shed on reality by examining the modus operandi of natural science itself, focusing as much on its findings as on its conceptual and methodological presuppositions. This is the culmination of many years of penetrating work in this area of philosophy by one of its most eminent exponents. It is the definitive presentation of some of Rescher's key ideas. ISBN: 9780198250852. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2309586
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9780198250852

 Henri de Parville 317713, La Nature, revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a l'industrie, Journal hebdomadaire illustré.+ Nouvelles scientifiques
Henri de Parville 317713
La Nature, revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a l'industrie, Journal hebdomadaire illustré.+ Nouvelles scientifiques
Masson et Cie. 1898. Hardcover. Pp: 441. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3578549
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.72 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12066]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

 Maurice Delpeuch 126390, La navigation sous-marine à travers les siècles. D'après nombreux documents inédits
Maurice Delpeuch 126390
La navigation sous-marine à travers les siècles. D'après nombreux documents inédits
1903. Leder band. Pp: 450. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 796193
€  85.00 [Appr.: US$ 94.88 | £UK 71.5 | JP¥ 13674]
Catalogue: Wetenschap

9789050113519 , De Nederlandse biodiversiteit
De Nederlandse biodiversiteit
KNNV Uitgeverij, 2010. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 510. Een compleet en actueel standaardwerk over de Nederlandse planten- en dierenwereld. Beschrijft 204 groepen, van oogdiertjes tot korstmossen en van varens tot zoogdieren. Een rijk naslagwerk voor natuurliefhebbers en vakmensen. - behandelt 204 groepen planten, dieren, schimmels en eencelligen - per groep informatie over het aantal soorten in Nederland en wereldwijd - kenmerken, voorkomen, biologie en relatie met de mens - met talrijke kleurenfoto's, verspreidingskaartjes en trenddiagrammen - achtergrondinformatie over biodiversiteit, onderzoek, beheer en beleid In samenwerking met Naturalis Biodiversity Centre en EIS-Nederland. ISBN: 9789050113519. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 484755
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.72 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12066]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9789050113519

9789064504228 , New Nomads. An exploration of wearable electronics by Philips
New Nomads. An exploration of wearable electronics by Philips
nai010 uitgevers/publishers. Paperback. Pp: 143. New Nomads charts Philips' exploration of smart apparel, problem-solving methodologies in order to weave electronic functionality into clothing with the aim of empowering the wearer on his or her journey to tomorrow's world. ISBN: 9789064504228. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3460286
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.72 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12066]
Catalogue: Wetenschap
Keywords: 9789064504228

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