De Slegte Antwerpen / Gent / Leuven / Mechelen / Leiden / Rotterdam / Amsterdam: Sociologie
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 Madeline Manoukian 296916, Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast
Madeline Manoukian 296916
Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast
University Microfilms, 1951. Paperback. Pp: 102. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3468508
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Sociologie

 Claude Lévi-Strauss 100550, La voie des masques
Claude Lévi-Strauss 100550
La voie des masques
Skira, 1975. 2 volumes in slipcase. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3413622
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.72 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12066]
Catalogue: Sociologie

9789064503481 R. Aben , S. de Wit 237258, De omsloten tuin. Geschiedenis en ontwikkeling van de hortus conclusus en de herintroductie ervan in het hedendaagse stadslandschap
R. Aben , S. de Wit 237258
De omsloten tuin. Geschiedenis en ontwikkeling van de hortus conclusus en de herintroductie ervan in het hedendaagse stadslandschap
Paperback. Pp: 256. In deze uitgave wordt een overzicht gegeven van de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van de hortus conclusus, de omsloten tuin, en de herintroductie ervan in het hedendaagse stadslandschap. Het type van de omsloten tuin is ontstaan in het middeleeuwse West-Europa. Op een relatief kleine afgezonderde plek worden aspecten van natuur en landschap 'gevangen' en hanteerbaar gemaakt door ordening, picturale, geometrische en ruimtelijke beheersing. In het historische deel wordt getoond met welke ingredi nten en ontwerpopvattingen de omsloten tuin een succes werd. Uitgebreid wordt ingegaan op de verschillende historische voorbeelden zoals de Romaanse tuin van het Santes Creus klooster, de gotische tuin van de Santa Eulalia kathedraal, het Alhambra en de giardino segreto van Villa Capponi. Recente ontwerpen zoals van Alexandre Chemetoff, Daniel Libeskind en Dom van der Laan laten zien hoe de omsloten tuin ook in een eigentijdse gedaante van betekenis kan zijn voor het stedelijke landschap. Juist de compactheid van de omsloten tuin maakt deze uiterst effectief waar ruimte zo schaars wordt als in de groeiende metropolen. Zowel op theoretisch vlak als door de grote hoeveelheid geanalyseerde (internationale) voorbeelden levert deze rijk ge llustreerde publicatie een waardevolle bijdrage aan de discussie omtrent de herintroductie van het landschap in de hedendaagse stad. ISBN: 9789064503481. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 710685
€  95.00 [Appr.: US$ 106.04 | £UK 79.75 | JP¥ 15283]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9789064503481

Adamek, Piotr
Good Son is Sad If He Hears the Name of His Father. The Tabooing of Names in China As a Way of Implementing Social Values
Taylor & Francis, 2015. Hardcover. ISBN: 9781909662698. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3537564
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 195.34 | £UK 146.75 | JP¥ 28153]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781909662698

9781646422944 Alicia M. Boswell , Kyle A. Knabb, Life at the Margins of the State. Comparative Landscapes from the Old and New Worlds
Alicia M. Boswell , Kyle A. Knabb
Life at the Margins of the State. Comparative Landscapes from the Old and New Worlds
University Press of Colorado, 2022. Hardcover. Pp: 276. Life at the Margins of the State examines the sociopolitical and cultural nuances, negotiations, and strategies of resistance developed by marginal communities"including frontiers, borderlands, borders, and other locations where there was a substantive difference in scale from more hegemonic political entities. The volume explores not just the nature of interactions in the political margins but the political, social, and economic trajectories of the societies that formed there. Case studies from the New and Old Worlds"including historic California, medieval Iceland, ancient Mesoamerica, ancient Nubia, colonial El Salvador, the prehistoric Levant, pre-Columbian Amazon, Africa`s historic central Sahel, and ancient Peru"offer novel perspectives on how borderland societies adapted to the unique human and natural environments of these liminal spaces. Contributors draw on archaeological evidence as well as historical documents and linguistic data to facilitate the documentation of local histories and the strategies employed by communities living in or near ancient states and empires. This close study of groups on the margins shows that peripheral polities are not simply the by-products of complexity emanating from a political core and demonstrates that traditional assumptions and models need to be reconsidered.Contributors: Tara D. Carter, Mikael Fauvelle, Elena A.A. Garcea, Esteban Gomez, Scott MacEachern, Claire Novotny, Bradley J Parker, Erin Smith, John H. Walker. ISBN: 9781646422944. Cond./Kwaliteit: Als nieuw.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3387195
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781646422944

9781841130910 Biggs, Hazel, Euthanasia. Death with Dignity and the Law
Biggs, Hazel
Euthanasia. Death with Dignity and the Law
HART PUB. Hardback. Pp: 204. ISBN: 9781841130910. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3521141
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781841130910

9780521383004 Bronislaw Malinowski 48859, [Ed.] Robert J. Thornton , [Ed.] Peter Skalnik, The Early Writings of Bronislaw Malinowski
Bronislaw Malinowski 48859, [Ed.] Robert J. Thornton , [Ed.] Peter Skalnik
The Early Writings of Bronislaw Malinowski
Cambridge University Press, 1993. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 324. Bronislaw Malinowski, born and educated in Poland, helped to establish British social anthropology. His classic monographs on the Trobriand Islanders were published between 1922 and 1935, when he was professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics. This collection of Malinowski's early writings establishes the intellectual background to his achievement, and shows how his considerable impact on twentieth-century thought is rooted in the late nineteenth-century philosophy of central Europe, especially the work of Ernst Mach and Friedrich Nietzsche, and in the ethnological theories of James Frazer. ISBN: 9780521383004. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2824574
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9780521383004

9789034193988 Christian Van Kerckhove 232981, Eva Vens 75850, Overgangsrituelen
Christian Van Kerckhove 232981, Eva Vens 75850
Professional, 2015. Paperback. Pp: 429. Overgangsrituelen brengt godsdiensten, levensbeschouwingen en culturen dichter bij elkaar. Het boek brengt zo waardering voor de diversiteit van alle mensen bij en toont tegelijk de gelijkenissen tussen mensen aan. De leerkracht zedenleer of godsdienst kan met dit boek kennis en begrip bijbrengen aan studenten, maar het boek is ook geschikt voor iedereen die interesse heeft voor 'de andere'. De godsdiensten, levensbeschouwingen en culturen die aan bod komen zijn gekozen omdat ze de belangrijke momenten in het leven ritualiseren: geboorte, volwassen worden, huwelijk en dood. De auteurs beschrijven deze geritualiseerde overgangsmomenten in het hindoeïsme, het boeddhisme, het jodendom, het katholicisme, het orthodoxe christendom, de islam, het vrijzinnig humanisme, bij de Aborigines (Australië), de Betamaribe (West-Afrika), de Inuit (Oost-Groenland) en de Kuna-indianen (Midden-Amerika). Ze gebruiken hiervoor oorspronkelijke documenten en gesprekken met insiders. Het verhaal van een 'ingewijde' in een bepaalde godsdienst of levensbeschouwing sluit elke beschrijving af. Tijdens het lezen kun je zo je eigen overgangsrituelen vergelijken met die in andere godsdiensten, levensbeschouwingen of culturen. In een afrondend deel worden de overgangsrituelen met elkaar vergeleken. Op welke manier zijn de diverse overgangsmomenten in de beschreven godsdiensten, levensbeschouwingen en culturen anders dan wel gelijk? Om de overgangsrituelen aanschouwelijk voor te stellen zijn zo'n 350 kleurenfoto's en tekeningen opgenomen. Extra informatie Meer informatie over het project Overgangsrituelen van Sociaal-Agogisch Werk Hogeschool Gent is hier te vinden. Over de auteurs Christian Van Kerckhove en Eva Vens zijn (co)promotor van meerdere onderzoeken, waaronder Overgangsrituelen. Samen zijn ze binnen het departement Sociaal-Agogisch Werk van Hogeschool Gent verantwoordelijk voor het diversiteitsbeleid. Jean Paul Van Bendegem Rik Pinxten. ISBN: 9789034193988. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 304875
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9789034193988

9781839104565 Markus M. L. Crepaz, Handbook on Migration and Welfare
Markus M. L. Crepaz
Handbook on Migration and Welfare
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2022. Hardcover. Pp: 544. Bringing together prominent scholars in the field, this Handbook provides an interdisciplinary exploration of the complex interrelationship between migration and welfare. Chapters explore the extent to which immigration policy affects - and is affected by - welfare states, from both economic and political perspectives. This Handbook also examines the effects of emigration on sending societies, exploring issues such as the impact of remittances, diasporas, and skill deterioration as a result of human capital flight on capacity building and on economic and political development more generally. Contributors draw on both qualitative and quantitative research to illuminate the contours and patterns of this complex relationship. This includes the assumed tension-reducing role of multiculturalist and integration policies, the shaping of native beliefs about migrants by socio-economic constraints and the potential for the extension of social rights to migrants to influence and increase pro-redistributive attitudes. Investigating the drivers of welfare chauvinism and its effects on social trust between native and immigrant groups, the Handbook also provides insights into the latest theoretical and empirical findings regarding the progressive's dilemma, one of the most formidable policy challenges leaders of modern societies face.Breaking new theoretical and empirical ground, this cutting-edge Handbook is essential reading for academics, researchers and students in political science, economics, sociology, social policy and political philosophy, particularly those focused on global migration and changing attitudes to welfare. It will also benefit policymakers looking for new data and pioneering perspectives on immigration policy and the future of welfare states in a changing world economy. ISBN: 9781839104565. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3156934
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 167.43 | £UK 126 | JP¥ 24131]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781839104565

9780670596515 Barbara Deming, Revolution & Equilibrium
Barbara Deming
Revolution & Equilibrium
Grossman Publishers, 1971. Paperback. Pp: 269. ISBN: 9780670596515. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2740157
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 72.55 | £UK 54.5 | JP¥ 10457]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9780670596515

Emily Ann Schultz 217812, Robert H. Lavenda
Cultural Anthropology
Mayfield Publishing Company, 1998. Paperback. Pp: 372. ISBN: 9781559348591. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1848349
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781559348591

Gerrit J. van Enk , Lourens de Vries 302514
The Korowai of Irian Jaya
Oxford University Press, 1997. Linnen band. Pp: 321. This is the first study of the language and culture of the Korowai, a Papuan community of treehouse dwellers in the rainforest of southern Irian Jaya, Indonesia. The Korowai are a people who have historically been completely isolated from the world around them and have only recently come into contact with outsiders. The authors, who gained access to the tribe in their roles as Christian missionaries, examine the Korowai language and culture in a systematic and integrated way. They sketch the physical, cultural, historical, and linguistic backgrounds of the Korowai community. Also, they fully explicate the language, presenting in fine detail its phonology, morphology, syntax, and kinship terminology-as well as reproducing oral texts that show patterns of grammar, discourse, and culture. This text will be of value to both linguists and anthropologists, not only because it deals with a neglected and threatened society, but also because it does so by viewing (and documenting) the language and culture of that society in a methodical and holistic manner. ISBN: 9780195105513. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3503211
€  175.00 [Appr.: US$ 195.34 | £UK 146.75 | JP¥ 28153]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9780195105513

9781138210486 Holly Collison , Simon C. Darnell , Richard Giulianotti , P. David Howe, Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace
Holly Collison , Simon C. Darnell , Richard Giulianotti , P. David Howe
Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace
Routledge, 2019. Hardcover. Pp: 545. Sport and physical activity are now regularly used to promote social and economic development, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, on an international scale. The emergence of the 'Sport for Development and Peace' (SDP) sector, comprised of governments, NGOs, sport organizations and others, reveals a high level of institutionalization of this activity, while SDP now constitutes an important element of the scholarly analysis of sport. This volume analyses and critically discusses the central elements of, and research issues within, the field of SDP and also provides a series of case studies (substantive and geographic) of key research. It is the most holistic and far-reaching text published on this topic to date. Featuring multidisciplinary perspectives from world-leading researchers and practitioners from around the world, the book covers a wide range of topics, including SDP structures, policies and funding streams, how SDP relates to human rights, social exclusion and corporate social responsibility, SDP and gender, SDP and disability, SDP and health, SDP and homelessness, and SDP and the environment. The Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace is a vital resource for researchers, students and educators in the fields of sports studies, physical education, sport for development and peace, sport-based youth development, sport and politics, sociology of sport, and sport policy. ISBN: 9781138210486. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2679546
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781138210486

9783319407746 Van Houte, Marieke, Return Migration to Afghanistan. Moving Back or Moving Forward?
Van Houte, Marieke
Return Migration to Afghanistan. Moving Back or Moving Forward?
PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD. Hardback. ISBN: 9783319407746. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3461360
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9783319407746

Radha Jagannathan
The Growing Challenge of Youth Unemployment in Europe and America
Policy Press, 2021. Hardcover. Pp: 276. Much of the literature that addresses youth unemployment has been framed within an economic paradigm and much less attention has been focused on the role played by country-specific value orientations in structuring economic activity. Drawing on extensive fieldwork research and the work of experts in Europe and the United States, this book provides a culturally nuanced analysis of key issues relating to youth unemployment. Examining the causes and consequences of youth unemployment, it explores ways forward to promote economic self-sufficiency. This pioneering work offers invaluable tailored policy solutions to tackle one of today`s most important socioeconomic issues. ISBN: 9781529200102. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3156921
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 72.55 | £UK 54.5 | JP¥ 10457]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9781529200102

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