Sam Gatteño Books: Sixteenth Century Books
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Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Opera. Ex Petri Victorii Codicibus maxima ex parte descripta Rhetorica; ...Epistolae ... Orationes ... Philosophica ... Petri Victorii Explicationes suarum in Ciceronem Castigationum.
Parisiis: Ex Officina Roberti Stephani, 1538-1539. 0. Hardcover. Folio. 5 volumes in 3. I: 288 pages; II: 416 pages; III: 639 pages; IV: 158 pages; V: 450 pages. General title-page and separate title-pages to sections. General title-page dated 1539, Rhetorica dated 1538, Orationes dated 1539, Epistolae dated 1538, Philosophica dated 1538, and Explicationes dated 1538. Eigtheenth-century red morocco, rebacked. Adams C1640; Renouard, p. 436; Schweiger I, 103; Not in Schreiber; Renouard, p. 48, 1539.8; Ebert 4255. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1422
USD 7000.00 [Appr.: EURO 6264.75 | £UK 5261 | JP¥ 1007144]

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
M. Tul. Ciceronis Familiarum Epistolarum Libri XVI.
Paris: Apud Audoenum Parvus, sub signo Lilii Aurei. 1549. 0. Hardcover. Folio. [iv] leaves, 308 leaves. With the printer's device on the title-page. Historiated woodcut initials. In a modern dark brown half goatskin binding with marbled boards. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 550
USD 2400.00 [Appr.: EURO 2148 | £UK 1803.75 | JP¥ 345306]
Keywords: Sixteenth Century Books

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
M. Tvllii Ciceronis Opera Omnia.
Geneva: Apud Eustache Vignon, 1596. 0. Hardcover. Thick quarto. Four volumes bound in one. With no separate title-pages to volumes II-IV. I: [iv]ff. 436cols.; II: 958cols.; III: 636cols.; IV: 714cols.; Index and Privilege - 40ff. I: 4, A4-O4, P2; II : aa8-zz8, Aa8-Gg8; III: a8-v8; IV: Aa8-Yy8, Zz4 ; Index & Privilege: A8-E8. Last leaf, E8, is blank and lacking. Engraved title-page. In a contemporary vellum binding. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 916
USD 1300.00 [Appr.: EURO 1163.5 | £UK 977.25 | JP¥ 187041]
Keywords: Sixteenth Century Books

Giraldi Cinthio, Giovanni Battista.
Le Tragedie di M. Gio. Battista Giraldi Cinthio, Nobile Ferrarese: cioe Orbecche, Altile, Didone, Antivalomeni, Cleopatra, Arrenopia, Evphimia, Epitia, Selene
In Venetia: Appresso Giulio Cesare Cagnacini, 1583. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. [xvi], 135, [i], 143, 157, [iii], 118, [ii], 127, [i], 142, [ii], 135, [i], 118, [ii], 149, [iii]pp. First edition. Italic letter, Cagnacini's woodcut device on recto and woodcut portrait of author within ornate frame on verso of all title-pages, woodcut initials and ornaments. Contemporary vellum. With Cinthio's portrait on the verso of each title-page. BM STC Italian Books, p. 305; Gamba 1435 - 'e assai rare questa Raccolta;' Brunet II, 1607; Adams G715 (UL copy, parts 1-4 only). Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2301
USD 2800.00 [Appr.: EURO 2506 | £UK 2104.5 | JP¥ 402857]

Comines, Philippe De.
La Historia Famosa di Monsignor di Argenton ...
In Venetia: [per Michel Tramezino], 1544. 0. Hardcover. Small octavo. [xii], 267, [i]ff. *8, **4, A8-Z8, AA8-KK8, LL4. First Italian edition. With the printer's Sybil device on the title-page and the verso of the final leaf. Rather crude modern light brown leather, with labels on the spine. From the library of the Duke of Rutland, with his bookplate. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2229
USD 3200.00 [Appr.: EURO 2864 | £UK 2405 | JP¥ 460408]

Eborensis, Andreas [Andrea de Rèsende, Andres Rodrigues da (d'Evora) Veiga].
Sententiae, et exempla ex probatissimis quibusq[ue] scriptoribus collecta, [et] per locos communes digesta.
Venetiis: ad Signum Seminantis [apud Dominicum Nicolinum], 1572. 0. Hardcover. Duodecimo. [xxviii], 849, [iii]pp. A8-Z8, Aa8-Zz8, Aaa8-Iii8. With the printer's device on the title-page. Register on the colophon. Contemporary vellum, worn. CCBE S. XVI, A, 1390. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2190
USD 1350.00 [Appr.: EURO 1208.25 | £UK 1014.75 | JP¥ 194235]

Egnazio, Giovanni Battista.
Caesarem Vitae post Seutonium Tranquillum Conscriptae. Quarum Autores Sunt Hi: D. Cassius Nicæus, A. Spartianus, J. Capitolinus, A. Lampridius, V. Gallicanus.
Lyon: Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1551. 0. Hardcover. Sextodecimo. 2 volumes bound in one. I: 466 pages, [31]ff.; II: 384 pages, [8]ff. With the Gryphius device on the title-page. Contemporary vellum. Baudrier VIII, pp. 247-248. Pocket edition of the complete "Historiae Augustae Scriptores," edited with commentaries by the noted Italian humanist Giovanni Battista Egnazio (1473-1553). Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1429
USD 2200.00 [Appr.: EURO 1969 | £UK 1653.5 | JP¥ 316531]
Keywords: Classics

Estienne, Henri.
Fragmenta veterum Latinorum, quorum opera non extant.
Geneva: Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, illustris Viri Huldrici Fuggeri Typographus, 1564. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. 432 (numbered 433) pages. Printer's device (Device 9) on title-page. a8-z8, aa8-dd8. Contemporary limp vellum. Renouard, p. 123, 1564.6; Moeckli 59; Armstrong 234-235; Adams P1705; Schreiber 152; Brunet II, 1080; Schweiger II, 343. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1431
USD 1200.00 [Appr.: EURO 1074 | £UK 902 | JP¥ 172653]
Keywords: Estienne Printing

Eterianus, Hugo.
Ein christliche vnd gründliche Vnterricht von Wideraufferstehung der Todten Hugons Eterians, welcher gelbt hat, vnd geschrieben im Jar. M.C.LX.
Gedruckt zu Wittemburg: durch Georgen Rhaw, 1540. 0. Soft cover. Octavo. Boards. Spiral book. Quarto. 21pp. A4-C4 [-C4 blank]. Modern blue stiff paper wrappers. Last leaf mounted; Margins of several leaves stained and repaired. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 133
USD 900.00 [Appr.: EURO 805.5 | £UK 676.5 | JP¥ 129490]

Eusebius, Pamphilius.
Eusebii Pamphili, Ruffini, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, Theodori, Evagrii, et Dorothei Ecclesiastica historia, sex propè seculorum res gestas complectens: latinè iam olim à doctissimis viris partim scripta, partim è graeco ...
Basileæ: Ex officina Eusebii Episcopii, & Nic. Fratris Hæredum, 1587. 0. Hardcover. Folio. [viii]ff. 707pp, [xxiv]ff. With the printer's device on the title-page and on the verso of the last leaf. Modern calf, while retaining the original back cover and attempting to match it on the upper cover. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2263
USD 1900.00 [Appr.: EURO 1700.5 | £UK 1428 | JP¥ 273368]

Faustus, Laurentius.
Anatomia statuae Danielis. Kurtze und eigentliche erklerung der grossen Bildnis des Propheten Danielis, darin ein historischer ausszug der vier Monarchien, und aller ihrer Heiupt Regenten, auff die glieder des Bildnis, ...
Leipzig: bey Johann Steinman, 1586. 0. Hardcover. Quarto. [32], 404, [10]pp. A4-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa4-Kkk4 [-Kkk4 blank (?)]. Nineteenth century vellum over marbled boards. The four folding sheets lacking. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1918
USD 1075.00 [Appr.: EURO 962.25 | £UK 808 | JP¥ 154668]

Ficino, Marsilio.
Libro de Vita Tres.
[Paris}: Excudebat Ioannes Le Preux, 1595. 0. Hardcover. Small octavo. 334pp. [vii]ff. Includes index. Modern calf. NUC 171, p. 436. Tail-pieces; initials; marginal notes. Title-page extended and repaired. A few letters in facsimile. Bound with: MIZAULD, A. CENTURIÆ IX. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 354
USD 3300.00 [Appr.: EURO 2953.5 | £UK 2480.25 | JP¥ 474796]

Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony.
La novvelle Natvra Brevivm du Iuge tresreuerend Monsieur Antoine Fitzherbert.
Londini: In ædibus Richardi Tottelli, 1553 [1560]. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. [xxxii], 271, [i]ff. Black letter. Title within double-ruled woodcut border compartment with mask on top, and two half-goats below (McKerrow & Ferguson 82). Small woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum. STC (2nd ed.), 10960; Beale T345; Brunet II, 1274; Lowndes II, 804; ESTC S123091. An excellent copy. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 604
USD 2000.00 [Appr.: EURO 1790 | £UK 1503.25 | JP¥ 287755]

Flore, Joachim de.
Vaticinia, Sive Prophetiae Abbatis Joachimi, & Anselmi Episcopi Marsicani: Cum imaginibus aere incisis, correctione, et pulcritudine plurium manuscriptorum exemplariu[m] ope, et variaru[m] imaginu[m] tabulis, et delineationibu[s], ...
Venetiis: Apud Ioannem Baptistam Bertonum, sub insigne Peregrini, 1600. 0. Hardcover. Quarto. No pagination. [132]pp. a4-d4, A4-N4, O2. Incomplete, lacks B1 & B4, D3, H1-H4, seven leaves. Eighteenth-century colored paper boards, repaired. Illustrated. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2513
USD 1300.00 [Appr.: EURO 1163.5 | £UK 977.25 | JP¥ 187041]

Antoninus Florentinus.
Prima [-quarta] pars summe reuerendissimi in christo patris ac d[omi]ni: d[omi]ni Antonini archiep[iscop]i floren[tini].
Basileae: p[er] magistros Ioannes: Amorbachiu[m], petri & froben, dilige[n]tissime castigata, explicata est Feliciter, 15011 [= 1511]. 0. Hardcover. Folio. Four volumes. I: [169]ff.; II: [216]ff.; III: [304]ff.; IV: [244]ff.; Index: [83]ff. Volumes I and II only. Title-page to Volume I missing. Woodcut device on each title-page, of Joh. de Amerbach, Joh. Petri, and Joh. Froben working in association. The device includes a shield with the arms of Basel and a Basilisk, or "Amphasies Cockatoo." Printed in two columns; marginal notes. Later calf, rebacked, retaining original spine. Adams A1215; VD16 A2959. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2259
USD 2900.00 [Appr.: EURO 2595.5 | £UK 2179.75 | JP¥ 417245]

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