Festina Lente: Rome Roma
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Oponthoud in ROME.
Utrecht, A. W. Bruna & Zoon, 1954. 1e druk. Rode linnen band, 19,5cmx14cm, Net exemplaar. 'Het boek van de maand'. Niet meer dan een enkele uren heeft Joop van den Broek zich destijds in de Eeuwige Stad opgehouden, maar wie Rome kent zal ervaren dat deze schrijver de sfeer van de stad volledig in zich heeft opgenomen en dat hier niets mankeert aan de entourage voor een uiterst geheimzinnig en spannend misdaad-verhaal. 250 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 021168
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.39 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1930]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

London, G. Bell & Sons Publishers, 1953. 1st edition. Green cloth faded at spine, 20cmx13cm, Some browning /Good condition, Drawings by Edgar Holloway. Contents: 1). Gaul and the Republic. 2). The framework of imperial Gaul. 3). From Tiberius to Diocletian. 4). Town planning and buildings. 5). Some Gallo-Roman towns. 6). The countryside and natural resources of Gaul. 7). Infustries and commerce. 8). Art. 9). Religion. 19). Gaul in the later empire. 35 figures and 33 fotos. With bibliography, index and folding map. Olwen Brogan (1900 - 1989) was a British archaeologist and authority on Roman Libya majored in Roman Studies and Roman Archaeology at University College London but learned excavation techniques in Britain under Mortimer Wheeler at Verulamium and Caerleon. Her M. A. thesis investigated the Roman frontier in Germany, and in the 1930's she participated in excavations at the hill fort reputed to be the site of Gergovia. Edgar Alfred Holloway (1870 - 1941) was an illustrator of children's books. 250 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 030464
€  23.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.67 | £UK 19.5 | JP¥ 3700]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia france arles autun bordeaux cologne diocletianus legions sidonius apollinaris triervia aurelia gallo-

New York, Rizzoli International Publications, 2000. 1st edition. Paperback / flaps, 17,5cmx24cm oblong, Very good condition /Cover illustrated, Following the generations of view painters who recorded Rome for their time, Steven Brooke's collection of seductive and timeless images provides an extraordinary documentation of Rome in the late twentieth-century. He believes in the myth of Rome. The intensity of his gaze and the poetry of his visual expression are unusual among artists who have worked in the Eternal City. The photographs that comprise his 'Views of Rome' transcend the experience of any particular moment. Like the Rome of Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the eighteenth-century printmaker, Brooke's Rome is ultimately a Rome of the imagination. His elegant monochromes bear witness to an enchantment with the past. The most memorable Roman views have always sprung from an intoxication of the senses. Brooke's work is cooly analytical, yet infused with wonder. Inspired by the seventeenth and eighteenth-century Dutch and Italian vedutisti, Steven Brooke emulates rather than imitates his artistic predecessors. His goal is to acknowledge the vedute tradition while reshaping and extending it to accommodate the qualities of the photographer's art. Views of Rome is a unique guide to the most significant sites of ancient, Christian, and modern Roman architecture. Steven Brooke produced the work--the first collection of its kind in over one hundred years--during his tenure as a fellow of the American Academy in Rome. For this book, he has written detailed captions that provide the history, location, and, often, directions to each site. Contents: I). Donna Daix Wescoat: The authority of Roman architecture. II). John Varriano: Rome and the viewmaker's imagination. III). Malcolm Campbell: The vedute tradition. IV). Steve Brook: A photographic Vedute di Roma. V). Further readings. VI). Views of ancient Rome. VII). Views of christian Rome. VIII). Views of modern Rome. IX). Index. 86 fotos in black-and-white. 112 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 030301
€  27.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.14 | £UK 22.75 | JP¥ 4344]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

Paris, Librairie Plon, 1946. Première édition. Rel. demi-toile rouge/marblé, 25,5cmx18,5cm, Très bon exemplaire. 'Editions d'histoire et d'art'. Le tirage de cette édition a été limité à 950 exemplaires sur papier Vélin, numérotés de 1 à 950, et à 25 sur papier d'Arches. Ici 1 des 950 exemplaires sur vélin: No. 206. L'édition se compose de pages extraites des 'Lettres Familières' que le Président de Brosses écrivit d'Italie à ses amis de Dyon, en 1739 et en 1740. 24 illustrations d'Hubert Robert. 8 lettres (1 à MM. de Blancey et de Neuilly, 6 à Monsieur de Quintin et 1 à Monsieur de Neuilly). Charles de Brosses, comte de Tournay, baron de Montfalcon, seigneur de Vezins et de Prevessin (1709 - 1777) was a French writer of the 18th century. Hubert Robert (1733 - 1808) est un des principaux artistes français du XVIIIe siècle qui s'illustra notamment comme paysagiste, aquafortiste, dessinateur et à travers la peinture. 78 + (5) pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 013461
€  43.00 [Appr.: US$ 48 | £UK 36.25 | JP¥ 6918]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

ROMAN architecture.
New York, George Braziller, 1990. 12th printing. Paperback, 25,5cmx18,5cm, Contents: 1). Ritual and space 800-600 B.C. 2). Old Rome 600-200 B. C. 3). Hellenistic Rome 200-50 B. C. 4). The early empire 50 B. C. -50 A. D. 5). The high empire 50-250 A. D. 6). The late empire 250-550 A. D. With over 100 illustrations, including photographs, plans and drawings. Bibliography and index. 125 + (2) pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 006464
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.74 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2413]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

ROMAN architecture.
London, Studio Vista, 1968. 1st edition. Sewed paperback, 25,5cmx18,5cm, Cover design by Timothy Jaques. 'The great ages of world architecture'. Contents: 1). Ritual and space 800-600 B.C. 2). Old Rome 600-200 B. C. 3). Hellenistic Rome 200-50 B. C. 4). The early empire 50 B. C. -50 A. D. 5). The high empire 50-250 A. D. 6). The late empire 250-550 A. D. With over 100 illustrations, including photographs, plans and drawings. Bibliography and index. 125 + (2) pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 012625
€  21.00 [Appr.: US$ 23.44 | £UK 17.75 | JP¥ 3378]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

ROME - a quick & easy guide.
New York, Bantam Books, 1990. 1st edition. Paperback, 17cmx9,5cm, Good copy. With maps, street atlas, traveler's information, short trips, cultural timeline and index. 135 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 014269
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.58 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 804]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

Utrecht, H. Honig, 1908. 3e druk. Blauwe Linnen band/decoratie, 20cmx14cm, 'Meesterwerken der wereld-literatuur'. Naar het Engelsch door Ed. van den Gheijn. Inhoud: 1). Het Heilige Romeinsche Rijk. 2). De Republiek der Menschheid. 3). Roma. 4). David Rossi. 5). De Eerste Minister. 6). De Romein van Rome. 7). De Paus. 8). De Koning. 9). Het Volk. Met proloog. 616 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 012413
€  14.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.63 | £UK 11.75 | JP¥ 2252]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1978. 9th edition. Paperback/sewn, 18,5cmx12,5cm, Itineraries of the museums, galleries and monuments in Italy Nr. 1. With 88 illustrations, bibliography and a big foldmap. 1). The history of OSTIA. 2). Guide to the excavations. 3). The cemetery of the port of Rome. 134 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 006382
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.39 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1930]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

Firenze, Sansoni, 1959. 1a edizione. Tutta tela, 27cmx19cm, Buon esemplare. In sopracoperta: Schola di Traiano, triclinio extivo. Indice: 1). Leggende - origine - castrum - città. 2). Vie e piazze. 3). Casseggiati ad abitazioni. 4). Vita amministrativa. 5). Vita pubblica. 6). Vita quotidiana e commerciale. 7). Vita religiosa. 8). Sepolcri e sepolcreti. 9). Fine di Ostia. Con bibliografia, indice alfabetico e pianta di Ostia. 155 tavole in nero e 8 a colori. 132 + (3) pag testo.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 019631
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia

Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1966. Cinquième édition. Broché, 18,5cmx12,5cm, Bon état. Itinéraires des musées, galeries et monuments d'Italie, No 1. Traduction: d'Olivier Guyon. Avec un plan toponymique d' OSTIE ANTIQUE (55cmx25cm), bibliographie et 88 illustrations. 130 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 003562
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.09 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2896]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia ostia

London, Thames and Hudson, 1971. 1st edition. Red cloth / dustjacket, 25,5cmx13cm, Good copy /With reading-string, 'World Cultural Guides'. Translated from the Italian by Muriel Grindrod & Geoffrey Webb. 154 illustrations in colour and b/w. Special photography by Mario Carrieri. Contents: 1). Significant dates in the history of Rome. 2). The city and the river. 3). Early Christian and Medieval Rome. 4). The city of the Popes. 5). The modern city. 6). The capital. 7). Museums and galleries. 8). Historic buildings and churches. 9). Painters, sculptors and architects. With ground plans of the palazzi capitolini and the basilica di S. Pietro, map of Rome, aerial photographs by Sostechni and end-paper illustration - plan of Rome - circa 1743. 288 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 013926
€  19.00 [Appr.: US$ 21.21 | £UK 16 | JP¥ 3057]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia mano

PAPA GIOVANNI in terra come in cielo.
Bergamo, Editrice Velar, 1989. Legato in similpelle, 30cmx23,5cm, Buon esemplare /Con sopracoperta, Carta forte. Nella sopracoperta e sul quadrante della copertina: un bozzetto ed un disegno di Papa Giovanni eseguiti appositamente per questa edizione da Silvestro Pistolesi. Imprimatur della Cancelleria Episcopale di Bergamo del 4-X-1977. Prefazione di Andrea Spada. Sommario: I). Ci fu un uomo...II)...Mandato da Dio. III)...E il nome era Giovanni. IV). Il maestro. V). Luci d'aurora sul Tramonte. Centinaia di tavole b/n e a colori. Con bibliografia. 243 + (1) pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 026356
€  49.00 [Appr.: US$ 54.69 | £UK 41.25 | JP¥ 7883]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia paus johannes xxiii manzù

Leiden / Den Haag, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden / Haags Gemeentemuseum, 1960. 1e druk. Paperback/ingenaaid, 22,5cmx18cm, Net exemplaar /Omslag geïllustreerd, Catalogus van de tentoonstelling in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden - 15 mei t/m 3 juli 1960 en het Haags Gemeentemuseum - 17 maart t/m 8 mei 1960. Inhoud: I). Huis en huisraad. A). Het huis. Rome - Griekenland. B). De verlichting. C). De inrichting. D). Tafelgerei en keukengereedschap. E). De maaltijden. II). Kleding en sieraden. Griekenland - Rome. III). De huiselijke bezigheden van de vrouw. A). Het toilet. B). Huisvlijt en opvoeding. IV). De bepaling van de tijd. V). Het schrift. VI). Geld en prijzen. Met bibliografie. 9 figuren. 67 pag.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 023310
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.39 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1930]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma

ROM - GESTERN - Die ewige Stadt vor dreihundert, zweihundert, hundert Jahren: Bilder von gestern und Wirklichkeit von heute.
Narni, Plurigraf, 1982. 1. Auflage. 24cmx19,5cm, Guter Zustand /Umschlag farbig illustriert, Collana tempo-arte 1. Übersetzung von Hanna Hecht & Verena Guerrieri. Inhalt: 1). Rom und sein Fluss. 2). Römische Kirchen. 3). Römische Plätze. 4). Im Bann der Ruinen. 5). Die 'Römer von Rom'. 6). Spaziergang durch Rom. 7). Rom bei Nacht. Mit sehr zahlreichen, meist farbigen, teils ganz- oder zweiseitigen Abbildungen. 126 + (2) seiten.
Festina Lente italiAntiquariaatProfessional seller
Book number: 016825
€  23.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.67 | £UK 19.5 | JP¥ 3700]
Catalogue: Rome - Roma
Keywords: italia thomas pinelli roesler franz nolli falda piranesi pinelli roma sparita palazzo braschi

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