Antiquariaat Garcia: Rome
found: 7 books

Photographicum. Serie B. Italia. Roma.
Firenze, Ed. Alinari, 1896 (-1897). In-12°. 10 Original photographs in cardboard box. Original photograph on front cover.
¶ 10 original photographs of Roman masterpieces of art. ( 1 double) . Taken at different musea and the vatican. Photographs in good condition.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 820
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 33.49 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4826]
Catalogue: Rome
Keywords: Rome, original photographs, photographies originalles, oude foto's

Formae urbis Romae Antiquae accedit nomenclator topographicus.
Berolini, apud D. Reimer, 1896. Small in-4°. XI, 110 pp. 3 maps. Original bordeaux cloth, some discoloring.
¶ Complete with all 3 maps.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1022
€  85.00 [Appr.: US$ 94.88 | £UK 71.5 | JP¥ 13674]
Catalogue: Rome
Keywords: Rome, ancient Rome, Rome ancienne

LABBE Philippe
Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani
Paris, typographia regia, 1651. In-12°. [24], 266 pp, 93 pp. Incl. frontispice. Contemporary brown full leather. Gilt raised spine.
¶ Good copy of this rare work by the french jesuit Philippe Labbe (Borges 1607 - Paris 1667) on ancient Rome and its civil and military structure.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 549
€  400.00 [Appr.: US$ 446.49 | £UK 335.5 | JP¥ 64350]
Catalogue: Rome
Keywords: rome, jesuits,

LAURENTIUS LYDUS philadelphinus Johannes
De magistratibus Reipublicae Romanae libri tres, nunc primum in lucem editi, et versione, notis, indicibusque aucti a Joanne Dominico Fuss. Praefatus est Carolus Benedictus Hase.
Paris, J.-M. Eberharti, 1812. In-8°. [8] LXXXVII , 316 pp. Contemporary boards, green title label.
¶ Good copy of this book on the civil service of the Roman Empire. Greek texte with parallel latin translation. Ref: Brunet, T3, 880.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 3124
€  200.00 [Appr.: US$ 223.24 | £UK 167.75 | JP¥ 32175]
Catalogue: Ancient Rome
Keywords: Ancient Rome, administration Justinienne, magistraten van Rome, John the Lydian, Jean le Lydien,

Rerum gestarum
? In-8°. 1409 -2048 pp [212 pp index] 68 pp. Contemporary full leather. Raised spine on 5 bands, small gold decorations. On the front and back cover a gilt floral decoration. Spine damage, hingis cracked.
¶ Only the second vol. No title page . Apparently wit annotations by Erasmus.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2718
€  150.00 [Appr.: US$ 167.43 | £UK 126 | JP¥ 24131]
Catalogue: Rome
Keywords: rome, les anciens, ancient rome,

ROSINI Johannis
Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum, cum notis Doctissimis ac locupletissimis Thomae Dempsteri J.C.
Trajecti ad Rhenum, apud Guillielmum vande Water, 1701. In-4°. [16] 956 pp [30]. Contemporary vellum with blindstamped medaillon. Raised spine. (traces of old leather on the spine)
¶ History of Rome, illustrated with 1 folding map of Rome and 7 engraved plates. Ref: Brunet T4, 1398.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 616
€  425.00 [Appr.: US$ 474.39 | £UK 356.5 | JP¥ 68371]
Catalogue: Rome
Keywords: Rome

TACITUS Cajus Cornelius [Paterculus, Marcus Velleius]
C.Cornelii Taciti et C. Velleii Paterculi scripta quae exstant: Recognita, emaculata: Additique commentarii copiosissimi; & notae non antea editae, uti sequens pagina indicabit.
Parisiis, Petri Chevalier, 1608. 3 parts in 1 vol in-folio. [12] [12] 276 pp, 238 pp, 243 - 708 pp, [12] [142] 151 pp. Contemporary full leather. Blindstamped armes (non identified) on front cover. Spine on 5 raised bands. Binding worn. Spine damaged.
¶ Good copy of this edition of Tacitus history and annals. From page 243 till page 708 we find commentaries on Tacitus opera by Alciati, Rhenani, Lupani, Ursini, Mureti, Merceri, Coleri, Acidalii, Beroaldi, Ferretti, Vertranii, Donati, Modii, Pichenae, Gruteri and Paschalii. Ref: Graesse, T6, 9 . Hoefer T44, 765-771.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 621
€  800.00 [Appr.: US$ 892.98 | £UK 670.75 | JP¥ 128699]
Catalogue: Rome
Keywords: Rome

| Pages: 1 |