Antiquariaat Goltzius: Religion
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Cantiques pour le culte public, recueillis et imprimes par ordre du Synode Wallon. Dordrecht, Blusse, 1803.
8+236 pag. Contemp. full leather with gold stamped covers. Good copy. Mainly printed music above the text. Signed by P.D. Huet for the Synode.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 42595
€  201.25 [Appr.: US$ 224.64 | £UK 168.75 | JP¥ 32376]

 , Centsprent: Paasch-Prys No. 32.
Centsprent: Paasch-Prys No. 32.
Catchpenny print. Religious print of Christ (Christus) with his disciples seated around a table during the Last Supper (Laatste Avondmaal), in a room with two large windows; signed J. v. Lieshout, 1793 (Johannes Egbertus).Rotterdam, Jacobus Thompson (1786 – 1810),’Te Rotterdam, gedrukt by Jacobus Thompson, Boekverkooper op de Hoogstraat, by de Nauwemarktsteeg.’ numbered ‘No 32’ in upper right corner.l Large woodcut illustration (305 x 305 mm) on paper, total: 390 x 325 mm; small stains in the centre of the image, small hole in the bottom margin.De Meyer p. 315, Boerma p. 830 (Thompson 32).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63126
€  373.75 [Appr.: US$ 417.19 | £UK 313.5 | JP¥ 60127]

 , Centsprent: Zie hier drie vaderen van de eerste wereld, met / De drie aartsvaderen van Isrel, vóór de wet ... No. 112.
Centsprent: Zie hier drie vaderen van de eerste wereld, met / De drie aartsvaderen van Isrel, vóór de wet ... No. 112.
Catchpenny print. Religious print showing a set of stairs, with on each of the thirteen steps a figure of the old-testament patriarchs, kings and prophets: Mozes, Adam, Methusalem, Noah, Abraham, Isaak, Iacob, Moses, Aron, Josua, David, Saolom, Esaya, Jeremia. In the arch under the stairs is a scene with the temptation of Adam and Eve by the serpent at the tree of knowledge of good and evil.Inspired by a copper engraving by Ottens (Boerma p. 492). The print is part of a series of stairs Stichter published with senses, planets, virtues, and biblical figures (Boerma p. 825, Stichter 99 – 101, 110-113).Amsterdam, Erve de Wed. C. Stichter (1715 – 1813); address mentioned on the print: ‘Te Amsterdam, by de Erfgen van de Wed. C. Stichter, Boekverkopers op ‘t Rokkin, in de Oude Berg Calvarie’; numbered ‘No 112.’ in upper right corner.l Large woodcut illustration (245 x 255 mm) on paper, with a verse in two columns; total: 410 x 320 mm; Pro Patria watermark; lightly frayed edges; mounted on yellow cardboardDe Meyer p. 307, Boerma p. 825 (Stichter 112).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63130
€  316.25 [Appr.: US$ 353 | £UK 265.25 | JP¥ 50876]

 , Centsprent: Bedelaar / Krygsman / Boer / Edelman, No. 2
Centsprent: Bedelaar / Krygsman / Boer / Edelman, No. 2
Catchpenny print. Popular print showing the four classes: a beggar, soldier, farmer and nobleman. In each image an inscription: ‘Aes en Aes en heeft niet’; ‘Deux Aes en geeft niet’; ‘Quater trois moet geeven’; ‘Daer Sinque Six van moet leven’,This appears to be a reference to the ‘Deux-Aesbijbel’, named after a note with Nehemia 3:5, describing how the rich refused to contribute to the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The note reads: ‘Deux aes en heeft niet, six cinque en gheeft niet, quater dry die helpen vrij’. This refers to a dice game, meaning that the poor (deux aes) do not own anything, the rich (six and five) do not give anything, but the middle class (three and four) are the ones willing to help.Amsterdam, J. Wendel en Zoon (1819 - 1842); address mentioned on print: ‘Te Amsterdam, by, J. Wendel, Boekdrukker, op de Angeliesgragt, by de tweede Dwarsstraat’; numbered ‘no. 2.’ in the upper right corner. l Four woodcut illustrations (each ca 145 x 110 mm) on hand-made paper; above each image a caption identifying the figure, and under each a 4-line verse; total: 395 x 320 mm; Pro Patria watermark; slightly frayed edges; small restorations on verso.Meyer p. 337, Boerma, p. 837 (Wendel 2).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63211
€  431.25 [Appr.: US$ 481.37 | £UK 361.75 | JP¥ 69377]

 , Centsprent: Let, schrandre Jeugd! Op 't nut dat u deez' prent-tafreelen / Van veel Historiën des Bybels mededelen, no. 88.
Centsprent: Let, schrandre Jeugd! Op 't nut dat u deez' prent-tafreelen / Van veel Historiën des Bybels mededelen, no. 88.
Catchpenny print. Children’s print telling the biblical events of Joseph (Josef) and Moses (Mozes) in Egypt. The first half, focusing on Joseph, narrates his imprisonment after Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce him, how he wins the king’s favour by explaining his dream, and how he is later reunited with his brothers and father. The second half lays out Moses’ birth, God’s calling of Moses from the burning bush, the ten plagues, and how Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.Signed Robyn.Amsterdam, Erve de Wed. C. Stichter (1715 – 1813); address mentioned on the print: ‘Te Amsterdam, by de Erfgen van de Wed. C. Stichter, Boekverkopers op ‘t Rokkin, in de oude berg Calvarie’; numbered ‘No. 88.’ in upper right corner.l 12 woodcut illustrations (each ca. 50 x 70 mm) on handmade paper; 4 verses, under each image a 4-line verse; total: 375 x 310 mm; nice print, relatively rare; fragile, and partially torn along one of the two folds.Meyer p. 306, Boerma p. 824 (Stichter 88).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63226
€  143.75 [Appr.: US$ 160.46 | £UK 120.75 | JP¥ 23126]

 , Centsprent: Bijbelsche Zinnebeelden des Nieuwe Testament, no. 29.
Centsprent: Bijbelsche Zinnebeelden des Nieuwe Testament, no. 29.
Moralising print of various New Testament parables and miracles, such as the rich man and Lazarus, Christ healing the blind man, and Zaccheus and the sycamore tree.Zaltbommel, Noman (1814 - 1830), mentioned on the print: ‘te Z. Boemel By J. Noman, Boekdrukker’; numbered ‘No. 40’ in upper right corner.l 9 woodcut illustrations (each ca. 50 x 75 mm) on handmade paper; hand coloured in orange and yellow; 4-line verses under each image, in letterpress; total: 408 x 307 mm; Pro Patria watermark; stains at the right edge; right margin cut off, traces of previous mounting on verso.De Meyer p. 246, Boerma p. 791 (Noman 40).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63343
€  230.00 [Appr.: US$ 256.73 | £UK 193 | JP¥ 37001]

 , Centsprent: Les 3 chemins de l’Eternité.
Centsprent: Les 3 chemins de l’Eternité.
Catchpenny print. Popular print showing an allegorical map based on Matthew 7:13-14: ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it’ (NIV).In this print’s version, there are not two, but three gates. The narrow gate and thorny path to the holy trinity in the heavenly Jerusalem is walked by pilgrims carrying the cross of Christ and the torch of faith. Through the wide gate go the unbelievers playing music and dancing, but they are led to the burning fire of hell. The third road is parallel to that of the true believers, but they failed on the way and are in the end still led to hell, because ‘death is unforgiving’. This is further explained in the inscription at the bottom: ‘Voyez, voici la Porte large, sans cesse ouverte à tout venant; chacun y entre sans obstacle. Qui veut gagner argent et biens, doit y porter ses pas en hâte. Des milliers ont déjà passé, jaloux d’honneur et de fortune: pour la volupté, l’ambition, il n’est pas un autre chemin; les chants, la danse et la musique forment des passagers l’escorte; petits et grands, pauvres et riches, tous croient en suivant cette route aller dans le sein d’Abraham.’Inscribed ‘F. G.’ (Francois Georgin) at the bottom right.Epinal, Jean-Charles Pellerin (1825).l Woodcut illustration (370 x 580 mm) on paper; stencil coloured in blue, green, red, brown and yellow; 16 captions clarifying elements in the illustrations; total: 425 x 645 mm; folded three times, some small tears along the folds; traces of previous mounting on verso.Gernier-Pelle p. 564, Dumont 1965 p. 37, Aynoud 1957 p. 358.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63353
€  230.00 [Appr.: US$ 256.73 | £UK 193 | JP¥ 37001]

 , Centsprent: Zie hier, ô jonge jeugd! Des Waerelds eerste stand; Waarin de boosheid reeds vertoond de overhand. No. 26.
Centsprent: Zie hier, ô jonge jeugd! Des Waerelds eerste stand; Waarin de boosheid reeds vertoond de overhand. No. 26.
Catchpenny print. Children’s print showing several events from the book of Genesis, such as the creation of man, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham’s family moving to Canaan, Melchizedek blessing Abraham, Abraham and the three angels, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Loth and his daughters, and Abimelech and Sarah.Amsterdam, Wendel (1803 - 1845); via Erve H. Rynders, Amsterdam, whose address is mentioned on the print: ‘Te Amsterdam, by d’Erve H. Rynders, in de Tweede Tuindwarsstraat’ numbered ‘No. 26.’ in upper right corner. Later republished under the same number by Rynders under the title ‘Zie hier o jonge jeugd! Een Lusthof voor ‘t gemoed, Hoe zondig ‘t Aardryk is, God schiep ‘t alles goed.’ (De Meyer p. 281, Boerma p. 810).l 16 woodcut illustrations (each ca. 55 x 70 mm) on paper; hand coloured in orange and yellow; 2-line verses under each image with citations of the corresponding verses from Genesis; total: 330 x 420 mm; Pro Patria watermark, countermark: ‘GR’, with crown, encircled with branches, (Voorn 1960, nr. 140, pp. 136, 192); restorations on verso, slightly creased.De Meyer p. 338, Boerma p. 838 (Wendel 26).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63467
€  287.50 [Appr.: US$ 320.91 | £UK 241.25 | JP¥ 46251]

 , Centsprent: Mirakuleus beeld van O.-L.-V. te Scherpenheuvel / Image miraculeuse de N.-D., à Montaigu / Den Godzaligen Huyszegen / La bénédiction du Ménage.
Centsprent: Mirakuleus beeld van O.-L.-V. te Scherpenheuvel / Image miraculeuse de N.-D., à Montaigu / Den Godzaligen Huyszegen / La bénédiction du Ménage.
Popular religious print with two images. The left showing Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel up in a tree, with bellow her pilgrims praying. Below the image is a prayer to the Holy Mother of God. After a miraculous image of Mary appeared in an Oak tree there in the late Middle Ages, Scherpenheuvel became one of the first pilgrimage destinations in Belgium. On the right a crucified Christ, with Mary mourning at the foot of the cross. The image is surrounded by a prayer for the blessing of a new home. Schaarbeek, Hemeleers & Van Houter (1827 - 1894).Collector's mark on verso: ‘Edw. Ipers / Oever 27, / Antwerpen’.l Two woodcut illustrations (205 x 135 mm and 200 x 105 mm) on paper, stencil coloured in red, yellow and blue; total: 340 x 390 mm; paper in good condition, except small reinforcements on verso.Meyer p. 162, Boerma p. 758 (Hemeleers -).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63505
€  74.75 [Appr.: US$ 83.44 | £UK 62.75 | JP¥ 12025]

 , Centsprent: De twaalf Aartsvaderen, de Zonen Jacobs ziet / Men hier ten Trappenrei gesteld ... No. 185.
Centsprent: De twaalf Aartsvaderen, de Zonen Jacobs ziet / Men hier ten Trappenrei gesteld ... No. 185.
Religious print showing a set of stairs with on thirteen steps Jacob and his sons, the patriarchs (aartsvaders): Benjamin, Joseph, Naphtali, Asser, Gad, Dan, Isachar, Zabulon, Juda, Levi, Simion, and Ruben. In the arch under the stairs Jacob’s dream, with angels ascending and descending the ladder (Gen. 28:10-19).Inspired by a copper engraving by Ottens (Boerma p. 492). Turnhout, Glenisson en zonen (1856 - 1900); numbered ‘No 185.’ in bottom right corner. The print is published without an address, but the publishing house of Glenisson can be identified by the ‘G’ at the bottom, the sign that was used after his company with Van Genechten had been disbanded in 1856.l Large woodcut illustration (235 x 246 mm) on mechanically produced paper, hand coloured with red; under the image a verse in two columns; total: 395 x 320 mm; folded twice, and folds heavily restored with tape on verso, and slightly torn edges. De Meyer p. 144, Boerma p. 750 (Glenisson 185).
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 63609
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 192.55 | £UK 144.75 | JP¥ 27751]

 , [Cleri totius Romanae Ecclediae subiecti, Seu, Pontificiorum ordinum omnium omnino utriusque sexus, habius artificio. Angebunden: Francisci Modii Liber singularis in quo cujusque ordinis Ecclesiastici origo, progressus, et vestitus ratio breviter ex variis historicis quasi delineatur.]
[Cleri totius Romanae Ecclediae subiecti, Seu, Pontificiorum ordinum omnium omnino utriusque sexus, habius artificio. Angebunden: Francisci Modii Liber singularis in quo cujusque ordinis Ecclesiastici origo, progressus, et vestitus ratio breviter ex variis historicis quasi delineatur.]
Without titlepage (modern copy added), overview of 103 religious orders with 103 beautiful woodcut illustrations. [Frankfurt (Francoforti), Sigmund Feyerabend (Sigismundi Feyrabendij), 1585], 4to., it seems to be bound as an interleaved copy with the blank pages cut away, so the binding has an album like appearance with the spine thicker than the rest of the book block, full parchment spitsel binding with yap edges and red coloured book block edges, 214 pp (pagenumbers are added in ink), darkened edges and somewhat stained parchment, some tears and creases here and there FrF(especially the first few pages), but overall and considering its age, in good condition. The description of each religious order (verse by Franciscus Modius, 1556-1597) is accompanied by a beautiful woodcut illustration after Jost Amman, 1539-1591. The plates depict the costume of a number of religious figures, from the Pope to parish priests and mendicant friars, with additional subjects such as Spanish penitents, Templars, Knights of Rhodes, Teutonic Knights and various orders of monks and nuns. The work is accompanied by an additional work by Modius concerning the history of various religious orders and the background to the various vestments, with a seperate titlepage: "Francisci Modii Liber singularis: In quo cuiusque ordinis Ecclesiastici origo, progerssus, & vestitus ratio breuiter ex varijs Historicis quasi delineatur" (Frankfurt, Sigmund Feyerabend, 1585).The book was first published in 1585 in German as well as Latin. This copy concerns a first edition in Latin with illustrated descriptions of 103 religious orders. The order of the pages is different in the German and the Latin version, and the order of the pages in this Latin copy differs from the order of the digitised copy available on The "Nullatorum ordo" is missing in the online version, but is present in our copy.Lit: Andresen, Der Deutsche Peintre-Graveur 1560-1800, volume 1 (1973), p. 386
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 70195
€  2530.00 [Appr.: US$ 2824.03 | £UK 2121.25 | JP¥ 407012]
Catalogue: Religion

 , Decreta concilii provincialis Coloniensis sub Reuerendiss. in Christo Patre & Domino, D. Adolpho, Sanctae Coloniensis Ecclesiae Archiepiscopo, Sacri Romani Imperij per Italiam Archicancellario, Principe Electore, Vvestphaliae & Angariae Duce, Legatoque nato celebrati. Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo quadragesimo nono.
Decreta concilii provincialis Coloniensis sub Reuerendiss. in Christo Patre & Domino, D. Adolpho, Sanctae Coloniensis Ecclesiae Archiepiscopo, Sacri Romani Imperij per Italiam Archicancellario, Principe Electore, Vvestphaliae & Angariae Duce, Legatoque nato celebrati. Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo quadragesimo nono.
Without place or printer, 1554. 8vo., modern leather binding with decorative blind tooled detail on the front, binding by A. Mooij from Deventer, 34 foliated pages (the last two pages are numbered 18 and 19 in stead of 33 and 34, content complete), tastefully rebound, bookblock has some waterstains, remains of old glue and shows some repairs (restoration tape), clear printwork with decorative initials. In Latin. Concerns a religious decree dated to 1549 and connected to Adolph III of Schaumburg (1511-1556, Adolpho in the Latin title, German: Adolf III von Schaumburg). He was the Archbishop of Cologne from 1547 until 1556 and he outlawed Protestant preaching. From the collection of Jelle Kaspersma and Alie Vinke, Kampen, 20 Juli 2018.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 68756
€  776.25 [Appr.: US$ 866.46 | £UK 651 | JP¥ 124879]
Catalogue: Religion

Dertiende Christelijk Nationaal Zendingsfeest te Beeckesteijn (nabij Velzen) den 5den juli 1876
Programme of the 13th Christian National Zendingsfeest (mission) at Beeckesteijn (near Velzen and Haarlem). 12 + 10 pages, original illustrated paper binding. Good copy
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 64026
€  74.75 [Appr.: US$ 83.44 | £UK 62.75 | JP¥ 12025]
Catalogue: Religion

Droom van den Hollandschen Nabuchodonosor, den 18. December 1717. den selven uytgeleydt door den catholycken Daniel den 19. der selve Maendt.
Without place, without printer, [1717], folio (signatures of single folded sheets, 20x16.5cm), marbled paper cover, 28 pp., weathered condition: loose paper cover, ruffled edges, water stains, some tears. Decorative woodcut initial and endpiece.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 65510
€  109.25 [Appr.: US$ 121.95 | £UK 91.75 | JP¥ 17575]
Catalogue: Religion

The Easter meal
Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756), Augsbourg ca. 1720-1750 242 x 367 mm (plate: 210 x 307 mm) Etching/engraving/watercolour 296. Paschalem comedens, ut jussus, Israel agnum (…); Pascha Israëlitarum Exod, XIII. V. 46.; Das Israelitische Offerlamm II. B. Mose. XIII. V. 46; (…); C.P.S.C. Maj (Privilegio); Mart. Engelbrecht excud. A.V. Damaged margins. The plate itself is in good condition. l Hand coloured print of the Easter diner. A group of Israelites gather around a table on which the Easter lamb is presented. In the distance the outlines of a city are visible. Deviating size.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 61179
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 115.53 | £UK 87 | JP¥ 16650]

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