Antiquariaat Klikspaan: Literatuurwetenschap
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Brouwer, Sander
Dutch contributions to the fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid, September 10-16, 2008 literature
Amsterdam, Rodopi 2008 1st ed. - With index. - (Studies in slavic literature and poetics ; vol. LI). - Sftcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B92357
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 33.49 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4826]
Keywords: slavic literature

Brouwers, M. l'Abbé
Le centenaire du poëte hollandais Vondel
Lille, Victor Ducoulombier 1888 1st ed. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B105626
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.16 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1609]
Keywords: Vondel

Brouwers, J W
Vondel en de Catalaanse dichtkunst : redevoering uitgesproken op de plechtige jaarlijksche vergadering der Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie, van 23 juni 1892
Gent, A Siffer 1892 1e dr. - Gebrocheerd
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B105645
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.95 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 2011]
Keywords: Vondel

Brown, W Sorley
The life and genius of T.W.H. Crosland
London, Cecil Palmer 1928 illustrated 1st ed. - With index. - Blue cloth
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B80969
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 39.07 | £UK 29.5 | JP¥ 5631]
Keywords: Crosland

Bruijn, Petra de
The two worlds of Esber : western orientated verse drama and Ottoman Turkish poetry by Abdülhakk Hamid (Tarhan)
Leiden, Research School CNWS 1997 1st ed. - Thesis University of Leiden. - With bibliogr., index. - (CNWS publications ; vol. 57). - Softcover, new
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B106345
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.16 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1609]
Keywords: turkish poetry

Bruinier, Johannes Weijgardus
Kritische Studien zu Wernhers Marienliedern
Greifswald, Julius Abel 1890 1. Aufl. - Inaugural-Dissertation Greifswald. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B28617
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.74 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2413]
Keywords: Wernhers Marienlieder

Le Brun, Erik
Paul Leautaud et la question du style : opinions critiques (1891-1937)
Villeneuve, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion 1995 1st ed. - 582 pages. - Thèse au l'Université de Paris VII-Denis Diderot. - With bibliogr., index. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B126501
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 44.65 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6435]
Keywords: Paul Leautaud

Brunel, Jh
Cours de mythologie, orné de morceaux de poésie analogues a chaque article
Avignon, L. Aubanel 1823 ornée de jolies vignettes Troisième éd. - 417 pages. - Halfleather, front of cover loose
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B134135
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 44.65 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6435]
Keywords: mythologie

Brunet, Etienne
Le vocabulaire de Zola. I: Étude quantitative
Genève, Slatkine 1985 figures 472 pages. - (Travaux de linguistique quantitative ; 26). - Hardcover, fine
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B145850
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 27.91 | £UK 21 | JP¥ 4022]
Keywords: Émile Zola

Bruyne, Jacques de
Antisemitisme bij Pio Baroja
Groningen, V.R.B. 1967 1e dr. - Met register. - Gebrocheerd
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B98069
€  8.00 [Appr.: US$ 8.93 | £UK 6.75 | JP¥ 1287]
Keywords: antisemitisme/Pio Baroja

Buchtenkirch, Gustav
Heinrich von Kleists Lustspiel Der zerbrochene Krug auf der Bühne. Teildruck
Heidelberg, Winter 1914 1. Aufl. - Inaugural-Dissertation Kiel. - Broschur
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B48942
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.16 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1609]
Keywords: Von Kleist

Budde, Karl / Alfred Bertholet
Geschichte der althebräischen Litteratur
Leipzig, Amelangs Verlag 1906 1. Aufl. - Mit Index. - (Die Litteraturen des Ostens ; Band 7). - Halbleinen
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B129135
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.74 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2413]
Keywords: althebräische Literatur

Cachia, Pierre
Taha Husayn : his place in the Egyptian literary renaissance
London, Luzac 1956 1st ed. - With bibliogr. - Blue cloth
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B138718
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Keywords: Taha Husayn/Egyptian literature

Callimaco / Fabian, Klaus (testo critico, trad. E commento di)
Callimaco Aitia II
Alessandria, Ed. dell' Orso 1992 1st ed. - With bibliogr., index. - (Culture antiche, studi e testi ; 5). - Cloth
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B133336
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 55.81 | £UK 42 | JP¥ 8044]
Keywords: Callimaco

Campbell, Malcolm
A commentary on Quintus Smyrnaeus Posthomerica XII
Lugduni Batavorum, Brill 1981 1st ed. - 208 pages. - With bibliogr., index. - (Mnemosyne). - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: B140645
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 50.23 | £UK 37.75 | JP¥ 7239]
Keywords: Quintus Smyrnaeus

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