Antiquariaat Garcia: Law
found: 12 books

Böhmer Justus Henning
Corpus Iuris Canonici Gregorii XIII ...
Halae Magdeburgicae, 1747. 1 vol ( of 2 ) in-4°. LXXXVIII , 1242 pp [2]. Contemporary full calf. Gilt, raised spine on 5 bands with red title label. Small defect on spine end.
¶ Only vol 1 of 2 . Corpus juris canonici tomus primus gratiani concordiam discordantium canonum seu decretum a correctoribus romanis ...
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 3052
€  195.00 [Appr.: US$ 217.66 | £UK 163.5 | JP¥ 31370]
Catalogue: Church Law
Keywords: church law, kerkelijk recht, Gregori XIII

Boniface VIII , Bonifacius VIII
Sextus decretalium liber, per Bonifacium octavum pontificem. In concilio Lugdunensi editus, Iam recèns ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem quàm accuratissimè emendatus.
Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1569. In-8°. [16] 493 pp [3] . Contemporary overlapping vellum. Goldstamped medaillon on the front and back cover .
¶ Rare Plantin edition of the canonical collection of the five books of the decretals of Gregory IX compiled under order of Boniface VIII. Part of the Corpus Juris Canonici. Good copy in its original binding . Ref: L. Voet, Plantin Press 1030.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2757
€  850.00 [Appr.: US$ 948.79 | £UK 712.75 | JP¥ 136743]
Catalogue: Canon Law
Keywords: Christoph Plantin, Christoph Plantijn, Plantin impression, Plantijn druk, canon law, kerkelijk recht, christelijke dogmatiek, Christoffel Plantijn,

Coutumes de la ville de Maestricht.
Bruxelles, Fr. Gobbaerts, 1876. In-4°. XCV, 526 pp, [1]. Original wrappers.
¶ Text in french and dutch. From the series " Recueil des anciennes coutumes de la Belgique" .
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 391
€  85.00 [Appr.: US$ 94.88 | £UK 71.5 | JP¥ 13674]
Catalogue: Law
Keywords: law, Maastricht

Les regles du droit canon...
Brusseles, Gilles Stryckwant, Charles de Vos, 1742. In-4°. [8] [7] 468 pp [4][1] [16]. Contemporary brown full-leather. Gilt spine on 5 raised bands with red title label.
¶ Rare work on the rules of church law with explanations and commentaries on each rule. Very good copy.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 315
€  250.00 [Appr.: US$ 279.05 | £UK 209.75 | JP¥ 40219]
Keywords: church law, droit canon, kerkelijk recht

JUSTINIANI [Denis Godefroy]
Codicis Justiniani D.N. sacratissimi principis PP. Aug. Repetitae praelectionis. Libri XII commentariis Dionysii Gothofredi I.C. illustrati.
Lugduni, apud Haeredes Bartholomaei Honorati, 1590. 4 works in 1 vol in-folio. [16 pp] 952 col, [12 pp] 446 col, [4 pp] 104 col, [4 pp] 124 col, [60 pp]. Contemporary full calf. Gilt raised spine, brown tomus label mention tomus II. Spine end missing.
¶ Second edition of the Codicis Justiniani with notes by Denis Godefroy. Bound with: "Authenticae seu novellae constitutiones DN. Justiniani " Lugduni, 1590, and " Feudorum consuetudines partim et editione vulgata ... " Lugduni, 1590, and " tractatus ad ius varii Tomus V ... " Lugduni, 1590. Good early edition, a bit waterstained at top and bottom. Ex-libris of Joan. Vande Walle J.U.L. 1779. Ref: Hoefer, T20, 893-901.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1802
€  900.00 [Appr.: US$ 1004.6 | £UK 754.75 | JP¥ 144787]
Catalogue: CIVIL Law
Keywords: civil law, Justiniani, recht , law, droit,

Institutionum D. Justiniani Sacratissimi Principis Libri IIII. Ad editionem Gregorii Haloandri diligenter collati.
Lugduni, Gulielmum Rouillium subscuto Veneto, 1551. 2 parts in 1 vol in-12°. 301 pp, [6] . Bound with: Index rerum et verborum, qua in pandectis tractantur, copiosissimus, Lyon, 1551. 361 pp. Contemporary full leather.Raised spine, spine-ends damaged.
¶ Very early and rare edition of this 4 books on roman law by Justiniani after the Gregorius Haloander edition. Followed by " Index rerum et verborum, quae in pandectis tractantur, copiosissimus " an index of 361 pp.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 707
€  600.00 [Appr.: US$ 669.73 | £UK 503.25 | JP¥ 96524]
Catalogue: Law
Keywords: law, recht, droit, humanisme, humanism

Traite des servitudes reelles, a l'usage de tous les parlemens et sieges du Royaume, soit pays de droit ecrit, soit pays coutumiers & aussi a l'usage de la flandre imperiale, & d'une partie de l' Allemagne:
Paris, Jean-Thomas Herissant, 1761. In-4°. XL, 665 pp. Contemporary full calf. Gilt, ornated spine on 5 raised bands.
¶ Good copy of this book on real servitude. " the registered obligation attached to a landed property, which entitles a person or persons other than the owner to carry out certain actions, or to exercise certain rights, in connection with it ".
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 803
€  375.00 [Appr.: US$ 418.58 | £UK 314.5 | JP¥ 60328]
Keywords: law, jurisprudence, juridica, erfdienstbaarheid, servitude

Consultation de douze avocats au parlement de Paris, du premier février 1770.
s.l., 1786. In-8°. VI, 137 pp. Paper boards. Bound with: Consultation de vingt-deux avocats au parlement de Paris du XI nov. 1786. Haarlem, A. Loosjes, 1786. 62 pp
¶ Rare reports of the procedures 1. between The Metropolitan Church of Utrecht and the court of Rome 2. Between the administrators of the hospital S.Jacques in Haarlem and the executors of the will of M. Francois van Dyk.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 264
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 139.53 | £UK 105 | JP¥ 20109]
Catalogue: Law
Keywords: Utrecht, Haarlem

NEOSTADIO Cornelius [ Cornelis van der Nieustadt]
Utriusque Hollandiae, Zelandiae, Frisiaeque, curiae decisiones .
Hagae-Comitis, Joannem & Danielem Steuckerios, 1667. In-4°. [8] 311 pp [56] , [8] 169 pp [28], [2] 72 pp [24]. Eigentijdse perkamenten band, gladde rug. Titel in inkt op de rug vervaagd.
¶ 3 werken samen gebonden van de zeer bekende rechtsgeleerde Cornelis van der Nieustadt. Het eerste werk zijn de uitspraken van het hof van Holland, Zeeland en Friesland. Het tweede werk is een verhandeling over het leenrecht en het derde werk is zijn zeer bekende "" De Pactis Antenuptialibus ... " een verhandeling met betrekking tot de huwelijksvoorwaarden. Goed exemplaar. Zeldzaam !
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 2465
€  475.00 [Appr.: US$ 530.2 | £UK 398.25 | JP¥ 76415]
Catalogue: Dutch Law
Keywords: dutch law, nederlands recht, universiteit van Leiden, Neostadio, van der Nieustadt,

PEREZ Antonio
Institutiones imperiales erotematibus distinctae, atque ex ipsis principiis Regulisque Iuris passim infertis, explicatae.
Antverpiae, viduam et Joan. Bapt. Verdussen, 1696. In-12°. [8] 468 pp [4]. Contemporary full leather, gilt raised spine with brown title label. Some damage to the lower spine-end.
¶ Nice little law-book by Antonio Perrez (spanish jurist and professor in Louvain) on the "Institutiones by Justiniani". A simplified version for beginners and students. Nicely illustrated with engraved frontispice by F. Bouttats. Good copy.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 705
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 139.53 | £UK 105 | JP¥ 20109]
Catalogue: Law
Keywords: law, recht, droit,

WAMESIUS Joannes [1524 - 1590]
CL.V.Joannis Wamesii... Responsorum sive consiliorum de jure pontificio tomus [ II] Ordine Titulorum, qui in Decretalibus, digestus.
Lovanii, Jacob Zgers, 1643. 2 vol in-folio. [12] 580 pp, [4] 658 pp, [8] [53]. Contemporary vellum with blindstamped medaillon. Spines recovered with brown leather.
¶ Good copy of this juridical work on the papacy, nominations of bishops, canonical law. Lacking a portrait ? Illustred with 2 title tail-pieces by Christoffel Jegher.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 1103
€  500.00 [Appr.: US$ 558.11 | £UK 419.25 | JP¥ 80437]
Catalogue: Church Law
Keywords: church law, papacy, nomination of bishops, papauté, pausdom, benoeming van bisschoppen

ZOESIUS Henricus
Commentarius ad digestorum seu pandectarum, seu juris civilis libros L.
Coloniae Agrippinae, Wilhelm Metternich, 1709. Thick in-4°. [8] 1148 pp [40]. Contemporary full leather. Raised spine nicely gilt with red title label.
¶ Some browning throughout and a waterstain still acceptable copy of this book on canon law.
Antiquariaat GarciaProfessional seller
Book number: 922
€  450.00 [Appr.: US$ 502.3 | £UK 377.5 | JP¥ 72393]
Catalogue: Canon Law
Keywords: canon law, droit canonique , jurisprudence, kerkelijk recht

| Pages: 1 |