Antiquariaat Academia: Judaisme
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Rabinowicz, Harry M.
The Legacy of Polish Jewry 1919-1939.
New York/ London, Thomas Yoseloff Ltd, 1965. Hardcover with dustjacket, 256 pp.. (Small tear in dustjacket, otherwise in good condition).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 20542
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.81 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1126]
Catalogue: Judaisme

Rijxman, A.S.
A.C. Wertheim 1832-1897. Een bijdrage tot zijn levensgeschiedenis. (proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Amsterdam, Drukkerij Keesing, 1961. Ppb., 343 pp. (+ stellingen + erratablad).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 26521
€  19.00 [Appr.: US$ 21.21 | £UK 16 | JP¥ 3057]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: geschiedenis, Amsterdam, familie Wertheim, economische geschiedenis, banken, bankwezen, bankgeschiedenis, industrialisatie, credit mobilier, jodendom, filanthropie, elites, Stadschouwburg, amerikaanse spoorwegwaarden, amerikaanse spoorwegaandelen, kolonia

Rose, Norman
Lewis Namier and Zionism.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980. hardcover, X, 182 pp.. (ex library copy; stamps on binders' page and backside of title-page; cover shows slight marks of damage due to removal of library sticker; solid binding; no underlinings).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 21694
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.81 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1126]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: Lewis Namier, Zionism, Palestine, Israel, Judaism, Chaim Weizmann

Rosenstein, Neil
The Unbroken Chain. Biographical Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th - 20th Century. (revised edition) (2 vol.)
New York / London / Jerusalem, The Computer Center for Jewis Genealogy ( CIS Publishers), 1990. hardcover with dustjacket, XIX, 1323 pp.. ISBN: 096105784X
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 30204
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 89.3 | £UK 67.25 | JP¥ 12870]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: genealogy; Jews, Jewry 096105784X

Rosenthal, Franz
Die aramaistische Forschung seit Theodor Noldeke's Veroffentlichungen. (mit 5 Tafeln und einer Karte) (Photomechanischer Nachdruck)
Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1964. gebunden, XV, 307 pp. ( + 5 Tafeln). (sehr gut erhalten und nettes ehemalig Bibliothekexemplar; nur Stempel auf Bindersblatt; keine weiteren ausserlichen Merkmale; keine Unterstreichungen).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 21264
€  14.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.63 | £UK 11.75 | JP¥ 2252]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: aramaic, aramees, Nabataer, Palmyra, Palestina, Samaritaner, Syrisch, ostaramaisch, Babylonien, talmud, Bibliographie

Schreckenberg, heinz
The Jews in Christian Art. An Illustrated History.
New York, The Continuum Publishing Company, 1996. Formaat: folio, hardcover with dustjacket, 400 pp.. ISBN: 0826409369
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 13391
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 66.97 | £UK 50.5 | JP¥ 9652]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: art, Jews, Judaism, representation, Christianity 0826409369

Schueftan, Dan
A Jordanian Option. The "Yishuv" and the State of Israel vis-a-vis the Hashemite Regime and the Palestinian National Movement. (In Hebrew)
, 1986. paperback, 509 pp.. ISBN: 9652820156
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 2322
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.05 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1448]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: history, 1900-1985, Palestine, Israel, Middle East, Palestinians, international politics, international diplomacy, Hashemites, British Mandate Period, the Hussaini's, the Hashemites, Trans Jordan, Jordan, 9652820156

Shaked, Saul
A Tentative Bibliography of Geniza Documents. (prepared under the direction of D.H. Banneth and S.D. Goitein)
Paris / The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1964. paperback, 355 pp.. (cover skilfully plastified; added a review published in the Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient /JESHO/ by prof. Claude Cahen).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 18365
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.05 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1448]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: history, Judaism, Cairo, Middle Ages, archives

Singer, Peter
Pushing time away. My Grandfather and the Tragedy of Jewish Vienna.
New York, Ecco / Harper Collins Publishers, 2003. hardcover with dustjacket, 254 pp.. ISBN: 0060501316
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 26463
€  4.00 [Appr.: US$ 4.46 | £UK 3.5 | JP¥ 643]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: Judaism, Jewry, Jews, Austria, Vienna, Wien, family Oppenheim, Sigmund Freud, Holocaust, Second World War, 0060501316

Speisman, Stephen A.
The Jews of Toronto. A History to 1937.
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1987. paperback, 380 pp.. ISBN: 0771082193
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 2317
€  9.50 [Appr.: US$ 10.6 | £UK 8 | JP¥ 1528]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: Judaism, Jewry, Canada, history, 19th century, 20th century 0771082193

Stanislawski, Stanislas
For Whom Do I Toil ? Judah Leib Gordon and the Crisis of Russian Jewry.
New York / Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988. hardcover with dustjacket, 263 pp.. ISBN: 0195042905
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 2319
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.05 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1448]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: history, Judaism, Jewry, Russia, Hebrew, Haskalah, Hibbat Zion, St. Petersburg, anti-Semitism, 0195042905

Tamsma, Dr. R.
De moshav ovdiem. Invloeden op de sociale geografie van Israels cooperatieve kleineboerendorpen zonder loonarbeid.
Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp. N.V. - Dr. H.J. Prakke & H.M.G. Prakke, 1966. geb. met stofomslag, XXXII,454 pp. ( + ill. + 12 losse krtn.).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 2183
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.7 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 965]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: geschiedenis, sociale geografie, zionisme, Jewish National Fund, Histadruth, vakbonden, Jewish Agency

Toebosch, Theo
Uitverkoren zondebokken. Een familiegeschiedenis.
Amsterdam, de Bezige Bij, 2010. paperback, 303 pp.. ISBN: 9789023462866
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 21306
€  4.00 [Appr.: US$ 4.46 | £UK 3.5 | JP¥ 643]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: geschiedenis, Jodendom, familie Josephus Jitta 9789023462866

van Baalen, H.J.
De Joodse gemeente te Deventer, omvattende Bathmen, Deventer, Diepeveen, Heino, Holten, Olst, Raalte, Twello en Wijhe.
Zutphen, de Walburg Pers, 1979. Ppb., 119 pp.. ISBN: 9060112857
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 13275
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.05 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1448]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: Jodendom, geschiedenis 9060112857

Van Doorslaer, Rudi
Kinderen van het ghetto. Joodse revolutionairen in België 1925-1940.
Antwerpen-Baarn / Gent, Hadewijch / AMSAB, 1995. paperback, 252 pp.. ISBN: 9052402434
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 26873
€  4.00 [Appr.: US$ 4.46 | £UK 3.5 | JP¥ 643]
Catalogue: Judaisme
Keywords: geschiedenis, Belgie, 20e eeuw, Jodendom, Ashkenazim, socialisme, marxisme, communisten, diamantarbeiders, diamantindustrie, Poale Tsion, D.L. Liebermann, Isidoor Springer, Botwin-compagnie, Spaanse Burgeroorlog 9052402434

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