Antiquariaat Academia: History of the Mediterranean World
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Marshall, Ronald
Massimo d'Azeglio. An Artist in Politics 1798-1866.
London, Oxford University Press, 1966. hardcover with dustjacket, XI, 328 pp.
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 20752
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.16 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1609]
Keywords: Massimo d'Azeglio, Cesare Barbo, Risorgimento, Camillo di Cavour

Martin, John Jeffries
Venice's hidden Enemies. Italian Heretics in a Renaissance City.
Baltimore / London, The John Hopkins University Press, 2004. paperback, 287 pp.. (p. 4 shows 3 small underlinings of words) ISBN: 0801878772
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 19204
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.09 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2896]
Keywords: history, Venice, Italy, geschiedenis, Venetie, inquisitie, ketters, heretics, protestnten, Protestants, Lutherans, Antitrinitarians, Anabaptists, Doopsgezinden 0801878772

Mercader Riba, Juan
Jose Bonaparte Rey de Espana 1808-1813. Historia externa del reinado.
Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1971. paperback, XI, 376 pp.
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 25403
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.16 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1609]
Keywords: Joseph Bonaparte

Pöhlmann, dr. Robert
Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Florentiner Renaissance und das Princip der Verkehrsfreiheit. (Fotomechanischer Herdruck)
Amsterdam, E.J. Bonset, 1968. geb., X, 156 pp.
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 8017
€  14.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.63 | £UK 11.75 | JP¥ 2252]
Keywords: Geschichte, history, storia, Florenz, Florence, Firenze, 15th century, commerce, trade, transport, Commerz, Handel, Merkantilismus, import, export

Perez-Mallaina, Pablo E.
Spain's Men of the Sea. Daily Life on the Indies Fleets in the Sixteenth Century. (translated by Carla Rahn Philips)
Baltimore / London, The John Hopkins University Press, 1998. hardcover with dustjacket, XI, 289 pp.. ISBN: 0801857465
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 8004
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 22.32 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3217]
Keywords: history, historia, Spain, Espana, Carrera de Indias, crew, sailors, shipping 0801857465

Pottinger, George
The Court of the Medici.
London, Croom Helm, 1978. hardcover with dustjacket, 141 pp.. ISBN: 0856646059
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 10005
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.39 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1930]
Keywords: history, Italy, stori, Italia, Florence, Firenze, court, corte, Angelo Poliziano 0856646059

Procter, Evelyn S.
Curia and Cortes in Léon and Castile 1072-1295.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1980. hardcover (without dustcover), XVI, 318 pp.. (very fine ex-library copy; decent stamp inside; no exterior marks; no underlinings).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 10465
€  28.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.25 | £UK 23.5 | JP¥ 4504]
Keywords: history, Spain, Castile, Leon, Middle Ages, historia, Espana, Castilla, Cortes, Alfonso VI, Alfonso VII, fueros

Robinson, Richard A.H.
The Origins of Franco's Spain. The Right, the Republic and Revolution, 1931-1936.
Newton Abbott (Devon), David & Charles, 1970. hardcover without dustjacket, 475 pp.. ISBN: 0715349082
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 15410
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.39 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1930]
Keywords: history, Spain, Civil War, fascism, General Franco, Socialists, Communists, Gil Robles, Niceto Alcala-Zamora 0715349082

Roque, Francis
Les Rois de Majorque.
Conflent, 1979. Ppb., 170 pp. ( + tableau).
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 8002
€  14.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.63 | £UK 11.75 | JP¥ 2252]
Keywords: histoire, history, historia, Aragon, Majorca, Majorque, Middle Ages, Moyen-Age, Edad Media, monarquia, monarchy, kings, reyes, France, Valois

Simon, Kate
A Renaissance Tapestry. The Gonzaga of Mantua.
New York, Harper & Row Publishers, 1988. hardcover with dustjacket, IX, 309 pp.. ISBN: 0060158476
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 10003
€  13.00 [Appr.: US$ 14.51 | £UK 11 | JP¥ 2091]
Keywords: history, storia, Italy, Italia, Mantua, 0060158476

Strong, George V.
Seedtime for Fascism. the disintegration of austrian political culture, 1867-1918.
Armonk (N.Y.) / London, M.E. Sharpe, 1998. Ppb., 214 pp.. ISBN: 0765601907
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 9525
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.09 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2896]
Keywords: history, Geschichte, Austria, Oesterreich, Fascism, Fascismus 0765601907

Takkenberg, A.
The Status of Palestinian Refugees in International Law. (dissertation Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen)
Nijmegen, 1997. paperback, XX, 420 pp.
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 12816
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 83.72 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12066]
Keywords: history, Palestinians, citizenship, nationality, international law, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, West Bank, Gaza, U.N., stateless

Toner, Jerry
Homer's Turk. How Classics Shaped Ideas of the East.
Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 2013. hardcover with dustjacket, X, 306 pp.. A seventeenth-century English traveler to the Eastern Mediterranean would have faced a problem in writing about this unfamiliar place: how to describe its inhabitants in a way his countrymen would understand? In an age when a European education meant mastering the Classical literature of Greece and Rome, he would naturally turn to touchstones like the Iliad to explain the exotic customs of Ottoman lands. His Turk would have been Homer's Turk. An account of epic sweep, spanning the Crusades, the Indian Raj, and the postwar decline of the British Empire, Homer's Turk illuminates how English writers of all eras have relied on the Classics to help them understand the world once called the Orient. Ancient Greek and Roman authors, Jerry Toner shows, served as a conceptual frame of reference over long periods in which trade, religious missions, and imperial interests shaped English encounters with the East. Rivaling the Bible as a widespread, flexible vehicle of Western thought, the Classics provided a ready model for portrayal and understanding of the Oriental Other. Such image-making, Toner argues, persists today in some of the ways the West frames its relationship with the Islamic world and the rising powers of India and China. Discussing examples that range from Jacobean travelogues to Hollywood blockbusters, Homer's Turk proves that there is no permanent version of either the ancient past or the East in English writing--the two have been continually reinvented alongside each other. ISBN: 9780674073142
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 23550
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 13.39 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1930]
Keywords: orientalism, literature, classics, Turks, Islam, crusades 9780674073142

Toro Ceballos, Francisco
Colleccion Diplomatica del Archivo Municipal de Alcala la Real. Reyes Catolicos (1474-1518).
Alcala la Real (Jaen), Centro de Estudios Historicos "Carmen Juan Lovera, 1999. 350 pp.. ISBN: 8489014167
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 22207
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.16 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1609]
Keywords: historia, Espana, Alcala la Real, Ferdinand I, Isabel I 8489014167

Tzobanaki, Chrysoula
Marine Trilogy of Khandax. The Port. The Shipyards. The Fortress on the Sea (Koules).
Heraklion, Tzobanaki, Chrysoula, 1998. hardcover with dustjacket, 190 pp.. ISBN: 9608613310
Antiquariaat AcademiaProfessional seller
Book number: 15657
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 44.65 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6435]
Keywords: history, Crete, Creta, Kreta, Candia, Khandax, Venice, Ottoman Empire, Ottomanes, fortress, fortification, cartography, maps, kartografie 9608613310

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