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9780141020761 Robin Lane Fox 215724, Alexander the Great
Robin Lane Fox 215724
Alexander the Great
Penguin Adult, 2004. Paperback. Pp: 568. From award-winning historian Robin Lane Fox, Alexander the Great searches through the mass of conflicting evidence and legend to focus on Alexander as a man of his own time. Tough, resolute, fearless, Alexander was a born warrior and ruler of passionate ambition who understood the intense adventure of conquest and of the unknown. When he died in 323 BC aged thirty-two, his vast empire comprised more than two million square miles, spanning from Greece to India. His achievements were unparalleled - he had excelled as leader to his men, founded eighteen new cities and stamped the face of Greek culture on the ancient East. The myth he created is as potent today as it was in the ancient world. Combining historical scholarship and acute psychological insight, Alexander the Great brings this colossal figure vividly to life. 'So enjoyable and well-written. Fox's book became my main guide through Alexander's amazing story' Oliver Stone, director of Alexander 'I do not know which to admire most, his vast erudition or his imaginative grasp of so remote and complicated a period and such a complex personality' Cyril Connolly, Sunday Times 'An achievement of Alexandrian proportions' New Statesman Robin Lane Fox was the main historical advisor to Oliver Stone on his film Alexander, and took part in many of its most dramatic re-enactments. His books include The Classical World: An Epic History of Greece and Rome, The Unauthorised Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible, Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their Myths in the Epic Age of Homer and Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean World from the Second Century AD to the Conversion of Constantine. ISBN: 9780141020761. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1849082
€  9.50 [Appr.: US$ 10.47 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1494]
Catalogue: Geschiedenis
Keywords: 9780141020761

9789029562300 Robin Lane Fox 215724, Alexander de Grote. Het standaardwerk over Alexander de Grote
Robin Lane Fox 215724
Alexander de Grote. Het standaardwerk over Alexander de Grote
Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, 2010. Paperback. Pp: 603. Alexander de Grote (356 v.C.-323 v.C.) was hard, vastberaden, onverschrokken, een geboren soldaat en hartstochtelijk jager. Maar hij was ook een liefhebber van literatuur en toneel. Toen de Grieken tegen hem in opstand kwamen liet hij Thebe brandschatten om een afschrikwekkend voorbeeld te stellen, maar spaarde de tempels en het huis waar de dichter Pindarus had gewoond. Hij was een ongeduldig mens, met brandende ambities, die steeds weer het avontuur van het onbekende zocht. Na de moord op zijn vader Philippus II in 336 werd Alexander koning van Macedonië. Bij zijn dood op tweeëndertigjarige leeftijd besloeg zijn rijk - van Griekenland tot India - vijf miljoen vierkante kilometer, en het vacuüm dat hij achterliet, werd nooit echt opgevuld. Alexander blonk uit als generaal en staatsman, hij drukte de stempel van de Griekse cultuur op het oude Oosten en hij creëerde een mythe die vandaag de dag nog even sterk is als tijdens zijn leven. De Britse oud-historicus Robin Lane Fox onderzoekt in deze toegankelijke biografie nauwkeurig de vaak tegenstrijdige bronnen en weet door te dringen tot de complexe persoonlijkheid van Alexander de Grote. ISBN: 9789029562300. Cond./Kwaliteit: Redelijk.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 334729
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.77 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 1966]
Catalogue: Geschiedenis
Keywords: 9789029562300

9780465024964 Robin Lane Fox 215724, The Classical World
Robin Lane Fox 215724
The Classical World
Basic Books, 2006. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 656. The classical civilizations of Greece and Rome once dominated the world, and they continue to fascinate and inspire us. Classical art and architecture, drama and epic, philosophy and politics-these are the foundations of Western civilization. In The Classical World, eminent classicist Robin Lane Fox brilliantly chronicles this vast sweep of history from Homer to the reign of Augustus. From the Peloponnesian War through the creation of Athenian democracy, from the turbulent empire of Alexander the Great to the creation of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Christianity, Robin Lane Fox serves as our witty and trenchant guide. He introduces us to extraordinary heroes and horrific villains, great thinkers and blood-thirsty tyrants. Throughout this vivid tour of two of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known, we remain in the hands of a great master. ISBN: 9780465024964. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 2173480
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 16.53 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2359]
Catalogue: Geschiedenis
Keywords: 9780465024964

9780713998535 Robin Lane Fox 215724, The Classical World. An epic history from Homer to Adrian
Robin Lane Fox 215724
The Classical World. An epic history from Homer to Adrian
Penguin Books, Limited, 2005. Gekartonneerd met stofomslag. Pp: 696. The Emperor Hadrian was arguably the first classicist, captivated by a classical past and society he could already identify as something apart. In this one-volume history of the ancient world up to his death, Robin Lane Fox traces the development of classical civilisation from its origins in the 9th century BC to the height of the Roman Empire. Over this period the classical world bore witness to many dramatic changes, and this is a lively introduction to its highest points and a riveting exploration of evolving views of luxury, justice and freedom. toured his domains, as it is now for the many who share his fascination with the ancient world, its history, culture, and civilisation. Few historians are able to write about the broad sweep of ancient history with such depth of sympathetic understanding, or to communicate its appeal and significance so vividly, but with this book Lane Fox succeeds brilliantly. ISBN: 9780713998535. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1908228
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 22.04 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3146]
Catalogue: Geschiedenis
Keywords: 9780713998535

9780141035277 Robin Lane Fox 215724, The Classical World
Robin Lane Fox 215724
The Classical World
Penguin, 2007. Paperback. Pp: 703. This astoundingly successful, superbly reviewed book vividly recreates the excitement, brutality and adventure of the British Empire. Ferguson's most revolutionary and popular work, "Empire" is a major reinterpretation of the British Empire as one of the world's greatest modernising forces. It shows on a vast canvas how the British Empire in the 19th Century spearheaded real globalisation with steampower, telegraphs, guns, engineers, missionaries and millions of settlers. ISBN: 9780141035277. Cond./Kwaliteit: Redelijk.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1725518
€  7.50 [Appr.: US$ 8.26 | £UK 6.5 | JP¥ 1180]
Catalogue: Geschiedenis
Keywords: 9780141035277

9780521278232 Robin Fox 50825, Kinship and Marriage
Robin Fox 50825
Kinship and Marriage
Cambridge University Press, 1967. Paperback. Pp: 273. Robin Fox's study of systems of kinship and alliance has become an established classic of the social science literature. It has been praised above all for its liveliness of style and clarity of exposition in an area that students and general readers have found difficult to master. It was the first attempt to produce an overview of this central subject and has maintained its unique position over the years. Fox's reconciliation of 'descent' and 'alliance' theories, and his 'deductive' approach to the logic of kinship systems based on four universal premises, give the book its distinctive flavour and make it not only the best available introductory text but a contribution to theory in its own right. It has been used throughout the world as an introduction for both academic and lay readers and has been translated into numerous languages. ISBN: 9780521278232. Cond./Kwaliteit: Redelijk.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1637439
€  18.50 [Appr.: US$ 20.38 | £UK 15.75 | JP¥ 2910]
Catalogue: Sociologie
Keywords: 9780521278232

9780713913958 Robin Lane Fox 215724, The Search for Alexander
Robin Lane Fox 215724
The Search for Alexander
Allen Lane, 1980. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 448. llustrated comprehensive overview of the campaigns of the Macedonian king and general (356-323 BC) - placed in the geographical, historical and cultural context of his time - in which, in addition to the archaeological finds, ample attention has been paid to literary and epigraphic sources. ISBN: 9780713913958. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 3477889
€  9.50 [Appr.: US$ 10.47 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1494]
Catalogue: Geschiedenis
Keywords: 9780713913958

9780670824120 Robin Lane Fox 215724, The Unauthorized Version. Truth and Fiction in the Bible
Robin Lane Fox 215724
The Unauthorized Version. Truth and Fiction in the Bible
Viking, 1991. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 478. In what sense, if any, is the Bible true? This question is the theme of the book, which is an historian's interpretation of the Bible. The author explores the problems of fact and fiction, from biblical prophecy to modern archaeology. ISBN: 9780670824120. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.
De SlegteProfessional seller
Book number: 1576025
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 11.02 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1573]
Catalogue: Religie
Keywords: 9780670824120

R.L. Fox;Robin Lane Fox
Alexander De Grote
9789029527958 Goed Paperback
Moby DickProfessional seller
Book number: 180241
€  13.50 [Appr.: US$ 14.87 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2123]
Catalogue: Extra

Robin Fox en Robin Lane Fox
Alexander the Great
9780143035138 Goed In matige staat
Moby DickProfessional seller
Book number: 205394
€  7.50 [Appr.: US$ 8.26 | £UK 6.5 | JP¥ 1180]
Catalogue: Zzz2

Alexander the Great.
Amsterdam-Antwerpen, Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers 2005. Original publisher's paperback, pictorial frontcover, thick 8vo: 568pp. illustrations, 7 maps, chapternotes & references, general bibliography, index. 9780860077077
Antiquariaat SchotProfessional seller
Book number: 103640
€  9.60 [Appr.: US$ 10.58 | £UK 8.25 | JP¥ 1510]
Keywords: 9780860077077

Victor Verduin;Robin Lane Fox
Alexander de Grote 1993. AGON. Paperback. 603pp. Illustr.Bibliotheekstempel (De Gay Krant) op titelpagina en zijkant boekblok/snede.Verder goed.
d639 Matig Paperback 9789051571462
Antiquariaat OvidiusProfessional seller
Book number: 77401
€  11.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.12 | £UK 9.5 | JP¥ 1730]
Keywords: ISBN: 9789051571462

Robin Lane Fox
Alexander The Great
Penguin 2005 Paperback, 576pp. "Robin Lane Fox's accessible and erudite life of Alexander the Great searches through the mass of conflicting evidence and legend to focus on the living actuality of the man and his experience--'It is tempting', he concludes, 'to see in Alexander the romantic's complex nature for the first time in Greek history.' Beautifully written perceptive and fluent, it is a superb example of historical scholarship and psychological insight. ", (ISBN: 9780140088786). Good.
Book HavenProfessional seller
Book number: 1362103
NZD 17.50 [Appr.: EURO 10 US$ 10.77 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1537]
Catalogue: General
Keywords: Biography9780140088786 9780140088786

Alexander the Great.
London:: Folio Society, 1997. Hardcover. ISBN: 0966420276. First edition thus. The boards of the book are bound upside down, thus only good (would otherwise be fine) in a fine slipcase. Good . International orders are billed at cost: . 00 for a book of average size and weight, more for oversize or heavier volumes
Grendel BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 98731
USD 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 18.25 | £UK 15.5 | JP¥ 2855]
Catalogue: Biography
Keywords: Biography History History

3546429109 Fox, Robin Lane, Alexander der Große. Eine Biographie
Fox, Robin Lane
Alexander der Große. Eine Biographie
Claassen, 1974. Einband: Leineneinband. 952
Celler VersandantiquariatProfessional seller
Book number: 1c481
€  9.00 [Appr.: US$ 9.92 | £UK 7.75 | JP¥ 1416]
Keywords: Antike Geschichte 3546429109

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