HAREN NOMAN, Prof. Dirk van.- S. MENDES DA COSTA.- J. SPRUIJT LANDSKROON.- [Eds.].- Dermatology
Casuistique et diagnostic photographique des maladies de la peau, par le Dr. D. van Haren Noman, Professeur e.o. de clinique dermatologique et syphiligraphique a la Faculté de médecine d'Amsterdam. . Ire Livraison - 10me Livraison.
Haarlem [Leipsic et Vienne Frans Deuricke; Paris, G. Masson; New-York, William Wood & Company], De Erven F. Bohn, 1889. - [Amsterdam, September] 1900. Large 4to. Meas. 32 x 25 cm appr. 10 original instalments published between 1889 and 1900, in original light green letterpress printed paper covers, containing 6 cardboard 'mounts' each with 1 or 2 original black and white photographs by Noman, an avid amateur photographer. A total of 60 plates with 93 photographs [94 should you choose to count plate 41, Livraison VI, 1896, for '2'. Here 2 photographs seem fused into one, no clear boundary, hence '1']. The instalment covers all discol. at spine and part of the extremities, nothing serious. Lower cover of instalments 1 - 6 w. survey of plates in letterpress, instalments 7 - 10 no letterpress printing at lower cover. Good overall condition. The 10 instalments in the original green publisher's cloth portfolio, lettered in gilt on the upper cover 'Maladies de la Peau'. (Ties gone; Spine ends and upper outer hinge visibly rubbed and a little worn. Edges and corners some rubbing. (Accompanying text with the plates made up of half title indicating the dermatological affliction and plate number, foll. by on average 4 -8 pages of explanatory text. A small number of plates (Livraisons 9 and 10, specifically plates 34, 44, 45, 54 with 10 - 18 pp. of text.). (total textpages: VIII (the added title & preface in instalment 10, september 1900), 321 pp., including 60 'half titles' containing plate number and disease; plus a total of 19 blank pages). (some light spotting and foxing here and there, nothing serious.). Very rare and only edition of van Haren Noman's Magnum Opus, which took over a decade to finish, the final instalments 7 - 10 [1897 - 1900] edited and seen through the press by Mendes da Costa and Spruijt Landskroon after the death of Noman in 1896, at the early age of only 41. Van Haren Noman was born in on July 18 in 1854. He passed away in Amsterdam on March 8, 1896. He enrolled at Leiden University where he studied philosophy, turning to medcine after his 'candidaats examen'. Practical research work on Molluscs at the Vlissingen zoology station and work on the specimina collected by Willem Barentsz on his second polar voyage, combined with a medical background, brought van Haren Noman to Leiden where he started his medical practice, during which period he also assisted Prof. MacGillavry on pathological anatomy and microscopy. In 1883 Van Haren Noman was appointed as lecturer in Anatomy at Utrecht university, followed by his appointment to professor of Dermatology and Syphilitic afflictions in Amsterdam in 1886. Dermatology and histology of the skin became his elected field of research. Van Haren Noman was able to greatly improve the study and treatment of patients with dermatolgical ailments, working from the Amsterdam 'Binnengasthuis' in well equipped laboratories and surrounded by many excellent colleagues and students. His lifelong interest and experience in the art of photography stood him in good stead, capturing the different forms of skin diseases on photographic plates. These original photographs form the basis of his unique and rare Atlas of dermatology [here offered!], which was published in 10 instalments between 1889 - 1900. The photographs are all by van Haren Noman himself. From instalment 7 - 10 [1896 - 1900] Dr. Mendes da Costa and Dr. Spruijt Landskroon saw to it that the work prepared by Noman was finished, after the unfortunate and very untimely death of Noman at age 41. The Atlas 'Casuistique et diagnostic photographique des maladies de la peau', is a major achievement and hard to find these days, often found incomplete. The Atlas bears testimony to Noman's unparallelled scientific ardour and medical knowledge in the field of dermatology. DMB [Lindeboom], c. 1434 - 1435 'Van Haren Noman was a skilled photographer and made liberal use of photography in his clinic. As a result his main work appeared: ...': NNBW vol. 4, c. 1031

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