WINKEL-RAUWS, H. Nederlandsch-Engelsche samenwerking in de Spaansche wateren 1625-1627.
WALBEEHM, A.H.J.G. Het dialekt van Tegal.
SHIPWRECK OF THE HINDOSTAN. Interesting particulars of the loss of the Hon. East India Company's ship the Hindostan, of 1,248 tons, which struck on Wedge Sand, off Margate, January 11, 1803, Edward Balston commander, setting forth the wretched situation of the crew, and the preservation on one hundred and twenty-nine persons out of one hundred and forty-three. Also the loss of the Hindostan storeship, commanded by Captain J. Le Gros.
MECHELEN, Ch. te. Kort begrip van de Javaansche woordvorming.
BLUSSÉ, L. & F.J. van LUYN. China en de Nederlanders. Geschiedenis van de Nederlands-Chinese betrekkingen (1600-2007).
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