Tascona, Bruce The Militia of Manitoba; a Study of Infantry and Cavalry Regiments Since 1883
Euripides; A.S. Way (trans.) Euripides Four Volume Set; Volume I: Iphigeneia at Aulis/Rhesus/Hecuba/Daughters of Troy/Helen; Volume II: Electra Orestes/Iphigineia in Taurica/Andromache Cyclops; Volume III: Bacchanals/Madness of Hercules/Children of Hercules/Phoenician Maidens/Suppliants; Volume IV: Ion Hippolytus/Medea/Alcestis
Fukuyama, Francis The End of History and the Last Man
Alden, W. L. Domestic Explosives; and Other Sixth Column Fancies (from the New York Times)
Sabarsky, Serge Graphics of the German Expressionists
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