Theatre Royal, English Opera House, Strand Theater Playbill for Miss Stephens' First Night... July 2nd, 1825... Beggars Opera... Rosina... Spoil'd Child
Boston Theatre Theater Playbill: Boston Theatre, Thomas Barry, Lessee and Manager. Mr. Forrest, the American Tragedian in His Great Shakespearean Character of King Lear... Friday Evening, Nov. 9, 1855...
Boston Theatre Theater Playbill: Boston Theatre... Engagement of the Favorite Actor Mr. Frank Mayo, Who Will Appear in His Famous Character of "Badger"... J. H Budworth Has Been Expressly Engaged to Perform His Unique Part of "Bob, the Bootblack... Dion Boucicault's Master Creation, the Streets of New York...
Boston Theatre Theater Playbill: Boston Theatre, Thomas Barry, Lessee and Manager... . the Fairy Star Miss Agnes Robertson... Who Will Appear the the Celebrated New Drama... Wednesday Evening April 7, 1858... Jessie Brown, Ot the Relief of Lucknow
Boston Theatre Theater Playbill: Edwin Forrest Will Appear in His Powerful Rendering of the Cardinal Duke, in Bulwer's Romantic Drama If Richelieu
 in books:
 1st edition:
 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes